The Holy Spirit and Evangelism

Episode 7 July 07, 2018 00:56:45
The Holy Spirit and Evangelism
You Shall Receive Power
The Holy Spirit and Evangelism

Jul 07 2018 | 00:56:45


Show Notes

Discussion from the book "Steps To Personal Revival, Being Filled With the Holy Spirit", by Helmut Haubeil. To download your FREE copy, visit

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SPEAKER B Jesus promised his disciples in Acts One eight, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all here and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Welcome to. You shall receive power. And here are your hosts, Ettienne McClintock and Colin Hone. SPEAKER B Dear listener, greetings and a warm welcome. Thank you for tuning into the program again today. Colin and myself are delighted to have your company and we are continuing our work, our study through this little book steps to Personal Revival being Filled with the Holy Spirit by Helmut Haubeil. This is the little book that you can actually download for free on a PDF. It's very simple to find. You can simply go online and type in Steps to Personal Revival and then you will find very easily PDFs available for you to download. It's as simple as that. But just before we start, we just invite you to bow your heads for a word of prayer. Gracious Father in heaven, it's always a privilege to talk about things that have eternal consequences. Father, the things that we currently do not see, the things that we see you tell us in Your Word, are temporary. And Father, we just want to put our mind on another time and another place, things that we can see with a spiritual eye, because Your Holy Spirit convicts us. Your Word tells us about it. And Father, as we open Your Word and as we also look at Steps to Personal Revival, we just pray for a fresh anointing of Your Spirit on those watching and listening and also on Colin and myself. We thank you for hearing our prayer and we praise you for it in Jesus name, amen. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER B We are in chapter four of this little book, Steps to Personal Revival. And the question is asked there, what difference can be expected? Now, the difference we're talking about is before the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and then after. And we're talking about the advantages we have being filled with the Holy Spirit and of course what we lose if we do not pray and ask for the Holy Spirit. Now, I have many times sat in churches and I've listened to people talk about what we need to do to take up the gospel commission that Jesus gave his disciples. Go ye therefore and teach all nations is the commission. And then baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, and to teach them all things that I've commanded you. And he says, Lo, I'm with you always. But we have lost sight about the lo, I'm with you always, because Christ wants to be with us and be in us through the Holy Spirit. Now, while I sat there under deep conviction that I need to do something, I have at times felt really anxious. This has not been a message that I have embraced wholeheartedly. I've been convicted that I need to do it, but embracing it I found a little bit difficult because I didn't feel I had the capability of doing a Bible study or sharing that with people. Then I realized as I've started looking at the Bible and also the way the early church worked, the Pentecostal Church worked, is that they spent a lot of time in prayer. They asked for the baptism, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit empowered them. I mean, our whole program is called you shall receive Power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you'll be witnesses. So the reason why I wasn't the effective witness is because I had not received power. And I had not received power because I was not baptized by the Holy Spirit. The other thing is also very important to know is when you are speaking to someone, it's not your eloquence, it's not necessarily all your knowledge. It is the Holy Spirit and God's angels around that brings the convicting power. We cannot convict on spiritual matters. We don't have that natural ability. But the Holy Spirit is able to provide that for us. So our study today touches on these topics. So I'm really excited about it, Colin. I'm looking forward to it. SPEAKER C That's right, and you're right. In Acts chapter one, jesus says, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you to be witness. They were to be a witness. SPEAKER B So that was the purpose of it. SPEAKER C They needed the power. You look at in John chapter 20, on the day of Resurrection, they're all huddled together for fear of the Jews. SPEAKER B In John chapter 25, really scared on. SPEAKER C The day of Resurrection. A few weeks later, there's Peter Boldly preaching in the temple. What happened? What happened? SPEAKER B He's not the same guy, is he? SPEAKER C He's not. He was filled with the Holy Spirit. The day of Pentecost came, he was filled the Holy Spirit, and he received the power to go boldly and share the witness. And we also need that power today. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C To be a witness, you need the power of the Holy Spirit to go boldly. And so what we're going to look at today, though, is God's prophetic word for the last days. And God has a custom of revealing important developments through his prophets. We can look in Amos chapter three, verse seven, where God gives counsel about before he does anything. Yeah, he reveals it through his prophets. SPEAKER B That was really exciting. That's right, because I mean, and a way for us to find out what God is planning on doing is to spend time in the prophecies. Yes, but it says here, Amos, chapter three, verse seven, surely the Lord does nothing unless he reveals his secrets to his servants, the prophets. SPEAKER C So before Jesus returns last day events, god is going to reveal those things through his prophets through his prophets in the Old Testament. New Testament. But also the Bible talks about and Peter talks about in the last be there will be prophets. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C In the last days. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B The old men will dream dreams and the young men will see visions, we told in Joel, chapter two. SPEAKER C That's right. So prophecy will be there in the last days. SPEAKER B It'll be part of the church like it was at the Pentecostal Church. SPEAKER C What we want to know today, and we're going to study a little bit today, is how do we tell the difference between a false prophet and a true prophet? Very important question, because it also talks about there'll be false prophets in the last days. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C So we know that God is a customer revealing important developments through his prophets, as we just read in Amos, chapter three, verse seven. And thus he gave an important prophetic message for the last days. And I believe he gave it through the ministry of Ellen G. White. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C This woman had many, many visions and prophecies and since many things would be completely different than in pastime, it was important, necessary to have relevant, additional information from God. Today we're talking the Bible was written what? How long ago? 2000 years ago. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B So the last book was probably written by John the Revelator around 95, 96 Ad. SPEAKER C So do you think that God, if there was more information to give more relevant information today, that he would raise prophets? SPEAKER B Prophets, that's right. SPEAKER C In the last days. And I would like to call it it's like an update. Right, okay, an update. And according to Ellen White, these messages are relevant until Jesus comes again. And since her counsel includes lifestyle changes so she had a vision in 1863, I believe, or in 1800, something about health. That's right, health, vision and all the things now today that science are finding out. She was given a vision over 150 years ago about health, like vegetarian diet, how healthy it was, about how meat had cancerous germs in it. Now, today, just last year, I saw in the news that the newspapers and that were saying, yes, they've discovered that meat, guess what? Has carcinogenic germs in it. SPEAKER B And if you had problems with breathing or lung infections or problems what they'd ascribe smoking. Smoking cigars, smoking cigarettes, because they will help your lungs. What did that do? It actually makes your lungs worse. SPEAKER C That's right. And they had bloodletting. SPEAKER B She spoke against those things. SPEAKER C That's right. She was given a vision, god. And today science has caught up to that and is validating the vision. She had medically from science as well. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C So she also had reproof. And a spiritual person can more easily accept it than a carnal person talking about reproof. Yeah, about anything. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. Spiritually discerned, that's right. But just because someone takes these counsels seriously, it doesn't automatically mean that they are spiritual. And it would be wise to think about the words in Deuteronomy chapter 18, verse 19. Let's read that, Etienne. SPEAKER B Deuteronomy, chapter 18, and reading verse 19. And it shall be that whoever will not hear my words, which he speaks in my name, I will require it of him. SPEAKER C Now, he's talking about the prophet. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C So what he's saying is, and it shall be whoever will not hear my words, which he talking about, the prophet. Prophet speaks in my name, I will require it of him. So if God raises up a prophet in the last days, all right, and gives counsel if you don't hear him, what's he saying, I require it of him. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B So a prophet speak for the Lord. So basically, if you reject the word of the prophet, you're rejecting the originator of that message, which is God. SPEAKER C That's right. This clearly shows us that the message from a true prophet doesn't have to do with that person. They do with that person, yes, but rather with God himself. Now, how can we know if someone is a true prophet? That's the question we want to ask. How do we know? SPEAKER B That is a very important question. SPEAKER C And I believe God's word gives us five test points or five points to test a true prophet from a false prophet. And I believe a true prophet will comply with all these five points. So let's have a look at God's word. And let's have a look. The first one I want to find is found in Matthew, chapter seven, verse 15 to 20. Matthew, chapter seven, verse 15 to 20. SPEAKER B It says, Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do not men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore, by their fruits you will know them. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C So therefore therefore. Therefore, the word therefore means everything I've said before, I've written before, but we're of false prophets, okay, then. So therefore by the fruits you'll know them. So the test number one is there will be good fruits, okay? Their life will be one of good. SPEAKER B And there'll be consistent good fruit. Because, I mean, that's something that cannot be faked. As it clearly said, if someone is not a false prophet, he is not a good tree. He's a bad tree. And a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. SPEAKER C That's right. So therefore, by their fruits, you will know them. Test number one, okay, test number two. We want to go to Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verses 21 to 22. And look at test number two, okay? SPEAKER B And it says, if you say in your heart, how shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken? That's a great question, isn't it? Then verse 22, when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken, the prophet has spoken. It presumptuously you shall not be afraid of him. SPEAKER C So what's the second test? The second test is, for example, the prophecies will come true. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B So it's not is this prophet 70% accurate or he's got a 50 50 on each thing? Because I've seen some people even on Christian television where they speak regarding prophecies and he says, well, I get it right most of the time. I don't get it right all of the time. Well, sorry, that makes you a false prophet. According to the standard of the word of God, if a prophet says something supposed to happen and it doesn't, then you know it's a prophet that God has not sin. There's something like conditional prophecy as well. And we know nineveh for know the prophet says God's going to destroy it. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B And then God relents from that. Why? Because the circumstances that required destruction were changed. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B They repented. So the sins that caused destruction were then repented of and the Lord was. SPEAKER C Merciful with a lot of prophecies are if the word if, they're conditional. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C Okay, so nineveh repented of their sins and God relented from destroying nineveh. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C So there's what's? Conditional prophecies. Test number three is found in Deuteronomy chapter 13, verses one to five. SPEAKER D Okay. SPEAKER B Now this deals with the other side of the equation where a prophet does say something, but he may be a false prophet and by coincidence he happens to get it right. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B So we're reading from verse one to Deuteronomy 13. If there arises amongst you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder comes to pass of which he spoke to you, saying, let us go after other gods which you have not known and let us serve them. You shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for the Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice. You shall serve him and hold fast to Him. But that prophet or that dreamer of dream shall be put to death because he has spoken in order to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of bondage to entice you from the way in which the Lord, your God, commanded you to walk. So you shall put away the evil from your midst. SPEAKER C Right. So it's a call for loyalty to God. Secondly, do you notice that any prophet that leads you away from keeping God's commandments? So if a prophet says the commandments have been done away with yes, it's a false prophet. SPEAKER B It's a false prophet. That's right. SPEAKER C Okay. SPEAKER B Anything that separates you from your relationship with the Lord, because this is all about restoration of our relationship with the Lord that was broken through sin. If a prophet comes and he happens to get it right through a prophecy, but then lead you away from your creator, well, he's a false prophet. SPEAKER C Because the word of God or from. SPEAKER B The word of God or for what. SPEAKER C The word of God says to the. SPEAKER B Law and to the Testament, if they speak not according to this word. The Bible says there is no light. SPEAKER C In that's probably a big test there, isn't it? If they don't talk according to what the other prophet said. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C And if you go through all the Old Testament, okay, and all the New Testament, every one of them agreed with each other in keeping the commandments of God. They do, every single one of them. So therefore, a true prophet will always keep God's word adhere to God's word. And if you read that text there, it says, and keeping the commandments of God. So there's another test as well. SPEAKER B Absolutely. SPEAKER C Now the next one, test number four, is found in One John, chapter four, verse one to three. SPEAKER B And it says there, beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. But this, you know, the spirit of God, every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. And every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. This is the spirit of Antichrist which you have heard was coming and is now already in the world. SPEAKER C Right. So a true prophet will recognize Jesus as a true person who came in the flesh. Came in whose flesh? Our flesh came in our flesh was. SPEAKER B Made our fallen humanity, the humanity that needed redeeming, it needed reconciliation back to God. Now, it's interesting to see that the Antichrist is the one that says that he has not come in the flesh. Now, Antichrist may say it's come in the flesh, but it may be a flesh that's different to ours. It may be a flesh that they don't actually need redeeming like Adam's pre lapsarian nature. SPEAKER C Yeah, there's many things and they talk about also people, but they spiritualized back then as well. They were going to he came in the spirit. He didn't really come that's right. He didn't come in the likeness of our flesh. SPEAKER B The other thing we also notice here is that Antichrist actually claims to be a prophet, but this is a test to know who's antichrist and who is not, because he says that Christ hasn't come in the flesh, which is sarks, which is our fallen humanity. SPEAKER C That's right. So there's another test as well. Now, here's another one. John, chapter 17, verse 17. John 17, verse 17, which is very similar to Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verse 21 to 22. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C Okay. John 1717. What does it say? SPEAKER B Sanctify them by your truth. Thy word is truth. SPEAKER C So what's the truth? Thy word. So word of God, true prophet will agree with all the other prophets that the Holy Spirit spoke through, from Genesis right through to Revelation. They will agree with the teachings of the Bible? SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C Okay. They won't be going offshooting and having teachings that are outside the Bible. SPEAKER D Absolutely. SPEAKER B Scripture. SPEAKER A Yes. SPEAKER C So all of God's commands, including his counsels through the prophets, are for our own good. That's why they're exceptionally valuable. Hence, spiritual people can obey in God's power and with joy and know that it contributes to the success in life. And I just love what two Chronicles, chapter 20, verse 20 says. SPEAKER B Yeah, that's another great text. It says, Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established. Believe his prophets and you shall prosper. SPEAKER C Wow. So if you believe in the word of God and do what the prophets say to do, because remember, the prophets, Holy Spirit is speaking through the prophets. So who's actually speaking? It's the Holy Spirit or God speaking through the prophets. So if you listen to the prophets, what happens? SPEAKER B You shall be established, and then you shall prosper. SPEAKER C Now, what happened in the Old Testament? Right, throughout the Old Testament, you continually read that the people and the kings and the priests and the leaders did not listen to the prophets like Jeremiah. They didn't listen to Jeremiah. And what happened to Israel? Well, they were destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon, weren't they? They constantly rejected the prophets'counsel, and they went to false prophets who told them what they wanted to hear. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B Matter of fact, we can see a lot of those sermons about those same issues in the sermons that we see of Stephen. We see it in the sermons of Paul the Apostle in the Book of Acts, where Stephen says, for example, Joseph, who had prophetic dreams when he told his brothers they hated him because of the prophecy, so then they wanted to kill him, and then they sold him into slavery. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B Rejected by man, but chosen by God. And then Moses as well. Moses went to go and help the children of Israel. He was rejected. He says one guy says to him, who's made you a ruler over us? Rejected by his people, but then chosen by God. And all the way through, even Jesus. Jesus rejected by his people. The Messiah more than a prophet, rejected by the people, but chosen by God to be our Savior. SPEAKER C John the Baptist. You can go right through the Bible, and even in the New Testament says, didn't you killed the prophets, you stoned them, you killed all of them that I sent to you. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C And so what was the outcome of them rejecting the prophecies? Well, it was continually the destruction of Jerusalem and Israel and the nation of Israel. Continually. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C There was consequences all because of unbelief. Now, if you believe him, though, you shall prosper, you shall prosper. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C That's the same in the last days. If God has sent us prophecy in the last days, let's just say Ellen G. White, for example, with the prophetic word that God has given her. If you listen to and if she's from God, if you listen to that, you shall what? SPEAKER B Prosper? SPEAKER C If you don't listen to her, what will happen? SPEAKER B Well, the opposite. SPEAKER C The opposite, exactly. SPEAKER B It's not a good alternative. But the thing is, though, you would expect any true prophet from God based on what we read in the Old Testament, and even the New Testament will be rejected by most people. SPEAKER C That's right. And so we know that the spirit of prophets in Ellen G. White agreed with all the prophets. Right. Throughout the Bible. She agreed with keeping the commandments of God. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C All ten of them, including the fourth commandment, that thou shalt keep the Sabbath day holy. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C The 7th day. So she agreed with all the prophets, did her that's biblical have her revisions and her prophecies come true? Yes. And you can get books on that, you can contact us and we can put you in touch with books that all about the prophecies made that have come true. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C That she agrees with the other prophets in the Old Testament and the New Testament. SPEAKER B And what I love about the prophets, whether the Old Testament, New Testament, or even a latter day prophet, is that they all talk about the urgency and the pre eminence and the importance of the second coming of Jesus Christ. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER B That is their focus. And they talk about it almost like it's here and now. Get ready. But if we lose that urgency, god is actually waiting for us to have that flame rekindled in us through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, so that we can actually get urgent and excited about what lies ahead, so that we can actually be ready when Jesus comes. SPEAKER C It's amazing, Etienne, I must admit that when, you know, surrendering my life daily, surrendering and repenting of my sins and asking to be filled or baptized or anointed with the Holy Spirit daily, to have Christ live out his life in and through me, I remember that the Holy Spirit convicted me to start reading the Spirit of Prophecy, reading the books again, like the great controversy, the desire of ages and steps to Christ and patriarchs. And know these wonderful books that Ellen G. White wrote. The Holy Spirit started convicting me to read them. And so I've been reading them every day, reading the Word of God and the Spirit of Prophecy every day. SPEAKER B Incredible books. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B Desire of ages about the life of Jesus, the insights there, but great controversy in regards to what's going to happen, not only happened historically, but what's going to happen in the future is a mind blower. SPEAKER C Oh, absolutely. And so the Holy Spirit has convicted me to start reading them and reading them a lot more, because a lot of these books that she's written are pertinent to our right. You know, surely the Lord does nothing. I mean, we're talking about the biggest event that's ever happened in the history of mankind from Jesus coming and dying on this cross, jesus returning as king, the second coming of Jesus. We're talking about the final crisis on planet Earth, the mark of the beast crisis that's going to divide this Earth into two groups. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C Those who keep the commandments of God and those who don't keep the commandments of God. SPEAKER B Those who receive the mark of the beast and those who receive the seal of God. SPEAKER C That's right. We're talking about major consequential events. SPEAKER B But if the whole world's going to wander after the beast, the only way that the deception can be broken is through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C That's right, convicting. So if God has sent us a prophet in the last days, all right, who amplifies and explains the okay and agrees with the Bible, if God has sent us someone and we don't listen to that, then what is it saying? If you believe it, you shall prosper. SPEAKER B If you don't believe it wants us to prosper spiritually. That's why he sends his prophets. But the prophets get rejected. And what the message is is really receive the message of the Lord through his spokespeople, his messengers, his prophets. SPEAKER C Through his prophets. So whoever rejects the prophetic word closes Himself the instruction of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C Okay. And the result today is no different. What it was then back in ancient Israel, in the early church, it's a loss of relationship with God and being open to negative influences. So what I look at now is what happens what happens with the church? It's missionary work. When the church is filled with the Holy Spirit, what would be the outward, the fruits of that? And we're going to look at that as, you know, the planning and the strategies and the methods of the church and its mission work, and it's a question of our plans and strategies. It mainly has to do with the strength of church spiritually and winning more souls. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C Really? I believe that the early church, the early Adventist Church, which was Adventist Church, they believed in the second coming of Jesus, did they not? SPEAKER B They do, absolutely, yeah. SPEAKER C When Jesus, on the day of when he was resurrected, when he went back to heaven, the Ascension, the angel stood by and says, the same way Jesus went up into the clouds, he's going to return. So straight away, the last thing they saw Jesus, the prophecy, the last Jesus was jesus was going to come again. SPEAKER B That's right. The same Jesus in like manner, would. SPEAKER C Return the second advent of Jesus Christ. So they were Adventists. SPEAKER B That's right. Yeah. Adventist just simply means looking for the second coming of Jesus Christ. SPEAKER C They also kept the commandments of know, you read right through John's writing continually know, here are they that keep the commandments of God. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B If you love me, keep my commandments. SPEAKER C Paul the commandments. We're not under law, but we uphold the law. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B We do not make the law void through faith. On the contrary, we establish the law. SPEAKER C Romans, chapter 331. So Paul right through his writing, James as well, upholds the law of God, the Ten Commandments. All of those early church right kept the commandments of God, including the 7th day Sabbath. So they really were 7th day Adventists. SPEAKER B That's right. And the thing know, they uphold the law, and they also strive against preaching, against legalism. So the upholding of the law and legalism is not the same thing. It's the approach to it. If it's done by faith, by surrender, by dying to self denying, self taking up our cross and following Jesus, being filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, having Christ living his life within us, that's the only way that the demands of the law can be satisfied. SPEAKER C That's right. And remember the new covenant in Hebrews, chapter eight and ten, which was basically a repeat of the promise in the Old Testament of Jeremiah 31 31 and Ezekiel, I believe. 36. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C Which says God says, I talking about God will. What? He will put his spirit in our hearts. He'll give us a new heart. He will cause us to walk in. SPEAKER B His laws and statues and we'll be able to observe them. But he writes it in our minds, puts it in our minds, writes it in our hearts. So it pertains to a change in our thoughts and even a change in the way we feel our feelings as well. SPEAKER C And who's doing the work? SPEAKER B It's God. I will. God says, I will do this. SPEAKER C Yeah. I will remember your sins no more. I will give you a new heart. I will put my spirit in you. And so, under the new covenant, when you read Hebrews in chapter eight and ten, that's exactly what happened. The new covenant is made possible because of Jesus dying on the cross. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C And resurrecting. And so that's what the new covenant is under, is under Jesus, under a new covenant with Jesus. And the law is the basis of the covenant. SPEAKER B Look, what I'm so grateful about is that the Gospel tells us that there's a power outside of ourselves that can do for us, which we cannot do for ourselves, we cannot. Keep the law of God. Our nature is too weak. We cannot measure up to the standard of righteousness. We cannot save ourselves. If we had to pay the price for our own sins, it will be eternal. It'll be eternal death. But we have a Savior, one who said he'll take us as we are. Through him we can be dead to self. We can be crucified with Christ. We can be buried and then raised to newness of life. And that new life is the life of Christ living in us. You know that beautiful text we quote so often? I'm crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I'm not dead, I'm alive, yes, yet not I, but Christ. Now, dear listener, we are just going to take a short break here to come back right after these short messages. So stay tuned and we'll be with you very soon. SPEAKER E Thanks for joining me. In a certain sense, our modern society has fenced us off from some of our basic human obligations. Today, in many parts of the world, the poor are assisted by the government. Now, I'm not suggesting that's a bad thing, but it's a system where people don't really have to take care of others because the government does it. Now, if you look around, there are plenty of ways that you can help those who are less fortunate than yourself. That being the case, what are you doing? Maybe something, maybe not. Listen to Proverbs 28, verse 27. He who gives to the poor will not lack, but he who hides his eyes will have many curses. God's pretty clear about this. He will honor you when you care for the poor. And if you don't, that's clear too. Were you ever helped by somebody? How did that feel? Watch for the opportunities God brings to you to help the poor. I'm John Bradshaw, for it is written, let's live today by every word. SPEAKER B Dear listener, welcome back. We are continuing our study from this beautiful book steps to Personal Revival by Helmut Habel. And it talks about being filled with the Holy Spirit. So we're talking about the importance of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And now we're going to talk about planning and strategy. So Colin, is there an issue with planning and strategy as being part of your work for the Holy Spirit? SPEAKER C Well, I guess whose plans are they and whose strategies they are? Are they our own or they God's word? Are they Holy Spirit led? SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C You know, and we need to look for good solutions and methods for the church to do its mission. SPEAKER B The Lord wants things to be done decently and in order so you can't just run Haphazardly. There's got to be a process to follow, obviously, that has been inspired by the word of God and the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C That's right. And when you look at the Book of Acts, it really should have been called the Acts of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit. The Acts of the Apostles. That's right. And it mainly has to do with strengthening a church spiritually and winning more souls. That's what it has to be to do with. I've been around for a few years now, 25 years, and I've seen lots of methods and strategies and programs. You see them all the time. Yes, and we're very industrious. We come up with lots of ideas and strategies. But I love what the words of Dwight Nelson said at the general conference session in 2005. He says these words our church has. SPEAKER B Exhaustively developed admirable forms, plans and programs, but if we don't finally admit our spiritual bankruptcy, that is lack of the Holy Spirit, which has taken hold of many of us, ministers and leaders, we will never go beyond a pro former Christianity. SPEAKER C Wow. We've got to finally admit our spiritual bankruptcy. Lack of the Holy Spirit. It's trying to do things in our own strength. Carnal christianity methods and plans. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C And sometimes it looks good because some people are very, very talented. SPEAKER B Absolutely. SPEAKER C And it looks good and we need to do something. And also love what Dennis Smith said as well. SPEAKER B It says, I have nothing against plans, programs and methods, but I am afraid that we often depend on these things to move God's work forward. Plans, programs and methods will not complete God's work. Great speakers, wonderful Christian concerts, satellite broadcasts, won't end God's work. God's Spirit will end the work. God's Spirit that speaks and serves through spirit filled men and women. SPEAKER C Powerful statement that, isn't it? Nothing against plans and I've got nothing against plans and strategies. God uses plans and strategies, but it needs to be filled and moved by the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C And so we want to be doing baptisms and winning souls. And the Bible shows us that the Holy Spirit is a crucial prerequisite for winning people to Christ. We look at the Book of Acts. It was always led by the Holy Spirit divine appointments continually through the Book of Acts. SPEAKER B Interestingly, even when they had a plan to go somewhere. And then God says, no, I don't want you to go there. Macedonia needs you. You go to right? SPEAKER C That's right. And we can see that in our churches as know right throughout the world. We have some churches that are growing and some churches that are not growing or that are stagnant or shrinking. It's true. And we know that our world number of our church is like we're speaking specifically here of the seven day Venice church that we're part of. And I know that it's growing at 3000 people are being baptized every day. SPEAKER B Every day. SPEAKER C Every day. 3000 people are being baptized almost like Pentecost. SPEAKER B Every day. SPEAKER C And so some places in the world it's growing. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B Numerically, yeah. SPEAKER C But some places it's not. Especially in the Western world. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B First world countries. It's not the same numeric growth you get out of what we call third world countries typically or developing countries. SPEAKER C That's right. And I've always wondered why. And we've got many plans and strategies in the first world. We have more resources, financial resources than the third world countries, yet we're declining or stagnant and they're growing. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C So you have to question why are we being spirit leth or are we putting methods and strategies by our own ways and by our own methods? SPEAKER B Yeah, this is the thing. Even the last church, the 7th church in the Book of Revelation, the latestian church or the Church of the Laticeans, it's not that they have a lack of works, so I know your works, but they're not cold and they're not hot. They are lukewarm. So there's lots of works. But is this what God has inspired? Is it spirit led? Is it based on the word of God? Only many people will probably say yes, but unless the Holy Spirit has filled our lives and we baptize with the Holy Spirit, that lukewarmness will continue. And we are quite clear from the Bible that that lukewarmness is not something that warms God's heart. SPEAKER C That's right. So is it the lack of the Holy Spirit in our lives, I believe, for the lack of progress in, say. SPEAKER B First world countries true repentance. And I mean, you spoke about all these plans that we want to make. Until we actually say that, look, our plans within themselves will not fulfill the Gospel Commission. Until we acknowledge the fact that there's a problem, we will not try and seek the solution. And ultimately the solution is to have the baptism of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C I agree too, that it's harder to do evangelism and soul winning nowadays, first world countries because of the wealth of the countries. It's not that there's a need of God in their lives, and I know in some of the third world countries there is a need of God in their lives. They're lacking material sources, so they're more open to God. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B Materialism does actually make us feel quite independent. But we all grow old and we all die. And we obviously, ultimately need to know that we have been connected with our maker through Jesus Christ so we can have eternal life. SPEAKER C And so I believe the lack of the Holy Spirit in this great effort well, in this great effort has led to loss of funds and time since we pursued unnecessary or unsuccessful ways. And I love this quote by there's a couple of quotes by Ellen G. White that illustrates this situation. And one of them is why the law doesn't bring many souls to our church, which is a question that was asked and this is what she said. SPEAKER B Okay, this is from Testimonies to the Church, volume six, page 370. So the law does not now work to bring many souls into the truth because the church members who have never been converted and those who were once converted but who have backslidden? What influence would these unconsecrated members or carnal Christians have on new converts? SPEAKER C Wow. So what's she saying there? She's saying God's saying it's not a safe place. SPEAKER B Yeah. Isn't that a terrible saying to say they're actually better off outside at the moment because some instances because if I. SPEAKER C Bring him now to hear the message, the three angels message that I've given the church to give to the world, if I bring them in now, you make none effect of that message. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C And they might just go straight out and say, this church is not converted. Many people in the church are not converted, or they once were converted and have backslidden. And so you'd make none effect of the testimonies that we've been given. In other words, the three angels, a. SPEAKER B Message that blasting Gospel because the fruit's not there. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B The Lord help us. SPEAKER C And here's another quote that she said as well about sometimes the condition of our church. SPEAKER B So this is from testimonies volume nine, page 189. If we would humble ourselves before God and be kind and courteous and tender hearted and puritiful, there would be 100 converts to the truth where thou, there is only one. SPEAKER C So what she's saying? What's lacking in the church there? What words? Love. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B Love. Kindness, courtesy, tender heartedness, pity. SPEAKER C So the fruits of the spirit aren't seen in the church. I've traveled a lot in my times around the world, and I've been to some churches that are very loving and like that. And I've been to some churches that just aren't like that. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B And you know, the thing is, if we're not part of the solution, we're actually part of the problem. And I have to say that at many times in my own life, I've been a Carlo Christian. I've been part of the problem. SPEAKER C Yeah. And we criticize and arguing and debating, and there's no love amongst each other. And on the other hand, we have the baptism people who aren't prepared sufficiently as well. So what happens? We have new people coming. They're baptized, but they haven't been converted. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C Okay. They haven't been converted. And this is what she says as. SPEAKER B Well, says the new birth is a rare experience in this age of the world. This is the reason why there are so many perplexities in the church. Many, so many who assume the name of Christ are unsanctified and unholy. They have been baptized, but they were buried alive. Self did not die, and therefore they did not rise to newness of life in Christ Jesus. And that is from Manuscript releases 148 1897. SPEAKER C Wow. And that was the truth for me, Etienne. I remember when I did the Bible studies and I understood all the truths and the prophecies, and I understood the teachings of God's word. And I was baptized, but I hadn't died to self. SPEAKER B Likewise, same for me. SPEAKER C I hadn't died to self. SPEAKER B I was sincere based on what I knew. But even when I spoke to the pastor who baptized me, he said, look, we didn't really talk about it. We spoke about being born again and all that, but we didn't understand what baptism actually represent. Burial in Christ we baptize into Christ death. SPEAKER C So you're dying to self. What does it mean to be dying to self then? SPEAKER B It's to deny self, to take up our cross like Jesus did. SPEAKER C Is there repentance in dying to self? SPEAKER B Absolutely. SPEAKER C So if you had things in your life that you hadn't repented of, have you died to self? SPEAKER D No. SPEAKER B And we're talking about known sin because there are things that we don't know about ourselves. But what God has revealed are we prepared to leave that place that on the altar of sacrifice? Are we to say, jesus, you've paid the price for those sins. I ask for forgiveness and receive your righteousness. Your forgiveness and your righteousness, please give me your Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C And I was so rushed to get baptized because sometimes the church we look at baptism as that's our measuring stick of success. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C But it really should be on disciples. It should be our measure of success. SPEAKER B Is disciple is someone who follows in the footsteps of Jesus. He does what Jesus did. SPEAKER C Exactly. And the result of that would be obviously be you will be baptized. And so we're baptizing people half alive who haven't died to self, who have. SPEAKER B Not been crucified with Christ. SPEAKER C And that's what happened to me. And so for many years in the church, for the first 1210 or so years I was a carnal Christian, hadn't died to self. SPEAKER D Me too. SPEAKER C And it took something God had to really bang my head against a wall, if I can say that allow a crisis to come in my life to get my attention and to realize that I hadn't died to self. I hadn't been baptized with the Holy Spirit either. SPEAKER B Some of us are a little bit stubborn, Colin and some of us need more than one crisis sometimes to get us back on track. SPEAKER C That's right. And that's what I love. What Ellen White says. They have been baptized but they were buried alive. And that was what happened to me. And I'm sure that maybe has happened to many people. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C Self did not die and therefore they did not rise to newness of life in Christ. That was written in 1897. And so I believe the situation is the same today. The problem is whoever isn't born again hasn't been filled with the Holy Ghost. SPEAKER B Well, Jesus says in there in John chapter three and verse five unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. SPEAKER C That's right. And isn't it true that we meet with a lack of the Holy Spirit in nearly every single area? So let's talk about so the first thing is we need to die to ourselves like Peter said on the day of Pentecost, to the people he just preached to, they were cut to the heart. In Acts chapter two, what should we do? SPEAKER B It says repent. SPEAKER C So what's? Step one, be baptized. SPEAKER B Repentance. SPEAKER C That's the first step is to repent of your sins. Come as you are, jesus says, come as you are. And then he'll give you repentance and you repent of your sins. And then he says, and then be baptized. And then you too shall receive the promise of your Holy Spirit. And John the Baptist know, show fruits of your repentance. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B Repentance is a call. Jesus even called repentance. We see that in even is it verse one of Mark, chapter one, where Jesus starts preaching the Gospel. He says, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. SPEAKER C John the Baptist repent the kingdom of heaven. Peter the apostles repent. So it always starts with repentance. SPEAKER B The call to repentance is part of preaching the Gospel. SPEAKER C Now, you look at ancient Israel, right through Israel there was always a call by the prophets, repent and turn to God and keep his commandments. Yes, it was always a call back to God of repentance, because whatever the sins, they were mostly in idol worship, but all sorts of things called back to repentance. And then when they turned back to God in kingdom comments, god poured out his spirit upon them and they prospered. SPEAKER D That's right, they prospered. SPEAKER C So we're going to talk about the Holy Ghost and even, you know, God tells us the following about the meaning of the Holy Spirit and preaching. And this is what he, it says. SPEAKER B The preaching of the Word will be of no avail without the continual presence and aid of the Holy Spirit. This is the only effectual, teacher of divine truth. Only when the truth is accompanied to the heart by the Spirit will it quicken the conscience to transform the life. One might be able to present the letter of the Word of God. He might be familiar with all its commands and promises. But unless the Holy Spirit sets home the truth, no souls will fall on the rock and be broken. No amount of education, no advantages, however great, can make one a channel of light without the cooperation of the Spirit of God. SPEAKER C Now, who was that written by? SPEAKER B Desire of ages. This is Alan White, and this is. SPEAKER C Page 671 in the book Desire of Ages. So the preaching of the world will be of no avail without the continual presence and aid of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C This is the only effectual, teacher of divine truth. And when the truth is accompanied by the heart, by the Spirit, it'll quicken the conscience to transform the life. In other words, the words of the preaching will say will convict the hearts of the listeners. All right. And the souls will what? Fall on the rock? The rock is Jesus Christ. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C They need to fall and be broken. And no amount of education, no advantages, however great, can make one channel of light without cooperation of the Spirit of God. What a powerful testimony that is. SPEAKER B So it's the power of the Holy Spirit that makes effectual the preaching of the gospel and makes effectual our witness, our program. You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you is so important. This is what the focus of this program is. And this is a call for people to come back. SPEAKER D Really? SPEAKER B It's a call to repentance, to turn away from what we've done in the past, to now step out in newness of life under the power of the Holy Spirit. Because we have asked for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and by faith we have received it. SPEAKER C Just like ancient Israel had turned to their idols, spiritual Israel, modern day Israel today the spiritual Israel, and we are part of spiritual Israel. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C We have turned each to our own idols. And the idols mightn't be a piece of wood or a stone or another God, but they can be another God. It could be the God of sport, it could be the God of television, could be the God of whatever it is that is your focus that you put before God. SPEAKER B Before God. That's right. Anything that takes first place in our life is our God, is our idol. SPEAKER C It's easy to turn to those things and God's saying repent of that and turn to me. Turn back to me. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C So preaching doesn't only take place during a sermon, but also in lectures, Bible studies, or even in small groups. SPEAKER D Right. SPEAKER C I love what Randy Maxwell says. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B This is from his book. If My People Pray. Page eleven. It says, but the truth is we're dying of thirst for contact with the living God. SPEAKER C Wow. So is the lack of the Holy Spirit also the cause of fear? And I love what emilio, I hope I get this right. You're South African, aren't you? SPEAKER B I am, but that sounds a little bit tricky, that one. SPEAKER C Let's go with Emilio Nektool. SPEAKER D Okay. SPEAKER B And it says, why don't we succeed in turning this corrupt world upside down? Something has gone wrong with our convictions. We are afraid of conflicts. We are afraid of run ins. We are afraid of difficulties. We are afraid of losing our job. We are afraid of losing our reputation. We are afraid of losing our lives. So we keep silent and hide. We are afraid to proclaim the gospel to the world in a loving and yet powerful manner. SPEAKER C What a powerful statement that is. SPEAKER B So it's fear that keeps us from doing these things. SPEAKER C Right. SPEAKER B Why? Because we don't have power. SPEAKER C And what is the opposite of fear? Faith. SPEAKER D Yeah. Faith. SPEAKER C Faith. SPEAKER D Yeah. And love. SPEAKER C We're fearful because we're political correct today as well. SPEAKER D That's correct. SPEAKER C Now we all very want to be politically correct. I love with that we're afraid of conflicts. We're afraid of running ins. I've been reading the Great Controversy in our small group at church. Each Wednesday we come together and pray, okay? And we've been reading the Great Controversy, which is going through all the it's going through right through the church 2000 years ago, and it's going right through the Protestant Reformation with Martin Luther, all these reformers. And that the boldness they had. And all of them, when they boldly preach, their lives were at stake. They were threatened with imprisonment, fines, death, being cast out of the church. Yet the boldness, they went along with all that. And here today, in some countries, yes, that is still happening, especially in certain countries around the world, you can't preach and teach openly. But let's be honest. In the first world countries, we can preach openly. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C Yet here we are. SPEAKER D We don't do it. SPEAKER C We're fearful. We're afraid of losing our job. We're phrasing, really, our reputation, our lives. So we what we hide. SPEAKER B There's many countries, third world countries where we spoke about just before, where the gospel is flourishing, lots of people coming to the Lord, lots of baptisms taking place. But in those countries where there's restrictions, whether it be communism or other religionist, sharia law, where the church goes underground, the church underground is actually flowering. But this is at the detriment or even the peril of their own lives that they preach. They could be thrown in prison, they could be executed. Yet they are bold. Why? Because they have been given power. Because they have received the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C Yes, I know. There's many underground authorities through China, I'm sure, in Korea and places in certain Islamic countries where it's frowned upon to be a Christian. Yes, it's underground and then at their lives and are at stake. SPEAKER D Yes, they are. SPEAKER C But they're so bold. And I love what the solution is. Really. The problem is found in Acts chapter four, verse 31. Acts, chapter four, verse 31 really tells what the difference was with the disciples because they also were persecuted, put to the stake, they were sent to the lions, you know what I mean? In the early Church, and even in the Dark Ages, if you didn't agree with what the main church, the Papal Church was teaching, you were put to the stake or you're beheaded. Or this is went right through for 2000 years. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C And this is the reason why. SPEAKER B Now, it's interesting that leading up to this, the council, the Sanhedrin, had threatened them and say you can't speak in the name of Jesus anymore. And then they said in verse 20 we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. And then they pray. They pray. In verse 29 it says now Lord, look on their threats and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may speak your word. So what happens is almost another pentecost experience because we read in verse 31. And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. And they spoke the word of God with boldness. SPEAKER C Key word there is boldness. SPEAKER B Yeah, they asked for boldness in verse 29 and verse 31. They get boldness. How? Through the baptism, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Now, these are the same people who received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C At Pentecost in Acts chapter two. SPEAKER B So once you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it doesn't just mean it stops there. We've spoken on this program time and time again that you are to continuously be filled with the Holy Spirit. And they have another type, Pentecost experience here. The same people who receive the power at Pentecost now four, two chapters later receive another fresh, powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the sake of the Gospel, so they can proclaim it with boldness. SPEAKER C And we look at before the day of Pentecost. Remember in John, chapter 20, they were huddled together on the day of resurrection for fear of the Jews. They were fearful. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C It sounds like they were like us, our church today. But then they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they go out preaching boldly, even though they were threatened to. SPEAKER B Have that boldness and that power. SPEAKER C Yeah, even though their lives were threatened. Just amazing. SPEAKER B It is incredible. SPEAKER C So we want to talk about the Holy Spirit in our, you know, literature evangelism has been there right from the start. I mean, you go through the Waldensians, they used to hide literature and sew. SPEAKER B It into their into their clothing. SPEAKER C And they would go around being peddling like as merchants and giving out literature. SPEAKER B When they had to. SPEAKER C People out there, and even today, we have literature evangelists who are going out there giving out books and literature evangelists with Bibles. The Bible is still the best selling book in the world every year, and that's giving the Bible out is being a literary evangelist. SPEAKER B And in those countries where there's persecution, the first thing that the persecuted church asks for, especially when there's restrictions to access to the Word of God, is to they ask for prayer and they ask for Bibles. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C So the following is said about our literature. Let's just read what that is, what Ellen White says about our literature and the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D Okay. SPEAKER B This is from a book by Ellen White, and it says, if the salvation of God is with the one that writes for the paper, the same spirit will be felt by the reader. Wow. A piece written in the Spirit of God's angels approate and impress the same upon the readers. Did I read that right, Colin? SPEAKER C Yes. What you're saying is if people who write articles and even today are writing articles or books or magazines and things like that, if they're filled with the Holy Spirit right. The angels. Right. SPEAKER B The angels will impress the heart, so they're approbated. Okay. Right. So a piece written in the spirit of God angels approbate and impress the same upon the readers. But a piece written when the writer is not living holy for the glory of God, not wholly devoted to him, angels feel the lack in sadness. They turn away and do not impress the reader with it because God and his spirit are not in it. The words are good, but it lacks the warm influence of the Spirit of God. SPEAKER C Wow. So the angels know when the Spirit. SPEAKER B Of God is in the writing. SPEAKER C In the writing. And when it's not, and when it is, they impress hearts, and when it's. SPEAKER B Not, they can't they back off of it. SPEAKER C They back off. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C That's amazing. Now, I just want to emphasize something. Naturally, everything we did wasn't wrong. By no means. We've developed good and very good things. We have some plans that are really good. SPEAKER B Sure. SPEAKER C And Godly certainly has blessed our human efforts as far as possible. But the important question is, do we approach our duties as spiritual or carnal Christians? SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C One thing is certain. When we struggle to find solutions on a carnal basis, that means doing things by our own ways, our own efforts and ideas with our own talents. Okay. One thing is certain. When we struggle to find solutions on a carnal basis, we will invest a lot of time in vain. We will perform many tasks which will be of no use. What we really want to be doing is just be led by the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C In other words, go and ask the Holy Spirit, what are your plans for us? A lot of times we go with our strategies and plans and say, we want God. Can you please bless these strategies and their plans? Instead of going, ask God, what are your strategies and plans? And going to his word and following his word and counsel with the prophets. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B Dennis Smith there writes in his book 40 Days prayers and Devotionals to Revive Your Experience with God. This is on page 175. Says, the former rain being filled with the Holy Spirit brings us the necessary spiritual maturity, which is essential so that we can benefit from the latter rain. SPEAKER C Wow. And I love what Ellen White says as well. In The Spirit of prophecy, she says, the latter rain ripening. The earth's harvest represents the spiritual grace that prepares the church of the coming of the Son of man. So we need the latter rain that gives us spiritual grace to prepare for the second coming of Jesus. But I love what she says here. But unless the former rain has fallen, this is the early rain that was available since Pentecost. There'll be no life. No green blade will spring up. Unless the early showers have done their work, the latter rain can bring no seed to perfection. What you're. Saying is the early rain from the day of Pentecost is what grows us into the likeness of Jesus and gives us power to witness. But if it hasn't done its work, the latter rain will have no effect on that person. That person basically won't receive the latter rain unless they've received the early rain. And not only received it, but grown the early rain. SPEAKER B The latter rain does not germinate the seed. The latter rain just simply brings the plant to maturity for the harvest. SPEAKER C That's right. And she used the word perfection, which just means maturity. Same idea. SPEAKER B And that comes from the faith I live by. Page 333 well, Colin, that's all we have time for today for this program. And dear listener, we pray that God has blessed you, that you have thought about your stance before the Lord as well. God loves us. The Bible tells us that the long suffering of the Lord is salvation. Now, I know he's been long suffering with me. Perhaps he's been long suffering with you as well. We pray that God would bless you, that he would bring you that spirit of repentance and the desire to be filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Because you also will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. May God bless you. Until we meet again. Thank you for joining us on You Shall Receive Power. If you would like more information about today's program or if you have any questions, please contact 3ABN Australia Radio by Phoning 024-973-3456. Or you can send an email to [email protected]. You can also contact us on our 3ABN Australia radio Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you You’ve been listening to a production of 3ABN Australia Radio.

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