Laodicea and Gold from the Furnace

Episode 11 June 11, 2018 00:58:45
Laodicea and Gold from the Furnace
You Shall Receive Power
Laodicea and Gold from the Furnace

Jun 11 2018 | 00:58:45


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Discussion from the book "Omega Apostasy and Laodicea", by Pastor Dennis Smith.

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SPEAKER B Jesus promised his disciples in Acts One eight, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all here and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Welcome to. You shall receive power. And here are your hosts, Ettienne McClintock and Colin Hone. SPEAKER C Dear listener, greetings and a warm welcome. Thank you for tuning into the program again today. Colin and myself are delighted to have your company. And just as we start, we just invite you to join us in prayer. Gracious Father in heaven, we just dedicate this program to you once again as we spend time in Your word and as we contemplate your incredible counsel of love toward us, Father, we just pray for a fresh anointing of your Holy Spirit illuminate our minds, help us understand the precious messages you have for us and the incredible privilege you offer each one of us for an intimate relationship with you. This is our prayer. In Jesus name, amen. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C So the word of God is living and powerful. It says that the word of God is God breathed. And in the book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible, there are seven churches mentioned, and they are sequential in regards to timelines. They actually have a prophetic timeline and the very last church, so the church in which we find ourselves in at the moment. And dear listener, you may not belong to a church, but this message is pertinent to you as well. There is wise counsel here because God loves you. He wants to have a close association with you. As a matter of fact, what we're going to read now, god has sent an invitation to you. He's waiting for an RSVP from you to have a meal with him. So we're going to read now from Revelation, chapter three and verse 14, this message to the church of the Laodiceans. Now, the ladiceans, the word there means the people judged or people's court. So these are the people under or during a judgment time, a judgment period. SPEAKER E And also, just to give you some background, the Church of Laodicean was located in modern day Turkey. And so Laodicea had this up above Laodicea, about 5 miles. Were these pools, hot pools. They were therapeutic, but by the time the water got down to Laodicea, 5 miles, it became lukewarm and was undrinkable. So God uses this analogy to say, hey, listen, you're Lukewarm, right? Okay, so that's just to give you some physical context. SPEAKER C Okay, thank you for that. SPEAKER E So this message is to the last day church. So it's to our church today. SPEAKER C So God arranges his message around a physical manifestation of these hot pools that run down, and by the time it gets to the Laodicean place, it's no longer hot. Yeah, but it's not cold yet. SPEAKER E Yeah, but the thing is cold's. Okay, because right behind Laodicea, there was another river called Colet, the Colay River, which ran down to Coliseum Church. Coliseum, which was pure, cold, refreshing water. SPEAKER D Okay. SPEAKER E And so cold is good. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E We always think cold is bad, but actually cold is good. When you drink cold, it's good in it. SPEAKER C Drink a hot drink, nothing like it. SPEAKER E Or hot drink is good. But a lukewarm drink, it's no good. And that's what God's saying. The church is like, you like a lukewarm drink. You're lukewarm. You're not therapeutic in any way. SPEAKER D Okay? Yeah. SPEAKER C Wonderful. Thank you for that explanation. That makes sense. Now observe and listen. Who is sending this message? It says these things, says the Amen, the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of God. So the one that began God's creation, the one who's faithful and true, the one who's the amen is the one speaking to us here. And that's none other than Jesus Christ. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER C He says, and he very well acquainted with us. He says, I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot. SPEAKER E See there? He wants us to be either cold or hot. That means he wants us to be therapeutic. He wants us to taste good. I like that, because hot is good. I go to a sauna, all right, usually once a week. And if you've ever gone and have a sauna and then have a cold shower and go back in sauna. Hot and cold. SPEAKER C Very invigorating. SPEAKER E It's invigorating therapeutic. You're therapeutic. But lukewarm is just good for the. SPEAKER C System, boosts the immune system as well. SPEAKER E Yeah, lukewarm is yucky. That's what he's saying here. I'd rather you want cold or hot. Cold or hot? SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C So what it's saying here? Lukewarm is actually worse than cold because they would either have us cold or hot. Obviously, God wants us to be hot Christians. But you're not hot. You're not cold, you're lukewarm. So then he says in verse 16, so then, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth. SPEAKER D Okay? SPEAKER C So that's not an appetizing condition. SPEAKER E He's saying the lukewarm is the one he wants to vomit out his mouth. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E When you drink a lukewarm drink, you feel like vomiting it out. That makes him sick. It's making God sick because God's people are lukewarm. Hot or cold, I think. He says if you're hot or cold, you're not going to be spewed out. So it's okay to be cold. But we think of, oh, you're cold. Spiritually. I think it means more than this. I think it's deeper. I think it means that you're therapeutic. Hot and cold is therapeutic because he's looking at the location. There was the river that was cold. That the river of Coleo, I think it is. That went down. SPEAKER C That's an interesting way of looking at it. SPEAKER E And the hot pools ran down to Laodicea that was therapeutic. Yes, both those were therapeutic, but Lukewarm not therapeutic. SPEAKER C Yeah, that definitely puts an interesting construct on it. Now, we are talking here about works. So there's hot works, cold works and lukewarm works. And the lukewarm works are ones that masquerade as hot works too, I imagine. But really the heart is not in it. And then it says that because you say so this is what the lady see in church says about herself because you say, I am rich and have become wealthy and have need of nothing. So we're talking about spiritual riches here because, okay, I've been enriched and I have become wealthy spiritually and have need of nothing. And it says and you do not know. So there's a bit of ignorance here in regards to the true condition. And you do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. SPEAKER E So they don't see their true condition, do they? No, they haven't got a concept of really what we're like Jesus is saying, you know, guys, you're wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked and they don't even know it. SPEAKER C They're not really insincere people because they genuinely don't know. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER E They just think they don't need anything. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C Okay. So it says I counsel you to buy of me gold refined in the fire that you may be rich because it says that were poor, so that will make us rich. The gold refined in the fire white raiment that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed and anoint your eyes with self that you may see. Now, in the previous programs we have spoken about the eye self which anoints our eyes so that is receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. So we can have spiritual discernment, we can see spiritual things. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER C And then the other one we've been dealing with in previous programs is also the white raiment which represents the righteousness of Christ that we will be clothed so that our spiritual nakedness is not revealed. It means also taking away the filthy garments, our own righteousness, our filthy rags, they are taken away and we are given the righteousness of Christ, which is a gift. SPEAKER E Because when you receive the isolve, the spiritual discernment, you really then see your true condition. So the first step of coming out of Laodicea is to see your true condition. SPEAKER D Yes, indeed. SPEAKER E And that takes humility to realize that you are wretched, poor, blind and naked and miserable. And so the experience really is we need the eye cell first. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E So we can see what we really are like. And then we need then when we need Oregon, it's a reverse order. SPEAKER C That's true. SPEAKER E I think it's reverse order. First one, we need to experience the eye sale of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which does two things. It gives us spiritual discernment so we can actually see our true spiritual condition. And once we see our true spiritual condition, then we can actually do something about it. But if you don't know what your true spiritual condition is, well, you don't think I need anything. SPEAKER D Yeah, that's right. SPEAKER E So that's why we need the I sell first. SPEAKER C Now, we're saying these things are a gift. However, the counselors that we are to buy, it says, a counselor to buy from me. So that's the gold, the white raiment, and the anointing I self. But I just want to put a text there because you spoke about the waters running from the top there, and by the time it hits loaders here, it's cool, Lukewarm. SPEAKER E I want to lukewarm. SPEAKER C Yeah, Lukewarm. Sorry. Not cool, Lukewarm. Now, I want to read about waters and how people are thirsty. And this is from Isaiah 55, verse one, because we're talking about buying, but I'm saying it's a gift, and I want to explain why. And the text will help me do it. It says Isaiah 55, verse one. Ho everyone who thirsts, come to the waters. And you who have no money, come by and eat. Yes, come buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for what is not bread and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me and eat what is good and let your soul delight itself in abundance. So we are invited here to come and buy without money, without price, and not to spend our money on things that don't satisfy and on things which is not bread. And we're talking about the bread of life, which is the word of God, but then it invites us to come and spend time with the Lord so we can buy and we can eat and that our soul will delight itself in abundance. Now, we are coming to that invitation that we spoke about just before, but I want to come back here. So the purchasing here is not us. By trying to purchase our righteousness by our own works, we are to buy without money, without price. What is the price ourselves? It's giving ourselves to the Lord, because the Lord values and esteems us more highly than he even esteemed life itself. And he demonstrated that at the cross. SPEAKER E And he's saying Jesus says the same thing in John, chapter seven, verse 37 and 38. This is the last day of the feast, right? Jesus stands up and cries out, saying, if anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER E He who believes in me, as Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. He's referring back to the books of Isaiah, and I also think he's referring back to Ezekiel, because rivers of living water will flow from within. Now, in Ezekiel, there was this ezekiel had this vision of a temple, and out of the temple, on the east side notice it was on the east side, a trickle of water came out of the temple. And Ezekiel 47, I believe it is, and out of this river it formed a river and it went right down and it brought healing wherever it went. And guess where it went to? To the sea. Okay, so just have this picture. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E This river of living water flowing from the temple, right, flowing out to the sea. When I say the word sea, what does that represent in the Bible? SPEAKER C The seas, multitudes and nations. SPEAKER E The nations? SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E So there's rivers of living water would flow from the temple and bring healing to the nations. Wherever this water went, it brought healing. This is in Ezekiel 47. Now get this where Jesus says this in verse 38 of John, chapter seven, he who believes in me, as Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. Now what's he talking about here? Read on. Yes, but this he spoke concerning the Spirit amen. Whom those believing in him would receive, for the Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified. So what Jesus saying? On the day of Pentecost, when they were filled with the Holy Spirit, we became the temple of the Lord. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E And out of our hearts flows living water that will bring healing to the nations. In other words, we will be therapeutic. SPEAKER C So we receive the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit then works through us. And what flows out of us is. SPEAKER E Rivers of living water that brings healing to the nations. See, the Gospel brings healing to the nations. SPEAKER C Isn't that beautiful? And I love the connection there in the Book of John with the waters. SPEAKER E And also rivers of living water coming from your hearts, says the Holy Spirit. He's there talking about in the Old Testament where, well, where did some living waters flow from? The temple in Ezekiel 47 that brought healing to the nations. So I thought it was a lovely connection there. So that's what Jesus saying. We need the Holy Spirit, which is the Isolve, which is Christ in us over glory, so that we can bring healing to the nations. So let's keep moving on. SPEAKER C Okay. So it says there, as many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, therefore be zealous and repent. So this is a message of love and the rebuke that comes to startle us, to wake us up from this unknown spiritual lethargy, whatever you want to call. Lethargy? Yes, lethargy is a message of love and it says therefore be zealous and repent. SPEAKER E Normally just says a repent. This is be zealous, repenting. SPEAKER C Well, especially given the time that we live in, because this is the very last church before Jesus comes. SPEAKER E So what's step one after this? Says you're going to need to buy all these things. Then he says zealously, repent, zealously, repent. SPEAKER C That's right. So repentance is very important. Now, when Jesus went about preaching, he said repent for the kingdom of heaven is a hand. SPEAKER E John the Baptist. What did he say? SPEAKER C Repent for the kingdom of heaven is a hand. SPEAKER D What? SPEAKER E On the Day of Pentecost. What did Peter say? SPEAKER C Repent and be baptized, that your sins will be it out freshing of the. SPEAKER E Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E There's always a message of repentance right through John the Baptist. Jesus early church, last day church is not just repent, it's zealously repent. SPEAKER C That brings me to a very interesting point that I've noticed. There is a gospel that the Bible says that if anybody brings this gospel, let them be accursed. And I've heard messages of encouragement, but they don't preach the cross. SPEAKER E No repentance? SPEAKER C No repentance, no dying to self, no to self denial. There's almost a message that refers to if you do this, if you sow a seed and pay this money into my ministry, god will bless you and you become wealthy. SPEAKER E It sounds like they have need of nothing. SPEAKER C Yeah, that's right. SPEAKER E Sounds like they're rich and wealth and they need of nothing. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C So these people will offer them riches, but it doesn't bring the cross and it doesn't bring this repentance, the true, genuine repentance. How often do you hear a sermon repentance with the pleasant truth? So what I'm talking about pleasant truth, I'm contrasting that to present truth, which is the message for our time, which is this last church that God is speaking to. And that, dear listener, includes not only Colin and myself, but it also includes. SPEAKER E You and the I say of the Holy Spirit. Also you read in John, chapter 16, the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E That leads us to repentance. SPEAKER C Which right? And which we receive then the righteousness of Christ. Because the next thing it convicts us is of righteousness. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E And then of judgment and of judgment to come. So this is all connected here. So let's keep reading. And it says Jesus saying, behold, I stand in the door and knock. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E So Jesus is knocking and saying what's he saying? SPEAKER C So is he inside or outside? SPEAKER E It's outside. SPEAKER C He's outside. He's trying to get in and he's. SPEAKER E Saying, Let me in. And then verse 21, what does he want us to do? SPEAKER C He says, if anyone hears my voice so we got to hear the voice of God through his word and through the conviction of the Holy Spirit and opens the door. So the handle is not on the outside, the handle is on the inside. We're the only one that can open. SPEAKER E So Jesus is knocking on the door saying, Let me in. And all we're going to do is open the door, open the door, let Jesus in. And when we let Jesus in, he. SPEAKER C Says, I will come into him. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C So that really is really through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit. SPEAKER E John 14 jesus says, it's through the Holy Spirit that I will not only be with you. The Holy Spirit is with you, but. SPEAKER C I'll be in you. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER E And John 14 tells us about Jesus and the Father will dwell in us through the Holy Spirit. So Jesus comes and dwells in us in the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C I will come into Him and dine with Him, and he with me. So here's your invitation to that meal with the Lord. That's right. SPEAKER E Because Jesus lives in us through the daily baptism or infilling or anointing of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C That's right. And then this beautiful. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C This is the overcoming. We spoke about it in the previous program as well. This is the 7th time it's mentioned in the Revelation, and we're only in chapter three. It says, to Him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with me on my throne, as I also overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. Now, that just blows me away that I know that Jesus is worthy, that he can share the Father's throne, but that Jesus wants to share his throne with us. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C That just blows my mind. It's just incredible. But this is what he's offering us by overcoming and what overcomes the world. It's the faith, our faith in Christ Jesus that overcomes the world. So to Him who overcomes, I'll grant with me to sit on My throne, as I also overcame and sat with My Father on his throne. And he who has an ear, let Him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. SPEAKER E Wow. So we know that Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit, which is absolutely necessary for us to experience the white raiment of Christ's righteousness because it's imputed and imparted through the Holy Spirit. So we've learned that this white raiment represents both Christ's what justifying and sanctifying righteousness. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E Or he's imputed and imparted righteousness. And so experiencing the fullness of Christ's righteousness, which is the white raiment that Jesus speaks about here, will next lead to the believer growing into the full character of Jesus. So it's reverse order. First, we need the what? Self so we can see ourselves clearly and we can repent. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C So the conviction of sin, that comes. SPEAKER E Through the Holy Spirit repent, and we see our true condition. And also we need the ISO. We need the Holy Spirit so Jesus can live in us. And when the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, jesus lives in us. We receive he's imputed and righteous, which. SPEAKER C Is his white raiment, which is the second thing. The Holy Spirit convicts us because Jesus says he convicts of righteousness. Because I go to my Father, so we still have an understanding of what righteousness is, and we can receive it by faith. SPEAKER E And what will that do? That will next lead the believer to grow into the fullness character of Jesus. The sanctification part. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E Which is the gold of faith and love. SPEAKER C Okay, beautiful. SPEAKER E We will then reflect the character of Jesus, which is made in gold. Gold of faith and love. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER E And so first, faith refers to the 100% faith obedience to God and his law. This kind of faith can only happen as one allows Jesus to live out his faithful obedience to God in and through them. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER E That's why Paul wrote, didn't he, in Galatians 220? The only way that he can obey God or live is having Jesus live in him. And what does he say? He says, first step. SPEAKER C I am crucified with Christ. SPEAKER E Step one. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C So what happens is we still need to die, but Jesus has died, so we don't have to pay the price for our sins. SPEAKER E Yeah, we're dying to, isn't it? SPEAKER C So we've got to reconcile ourselves to the death of Christ on the cross, because when Christ died, we died with Him. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER C Crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live. SPEAKER E I'm still alive, Eddie. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C I'm dead. But I'm alive. SPEAKER E I'm still alive, aren't I? SPEAKER C It's a miracle, isn't it? SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C It's the miracle of the rebirth or the regeneration or reconversion or whatever you. SPEAKER E Want to call, because I've died to self and I was crucified with Christ. It's not I that live anymore. It's not Eddie that lives anymore. It wasn't Paul that lives anymore. It wasn't Saul. It's Paul. Now that lives. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER E It's not I live, but Christ lives in me. And so the life that he now lives in the flesh, so he still has a sinful nature, but he now lives in the flesh. I now live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. SPEAKER D Beautiful. Yes. SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER C So just connecting know gold that's refined in the know, obviously there's a refining process there because this is what we counsel to buy gold refined in the fire. We know that Jesus was perfected by the things that he suffered, and therefore he became the author of eternal salvation to those who believe in Him. But in First Peter, chapter one, we have this connection of what the gold is and how the fire works and also how faith gets involved in it. And I just want to make the connection back to that message to Laodicea. This gold refined in the fire. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER E What is this gold? What's it saying? SPEAKER C I'm going to read verse seven, and then I'm going to read the context afterwards, if that makes sense. SPEAKER E This is first. SPEAKER D Peter. SPEAKER C First Peter, chapter one and verse seven. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER C It says that the genuineness of your faith being much more precious than gold. So it's saying that your faith is actually more precious than gold. That perishes though it is tested by fire. So here we have the gold refined by the fire, which means that our faith will be purified by fire as well. That perishes, though it is tested by fire and may be found to the praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. So here again, we see the second coming of Christ being brought into this. This is the last church. This is the church that's supposed to see the coming of Jesus Christ. SPEAKER E That's going to go through the most incredible persecution that the world's ever seen. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E The time of trouble such as never had. There's going to be laws made that are going to persecute God's people around the world. Revelation. SPEAKER C Freedom would disappear. SPEAKER E Revelation, chapter 13. You won't be able to buy or sell unless you receive the mark of the beast. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER E So these people have to go through a lot. So there's this trying experience. The gold has to be tried, doesn't it? SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E Be purified. SPEAKER C And then it says, whom you having not seen, this is verse eight, you love. So here we see the love coming into it. And though now you have not seen Him yet believed, you rejoice with joy inexpressible full of glory. So although there's a purification process, the joy is not taken away because we rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory. Now, just to give the context, starting at verse three, it talks about God the Father of Jesus Christ, being blessed. So say, blessed be the God of Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again. So here it talks about the new birth experience to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. So when Christ was raised, we were resurrected with Him to a new and living hope. So when Christ died, we died. I'm crucified with Christ. When Christ was raised, we were raised with Him. Yes, exactly. To an inheritance. This is the promise of sharing the throne with Jesus Christ. As we read there in the message to Laodicea, incorruptible and undefiled that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you. So our citizenship is in heaven, as it says in Philippians, chapter three, even verse 20. SPEAKER E What's verse five say, though? SPEAKER C It says, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER C So that ties back to that text that we've referred to in the previous program, where it says there in one John chapter three, verse two, beloved, now we are the children of God. And it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. But we know that when he is revealed the second coming of Jesus Christ, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as he is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself just as he is. SPEAKER E Pure, because it says we're more. Better than gold. SPEAKER D Better, yeah. SPEAKER C Better than gold. That's right. SPEAKER E So this gold that needs to be tested, needs to refine, it needs to be purified. This is the work God's doing. And it's hard being purified. Jesus speaks about another way. It's like in John chapter 1415 and 16, he talks about the vine and talks about cutting cutting the pruning, pruning bear more fruit, does it hurt when you get cut? Of course it does, it does, but it's for our benefit, isn't it? We need to prune. Be pruned to get the dead stuff off so we can produce more fruit. SPEAKER C But the interesting thing is those who notice their defects and want to be like Jesus, who behold Jesus continually want those defects taken away. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER E Search my heart, O Lord. SPEAKER C That's dead. Right. So here we see in verse five who are kept by the power of God. Now, this program is called You Shall Receive Power. And how are we to receive power? By the baptism of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER E Power of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C So we are kept by the power of God through faith, so faith's essential for salvation, ready to be revealed at the last time, which is the coming of Christ, and says, and this you greatly rejoice. So although there's a pruning that we greatly rejoice, though now, for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials. So here's that purification, those trials, the furnace of that fire, and then it says that the genuineness of your faith being much more precious than gold, that perishes, though it is tested by fire. So that's talking about the various trials tested by fire may be found to the praise, honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. SPEAKER D Wow. SPEAKER E You know, James says the same thing, doesn't he? He says it in James the Book of James, chapter one, verse two, he says it's talk about profiting from trials, he says, My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, he's saying count of joy, I don't know about you, Etienne, but when you have trials in your life, are you joyful? SPEAKER C Typically not. And normally I've been quite miserable at times. But funny know, if you're walking with the lord and you can see that you can trust all things, that all things work together for good to those who love the lord, it does bring a joy to your heart. SPEAKER E Well james saw that they saw trials as god purifying the gold and said, okay the lord's sending me trials or not sending allowing trials in my life yes. To develop my character. Because it goes on to say, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. Isn't patience one of the fruits of the spirit? SPEAKER C Yes, it is. SPEAKER E But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. And so here he has saying that in verse twelve blessed is the man who endures temptation for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. SPEAKER D Incredible here. SPEAKER C So this produces patience. And we know one of the things that the saints have who keep the commandments of God. Is patience. SPEAKER E That's right. Fruit of the spirit. And talking about the fruit of the Spirit, I think we're going to take a break. SPEAKER C Okay, let's take a break and we'll come back right after this message. Stay tuned. SPEAKER F I expect that most people have wondered how sin originated. How does a good angel go bad like Lucifer? We can't explain it precisely, but we can observe what the Bible tells us. This is God commenting on Lucifer's experience in Isaiah 1413 and 14. For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high. Lucifer succumbed to self exaltation. He was intelligent, he was beautiful. And he began to desire a position that he was not created. For we ought to remember that the gifts and talents God has given us were given so that God would be glorified. Make it your business to use all that you are and all that you have to glorify God. I'm John Bradshaw, for it is written, let's live today by every word. SPEAKER C Dear listener, welcome back. We are discussing how trials play a part in purifying our faith so they can work more effectively through love. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER E So secondly, the gold of love, it's faith. And love is the perfect love of God that can only manifest in one's life as they daily experience the Spirit's infilling and allow Jesus to live out God's love in them. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E That's why Paul wrote in Romans, chapter five, verse five, that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts. By who? By the Holy Spirit which is given to us. Romans, chapter five, verse five. SPEAKER C And the Holy Spirit is men there as given to us. Which means it's a gift. Just like God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. As Jesus is a gift to the world, so the Holy Spirit is gifted to the people who believe as well. SPEAKER E And so, as we have Jesus, like Paul says, not I that live that's Christ lives in me. As we have Jesus living in us, we will see the fruits of the Spirit, which is, remember, patience is one of them. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C Love. SPEAKER E Joy, peace. SPEAKER D Peace. SPEAKER E Let's go to Galatians 522. SPEAKER D Okay? SPEAKER E We'll go there and let's read Galatians five, verse 22, what the fruit of the Spirit is. And we see that it's love, joy, peace. Are you there? SPEAKER C Yes, I am. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Okay. SPEAKER C So after peace comes long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. And it says, against such there is no law. SPEAKER E That's right. And remember, how do we receive the fruit is through Jesus living out his life in and through us. And how do we receive Jesus? Through the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER E You also know though that a fruit of the Spirit is also righteousness in Ephesians, chapter five, verse nine, ephesians, chapter five, verse nine, if you can find that, you're usually quicker than I am. SPEAKER C Okay, Ephesians five, verse nine says, for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness and truth. SPEAKER E There you go. So the fruit of the Spirit is righteousness, isn't it? And truth. And so the gold of love is the perfect love of God that can only be manifest in one's life as they daily experience the spirits in feeling and allow Jesus life to live out his life in and through us. And that's why Paul said the love of God is shed on our hearts by the Holy Spirit also. It is only as one is filled, the Holy Spirit, that the fruit of the Spirit develops in the life. The first fruit being love, as we just found in Galatians five, chapter five, verse 22 and 23. And this fruit is actually the character of Christ. God is love, jesus is love, jesus is God, Jesus is love. And the fruit actually the character of Christ, which is the white raiment and will grow into maturity, ultimately manifesting the pure gold of his character. 100%. So you'll have pure remember those in the last days in Revelation chapter 14, verse six to twelve? What do they have? They have the faith of Jesus. Yeah, they have the faith of Jesus. And what does the faith of Jesus lead to? Keeping the commandments of God. SPEAKER C That's right. And the commandments are the fulfilling of the law is love. Love agape, love is the fulfilling of. SPEAKER E And if you love me, keep my commandments. Jesus loved God and kept his commandments. And so that's what will happen in the end, when this goal is fully manifest, when it's purified, when it's fully complete, 100% this goal will manifest in God's people. Christ will then return to take them home. That's when Jesus will come home. That's why in that famous quote in Christ's Object Lessons, page 69 from Ellen White from the Spirit of Prophecy, she says, Christ is waiting with longing, desire for the manifestation of Himself in his church. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E When we have the manifesting Church, we'll reveal the gold. But at the moment it's a purifying process. Yes, we're going through a purifying process, but when it's matured, then Christ will be fully manifest in his church. And it says, when his character well, what's the character of Jesus? Love, joy, peace, patience, all the fruits of the Spirit are manifest perfectly reproduced in his people. Then he will come to claim them as his own. And so God allows trials, he allows trials to come to his children in order to develop the gold of character within them. Remember, we just spoke there. What does James, chapter one, verse two to four say? SPEAKER C This is considerate pure joy, my brothers and sisters. Whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. And that's reading from the NIV. SPEAKER E That's right. So the idea is to finish his work so that it may mature. God wants his crop to mature. He's waiting to pour out his latter rain of the Holy Spirit, but he has to refine us, purify us, and to prepare us for the latter rain, so that we can be ready for the harvest represented in Revelation, chapter 14, verse six. And the three angels message at the end, there's a harvest. Yes. So in the physical world, intense heat is required to remove the dross from the quarried rock in order to get the pure gold, isn't it? SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E You've just got an tense heat, isn't it? Removes all the rubbish so that you could just left with pure gold. So also in the spiritual world, the heat of trials and difficulties are required to remove the dross of our lives, so the pure gold of Christ's character will be revealed. And again, first Peter, chapter one, verse six and seven. I want to read this again, because this is the journey that we need to go through. SPEAKER C Okay, well, before we read it from the new King James, I'll read it from the NIV. This time it says in all this you greatly rejoice. Though now for a little while, you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials, these have come. So that the proven genuineness of your faith. SPEAKER E So test your faith, doesn't it? SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER E Like when a trial comes, what do I do? It either sends you to God or sends you away from God. It reveals where your character is at. And sometimes in my life, I remember many years ago that God sent a trolley, not didn't send it, but he allowed it. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E It revealed where I was at Edin, and where I was at is I ran away from God. SPEAKER C This happened about I've had the same. SPEAKER E Thing about 1314 years ago. I ran away from God. Like Jonah, I just ran away. It revealed where I was at. So when I came back, I was aware that I had a character flaw. And God, can you fix this? Can you take care of this? Obviously, when a trial comes, I don't have the faith to hold on. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E In other words, my faith was in sand, wasn't built on the rock, so it was unmovable. And that's what Jesus is trying to prepare us. SPEAKER C Yeah, that's right. SPEAKER E So keep reading that. SPEAKER C It says that these have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes, even though refined by fire, may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. SPEAKER E Wow, that's again. When Jesus comes, like first John says, there'll be a people ready to meet Jesus that's right. They will be refined, just like Malachi, chapter three says. They're refined by what? By fire. By fire, yeah, by the fire. SPEAKER C By the refiner's fire. SPEAKER E And we've got this wonderful quote in testimonies volume four, page 540, that Ellen White wrote, and I think this really says it all. Do you want to read that? SPEAKER C It says, but time and circumstances will surely prove us and bring to light the gold of character to discover the base of metal. Not one of us is known or read of all men till the crucible of God tests us. SPEAKER E So there's a testing time, isn't it? SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C So it's not when things go well that we genuinely demonstrate who we are. It's when things aren't going well that's when character is tested and true character is revealed. Now, it's when you are running late for work or whatever it is, and then you have a flat tire and someone cuts you off and people are driving silly and you're in a hurry and they're all driving like it's the weekend. SPEAKER E Well, exactly. SPEAKER C All those things. SPEAKER E It's easy to praise God when everything's going right. Let's take Peter, for example. What a great example you have, Peter, on the night of Gethsemane. I will die for am. So I love you so much, Jesus, that I will die for you. I'll do anything for you. And then basically, though, when Jesus was arrested and he was okay with the sword, while Jesus was there, he saw the dead men, the Romans, fall like dead men, you know what I mean? When Jesus first revealed who he was, didn't he? SPEAKER C He was happy to be a martyr or a hero in that regard. SPEAKER E That's right, yeah. But when the trial came upon him, he split. SPEAKER D Yes, he did. SPEAKER E He split. But after Jesus restored him, didn't he? SPEAKER C He did restore him now. SPEAKER E He was tested again later on. He's tested when he's put in jail. Okay. And he's going to be martyred the next day. Yes, but not martyr with a sword. He's like, in prison. And basically he was going to be executed the next day. And so what does Peter do this time? Well, Peter just falls asleep. That trusted in God, the trials and that, you know what I mean? Tested him. So he was going through a trial, but here he is. He had faith in God and he was at peace. So he considered it pure joy, just like James did consider it pure joy. So he falls asleep. It took an angel to wake him up, all right. And just amazing. And I guess it's the same with us, isn't it? We get tested, it reveals where we're at, and then we see that it's not good. SPEAKER C He could sleep like he had not a care in the world, knowing that tomorrow he could surrender his life for the cause of Christ. But he had absolute peace because he had love, joy and peace. The fruit of the spirit by having baptism of the spirit he had the fruit of the Spirit in his life and come what may he knew that God ultimately was in control. And even if he was to lay down his life for Christ's sake, he has eternal life. SPEAKER E That's right. So every base thought, every wrong action reveals some defect in the character, doesn't it? And we all have them. And so this purifying process is to reveal those character defects so that we can go to God and say god fix this, purify me. SPEAKER C That's right. It says that these rugged traits must be brought under the chisel and hammer of God's great workshop and the grace of God must smooth and polish before we can be fitted for a place in the glorious temple. SPEAKER E Wow. So God's like with this chisel chipping away at all these things? SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E And it can be know, God reveals a lot of things to me through my wife character faults. God uses the Holy Spirit but he also uses my wife. Maybe that's one of the reasons why he gave us wives. But seriously sometimes I've done something say Colin, do you realize that you've done this this? And I go wow, I never saw it like that. Now I can do two things, I can react to that, no I'm not like that. Or I can go yeah I am like that. And it sends you to your knees and say god please fix this, purify this, chisel this away out of me, prune it. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER E And so do you see eventually we've got to come to the place where we realize when trials come our way, nothing happens without God's permission. Just like in who was it? Job's day. God has put a hedge around us. We don't realize how much of a hedge we have around us but sometimes God allows Satan to attack, to reveal our characters, to see if we will curse God and then God gives us an opportunity then to fix that. But eventually you'll come in hey, there's a trial happening. You'll go hey God, you're allowing this trial to test out the character. I pray Lord, that I'll be able to hold firm. I pray that I'll be able to stand firm for you Lord and you'll come to the point. Like James says, consider it pure joy. SPEAKER C But we also know that the you know, he's walked a blood stained path for us and there is no temptation that has come upon us that he has not endured himself. He was tempted at all points as we are. And after making that statement that Jesus was tempted in all points as we are yet without sin, it talks about Him as a high priest in Hebrews, chapter five, who then says in Hebrews, chapter five, verse seven, who in the days of his flesh. This is Jesus when he was on this planet as a human being when he had offered up prayers and supplication with vehement cries and tears to him who was able to save him from death and was heard because of his godly fear. It says, though he was a son, yet he learned obedience by the things that he suffered. And what was he able to do by the things that he suffered? But he went through this purifying process. Well, not because he had any sin, but he took our humanity into Himself and he purified us in Himself. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C So that's what a saying, right? SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER C It says, and having been perfected, he became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him. So whatever we are called on to do, christ has already experienced that for us. SPEAKER E Well, he has. Like when he know people said things or whipped him or spat on him, abused him, what does he say in the end? He says, Father, forgive them for they don't know what they're doing. So any supernatural isn't it that's supernatural. So we need that supernatural experience, as know I've had experienced know outside the church and inside the Know persecution. And you can either fight against it, which is your normal reaction, is to fight against it, or you can say, Father, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing, and rest in Jesus and allow God to take care of it. And it's hard though, to do that. But that's what faith is. It's trusting in God to take care of it for his promises. SPEAKER C I've experienced that when people have done wrong to me and I think, well, I want justice and I'm craving it almost to the point where I actually want revenge and I feel this strong bitterness. But that bitterness does not produce the righteousness of God. The Bible says the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. And what we need to do is just let go, come to the Lord, see ourselves before Him as we really are, that we need forgiveness. So it's like I owe a billion dollars, there's no way I can be paid back. Someone now owes me $100 and I want to go and beat him up for the $100. SPEAKER E Well, there's a parable in it. Jesus told a parable about that. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C But I don't realize how much forgiveness I've received from the Lord. So if I've genuinely received his forgiveness, I should be enabled because of God's love dwelling in my heart now to forgive any other wrongs that people have done to me. SPEAKER E And you know what? If you can't it's too hard. Ask God for his forgiveness. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C God, take this away from me. SPEAKER E Jesus, give me your forgiveness through me towards that person. And then you two go, Father, forgive them, and Father, forgive them. They don't know what they're doing. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E When you start praying that's what Jesus said, pray for your enemies. When you start praying for your enemies, it changes the way you look at them. You don't see them as enemies anymore. You see them as children of God who need forgiveness as well. And so I believe that God's people will come out of their later sin condition. I think God is leading us out of later condition. And so first we've got to buy the isolve of the spirit. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E Then we need the white raiment of Christ's righteousness. And then we submit to God, allowing Him to bring forth the pure God. We submit and trust him. That's what faith is, is trusting God, isn't it? SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E And allowing Him to bring forth the pure gold of Christ's character 100% in our lives. So when this happens, God's last day, people will be fitted for a place in the glorious temple. Now, some people learn this truth easier than others. However, if we surrender 100%, which means buy from God as he instructed them, they'll be purified of sin. And God is faithful and will seek to work in the lives of all his children. Remember, he tells us in Revelation Three, verse 19 remember, he says those he loves, he rebukes and chastens. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C Therefore be zealous and repent. SPEAKER E Yeah. Only God knows how much fire of tribulation is required to bring forth the pure gold. He knows what's needed. SPEAKER C Well, that's what Peter says there if needs be. So we are purified for those trials if needs be. So it's only what we need. God is not going to purify us for something that doesn't need purification. So it's only what is required because I will have a different traits which God needs to chisel away. And if needs be, he will purify me there. But he won't take you through the same trial because you don't need it. SPEAKER E Well, maybe I've already gone through it. SPEAKER C Or you've already gone through it. That's true. SPEAKER E And this is wonderful quote from the book Faith and Works, page 86 by Ellen White, where she talks about she says, if the soul is to be purified and ennobled and make it fit for the heavenly courts, there are two lessons to be learned. Number one, self sacrifice. And number two, self control. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER E And some learn these important lessons more easily than do others. I know that other people lead it a lot easier than I do. For they are exercised by the simple discipline the Lord gives them in gentleness and love. Others require the slow discipline of suffering that the cleansing fire may purify their hearts of pride and self reliance. Sometimes God has to slowly just. It's going to be tough for this one, but God will do what needs to be done to purify us. SPEAKER C Well, what I've learned is when the test comes the first time, if you can actually endure it and you can be purified by it, the second test, if you miss that one, the second test will be harder. If you miss that one, the third test will be harder. SPEAKER D Again. SPEAKER C So we can actually make it easier on ourself if we can just submit early on in the yes. SPEAKER E And so he goes, that's what she says. Others require the slow discipline of suffering, that the cleansing fire may purify their hearts of pride and self reliance. Yes, that is the bottom problem. Self reliance and pride of earthly passion and self love. That the true gold of character. So that's what the gold is, it's character. And God wants us to have. The character of Jesus may appear that they may become victors through grace of Christ. However, we can be assured our heavenly Father only allows in our life that which will work for our good and for his glory. And Romans, chapter eight, verse 28 says that, doesn't it? It says, he lets all things work. SPEAKER C To him for good. For good those who loved God and who are called by his purpose, according to his purpose. SPEAKER E That's right. And another one. This is another great verse from the Spirit of Prophecy. It's called Bible Echo and signs of the times. She wrote this in October 1, 1889, in paragraph six. SPEAKER C And it says, there is eloquence in the quiet and consistent life of a pure, true, unadulterated Christian. We shall have temptations as long as we are in this world, but instead of injuring us, they will only be turned to our advantage if resisted. Wow, what a promise. SPEAKER E You were just saying that, weren't you? SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER E They can be turned to our advantage if resisted. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C And it says, the bounds are placed where Satan cannot pass. That talk, what you spoke about again, god has put a hedge around Job and he's put a hedge around us as well, so they are bounced place. Now look, our foe is very powerful. You know that song? A mighty fortress. Is our god in there? Martin Luther writes about, the power of our foe is great, but God restricts his power. And I don't think the devil would like us to know how much God actually restricts his power. Matter of fact, God even gives authority over the power of the Devil. SPEAKER E In Luke, the book of Luke, he. SPEAKER C Says yeah, that's right. SPEAKER E So what else does she say there? SPEAKER C It says, okay, so the bounds are placed where Satan cannot pass. He may prepare the furnace that consumes the dross, but instead of injuring us, it can only bring forth the gold of character purer than before the trial. SPEAKER E So these trials that God allows and Satan comes and brings on us, actually work to our advantage and strengthen us so that we even have more the character of God, it works against him. SPEAKER C Apparent defeat is always turning to victory. And you know, the devil exalted when Jesus died on the cross, he thought he'd won the battle, but that was actually his biggest defeat. SPEAKER E Okay, how's that? It can only bring forth the gold of character purer than before the trial. And I think Malachi describes the same process, doesn't he? With the following words in Malachi, chapter three, verse two to four. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C Says, but who may abide the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he appears? SPEAKER E Now this is also spoken of in Revelation chapter six. Same question is asked. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E Who's able to stand? So who's able to stand? SPEAKER C So who shall be able to stand when he appears? That's at the second coming of Christ. For he is like a refiner's fire. So here's the fire mentioned and like full of soap, so there's the washing away of sin. And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. And he shall purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer unto the Lord an offering made in righteousness. Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord. As in the days of old, as in former years. SPEAKER E Wow. So this is talking about the last days and Revelation chapter six talks about it. Who's able to stand? Well, the only people able to stand are those who have been purified like gold. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E That's why Jesus said we need the gold of character, of faith and love. SPEAKER C And it's standing in the day of Jesus Christ as well. So the whole purifying process from now until that day is what God is wanting to take us through. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER C So that we have that faith that works by love. SPEAKER E Now, what was the problem though, with the Laodicean Church is they thought they're okay, they don't need the purifying. Hey, we got everything, I've got everything I need. SPEAKER C They didn't think they were poor. No, they said they were rich and have been enriched. SPEAKER E Not wretched, not blind. SPEAKER C They don't sell naked. SPEAKER E I don't need any purifying. And so it's difficult for God to work with people and that's why he says, in the end, I'll spew you out of my mouth like vomit. The word is used as well. But those who endure this purifying process which results in the pure gold of Christ's character will be able to stand when he appears. However, those who are deceived by Satan's, omega, apostasy or deception refuse to hear God's call to come out of Laodicea to a life of perfect obedience to God's commandments and will not be able to stand or survive the second coming of Christ. So God gives us a choice. Go on this journey, this purifying process and don't be deceived by the amigo prophecy that I can't do what I promise I can do. And why is it that they are not ready? Because sin is still residing in their life. They have not entered into the purifying experience which would allow Christ to present them faultless before the presence of his glory. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER E In Jude 24. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER E And Christ's glory when he returns will be a consuming fire to sin and sinners. Let's read that in second thessalonians chapter two, verse eight. So that's second thessalonians chapter two, verse. SPEAKER C Eight, it says, and then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming. SPEAKER E Well, there you go, see? So sin and sinners will be destroyed at the brightness of the coming. That's why Jesus, our sins need to be transferred, all of them, to the Lamb Jesus, and to the blood and to the heavenly sanctuary. And we know that. It says in Acts chapter three, that when the time of refreshing comes, those sins will be blotted out in the. SPEAKER C Heavenly sanctuary, looking forward to that day. Yes, wonderful. So every time it refers to here and that they're purifying and refreshing and those who will not survive it always talking about the glory and the majesty of Christ's second coming, because he comes in his own glory, the glory of his Father, and the glory of the holy angels. Now in two Peter, chapter three, the apostle Peter, because we've read similar things from Paul, we've read similar things from the apostle John. Apostle Peter in two Peter, chapter three, talks about the day of the Lord and what it will be like. And this is reading from verse ten, second Peter, chapter three, verse ten, it says, but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away. They'll do this with a great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat, so there'll be a lot of heat and the elements will melt. It says, Both the earth and the works that are in it will be burnt up. Now uses this interesting word therefore. You always got to ask when you see the word therefore, what is it therefore? So it's based on what I've just told you. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, I mean, that is a lot of heat. So the earth will be dissolved. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C What manner of persons ought you to be so what kind of person you have to be so you can survive this in holy conduct and Godliness? Then it says, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of the Lord, because what delays the coming of the Lord? Well, it's the maturity of the plant. It's only when the harvest is ripe that Christ, we're not ready, we're not. SPEAKER E Ready for the latter rain. SPEAKER C We can actually hasten it by allowing the Lord to do the work that he does and heeding the message to the Laodicean church. SPEAKER E So we've got to allow Christ to purify ourselves. And I love Ellen White quotes on this verse. She says, purpose in affliction he does not forget or neglect his children, but he permits the wicked to reveal their true character. This is from the great controversy. 48. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER E That none who desire to do his will may be deceived concerning. Them again. The righteous are placed in the furnace of affliction that they themselves may be purified, that their example may convince others of the reality of faith and Godliness, and also that their consistent course may condemn the ungodly, unbelieving God. Purifying is good for us. Yes, because it's going to prepare us for what's coming upon this earth. So let your prayer be, lord, purify me, search my heart, take me through this process of preparing me for the latter rain. Let the gold be purified the character that I want to represent. And first thing you need though is let Jesus in. Yes, ask Jesus, George, come in through me, through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. So it's not I live that Christ lives in me. And then, Lord, give me your righteousness. You're imputed and you're imparted. Ask for it. Jesus says ask, amen. And then go through that purifying process of being refined in the fire. And if you do this, Jesus says you'll be overcomers and you'll sit on his throne when he comes. SPEAKER C Wow, what a beautiful promise, what a beautiful incentive and encouragement. But ultimately to be loving and lovable Christians, sometimes we have to go through these purifying fathers so that the dross can be taken away and the purified goal, which is faith working by love, may be manifested because, I mean, I can say at times I have not always had that character of love. At times I've been annoyed, sometimes I've been upset behind the wheel when I've been driving. But by the grace of God, he's able to transform and change it and take those character defects away from us, so that even under pressure and even under provocation, we can stay calm and patient and have the fruit of the Spirit still manifested in us. SPEAKER E That's why you need the eye self though, so that you can see those things when it happens. Yes, I've got a problem with impatience, I've got a problem with unforgiveness, I got a problem with lust. Only the eye self can really see your true condition. SPEAKER D That's true. SPEAKER E But if you don't have the eye self, you don't think there's anything wrong. SPEAKER C And a lack of self awareness as well. And this is what the latestian message brings to us to create that awareness as we look at Jesus Christ and we see our own defects. Dear listener, we're just going to share our contact details with you now and we'll be back right after this message. Stay tuned. Thank you for joining us on You Shall Receive Power. If you would like more information about today's program or if you have any questions, please contact 3ABN Australia Radio by Phoning 024-973-3456. Or you can send an email to [email protected]. You can also contact us on our 3ABN Australia radio Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you SPEAKER C Dear listener, welcome back. We were just discussing the day of the Lord and what kind of persons we ought to be in holy conduct. And Godliness, as it says in two Peter chapter three and verse eleven. Then it says that we are to look for and hasten the coming of the day of the Lord, in which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat. But it says nevertheless we, according to his promises, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. SPEAKER E And therefore it says beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless. And consider that the long suffering our Lord is salvation also. Paul speaks about that as well. SPEAKER C God's long suffering. SPEAKER E And that's what we're talking about. This purifying process in Malachi chapter three, verse two to four, that those who endure the purifying process which results in the pure God of Christ's character will be able to stand when he appears. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER E However, those who are deceived by Satan's Omega deception and refuse to hear God's call to come out of the latest season of a life to perfect obedience to God's commandments, will not be able to stand or survive the second coming of Jesus because sin is still residing in. So my prayer is that you will go on this journey with Jesus and he will purify you and present you faultless. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C So, dear listener, we pray that God will continue to guide, lead and draw you and bless you as you work on this journey. Until that day, we look forward to catching up with you next time. SPEAKER C You'Ve been listening to a production of Three ABN Australia radio.

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