God's Purpose for Calling His Last Day Church Into Existence

Episode 41 May 11, 2017 00:58:45
God's Purpose for Calling His Last Day Church Into Existence
You Shall Receive Power
God's Purpose for Calling His Last Day Church Into Existence

May 11 2017 | 00:58:45


Show Notes

Discussion of day 41-43 from the book "50 Days Prayer and Devotions to Prepare for the Latter Rain and Christ's Return", by Pastor Dennis Smith.

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SPEAKER B Jesus promised his disciples in Acts One eight, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all here and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Welcome to. You shall receive power. And here are your hosts, Ettienne McClintock and Colin Hone. SPEAKER B Dear listener, greetings and a warm welcome to the program. Glad that you can join us again today as we continue our study of the book 50 Days Prayers and Devotionals to prepare for the latter reign and Christ's return. We are looking at day 41, 42 and 43 for this program where it talks about God's purpose and calling his end time church, which we say is the Adventist Church into existence. So we're going to look at the identifying marks. And the great thing is, Colin, we are actually building on some of the discussion in the study we had last week. But as we open the word of God, let's just bow our heads and ask God to lead us in our search for truth out of his word. Gracious Father in heaven, it's always a blessing to come before you, to learn from you Father, and we want to learn as humble students, and we just invite your Holy Spirit to be present with us, to guide us, and to lead us in the search for truth out of the Scriptures. Father, we know that these are the ones that testify of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and we just want Jesus to be lifted up in all that we do. And as such, we just pray for a fresh anointing of your Holy Spirit. May you guide and lead us, may you give us clear understanding. And also to the listener out there, Father, may you touch their mind even now to comprehend these spiritual truths. This is our prayer in Jesus name, amen. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D So Ettienne, and last time we looked at a church prophesies to appear at the end time, and we went through the Book of Daniel, chapter two, seven, eight, and know where we find the prophecies listing the history of the world from the time of Babylon, the King of Babylon, until Jesus return. And then we looked at chapter seven and eight, and we find an important sequence of events related to the church. We looked at Daniel, chapter seven, verse three to ten reveals four nations that Babylon, Meta, Persia, Greece and Rome. And following Rome, the papal power is described that would rule for 1260 years. And immediately following the papal Rome's description, there's a judgment described, and this judgment continues described in verses 13 and 14. We then find the sequence again in verses 25 to 27. And as we discovered this, we found that sometime after 1798 that judgment begin. And we looked at the prophecies of the 70 week prophecy concerning when Jesus would appear when he would be baptized in 27 Ad. When he would be crucified in 31 Ad. When Israel time of Israel, its time as taking the Gospel to the world would be finished in Ad. 34 and the Stoning of Stephen. But we also looked at this was just part of a longer time prophecy, which was the 2300 day or 2300 year prophecy. And we discovered that that began in October 22, 1844. That judgment began sometime after 1798, according to the prophecy in Daniel, and that this judgment was linked to cleansing of the sanctuary, because that was the question that was asked and we relooked at. The cleansing of the sanctuary was the Day of Atonement, part of the Day of Atonement in ancient Israel, when once a year, all the sins that have been going into the sanctuary, through the blood of the lamb, into the sanctuary, the record of them was cleansed. And it was a solemn day of repentance, of putting away sin. And we realized that in Jesus in 1844, as our high priest in the heavenly sanctuary entered this work of the investigative judgment and the cleansing of sin, of heaven, the removal of sin or blotting out of sin, as Peter refers to it in Acts chapter three. And so we find at the same time in 1844 that there would be a church prophesized to appear at the end time and this church would preach the three angels message. There would be identifying marks to look at this church. One of those we found in Revelations chapter twelve, where it says that this Last Day church, which was a remnant church, or the remaining part of the original church that would appear after 1798, around this 1844 time out of the Great Advent movement, would have these identifying marks. One, they would keep the commandments of God. Two, they would have the testimony of Jesus, which we identified in Revelations chapter 19, verse ten, as having the spirit of prophecy. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D It'll be a prophetic movement having the spirit of prophecy with them. SPEAKER B So it'll be a church that has the Holy Spirit, the baptism Holy Spirit, and also has the gifts. So it has the fruit of the spirit and the gift. And it's interesting to know that the devil was enraged with these people who keep the commandments. SPEAKER D Well, it says, yeah, he went to make war on them. He hates this last day. SPEAKER B Anybody that opposes this message or even opposes the fact that they are going to be a commandment keeping people in the end days, on whose side are they? SPEAKER D Well, they're not on a God's side, but there's an opportunity that they can become on God's side. SPEAKER B There's hope for everybody. SPEAKER D There's hope for everybody. But the main purpose was that this Last Day movement that came out of the Advent movement would preach the three angels message, the everlasting Gospel. They would also announce that judgment has begun. It was a call to true worship back to keep the commandments of God, including the 7th day Sabbath Amen, which was an allusion to fear Him and give glory to Him, worship Him who made the heavens, the springs and the earth, et cetera. So we identified this church also would also reveal what the mark of the beast is, who the beast was. They would unpack the book of Daniel would be understood. That's right, because you remember when we look in the Book of Daniel right at the end, in chapter twelve, in chapter twelve, verse four, it says, but you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase. And so he says, go your way. But right at the end it'll be understood. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D And so is there somewhere in the Book of Revelations that maybe corresponds to that, that says that this book that was sealed, which is saying the book of Daniel was sealed, would be unsealed or open? SPEAKER B Look, that is a great question, Colin, and one that the Bible actually gives us very clear answers to. And Colin, while we are actually in Daniel chapter twelve, we may as well stay there, just become familiar with a few verses there. Because I want to go to Revelation chapter ten, because Revelation chapter ten is actually the place where it shows where the little book is now open that used to be closed. SPEAKER D And that little book is the book of Daniel. SPEAKER B The book of Daniel, yeah, because we want to know about what this end time movement is and what it is that actually caught them or caused them to see this glimpse of the judgment and also what will happen to the judgment. Because ultimately we've already spoken about Daniel chapter two, and it talks about all those successive kingdoms starting with the kingdom of Babylon. But ultimately the crescendo of all those kingdoms is this little everlasting kingdom. It starts with as a rock that's cut out without hands and then fills the whole earth. That's the everlasting kingdom. Daniel, chapter seven, brings this everlasting kingdom, which is an everlasting dominion given to the Son of man during the judgment hour setting. So again, that is the everlasting kingdom. That is the culmination of everything we are studying here. And then Daniel, chapter eight tells us when God plans to set up that kingdom because it actually happens through the judgment. Now, we didn't understand any of this. That judgment hour message wasn't understood until after the time of the end, which was in 1798. And we get this from Daniel chapter twelve, and we're going to read, as you mentioned there. We read verse four. It says, but Daniel shut up and seal the book until the time of the end. So the book was to be sealed until the time of the end, and time of the end is 1798. And then it says that subsequent to that time, 1798, many shall run to and fro and knowledge will be increased. So the book will be unsealed after that time period with those running to and fro in the scriptures and also looking at history and knowledge and understanding of the Book of Daniel will be increased. And then it says in verse five, then I, Daniel, looked and there stood two others on this riverbank and on the other riverbank. And the one said to the man clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river, how long shall the fulfillment of these wonders be? And when I heard the man clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river, he held up his right hand and his left hand. SPEAKER C Okay? SPEAKER B So he's got two hands up. So pay very attention because we're going to see this again in the Book of Revelation. So we're in Daniel, chapter twelve. Now he holds up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and he swore by him who lives forever that it shall be for time, times and half a time. So he lifts up his left hand, he lifts up his right hand, he swears by him who lives forever and ever. So remember that left hand, right hand, swear by him forever and ever. SPEAKER D Time, times and half a times. What does that mean? SPEAKER B Okay, so time is one prophetic year. Times is two prophetic years, and half a time is half a prophetic year. So you got three and a half years, prophetic years there. Now, if one year is 260 days, 360. Yes, you've got sorry, 360 days. That's right. Then two years will be 720 days, and then a half a year would be 180. So if you add all those together, you've got 1260 prophetic years. SPEAKER D So three and a half times, which is like three and a half years, which would be 1260 days. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER D We've heard this before, haven't we? This 1260 years. SPEAKER C So. SPEAKER D Thanks, Eddie. I just wanted to clarify that. SPEAKER B Thank you for clarifying that, because that is when the time of the end actually is to start, after this time period. Now, he swears with his left hand, his right hand up, and he swears by him that it shall be for a prophetic time period. Now, we're going to see that again as we go into the Book of Revelation, but I just want to go to verse nine again here. So we're still in Daniel, chapter twelve and verse nine. And he said, Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Now let's go to the Book of Revelation because we're going to see the similar symbolism there and it's going to be fascinating how the two visions actually link. So we're in Revelation, chapter ten, and it says there in verse one, I saw still another mighty angel come down from heaven clothed with a cloud and a rainbow was on his head and his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire. So this angel, the word Anglos there means messenger, comes down from heaven. I believe it is the messenger of the covenant, which is none other than Jesus Christ, because you see the rainbow on his head there, and also his face was like the sun, his feet like pillars of fire. The same description we see of Jesus in Revelation chapter one. And then he says, and he had a little book open in his hand. Now the fact is, the book is open now, but it may even signify that previously to that the book was closed. Now watch this with attention. He set his foot on the right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, and he cried with a loud voice as when the lion roars. Now, Jesus is known as the lion of the tribe of Israel, as well the tribe of Judah. Sorry. And when he cried, seven thunders uttered their voice. Now, when the seven thunders uttered their voice, I was about to write, but I heard a voice from heaven saying, seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered and do not write them. So here we see a sealing up. This is the first and the only sealing up we see in the book of Revelation. Because Revelation is a book unsealed. It's a revelation, it's sealing. Yeah, it's a revealing daniel has been sealed. So now all of a sudden we're thinking, now where have you heard this word seal up previously? We just read it in the last chapter of Daniel, daniel, chapter twelve, where the book of Daniel was to be sealed up until the time of the end. Now, so he cries with a loud voice in verse three. And then it says in verse five, the angel who I saw standing on the scene on the land raised up his hand to heaven. Why does he only raise up one hand to heaven? The angel in Daniel chapter twelve raised up his left hand and his right hand, but this angel only raises up one hand. Well, the fact remains is in the other hand is this little book that's now open. So he raises one hand, he keeps this little book in his hand, and then it says, he swore by him who lives forever and ever. Now, did the angel or the person we saw in Daniel chapter twelve, did he not also swear by him who lives forever and ever? SPEAKER D Yes, he did. SPEAKER B And it says, he saw by him who lives forever and ever in verse six of Revelation ten, who created the heaven and the things that are in it, the earth and the things that are in it, and the sea and the things that are in it, that there should be time no more. Or as the new King James says, delay no longer. Now, in Daniel, chapter twelve, the answer is, there shall be time, times and half a time. So there's a prophetic time period that's a 1260 years. That's right. Now, the same angel with one hand up and a little book open in his hand says that there shall be time no more. So what happens is, we now see this time period here in Revelation Ten as the end of that prophetic period that we see in Daniel, chapter twelve. SPEAKER D So that time no longer. Is that after the 1260 years in 1798? SPEAKER B That's right. This prophecy begins in 1798. SPEAKER D And what is the longest time prophecy in the Bible? SPEAKER B Well, it's a 2300 days, which runs a little bit longer than that, and if you calculate it's, about 46 years longer. But at this time, after 1798, that the book of Daniel is to be studied, and that message is to be taken to the world leading up to the end of the 2300 day prophecy. So it says there that he swore by him who made the heavens and the earth, the sea and the things that are in it, that there should be time no more. So in Daniel chapter twelve, he spoke about time, times and half a time. That time has now come to an end. SPEAKER D So we're talking this is after sometime after 1798. It says, this little book, talking about the book of Daniel, and the prophecies. SPEAKER B In it was to be open and to be understood because it was to be sealed up to that time. Now it's unsealed by the angel. This happens from 1798 onwards. Right. SPEAKER D So we're going to continue read verse eight. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B It says, Then the voice which I heard from heaven spoke to me again and said, Go, take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel who stands on the scene on the earth. SPEAKER D So this is the book of Daniel. SPEAKER B This is the book of Daniel, because that's the only book that would be sealed. And now it's unsealed. The time, the prophetic time for that 1260 days is now over. So we've discovered that. SPEAKER D So he goes to the angel and he said, Give me the little book. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D He said, we take it and eat it. SPEAKER B That's right. So what does it mean of eating? How do we eat the book of Daniel? Do we physically take the pages, roll them up and put them in our mouth? Or is it actually by studying? SPEAKER D Because Jesus said eat. SPEAKER C Take. Eat. SPEAKER B This is my body. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D Do we actually leave? SPEAKER B And he says, the words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life. That's when he was actually talking about eating my flesh and drinking my blood, he's actually talking about my doctrine. SPEAKER D He's his doctrine, my word, my bread. The bread. I am the bread of life. Eat this word. So we're to eat it, to study it? SPEAKER B Absolutely. SPEAKER C Yep. SPEAKER B Now, interesting, it says it will make your stomach bitter. Now, interesting, the good news of the Gospel is not to make us bitter, it's to make us sweet. But it says it will be as sweet as honey in the mouth. So somehow, through the study of the Book of Daniel, there was to be a sweet experience, but also a bitter experience. So let's look at it a little further, because he then does exactly what the angel says in verse ten. Then I took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it. It was as sweet as honey in my mouth. So that beauty, when you see the beautiful gospel, the everlasting Gospel the first time, and you see that pearl of grape price and it becomes more precious to you than anything else, it is the sweetest of experiences, Colin, and you've in your testimony have shared that, and I can share that in my testimony as well. SPEAKER D We're talking about after 1798, the Great Advent movement happened. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER D That's when they started taking this message of Daniel, chapter Eight, where it talks about the cleansing of the sanctuary. Now, the Great Advent movement believed that Jesus was going to come in 1844. SPEAKER C Exactly. SPEAKER D They thought the cleansing of the sanctuary was the cleansing of the sanctuary of earth. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER B They thought was a sanctuary or some part of earth would be the sanctuary. SPEAKER D There's going to be fire and the Jesus is going to come there and take those people home. So they were joyful, weren't they, believing that Jesus are coming? SPEAKER B And this was not just an isolated event. It wasn't only isolated to America, because we know that was very prominent by the preaching of a person by the name of Willie Miller and other people. SPEAKER D Other ministers and others around the world. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER B There was a guy by the name of Manuel Lakunza. He was a Jesuit priest in South America who also studied the Book of Daniel at that time. SPEAKER D So all these people around the world at the same time, including William Miller and many others around the world, I think there was another guy called Wolf as well in Europe somewhere, joseph Wolf. SPEAKER B His name was actually Ezra. Ben Ezra. He was a converted Jew, also studied the Book of Daniel and started taking this message through the Middle East and even to parts of Asia. SPEAKER D So all these people in various parts in the world are opening up the Book of Daniel, just like Chapter twelve said? Absolutely. That this book will be read and understand at the end, after 1798, after that 1260 year prophecy. SPEAKER B And even from that land where I hail from with my ancestry, Scotland, in Scotland and England, a Scottish Presbyterian by the name of Edward Irving also preached out of Daniel, chapter eight, verse verse 14, that God would come around that time, around the 1840s. SPEAKER D So all these people are proclaiming and studying Daniel and believing that this cleansing of the sanctuary message right, was judgment, was that the earth was going to be cleansed by fire, going to return. SPEAKER B By the second coming of Jesus. SPEAKER D They would have been excited, it would have been sweet. Absolutely. SPEAKER C Yeah. SPEAKER D I mean I've read the history of that and people like we're talking hundreds of thousands of people and who knows how many more were being reconverted, there was conversions happening, people were surrounding their lives to Jesus, people were preparing for the second coming of Jesus. SPEAKER B There was a great religious awakening. SPEAKER D Sounds like a sweet time. It also reminds me know, back in the disciples know, when they were with Jesus for those three and a half years the Messiah was here and they thought that Jesus was going to what. SPEAKER B Establish his kingdom here on earth? SPEAKER D His kingdom on earth. And so they were building their hopes on that and it was a sweet time. And then what happened? SPEAKER B Well, they were bitterly disappointed. I mean you can even see that the walk to imaus by those two disciples that Jesus actually meets up with. SPEAKER D Luke 24, isn't it? SPEAKER C Yeah. SPEAKER B He actually doesn't reveal himself to them, it's not until later that they actually discover that. But when he meets them, he asks them what are they talking about? And they then say to him, well, we thought that Jesus, Jesus, we thought he was the Christ and he would be the one that would deliver Israel. So they have this bit of disappointment. It's not until Jesus then starts with Moses and the prophets and all the prophecies concerning Himself that their eyes were finally opened when they are about to partake of the bread. And then they realized that Jesus the Messiah was actually risen and it was prophesied that he would actually be killed for their sins. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D So they were bitterly disappointed. We know the disciples were in John, it says in John 20 they were in the upper room in fear of the Jews. People were weeping. There was a lot of disappointment because all their hopes were on Jesus announcing himself as king and being proclaimed king and then kicking out the Romans and established his kingdom here on earth. So they're dislike disappointed. SPEAKER C Yeah. SPEAKER D And so interesting I found though that Jesus gives them a Bible study. He does in Luke 24 verse 27 he says 25 o foolish ones and slow of heart to believe in all the prophets have spoken. Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and enter into his glory? And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expanded to them all the Scriptures, the things concerning Himself. So he went right through the whole Bible, an all day Bible study and again he repeats that Bible study to his disciples the next day or two he takes them right through Moses. He would have taken him through the Book of Daniel as well and showed him the 70 weeks look, Jesus could. SPEAKER B Have taught prophecy, many of those 300 plus prophecies concerning Himself. And of course the book of Daniel is full of those prophecies about his everlasting kingdom, about him being cut off in the middle of the 70th week in Daniel nine and so on. SPEAKER D So again we've come back to the advent movement. They would have been excited or sweet. They've eaten this book described that the 2300 prophecy, 2300 days was coming. They were near there, it was only a few years away that they believed that Jesus was coming and that would have been a sweet time. But they were bitterly disappointed. Were they? Because Jesus did not come to this. SPEAKER B Earth come that's right. SPEAKER D In 1844. SPEAKER B No, he didn't. SPEAKER D So what happened? SPEAKER B So we see there in Revelation chapter ten of verse ten, it says, then I took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it. And it was sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter. So that's that bitter disappointment that you. SPEAKER D Spoke about, Colin, they call it the great disappointment. And you can imagine hundreds of thousands of millions of people, I don't know how many people there were, but there are a lot of people all around the world bitterly disappointed and many of them just gave up. But it says a few of them went back to their Bibles. SPEAKER B Yeah, well, that's right. So what happens is through this we see the identity of God's people after 1798, a movement that rises up by the studying of the prophecies, particularly the prophecies of Daniel, where the book is unsealed. SPEAKER D So they're fulfilling Daniel, chapter twelve, where this book is unsealed now, right? SPEAKER B And they're running to and fro and knowledge is being increased in the prophecies and in the Bible. SPEAKER D So they're increasing their knowledge. SPEAKER B And then through that they have this bit of well, they have the sweet expectation, but in the subsequent to that they have a bit of disappointment, the same way the disciples had until the prophecies were actually further clarified. And Jesus did that on the way to Emaus. And then of course, after that he met with his disciples in the upper room as well and did the same thing with them, explained to them concerning the prophecies of Himself. SPEAKER D And then he says, now go to the world with the Gospel, didn't he? SPEAKER B That's dead. SPEAKER C Right. SPEAKER D And so what does he say to these people who are bitterly disappointed? SPEAKER B Okay, in verse eleven of Revelation ten, it says, and he said to me, you must prophesy again before many people's, nations, tongues and kings. So then the commission is given there. So we see the identity of God's end time people here, starting in Revelation chapter ten. And then we also see their mission, the same mission that God gave his disciples after explained to them concerning the prophecy, starting with Moses and all the prophets here. Now these people are to prophesy again. Now I want to read another little text. This comes from the Book of Habakkuk. SPEAKER D Habakkuk. You don't hear that one very often these days. SPEAKER B No. Habakkuk. And it's not an easy one to find. SPEAKER D That's why you're looking up Habakkuk. I just find it amazing the parallels there, that here they are, the Book of Daniel, they're understanding it, they're revealing the 2300 days. They've realized that's 1844 they've got to prophesy again. And it links back to Revelations twelve, that Satan's angry with these people because they've discovered these people of keeping the commandments of God and having the faith of Jesus. And they've also discovered who the beast is and what the mark of the beast is, and a warning message to the world not to receive the mark of the beast. SPEAKER C Absolutely. SPEAKER D So they've identified who the beast is in Revelations 13, and they've also given the three angels a message. They're called a judgment, a callback to worship God. They've got the gift of prophecy amongst them as well, the spirit of prophecy, according to Revelations, chapter 19. So quite an amazing time. SPEAKER B It is an amazing time. They're actually counteracting the counterfeit. They're actually exposing the lies of the devil because the devil always blends truth and error. So what they're doing is now they're actually sifting and the truth comes out and the dross is then to be blown and scattered by the wind. SPEAKER D Didn't there's another part in the prophecy in Daniel says how long to be trampled on the sanctuary message? So the sanctuary message had been trampled on by this beast power for 1260 years. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Everything about it had been counterfeited. So, yeah, what happened in Habakkuk? SPEAKER B Okay. So in Habakkuk, chapter two and verse four, you're going to find this fascinating. We're going to read about three verses there. It says, then the Lord answered and said to me, write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run. Who reads it. Now, it's interesting that it says in Daniel that the book will be sealed, but then after the unsealing of the book, people will run to and fro and knowledge will be increased. So we are to run when we have the vision made plain. So when they actually had the bit of disappointment, they started writing out the visions they saw, they made it plain on paper, wrote it out and it started making sense to them that's when they discovered that the sanctuary is not the place on earth, the sanctuary is actually in heaven. SPEAKER D And they discovered in the Bible, by. SPEAKER B Bible, by studying the Book of Hebrews in particular, that there's a heavenly sanctuary. And also Moses was told to make a sanctuary, a tabernacle based on the pattern that he was shown. Now, the pattern was based on the original. So what we had on earth here was merely the copy. The original was always in heaven. So then it says, write the. Vision, make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it, for the vision is yet for an appointed time. So they're expecting Jesus to come in 1844. Well, he didn't it's yet for an appointed time, so at some time in the future after 1844. But at the end it will speak, it will not lie, though it tarries wait for it. And that's why it says here is the patience of the saints. Revelation, chapter 14, verse twelve. We got to patiently wait for it and wait on the Lord, though it tarries wait for it because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Now right in connection with this vision that is made plain that they need to go and prophesy again, as we read in verse eleven of Revelation, chapter ten, it says the next message, behold the proud. His soul is not upright in him, but the just shall live by his faith. So those who keep the commandments of God also have the faith of Jesus. So the faith connected to the prophecy is very, very important here in Habakkuk, chapter two, verses two to four. Now coming back to the book of Revelation, so we see the identity of God's people. They are people who studied the book. They proclaim the second coming of Jesus Christ. They have a bit of disappointment because Christ hasn't come when they expect, then they are given a commission, just like the disciples were, to go and take this message. You must prophesy again before many nations, people and tongues and kings. SPEAKER D And they realized that Jesus was actually in the heavenly sanctuary when they went back and studied the Bible about the sanctuary and realized that the heavenly sanctuary is the true sanctuary and that's where Jesus had entered into the heavenly sanctuary. And so they realized that Jesus had entered what's called the most holy place in 1844 to do the work of judgment, because that's what you mean, that's what the most holy place day of Atonement was, to cleanse the sanctuary of sins. And all our sins have been piling up in the sanctuary since the beginning of the world. And so Jesus now is going to do a work of investigative judgment to cleanse the sanctuary of the record of our sins and then he's going to come to claim and they're going to go and proclaim this message that judgment has begun. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER B So with those words we're just going to take a short break and then we'll come back and unpack it a little bit further. Stay tuned. Alfred Noble in 1866 invented the most stable, explosive power known to mankind at that time and he named it dynamite, the word which he borrowed from the Greek word dunamis, which means power. In Romans chapter one, verse 16, the Gospel of Christ is referred to as the dunamis, the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes. Yes, the same Greek word used for dynamite does the Gospel really have that much power? In Romans, chapter one, verse four, we read that Jesus was declared to be the Son of God with the dunamis power of his resurrection from the dead. The dunamis power of God gives life. You too can have the dunamis, the dynamite power of God in your life. How, may you ask? By faith in the gospel of Christ your saviour. I'm Etienne McClintock, for in a Bible minute where God can change your life in a moment and in the blink of an eye, dear listener, welcome back. We were just looking at the identity and also the mission of God's people after 1798. So after the time of the end starts now, I want to take you to another verse here in Revelation chapter eleven. So the following chapter, the next chapter, and the very last verse here is verse 19. Now, as the people were looking at what they thought was the sanctuary, and they had that bitter disappointment because they thought the sanctuary was the earth, these texts became very prominent in their minds and they started seeing things they hadn't seen before. In verse 19, it says, then the temple of God was opened in heaven. And they go, really? There's a sanctuary in heaven? The temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of his covenant was seen in his temple. And then it says, there were lightnings noises, thunderings and a great hail. So we can see now they start discovering that the temple is a temple in heaven. And God started the final phase of his ministry, christ high Priestly ministry in heaven, to prepare the world for Jesus Christ's soon return to cleanse the sanctuary and also to receive his kingdoms and those who make up the subject of his kingdom. As we read in Daniel chapter seven. Now their mission was that they had to prophesy again before many nations, people, tongues and kings. In Revelation chapter 14, we see the same movement. It says, and I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach a dwell to those on the earth, to every nation, tribe, tongue and people. So this message goes to the same group of people as we see in Revelation Ten. And so we see then subsequent to that, the following three angels messages to prepare for the harvest or the second coming of Christ, where they say, fear God, give glory to him. So the glory of God is part of this message, for the hour of his judgment has come. October 22, 1844, and a call to worship him who made heaven and earth the sea and springs of water. SPEAKER D So what an amazing time. And as they studied God's word and prayed together, god revealed to them that Jesus had entered the heavenly sanctuary. And we can find that in Hebrews chapter eight, verses one to five, where he talks about Jesus being our high priest who is seated the right hand of the throne, of the majesty in heavens, a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected and not man. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D For every high priest is appointed, offer both gifts and sacrifices. Therefore, it is necessary that the one also having something to offer. For if he was on earth if Jesus was on earth, he would not be a priest, since there are priests who offer according to law that's right. SPEAKER B The liberal priesthood. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Jesus came from the tribe of Judah, who served but here's what it says in verse five. Who served the copy and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make a tabernacle. For he said, See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain. And then it continues on about the New Covenant. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D Where he wants to write the law, because the covenant is based on law on our mind and hearts. So that brings us to the mission of this last day church is to god raised up the Adventist Church to give the Three Angels message of Revelation, chapter 14 to the world. That is the mission of the Adventist Church that's right. To prophesy again. And these messages are to warn the world of Christ's soon return and give important biblical insights necessary to be ready for that great event. And the Gospel of Deliverance from sin is at the heart of each of these three messages. It's the everlasting gospel. And also it is only as one understands and experiences the baptism of the Holy Spirit and righteous by faith that the full Gospel of deliverance can be experienced, the latter reign can be received, and individuals can prepare for Christ's second coming. Hence, the Seven Day Vendors movement has been a call to give this last warning to the world, proclaiming the Gospel of deliverance in order to fulfill the mission of warning, preparing the world for Christ's second coming. See, Jesus came to save us from our sins. It's the Gospel of Deliverance. He paid the penalty for our sins and also wants to remove and take our sins away from us. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D And then blot them out. According to Peter in Acts chapter three, he says the sins will be blotted out when the times of refreshing come, which is the latter reign. So by the late 18 hundreds, it seemed the Adventist Church had lost sight of what it was to be the heart and soul of a message. Therefore, God sought to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ back to his church in 1888. And there was a significant event that happened in 1888, which was the General conference at Minnesota minneapolis. Yes, Minneapolis. SPEAKER C Sorry. SPEAKER D Yeah. And he used two men called Jones and Wagner. And this truth was necessary for the church to understand experience in order to fulfill her God given purpose and mission, to proclaim the three angels'messages in context of the gospel of deliverance from sin, because the cleansing of the sanctuary is the removal deliverance from sin, isn't it? It's the removal and blotting out of sin that's dead. SPEAKER C Right? SPEAKER D And Ellen White, who had the gift of prophecy, understood this when she wrote about what happened from 1844 to 1888. She said, many had lost sight of Jesus. They needed to have their eyes directed to his divine Person, his merits and his changeless love for the human family. All power is given unto his hands, that he may dispense rich gifts unto men, imparting the priceless gift of his own righteousness to the helpless human agent. And that's found in Testimonies to Ministers, page 91 to 92. And she wrote that in 1895. So he's saying that they'd lost focus about Jesus wanting to impart his righteousness, not only impute it, but impart it. And what happened is the seven day Venice movement had become so doctrine focused that Jesus had been lost in our experience and teaching our religion had become somewhat legalistic, which is the sure result of losing sight of Jesus in one's life. And the Church needed to once again understand the work of the Holy Spirit and righteous by faith. And I believe God used Jones and Wagner for this purpose. SPEAKER B You can even see in the way sometimes people look at the prophecies and there's nothing wrong with it per se. But if the focus is slightly wrong, then you're obviously not getting the full message. Daniel, chapter two is not just so much about Nebuchadnezzar and his kingdom and the success of kingdoms, it's about the final kingdom. The everlasting kingdom of God will set up that stone cut out without hands that then fools the whole earth. Daniel chapter seven, which is the same time period in that prophecy, is also about the judgment that God sets up to set up that everlasting dominion given to Christ and those everlasting subjects that make up his kingdom, and also the process by which the powers of earth are destroyed, including the power of the little horn. That is the focus. It's Christ's kingdom, it's his work of setting that kingdom up. And of course, the Daniel chapter eight and verse 14. Well, Christ as our High Priest is the one that cleanses the sanctuary. So the focus is on Christ again. SPEAKER D Cleansing us from sin. SPEAKER B Cleansing us from sin. So the whole focus is actually on Christ and his work and his ministry and his kingdom. It's not so much about what the things that happen here on earth, although they're important for us to understand, because God works with those sequence of events. But ultimately it's about Christ, his work now and also his kingdom to come. SPEAKER D That's right, because it talks about in Daniel, doesn't it? About the anointed one being cut off for the transgression of his people. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D That was Christ came to pay the penalty for our sins and to live a righteous life that he now wants to not only impute to us, but to impart to us so that we're justified and sanctified. And so the message of righteous by faith comes through loud and clear as one reads the writings, their writings of Wagner and Jones following 1888, this conference they had ellen White also often wrote on the subject, and God used the 18 eight message to uplift Christ as never before to our denomination. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D And Ellen White emphatically supported the teaching on this subject. And I just love this quote. This is what she said the whole message of 1888 and righteous by faith was about. She says, the Lord in his great mercy sent a most precious message to his people through elders, e. J. Wagner and at Jones. This message was to bring more prominently before the world, the uplifted Savior, the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. It presented justification through faith in the surety. We can have faith in the surety that Christ has died and paid the penalty for our sins. And when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and repent of our sins, those sins are covered and paid for, and we have eternal life and grace given to us. But she goes on and says it presented justification through faith in the surety. It invited the people to receive the righteousness of Christ, which is made manifest in obedience to all the commandments of God. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D And you can see that being linked back to Revelations chapter 14, because the purpose of Revelation 14 is to call God's people to present the everlasting gospel, which is what Jesus has done for us in paying the penalty. For our sins and also what he wants to do through us in restoring us back into the image of God and wanting to write his law on our mind and our hearts. And Christ wanting to live out his life in and through us. So we can see there that it'll be made manifest in obedience to all the commandments of God. And if you read at the end of Revelation chapter 14, verse six or twelve, it tells of the people giving this message. The result of giving this message is to lead us back to obedience to God's commandments. SPEAKER B Absolutely. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER B So the Everlasting Gospel's work, including the warning, is a people who actually stand before God, faithful to him, and loving God the Father. Like Jesus loved his Father, and their fellow man, like Jesus loved his fellow man, which is really the fulfillment of the law. They have the agape love restored to them through the indwelling, the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D That's right. The law is written on their mind and heart, new motives, new desires, and a new nature. SPEAKER B The flesh doesn't change, but they are now partakers of the divine nature through the indwelling Christ, which comes by the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D That's right. And so Ellen White clearly pointed out that the reception of the message of this righteous by faith message presented in 1888 would usher in the loud cry which were called the latter reign of the Spirit, and would hasten Christ's glorious return. And Ellen White wrote back in 1888, she said that this is the message that God commanded to be given to the world. It is the third angel's message found in Revelation chapter 14, verse six to twelve, which is to be proclaimed with a loud voice. That means it's to go to the world. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D In a loud voice and attended with the outpouring of His Spirit in large measure according to what's called the latter reign. And she goes on to declare that the message of righteous by faith is the message to proclaimed with a loud voice, a loud cry. As the latter reign of the Holy Spirit is poured out, as this amazing message of Christ and his righteous began to be proclaimed, ellen White believed that the loud cry of the third angel had begun, although she wrote, the time of test is just upon us, for the loud cry of the third angel has already begun. In the revelation of the righteousness of Christ, the sin pardoning redeemer. This is the beginning of the light of the angel, whose glory shall fill the whole earth. And so this is an amazing message that God's people have been given to take to the world. And so did you notice that Ellen White clearly associated the Holy Spirit with the message yes. Of righteous by faith. That what Jones and Wagner taught. And the work of the Holy Spirit is immeasurably great. This is what she says in the Review and Herald, november 29, 1892. She said, is from the source that power and efficiency come to the worker for God, and the Holy Spirit is the comforter as the personal presence of Christ to the soul. And so here she equates receiving the Holy Spirit with receiving the personal presence of Christ in the soul. And this happens through experiencing the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit? SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D And it's only as Christ lives in the soul that his righteousness can be manifest in our lives. Hence the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the message of righteous by faith are inseparably linked together. Because if you read John, chapter 14, jesus says, I will come to you and the Father and dwell not only be with you, will be in you through the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D And as Jesus lives in and through us, he will seek to keep the commandments of God. SPEAKER C Absolutely. SPEAKER D Through us he will seek to do it. SPEAKER C Yeah. SPEAKER B It's interesting that the first angel's message says, fear God and give glory to Him, for the Arabic judgment has gone so that giving glory is actually the glory of God's character. SPEAKER D They're reflecting God's glory. SPEAKER C Yeah. SPEAKER B Reflected to the world. So not only in word, but also in action. SPEAKER D That's true. Because Ellen White goes on and explains that the baptism of the Holy Spirit or infilling the Holy Spirit with the earth being enlightened with the glory of God is linked to Revelations 18, verse one, which is when God's glory lights up this earth and God's glory is his character. When you read Exodus, Moses said to God, show me your glory. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D And God said, yeah, I'll show my glory. And he revealed his character. He said, I'm Merciful Gracious. And he goes on, and then he gives him his law. They're all linked. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D And so Ellen White links the baptism Holy Spirit lightning with the glory of God in Revelation 18, verse one. And so let's just read that says. SPEAKER B After these things, I saw another angel coming down from heaven having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. So this is the glory of God that's now illuminating the earth. And he cried mightily with a loud voice and said, babylon, the greatest fallen has fallen and has become the dwelling place of demons and the prison of every foul spirit in the cage of every unclean and hated bird. SPEAKER D So here we keep going because he says something really, really important after that. SPEAKER B It says, for all nations have drunk of the wine, of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury. And I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins unless you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven and God has remembered her iniquities. SPEAKER D So here we have a repeat of the second and third angel's message in Revelation 14, but with power. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D That goes to the whole world. And it's a call for God's people who are in Babylon. Babylon means confusion, who are part of believing in confusion to come out of her and don't partake in her sins. And it's a callback to worship God, to keep the commandments of God absolutely. To have the faith of Jesus. In contrast in Revelations 14, where those who follow the beast receive what's called the mark of the beast, and those who receive the mark of the beast receive the seven last plagues, which is what Revelation 18 one to verse five was repeating. And so they're lost. So this is a call for God's people in Babylon to come out, be part of this remnant church, to keep the commandments of God, worship him, including the 7th day Sabbath that's right. And to have the faith of Jesus. And so this call calls many people out of Babylon. And we see the earth lightened with the glory of God. We'll see a work similar to that which was wrought when the disciples filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost proclaimed the power of a risen savior. And just as the disciples were empowered to do Christ's work by receiving the baptism or infilling of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, so also God's last day remnant people will need to be filled in order to proclaim the third angel's message of Revelation chapter 14 in context of righteous by faith in power. The early reign baptism of the Holy Spirit must be received, though in order to benefit from the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER D And that's the process of being transformed into the image of Christ, which we can find in two Corinthians, chapter three, verse 18. SPEAKER C Yeah. SPEAKER B By beholding we are to become changed, aren't we, into the same image from glory to glory. So glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord God's glory his character. SPEAKER D So we're changed into God's character by glory by the Spirit. So it's a process. Don't be sort of down and out on yourself if you're not there yet. We're all on a process of being transformed. And when this time comes, the latter reign will be poured out on those who have gone on this journey with Jesus. And what will happen is they will bring the message of righteous by faith to his people in his fullness. So the grace of the Holy Spirit has been offered you. This is what Ellen White says. I just love this in Testimonies to ministers. Do you want to read that? SPEAKER B Is that page 97? SPEAKER D Yeah, testimony to Ministers page 97. SPEAKER B It says the grace of the Holy Spirit has been offered to you again and again. Light and power from on high has been shed abundantly in the midst of you. SPEAKER D So she's saying that God keeps on bringing the message that we need the baptism of the Holy Spirit again and again, but it seems to be ignored. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D And glorious would have been the result if the Spirit had been received in fullness and the message of righteous by faith had accepted by God's people following 1888 message. Yeah, we know. The third angel's message would have been given in the power of the latter ain't of the Spirit. Christ would have been perfectly reflected in the lives of his people. The loud cry of the three angels message would have gone out to the world in Revelation 18 one, the latter aim of the Spirit would have completed God's work and Christ would have come. And it's also important to note that Jones and Wagner often wrote of the work of the Holy Spirit for it is through the baptism of the Holy Spirit that victory over sin can happen to the fullest degree, since this is the means God has provided for Christ to live in his people. Remember Christ in sin out. SPEAKER C Yes, amen. SPEAKER D That's right. So when one studies the Ellen White's writings and the spirit of prophecy, it will be seen that her most powerful statements about the work of the Holy Spirit. And the baptism of the Holy Spirit were written from about 1888 onwards. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D Quite interesting, isn't it? And over 127 times she talks about we need the baptism or the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit of Christ in us, the hope of glory. So I believe that God sought to bring the seven day Venice movement to clearly understood and experience the baptism, Holy Spirit and righteous by faith. And as we've seen, this was necessary for the Church to fulfill her God given mission. And that's how it would have been in 1888. But sad to say at Ian, that's not what happened. SPEAKER C No. SPEAKER D Ellen White began realizing that the message was not being received as God intended, and she expressed her great concern. And you want to read what she said about the rejection of the 18 eight message of the Baptist and the Holy Spirit unrighteous by faith. SPEAKER B And she says, neglect this great salvation kept before you for years, despise his glory offer of justification through the blood of Christ and sanctification through the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit. And there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation. SPEAKER D So there she says this offer of justification that we can be justified through the blood of Jesus Christ. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D And not only that, we can be sanctified through the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D And it was a serious mistake for our movement to not take hold of God's sent message to the fullest extent. And concerning this, she again wrote again, do you want to read that in letters 90 618, 96? SPEAKER C Okay. SPEAKER B Says, an unwillingness to yield a preconceived opinions and to accept this truth lay at the foundation of a large share of the opposition manifested at Minneapolis against the Lord's messengers given through brethren Wagner and Jones. The light that is to lighten the whole earth with its glory was resisted and by the action of our own brethren has been in a great degree kept away from the world. SPEAKER D So really, our people back in 18 eight rejected the message. And just like Israel, remember, God wanted to lead Israel straight into the promised land. Yes, but because of their lack of faith and God saying he was able to do what he was able to do, they did not enter. And how long did they have to wait? SPEAKER B Well, it was another 40 years, wasn't it? SPEAKER D Another 40 years. And interesting, I've done a bit of a research in the history of this that in 1888, if you go back another 40 go forward another 40 years, that brings you to 1928. And I read back what was happening in the history around the movement in 1928. Well, you had World War II. World War II was on the horizon. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D You had the Great Stock Market crash of 1929. You had natural disasters happening around the world here's the winds of revelation, chapter seven, being released, the winds of strife upon the earth. God's releasing the winds and he's bringing the message of righteous by faith. Again. People like AG Daniels wrote a beautiful book, and I recommend it called Christ Our Righteousness. SPEAKER B Yes, that was 1926 or something he was reading. SPEAKER D Yes, wrote that book. And also you have Leroy Froome at the time wrote a wonderful book called The Coming of Our Comforter, all about our need of the baptism, the Holy Spirit back in around the same time, around the late 1920s, early 30s. So we see God bringing that message again, the baptism, righteous by faith, which gives us, prepares us to take the loud cry, this three angels message to the world in power. And again, if you go another 40 years, because it didn't happen back then either. SPEAKER C It didn't. Yeah. SPEAKER D So God holds back those winds. You go back another 40 years, you see that in the there were things happening in the world. We had the Cuban crisis. We had the Cold war of Russia and USA. The world was nearly on the brink of a World War Three. You see the oil crisis of the 70s, stock market crashes happening. You see there were natural disasters happening again more frequently, God's releasing those winds. And Revelations, chapter seven, verse one. And again, God raises up different people to write on righteous by faith and the baptism Holy Spirit. Yes, to his people, but again, they didn't receive it. And you go another 40 years. If you go another 40 years, that takes us to 2008, right? Again, we had that stock market crash of 2007, 2008. Yes, we have again, the world having natural disasters again. Here we are again today, natural disasters happening around the world frequently, increasingly, hurricanes and fires. SPEAKER B We see that there's tornadoes and earthquakes everywhere. SPEAKER D And then you're seeing also there's friction in the nations between Russia and China and North Korea and the USA, and there's a lot of friction in the Middle East and a lot of Iran happening today. And you see all the world is getting more wicked. And you see again, this message being brought back to his people through many different people are writing on we need the baptism Holy Spirit. People like Dennis Smith through the 40 days people like Helmet Hallbill with these steps to personal revival being filled the Holy spirit. Mark Finley ten days in the upper room. Many books on righteous by faith. And so God's bringing back the message of righteous by faith and our need of the baptism, the Holy Spirit of Christ in us, the hope of glory in preparation from the latter reign to give that loud crowd interesting. SPEAKER C Eddie. SPEAKER D And as I move around the world, I've been to many countries, I'm seeing God's people receive this message. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D I mean, the book Steps to Personal Revival, 600,000 copies have been distributed in the last few years in like over 23. Languages. SPEAKER C Wow. SPEAKER D And every day thousands more are going out. The 40 Days by Dennis Smith to prepare for the second coming that he writes about righteous by faith and the baptism Holy Spirit, over hundreds and hundreds of thousand copies going worldwide. And here we are today on the radio preaching the message of the righteous by faith and baptism Holy Spirit through three ABN radio. So God is working through many places around the world, and the really good thing is I'm seeing many of God's people are accepting the message and people are praying and repenting and praying for the daily baptism Holy Spirit of Christ in the hope of glory. Many people are asking Jesus to have the victory over sin, to impart his righteousness. So I'm praying that we're not going back into the wilderness. SPEAKER B Etienne, I agree with you. I think we've been here long enough, but we always say we're waiting for the Lord. But is it possible that the Lord could be waiting for us, I believe, to receive this message, the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, his imputed and imparted righteousness? Because, I mean, it's clear from the Bible through Christ, through that one sacrifice for his life of perfect obedience, we have been both justified and sanctified. Matter of fact, when Christ was raised and glorified, we were glorified with him as well. And we read that in the Book of Ephesians, chapter one and two, that we can sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. It is a truth that is simply waiting for God's people to accept it, and then he will come to claim them as his own. Well, that's been a fascinating study through the book of Daniel and Revelation and also looking at some of our history in how God has been wanting to present this message to the world. And that the devil, the opposition party, has done its utmost to actually retard and restrain this message from going to the world. But God is now moving on his people. And we believe if the people would only embrace this truth and proclaim it and live it, having Christ within their hope of glory, the whole world will soon be warned to hear this message and Christ would soon return. So, dear listener, we're just going to break and share our contact details with you and we'll come back with some closing remark right after this. Thank you for joining us on You Shall Receive Power. If you would like more information about today's program or if you have any questions, please contact 3ABN Australia Radio by Phoning 024-973-3456. Or you can send an email to [email protected]. You can also contact us on our 3ABN Australia radio Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you SPEAKER B Dear listener, welcome back as we just wrap up this program regarding the identity, mission and message of God's people and the message that they are to take to the world to illuminate or light the whole world with the glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, Colin, we just got a couple of minutes left just to wrap this all up. What are your thoughts? SPEAKER D Well, 25 years ago, I joined this movement when I studied the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation and realized that this movement is to take the last message to the world. It's a message of hope. It's a warning message. It's a message to let the world that judgment has begun according to the prophetic timeline in Daniel, chapter two, seven, eight and nine. And the message is take the three angels message, the Everlasting Gospel to the world. It's called a worship god. It's a callback to worship God and keep the commandments of God. It's to uplift Jesus as our righteousness and as our Lord and Savior. And it's a message of righteous by faith where Jesus wants to impart his righteousness, which is made manifest in obedience to God's commandments of God. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D And it's a message that regarding being filled with the Holy Spirit to fulfill the message, being daily baptized with the Holy Spirit in preparation for the latter reign of the Holy Spirit, which is the final message to go to the world. And I just pray that people, as they study this, they will join this movement and give this message and be filled with the Holy Spirit and take this message to the world so Jesus can come home. Take us home. SPEAKER B And dear listener, one of the things that can probably be one of the biggest enemy and it's a stealthy enemy, is just an indifference and a little regard for this message, which is a message of love that God has sent us in warning to prepare for Jesus Christ's soon return. I'm reminded of a message that came from the Second World War by a guy called Martin Nimola. And he pretty much writes, he says, first they came for the socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. And then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. Now, God at the moment is speaking to your hearts. SPEAKER C God. SPEAKER B God has sent people out in the world to proclaim the Everlasting Gospel. He wants you to join that message. But complacency and indifference will actually not help at all in the time, especially in the times in which we live leading up to the great crisis, the greatest crisis that the world has ever seen. God is wanting to prepare a people now who have an experimental knowledge of faith that when their cris come, even when things are very difficult, they are able to rely on God because they've learned to rely on Him. Prior to that. So do you listen? And we pray that God would bless you and keep you until we meet again at our next program. God bless. SPEAKER D You have been listening to a production of three ABN, Australia radio.

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