The Omega Apostasy and Christ's Victory

Episode 2 May 19, 2018 00:58:45
The Omega Apostasy and Christ's Victory
You Shall Receive Power
The Omega Apostasy and Christ's Victory

May 19 2018 | 00:58:45


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Discussion from the book "Omega Apostasy and Laodicea", by Pastor Dennis Smith.

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SPEAKER B Jesus promised his disciples in Acts One eight, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all here and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Welcome to. You shall receive power. And here are your hosts, Ettienne McClintock and Colin Hone. SPEAKER C Dear listener, welcome to the program. It's always good to have your company and Colin and myself are pleased that you've joined us again today. We're continuing our series which is based on the book of Pastor Dennis Smith 50 Days Prayers and Devotionals to prepare for the lateral rain and Christ's return. Now, just before we start, we just invite you to bow your heads with us as we ask God's blessing on our study today. Dear Father in heaven, thank you for the privilege of prayer. Thank you for the privilege of Bible study. We can communicate with you father, we have access through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, right into your presence. And Father, you communicate to us through your Spirit as the Bible gets unfolded to us. And today we just pray for that two way communication. We ask you to bless us, baptize us afresh, and also the person listening this day with your Holy Spirit is our prayer in Jesus name, amen. So, Colin, last time we were talking a little bit about the Laticean message. Perhaps you can just give us a little synopsis of what we discussed and what is lying ahead for today's program. SPEAKER D It's great to be here. Ettienne. Yeah. We did an overview of the Laodicean message. This is a message that Jesus spoke through John Revelator. And it's the message to the last church that is living just before Jesus comes. SPEAKER C Okay, so it's an important message for the times in which we live because we believe we are that last day church. SPEAKER D That's right. And in Revelations chapter three, it says, and unto the angel of the church of the latticeans write these things said the Amen, the faithful and true witness. This is Jesus speaking, the beginning of creation of God. I know thy works, that thou are neither cold nor hot. I would rather you cold or hot because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot. I will spew you out of my mouth. So this is pretty serious stuff because you say I'm rich and increase with goods and have need of nothing and no, it's not that. Our wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. It's not talking about rich, as far as money. It's talking about spiritually. We think we're okay. And he know you're poor, blind, miserable and naked. And he goes, then Jesus says, I counsel thee to buy me of gold tried in the fire that thou may be rich and white raiment that thou may be clothed and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear. And anoint thy eyes with. Thou must see it. And then he continues on as many as I love, I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and repent. And then it has this picture of Jesus standing at the door knocking, saying if anyone hears my voice and opens that door, I will come in and eat with him and he eat with me. And then he says to him that overcometh, I will grant to sit with me in my throne even as I also overcome and sat down with my Father in his throne. And so here he hears Jesus giving know it's a warning message, but it's also a message of hope. Of course he's saying, let me in, let me in. SPEAKER C It's a solution to a problem. But the thing is, the people who the solutions given to don't realize there's a problem because it says they do not know that they're wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. Now Colin, we're talking about Christian people here. We're talking about people who do not believe. SPEAKER D Well, this message is to the Church, okay? SPEAKER C So we're talking to Christians. And the thing that startled me is it possible that I can be calling myself a Christian and Jesus can be outside knocking to come in? Jesus is not inside. SPEAKER D Well, that's what this text is alluding to. It's saying that Jesus knocking is trying to come into our hearts that the Laodicee in the Last Day Church thinks they're mean. And so the first step of coming out of Laodicee is really realizing hey, I'm not okay, I need Jesus in my life daily. I need him to come into my heart. And then I need the things that he's offering me. I need the eye salve, I need the gold, I need the robe of righteousness, I need these things. But if you think you don't need anything, then there's no solution, is there? SPEAKER C Well, there's no solution and you've got no need to open the door because you said I'm rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing. So the fact that you need of nothing means there's self sufficiency there. And when someone's knocking on the door, we go, well, look, I've got everything in here, why would I open the door for something else? But the whole startling aspect of this message is that Jesus is saying I'm outside, open the door so I can come in, so we can dine together. SPEAKER D That's right. And we finish off with this wonderful quote by a Christian author, Ellen White. She wrote this we thank God that there are souls who realize that they are in need of something which they do not possess. So the first step is realizing that we need something. We need something more. She goes on to say, the gold of faith and love. So what's the gold? Faith. SPEAKER C Faith and love? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D We need the faith of Jesus. The love of Jesus. SPEAKER C Paul talks about the things that actually do avail is faith working by love. And that's Galatians, chapter five and verse six. SPEAKER D She goes on to say, we need the white raiment of Christ's righteousness. We need Christ's righteousness. We not only need his justifying righteousness, we need his sanctifying righteous. Or some people would use imputed and imparted righteousness. He says, we need the self of spiritual discernment. We need to know our true condition. So we need the Holy Spirit. And she says, if you possess these precious gifts, the temple of the human soul will not be like a desecrated shrine. And so really, the latest message enables those who receive it not to have a desecrated shrine. In other words, a desecrated shrine is a soul temple living in sin. Their lives will be one of victory over sin through Christ and his righteousness. I really want to make that point through Christ and his righteousness, not through our own efforts. SPEAKER C Our efforts are not meritorious. It's the merits of Christ that save that's right. SPEAKER E Yes. Amen. SPEAKER D That's right. And so those who receive this message reject what we call the amiga apostate teaching, all right, which Ellen White spoke about back about 100 years ago. Over 100 years ago, she says that the Church had received this message that the three angels message would have went to the world and Christ would have come. But she says the Church rejected this message. And so she says towards the end, before Jesus comes, there's going to be what's called an Omega prophecy. And the Omega's prophecy teaching is that victory over sin and obeying God's commandments is impossible. I mean, you hear that all the time. And when we think about, you know, when we look to ourselves, it does seem impossible with us from a human perspective or point of view, doesn't it? It seems impossible. SPEAKER C Yes, it does. SPEAKER D But what did Jesus say about being all things possible? SPEAKER C Well, look, the thing is when you look at Jesus'message, there are times when he set the standard so high that his disciples said, well, if that is the case, who then can be know? We talk about the rich young ruler and he's saying, well then he says, with men this is impossible. With God, all things are possible. So really it comes down to understanding that we cannot do it ourselves. Matter of fact, the good thing for us to do is to understand very quickly we can't do it. So then give up, but surrender. Give over to the Lord, because he's able to do it. And the second aspect is it is by faith. It's through faith. Not that faith has merit, but simply faith takes hold of the merits of Christ. And faith actually is believing that God will do exactly what he said he would do. SPEAKER D So believing in the promises of God. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D And what did Jesus say there? Because the disciple says, well, this is impossible then from our point of view, from a human point of view, it can't be done. It seems like it's impossible that's right. To keep God's commandments and have complete victory over sin. It does, doesn't it? And so, therefore, because we think it's impossible, we think therefore it must be impossible for God. What is that really showing? A lack of what? SPEAKER E Faith? SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C Lack of faith. Without faith, it's impossible to please God. So God wants us to exercise faith and believe Him. SPEAKER D Adam crossing the Red Sea, did that seem impossible? SPEAKER C Of course. Between a rock and a hard place, they were between two mountains and the sea was in front of them and of course, the Egyptian army was behind them. They wanted to come and kill them. SPEAKER D So could the Israelites actually part the Red Sea and go through it by their own power? SPEAKER C Couldn't do it. SPEAKER D They couldn't do but so who did it, though? SPEAKER C God. Jesus did. So he worked through most we could. SPEAKER D Go through example after example. Through the yeah. What did Jesus say? He says, with all things with us is impossible, with God, all things are possible, isn't it? SPEAKER C Well, this is the there's the first three gospels. So Matthew, Mark and Luke, all three record this story about the rich young ruler and where those who heard it said, who then can be saved? And then Jesus says so this is in Matthew, chapter 19, verse 26. Mark, chapter ten, verse 26. And then also in Luke, chapter 18, verse 26 and 27, it says, then God or Jesus says, the things which are impossible with men are possible with. SPEAKER D God, so it's possible with God. And all we've got to really do is just have faith and belief and put ourselves in a position. All right. In other words, we surrender and ask God to do what we cannot do. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D I mean, really, that's really it, isn't it? SPEAKER E That is it. SPEAKER D But many people, including Christians today say, well, you know what? If I can't do it, it's impossible. And so what they're really saying is, God, you can't do this. My sinful nature is stronger than your power. SPEAKER C When you boil it down. That's what they're saying. That's right. SPEAKER D That's right. So we're going to talk about this latest in message, which actually describes a sequence of experience. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D However, I believe it's a reverse sequence. Step number one in Revelation, chapter three, verse 20 is, we must let Jesus in. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D Which happens when we receive the eye salve of the Spirit by experiencing the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit. Because the daily baptism, Holy Spirit is the daily letting Christ live out his life in and through us, through the Holy Spirit. It's asking for Christ in us, the hope of glory. Every day, Christ, come into my heart and live out your life in and through me. And if Jesus is living in me and living in you, then he will seek to what? Obey and keep his father's commandments. Yes, that's right. So that's the first step. It's through the Spirit filled experience that Christ lives more fully in the believer. And it reads says that in John chapter 14, verse 16 to 18, doesn't it? It says there, where Jesus says, I will not leave you as orphans. I will come and I will be with not the Holy Spirit will not only be with you, but will be in you. It says, the Father and the Son will come and dwell in you. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C John 1423. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D That's right. And through Jesus living in us, he will be able to manifest his justifying and sanctifying righteousness, which is white raiment in and through us. And which is Colossians 127. And Colossians 127 says it's the message where it says, talks about the mystery of God. The mystery of God, which is Christ in you. You interesting. That's the last work. It says in Revelation, chapter ten, verse seven, where Jesus says, the last work of God is the mystery of God. Just before the 7th trumpet blows, we complete it. Yeah, we completed just before Jesus comes. It says, before the 7th trumpet, which is when Jesus comes. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D It says, the mystery of God will be finished and the mystery of God is Christ in you. Which will ultimately lead to the believer experience, the perfect character of Christ, which is the gold of faith and love. Yes, which is the faith of Jesus. Remember in Revelation chapter 14, verses six to twelve, there's this warning message. It's the first, second and third angel's message. But what is the ultimate goal of that message? To say, here are they just the. SPEAKER C Patience of the saints. Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. SPEAKER D Have the faith of Jesus. The faith which is the faith and love of God. SPEAKER E Yeah. Amen. SPEAKER D Of which the Ten Commandments are a transcript the Ten Commandments are a transcript of Christ and Father's character. SPEAKER C That's right. And that love which reflects the character of God is really what the constitution of God's kingdom is based on. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C It's self sacrificing, unselfish love. SPEAKER D That's right. Which can only come from Jesus because it says the Holy Spirit in Romans chapter five, pours out love onto our hearts. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D It's agape God's love on our hearts. SPEAKER C And it all comes back to relationship. I mean, the whole reason why Jesus is knocking outside the door of Laodicea is because he wants to come in and dine with us. He wants to SUP with us, and it's all about relationship. He wants that love in our hearts as much as he loves us, he wants us to love Him back. But there's a barrier, and that door is the barrier. We've got to open that door. And really, the door represents unbelief and the door actually represents self sufficiency. The things that we do not know. SPEAKER D About ourselves or even like self delusion that I'm okay. SPEAKER C Self delusion. SPEAKER D Yeah, that's a good I'm okay. I'm okay. SPEAKER E Hmm. SPEAKER D I've got everything I need. SPEAKER C Well, if we measure ourselves amongst ourselves, I guess we can come to that conclusion. But when we look at Christ, we'll see our own sinfulness even if we have already come to the law. Because Jesus is perfect and we know by nature we are imperfect. SPEAKER D That's right. So we've sort of looked, we talked in our last program about a brief overview of the latest scene warning message, its contents and the results of receiving or rejecting it. Rejecting it. You'll be spewed out of God's mouth that's basically you'll be lost. So in the following programs we want to present greater detail of the various elements of that message. Yes, we want to really unpack the gold, the faith and the gold and the white raiment and the salve. So we're going to unpack that in the following programs which is important for God's people to understand in order to receive the message and come out of Laodicea. I think always say the first step of coming out of Laodicea is to realize that you are in Laodicea. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Lukewarm that you are lukewarm that you need these things. And so we want to come out of Laodicea and experience the victory over sin the gospel offers. The gospel is a gospel of power, pardon and power and be ready for Christ's return. So we're going to talk about today, it's a pretty intense topic. It's called the omega apostasy. SPEAKER E Right? SPEAKER D And so we're going to unpack a little bit of that from God's word and the spirit of prophecy and so we can know what the omega apostasy is, so we can be aware of it. And then we're going to look at the following programs of how to come out of it and what those different elements in the Bible to the message of laticea is great. SPEAKER C So when we say amiga apostasy, we've spoken previously about the alpha of apostasy and the word alpha and amiga just means the A and the z of the Greek alphabet, basically. So it's the first apostasy. Now we're talking about the last apostasy or the great delusion that was to come upon the whole world. But the delusion ultimately is most successful if Satan can have that imposed on God's people so that they do not do the work and don't understand the message and don't have that relationship with the Lord that prepares them for Jesus. SPEAKER D Christ secondary to that's coming. Ultimately they'd stay in Laodicea, they stay lukewarm. Or as the Bible connects it to the foolish virgins spoken off in Matthew chapter 25, you have the wise and foolish virgins. The difference was between them that the wise had oil, had more oil and they had oil in their vessels, which was character transformation. SPEAKER C They had oil to take them through the challenge that was lying ahead. SPEAKER D Time of trouble. SPEAKER C Time of trouble. And the other thing was also interesting to note that both the wise and the foolish were actually sleeping. SPEAKER D That's right. But something comes along, and I was. SPEAKER C Thinking about this this morning. SPEAKER D Actually, when I was praying this morning, I was thinking, something comes along, some crisis is going to come along, and it's going to wake everyone up. And we go, oh my gosh, we are here. We're finally here. And the wise virgins, even though they've been awakened, they're asleep, but they're ready. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C It's interesting that the cry comes at midnight that wakes them up. And typically at midnight you're fast asleep. Yes, most people are anyway. And you are startled if you've woken up. You're sleeping in the middle of the night and there's a big noise or a big bang or maybe you've listened a thunderstorm. All of a sudden there's lightning beside you. I've woken up and your heart's beating because of this big noise. All of a sudden. This is the kind of startling thing that happens to the church to say that Christ is coming because it's at midnight, that this cry comes, some crisis. SPEAKER D That really just wakes everyone up. And it's something the whole world jesus. SPEAKER C Is on his way. The bride room is about to come. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D So Satan knows what the Apostle Paul wrote about being victorious over sin in Romans, chapter six, verse one to 18. What did he write about being victorious over sin? SPEAKER C Okay, so this is Romans, chapter six, starting in verse one, what shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Now, the reason he's asking this question because he just said in verse 20 of Romans, chapter five, he says, moreover, the law entered that the offense may abound, but where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. So he's now contrasting that super abounding grace, which is, there's more grace than there is sin. He's saying, Then what shall we do then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound so grace can keep on super abounding? SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C And he says, Certainly not. And I like the way the King James puts it. This is new King James I'm reading from it says, God forbid, how shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? SPEAKER D So there's a question there, isn't there? Right. How shall we who died to sin any longer live in it? In other words, the question we really want to ask us is, have we died to sin? SPEAKER C Yeah, that is a good question. If you have, you no longer live in it. That's basically what that question is occurring, isn't it? SPEAKER D That's right. Continue on. SPEAKER C Okay. And then it says verse three, or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? SPEAKER D So how did Jesus die? SPEAKER C He was crucified. SPEAKER D Didn't Paul say, I'm crucified with Christ? So it's not I that live, but Christ that liveth in me. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER C So baptism actually signifies being baptized into the death of Christ. So when you enter that water and you go under the water and you hold your breath, you stop breathing, go under the water, that represents death. SPEAKER D So you're dying. SPEAKER C You're dying. So this is symbolic of what's happened when Christ died. You died and you now publicly confess that you are reconciled, you are united to Christ's death. But the good news is you don't stay under the water, do you? SPEAKER D No. But you've died to self. You've died to sin. SPEAKER C That's right. Because of what Christ has done. SPEAKER E Amen. Amen. SPEAKER C So, verse four. Therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death. That just as Christ was raised from the dead, so this is now the good news. There's death, but there's now also resurrection from the dead. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C Just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even. So we should walk in newness of life. SPEAKER D So we're born again. SPEAKER E Born again. SPEAKER C That's right. So there's a death, but there's also resurrection. We walk in newness of life, but the resurrection takes place by the glory of the Father. And we've already discussed what the glory is god's righteousness, his character, his goodness, his mercy. So that's got to do with the resurrection. So death comes because of sin, and then resurrection comes because of glory and righteousness, so that we can walk in newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of his death, so in the likeness of Christ's death, we've united ourselves by faith. To that certainly we shall also be in the likeness of his resurrection. Knowing this. So in verse six, now, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him. Now, who's the old man, colin. What does that refer to? SPEAKER D Is that our sinful nature, our tendency to want to sin? SPEAKER C Absolutely. That is our natural inclination, our natural tendencies and everything that promoted sin in our life. Yes, our old man was crucified with him. SPEAKER D And that's the question. Was it crucified? Because I think even in my own life, when I look back at that, when I was baptized, was I really crucified with Christ? Had I really died to sin? Had I really died? And so this chapter really, really challenges us, it does, to say, are we really crucified with Christ? SPEAKER C I know when I was baptized I didn't understand this. And I unfortunately was buried alive because self didn't die. I was not crucified. SPEAKER D And the same thing with me, Eddie, and it was exactly the same thing when I was baptized. I didn't understand this to the depth of what it meant to be crucified with Christ. SPEAKER C So it says that the old man was crucified with him and for what purpose that the body of sin might be done away with. And why? That we should no longer be slaves of sin. SPEAKER D So the promise is, if we die according to crucified with christ that we'll no longer be slaves to sin. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D Because before that, we are slaves to sin, aren't we? We have a sinful nature and therefore can't help yourself. Can't help yourself. SPEAKER C All the good things you want to do, you can't do, and all the bad things you don't want to do, those are the things that you do. SPEAKER D Yeah. Romans, chapter seven. And so verse seven says, for he who has died has been freed from sin. SPEAKER C What a powerful statement. SPEAKER D So there it is, isn't it? If you've died right, if you've died spiritually in this baptism, this baptism, talking about crucified with Christ, you've been freed from sin. SPEAKER C And remember the last program we looked at, the Laodicean condition where they are wretched and miserable. The faithful true witness says they are wretched and miserable. We unpacked wretchedness, which comes out of chapter seven of Romans. But then also the miserable or the pitiable aspect, that's a word that's only used twice in the Bible, comes from one Corinthians 15, and it says that if Christ is not raised from the dead, you are still in your sins. And of all people, your faith is in vain and you are most pitiable or most miserable. So here we see that the resurrection also sets us free from sin, but also that death sets us free from sin. So in Romans, chapter six, the emphasis is actually on death, which is on justification. SPEAKER D So for he who has died in verse seven has been freed from sin. SPEAKER C Okay? SPEAKER D Verse eight. SPEAKER C Now, if we died with Christ, we believe we shall also live with Him, knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more, death no longer has dominion over him. So the fact that Christ has been raised, he's died once for sin, once for all. And dominion, the dominion of sin, the reign of sin no longer has any sway or any power over him. So that word dominion is very important because we're going to see the word dominion come up a little bit later. Again, death no longer has dominion over him. In other words, death can no longer touch Christ. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C Then it says for the death that he died, he died to sin once for all, but the life that he lives, he lives to God. Likewise you also so whatever has happened in Christ, likewise you also means that we also now, likewise by faith have to reconcile ourselves to the same things. SPEAKER D So he's saying, like when it died with Christ. SPEAKER C Yes, likewise you also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed sin, but alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord, therefore. SPEAKER D So the word therefore means because of all this that's gone before. That's right. SPEAKER C And I like it. One of the people I've enjoyed listening to preaching, he always says, when you see the word therefore, always ask, what is it therefore? And it usually refers to what preceded. SPEAKER D Statement, in other words, what we've just read before, therefore, what we've just read. SPEAKER C Therefore, do not let sin reign in your mortal bodies, that you should bear it in its lust. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin. Because we've been free, we've been freed through Christ's death. That's right. SPEAKER D So we don't have to be a slave to it anymore. SPEAKER C Amen. And also we've been free through it, through the resurrection of Christ. But present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness to God, for sin shall not have dominion over you. Now, we see that word dominion a second time. First of all, we were told that death will no longer have dominion over Christ. Why, he died for sins once, for all he's now raised, and what was required by the law has been fulfilled. Christ will not have to die a second time. He's got everlasting life. So in the same way that death doesn't have dominion over him. Now, it talks about dominion over us, but not about death so much as talking about sin, isn't it? It says, for sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace. SPEAKER D So what law are you talking about there? The law of sin. SPEAKER C Yeah, exactly. The law of sin and death. SPEAKER D The law of the law that the sin had over us. But under what? Under grace. There's the good news, isn't it? We're under grace now. It's great news. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER C Well, Colin, we're actually halfway through our program, so let's take a break and we'll be back right after these messages. SPEAKER F It's interesting and tragic. Jesus was about to be crucified, and the very people that he came to save didn't realize, or wouldn't realize, that the Creator, the Savior, was in their midst. When Jesus was born, a star guided the wise men to the manger. The sea obeyed his voice. When he calmed the wind and the waves, disease and death recognized his authority. And when he died on the cross, the sun seemed to recognize what was going on, and it refused to shine. The earth shook, the rocks came apart. Inanimate. Nature had known Jesus, but the priests and rulers didn't know the Son of God in their midst. Isaiah 40 512 says, I have made the earth and created man upon it. I even my hands have stretched out the heavens, and all their hosts have I commanded. The Maker of Creation is among us today. Be sure that you recognize him in your midst. I'm John Bradshaw, for it is written, let's live today by every word. SPEAKER C Dear listener, welcome back to You Shall Receive Power with Colin Hone and Etienne McClintock. And we are today studying the latest CN message. And at the moment we find ourselves in the beautiful book of Romans, and we are in chapter six. And just before the break, we read verse 14 where it says that. Sin shall not have dominion over you in the same way that death no longer has dominion over Christ. The word dominion just means authority or power over you. Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace. Now, when we talk about being under law, there's a number of things that we've got to keep in mind. It's actually a very broad term. It does talk about the law of sin and death, but it also talks about being under the works of the law. And what do I mean by that? Trying to make yourself righteous by your own merits. We are no longer under law. And also the other thing is under the condemnation of the law. Now, another book that's complementary to the book of Romans was also written by Paul. It is the book of Galatians. In Galatians, chapter four, verse four and five, says that Christ was made of a woman made under the law to redeem those under the law. So the redemption that comes through Christ for those who are under the condemnation of the law, or even trying by their own merits to save themselves, we have been set free by grace. Sin will not have dominion over us. We are not under law, not under our own works. We are under the works of God, under the merits of Jesus Christ. It is under that grace that we actually set free from the dominion of. SPEAKER D Because if we've broken the law, what is the penalty? SPEAKER E Death. SPEAKER D So we're not under that death. SPEAKER C We are not amen. SPEAKER D We're not under that condemnation. SPEAKER C We've reconciled ourselves to the death of Christ already. So we've already died. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C In fact, in Christ, everyone has to die. And if we die in Christ, we will not die the eternal death, because. SPEAKER D It says in John, it says the transgression of God's law. Sin is the transgression of God's law. That's the definition of sin, isn't it? SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D The transgression of God's law. And we've all sinned. The Bible says we've all sinned, so therefore we're all under the condemnation. The law says you've broken the law, therefore here's the penalty, here's death. Christ has freed us from that condemnation. That's what the grace and that's the good news of the Gospel of grace. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D So let's keep reading, because I want to read down to verse 23, because I think okay, so keep going, right. SPEAKER C It says, what then? Shall we sin because we are not under law, but under grace? SPEAKER D So what is sin is a transgression of God's law, continue to break God's law? That's the same question, isn't it? SPEAKER C Exactly. SPEAKER D I mean, in Romans I think in Romans, chapter three, he answers that way back in Romans, chapter three, when he says in verse 30 and 31, he says, since there is one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised by faith, that's talking about the Jews and the gentiles, right? SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D Do we then make void the law through faith? Paul says, no, certainly not. On the contrary, we establish the law. So he's not saying we do away with the law, which many, unfortunately, many Christians are saying the law's been done away with. The law of condemnation of sin. Yes, that's been done away with. And the ceremonial laws that all pointed to Jesus, like the killing of lambs and all the washings and all the different things that went on in the sanctuary, those type of things have been done as ceremonial things because Jesus was the anti type of all that. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D But let's keep going here, okay? SPEAKER C It says, then what? Then shall we sin because we are not under law, but under grace? Certainly not. Or, God forbid, do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey? You are that once slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness. SPEAKER D So you've got a choice there's a choice. It's death or under the righteousness of. SPEAKER C Christ, or you can be under the righteousness. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C So one leads to death because of sin and the other one leads to righteousness. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C And then verse 17, but God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin and that's every single one of us, yet you obeyed from the heart. Now, to obey from the heart, obviously, is a heart response. It's a love response. And that can only come by the drawing us to Him through the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D Well, the Holy Spirit actually convicts us of sin, doesn't it says that in John chapter 16, it convicts us of sin, righteous and judgment to come, and then leads us to the remedy for sin, which is to Jesus and the Cross. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER C Beautiful. Yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine, which means that form of teaching. So teaching is very important. You can't deemphasize teachings or the doctrines of the Bible to which you were delivered. And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. Then he explains what he's been talking about there. See, I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves of unrighteousness and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness. SPEAKER D So he wants us to be slaves of righteousness, which is right doing obeying God's law for holiness. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER C And the interesting thing it says there, it says that you've presented yourself as slaves of uncleanness and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness. Sin is progressive. Sin doesn't just step across the line and stop there. Sin keeps on walking further and further away from God more and more and closer to perdition. SPEAKER D It multiplies. SPEAKER C That's right. It's like an addiction. You need a fix more and more, and you need a greater fix every time. So sin is progressive like that, but God can actually save us from it. That's what this is saying. It's such a beautiful promise. SPEAKER D Let's go. So you were verse 20 for when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness, weren't you? SPEAKER C That's right. And then it says, and what fruit then did you have in the things of which you are now ashamed? So as I look back on my life, Colin, even after I became a Christian and even during my walk when I've been distracted from the Lord, when I haven't spent the time in prayer and study and that relationship with Jesus. I have thought thoughts, I've said things. I have done things of which I am ashamed. Not only while I was a Christian, but even prior to that. But Jesus promises that he's able to deliver us if we reconcile ourselves to his death. His death is our death, his resurrection is our resurrection. And we can walk in that newness. SPEAKER D Well, the good news is found there in one John, chapter one Nine, where it says if we confess our sins, yes, he that's Jesus is faithful to forgive our sins. So there's forgiveness offered and cleanse us from all unrighteous. There's power to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. SPEAKER C I'm so grateful for that cleansing, otherwise I'll be continuously ashamed because I'll be continuously falling. But Lord is able, based on what we know and understand from Scripture, to keep us from falling. He's promised that for verse 22 it says, okay. And just the last bit there says, for the end of those things is death. But verse 22, but now having been set free from sin, he couldn't get a clearer statement than that. Having been set free from sin and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness and the end everlasting life. SPEAKER D There's the ultimate promise because of this amen, is the promise of everlasting life. SPEAKER C And then one of these beautiful texts which most Christians actually have heard or know, and dear listener, I'm sure this will be special to you as well, because it's such a wonderful promise. It says, the wages of sin is death and praise God. The text doesn't stop there, but the gift of God, which means it cannot be earned, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. SPEAKER D That's great, great passage there. Great passage. I hope that really makes sense. We were slaves, but now we can be free. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D Because of Jesus and because of his for what he did for us. And so when we look at John in the Book of Revelations, he writes about the obedience of God's last day remnant people. Remnant means the remaining what's left over from the original. So you've got the early church. This is the last day church, which will be a remnant means it'll be like the early church. SPEAKER C Early church, yes. SPEAKER D And he knows that they'll be commandment keepers because as the Bible says in Revelations chapter twelve, verse 17 says and. SPEAKER C The dragon was enraged or wroth with the woman. SPEAKER D So who's the dragon first? SPEAKER C Okay, that's the devil of old. It's the serpent of old called the devil and Satan. SPEAKER D Yeah. So the Bible says that the dragon is Satan or the serpent or this is Lucifer, this is the devil himself, Satan. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C Well, what makes him so angry? He says he went to make war with who? With the rest of her offspring or the remnant of her seed. SPEAKER D So the woman, what's a woman represent in the Bible church represents a church, God's people, doesn't it? All right, so a church so makes war with a church that keep the commandments of God. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D And it says and the remnant of this woman. So the early church, right, Jesus, the disciples, the early church, they were obedient to the faith, they kept the commandments of God. So what happened this obviously Paul spoke, it says they were apostatized and they would go into the dark ages. But it says right at the end, just before Jesus comes, there will be a remnant or the offspring, there will. SPEAKER C Be a revival, there will be a reform revival and reformation. SPEAKER D It says they'll be keeping the commandments of God. And that's who Satan specifically it says here targets is making war on. SPEAKER C Well, he gets angry with them because they actually prove him to be a liar. SPEAKER D That's right. So you've got also, if you read through in the book of Revelation, in the verses and book of Revelation, they give wonderful promise to those who overcome sin in their lives. Revelations, chapter two, verse seven. Revelation two, verse seven. SPEAKER C Okay, so this is the message to the seven churches. And it's just a wonderful the way it ends, the message of encouragement for each of those churches. This is to the first church, which is the church of Ephesus. And it says, and he who is an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. So restoration back to the tree of life, praise God. SPEAKER D But there's a promise to that if he who overcomes. SPEAKER C To he who overcomes. That's right. SPEAKER D What about revelation two, chapter two, verse eleven, verse eleven. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER C This is to the church of Smyrna. It says, he who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes, again, we have the word overcome. There shall not be hurt by the second death. SPEAKER D Now the second death is the death that once you if you receive the. SPEAKER C Second death, that's it punishment. There's no resurrection from that one. First one, everybody will be resurrected from second death. SPEAKER D It's eternal separation death, you don't exist forever. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D And so again, overcome. What about verse 17 to that church, chapter two, verse 17, that's to the. SPEAKER C Church of Pergamus, it says, and he has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. So here the Holy Spirit is speaking to the churches, to him who overcomes. We read overcome. That's the third time it's mentioned. I will give some of the hidden manner to eat and I will give him a white stone and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it. SPEAKER D So here's another promise of hidden manner and this white stone with his name written on it. But to the promise is made to he who overcomes. Again and again we read in verse 26 of Revelation, chapter two, and that's. SPEAKER C To the church of Thyatira. And it says, and he who overcomes and keeps my works until the end, to Him I will give power over the nations. SPEAKER D Wow, another promise there to he who overcomes. And then we've got obviously in chapter three, verse five, because that's to the. SPEAKER C Church of Sardis, to he who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments. And I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life, but I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels. SPEAKER D So obviously these people are written in the Book of Life and Jesus says, I won't blot your name out of that because there will be some people who will be blotted out of the Book of Life because they've claimed to be Jesus. So you claim Jesus, your name is written in the Book of Life. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D But there is also that you could be blotted out in the Book of Life. And again it says, he was overcome shall be clothed in white garments. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D In the righteousness of Christ. SPEAKER C And then the next church, there is the Church of Philadelphia and that's in Revelation twelve. Yes. And he who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God. He shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of my God, the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from heaven, from God. And I will write on him my new name. SPEAKER D See, God's going to give him a new name. Obviously you're going to be in the city and you get to be in the city, the new Jerusalem in heaven. But again, the promise says he who overcomes. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D And I mean, do you think Jesus is trying to make a point? Because this is Jesus speaking here, this is Jesus speaking to the churches. SPEAKER C Well, the number of perfection in the Bible is seven. Yes, it's used time and time again and it's interesting that it repeated seven times because the latest CN message, which is the 7th church, the church of the Laodiceans in verse 21 of chapter three. SPEAKER D So this is the final one. Jesus says yeah, the final church to. SPEAKER C Him who overcomes, I will grant sit with me on my throne, as I also overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. SPEAKER D Now? Where's Jesus now? SPEAKER C He's in heaven. SPEAKER D And where his father? SPEAKER C Part of the heavenly sanctuary. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D So we get to sit down with Jesus in heaven with His Father again to Him overcomes. SPEAKER C So it's interesting, though, the contrast there, because he says to him, overcomes, as I also overcame. So the way Jesus overcame is to the way we are to overcome. SPEAKER D That's right. So knowing this right. Knowing this. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Right. So we're knowing this, it would be expected that Satan would work hard at undermining obedience to God's Ten Commandments because we want to overcome sin and obey God yes. Commandments. So he obviously he's going to undermine this and mess with this. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Especially in the last days. He constantly works to lead men and women to disobey God's commandments, doesn't he? Or say, well, you can't keep the commandments of God, it's impossible. However, he knows that he could not cause this. Let's, for example, the 7th day Adventist Church promotes keeping the that's right. So he knows he could not cause the 7th day Venice to outright reject the Ten Commandments and say they're no longer valid to the 7th day Venice Church, could he? SPEAKER C No, he couldn't. Yeah, because then we'd stop keeping the Sabbath and then we won't be 7th day advice. People would just be Adventists. SPEAKER D That's right. Instead, he has and is working in a more deceptive manner to lead individuals to disregard them. He deceives God's people into believing it is impossible to fully obey them. So in one class he has that the commandments have been done away with. That's a lot of people who believe that a lot of Christian churches believe that the commandments have been done away with. SPEAKER C Well, if they've been done away with, there's no longer sin. Sin is transgression of the law. You do away the commandments. You do with both sin and in need of a savior. SPEAKER D So there's one deception there right. Which he's deceived many Christians that the commandments have been done away with. Okay. Also, there's another class where he's deceived them that they've been changed. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D And even God spoke about that through the prophet Daniel and said in Daniel, chapter seven, he said that this antichrist beast in the last days would think to change God's times and laws. Well, the only law to do with time in God's Ten Commandments is the Fourth Commandment. The Fourth Commandment Sabbath, keeping the 7th day holy, the only one that says. SPEAKER C Remember, and everybody tries to forget it. SPEAKER D That's right. So he's got deception in one class. But what about those who believe in the Ten Commandments? Well, his one is that, well, you can't keep them. I mean, it's a brilliant strategy. He deceives God's people and believing it's impossible to fully obey them in our unhuman nature. SPEAKER C That is true, isn't it, Colin? SPEAKER D Yeah, but the promises in Hebrews chapter eight and ten, and according to the. SPEAKER C Old Testament, god gives us new motives and desires. SPEAKER D He says, I will write my laws. Who's going to write them? SPEAKER E God does. SPEAKER D God says, I will write my laws on your mind and your hearts and give us a desire to obey them. Yes, he will write them and he writes them through the Holy it says, the Holy Spirit is the one who's writing them on our hearts and gives us a desire to obey them. When we have Christ living in us, he will seek to obey them through us. So he deceives God's people in believing it's impossible to fully obey them. I believe this is the amiga apostasy Ellen White warned about and what the Church faces today. And I believe the apostle is making itself known in numerous ways, ways that appear to be a blessing. Satan using the same lure he used with Eve in the Garden, the lure of a higher experience that is void of any focus on absolute obedience to God's commandments in one life. So you can have an experience, but void of obedience to God's commandments. SPEAKER E Yes, true. SPEAKER D And it's interesting that Satan's accusation and Ellen White was very aware of Satan's efforts in the last days, in the past, in her day, 100 years ago to present God's law, she looked at Satan's efforts and this is what she said in Desire of Ages, page 24. Can you just read that? What she says in Desire of Ages, page 24. SPEAKER C Satan represents God's law of love as a law of selfishness. He declares that it is impossible for us to obey its precepts. SPEAKER D She's saying that he says it's impossible for us to obey God's commandments. SPEAKER C So when you look at Revelation, chapter twelve and verse 17 and says that Satan the dragon was wroth with the woman who keeps the commandments of God and have the faith or the testimony of Jesus, you can see why he's angry, because this is proving him wrong. He says it's impossible. Here is a group of people that actually keep the commandments, because the Bible. SPEAKER D Says it can be done through Christ's righteousness. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER C Through his merits, it can be done and they are proving him wrong. So he then goes to make war with them. He wants to exterminate them and blot out this, I guess, vestige of evidence. Evidence contrary to what he's saying, get rid of it so that he can perpetuate his government, I guess. SPEAKER D Absolutely. And here's another one from The Great Controversy, an incredible book. I really recommend people to read this book. It's just an amazing book called The Great Controversy and the Desire of Ages. On page 582, she says, from the very beginning of the Great Controversy in Heaven, it has been Satan's purpose to overthrow the law of God. You see that's his ultimate purpose is to overthrow the law of god. SPEAKER C Well, the law said, you shall have no other gods before me. And he obviously wanted to be like the Most High. SPEAKER D That's right. And listen to this. It was to accomplish this that he entered upon his rebellion against the Creator. This is his ultimate purpose. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D All the deceptions and underlying little things that are all over the place ultimate purpose is to lead you away from obedience to God's law. His commandments. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C His constitution. SPEAKER D And though he was cast out of Heaven, he has continued the same warfare upon the Earth. So this is his warfare upon the Earth. SPEAKER E Right. SPEAKER C So the issues and the great controversy comes down to the law of God and who God is and what his character is like. SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER D And again, in The Desire of Ages, page 284, ellen White says the rabbis in Christ days virtually represented God as giving laws which it was impossible for men to obey. They threw millions of other laws upon it. They had 660 laws, and they had laws within the laws to how to keep the laws they made it such a burden and such an impossibility, which was Satan's design. SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER C It just struck me know, the Bible says there's nothing new on the sun, that history keeps on repeating itself. What has been, will be. And the rabbis in the day of Jesus represented God's law as impossible for men to obey. Don't we have rabbis I use the term loosely don't we have rabbis nowadays that say the same thing? SPEAKER D That's right. I have heard it many times and read many books that says that it's impossible to obey God's commandments. SPEAKER C And what's impossible with men? We come back to that beautiful statement. What is impossible with men is possible with God. SPEAKER D Now listen to this. I believe that Jesus vindicated God and proved Satan wrong. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D I want to say that again. Jesus vindicated God and proved Satan's wrong about his accusation. Because Jesus was made in the flesh, like us. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D It says that he was made in. SPEAKER C The flesh like our nature in its fallen condition. SPEAKER D Yeah, that's right. And because of Satan's accusations, jesus came to planet Earth as a man. He became as a man. I want to emphasize that as a man to prove Satan's lie about God's law being wrong. Jesus says was made of a woman. In Galatians, chapter four, verse four yes. It says he was made of a woman, and he perfectly kept God's law obeying from the heart every precept. Jesus did not sin in thought, word or action. And in One Peter, chapter two, verse 21 to 23, if you could just read that. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C For even here unto were ye called because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that ye should follow his steps who did no sin. Neither was Gal found in his mouth. Who, when he was reviled revolved not again. When he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously. There's one Peter, chapter two, verse 21 to 23. SPEAKER D So here Peter. Peter, who was with Jesus, who wrote one of the books in the Bible, he has said Christ has left us an example that we should follow in his steps. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Well, how did Jesus do it, is the question we're following. SPEAKER C Steps. SPEAKER D How did Jesus do it? SPEAKER C By surrender and faith in the Father. He says, I don't do the works. The works that you see me do is the works of the Father, and I do it in the Father's name. SPEAKER D He says either myself can do nothing. That's what Jesus said. I myself can do nothing. He did it by the power of the Holy Spirit and trusting the Father. And I believe that Christ proved Satan wrong in his lying claim that God's law cannot be kept. However, I believe that Christ did even more than vindicating God's law by his perfect sinless life. I believe that Jesus has provided he's provided for God's people a righteousness, a sanctification and a redemption which could be theirs through faith. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D And we can read about that in One Corinthians, chapter one, verse 30, where this is what Paul says. SPEAKER C It says, but of him you are in Christ Jesus who became for us wisdom from God and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. And I think the NIV puts it very interesting. It says, but of him you are in Christ who is for us wisdom from God, and that is righteousness, sanctification and redemption. So it actually equates the wisdom of God with the fact that righteousness, sanctification and redemption is part of that wisdom package. SPEAKER D And other translations use the word justification, sanctification and redemption. So here what it's saying, is that Jesus did more than just vindicate law by his perfect sinless life. He's provided God's people a righteousness, a sanctification and redemption which can be ours through what? SPEAKER E Faith. SPEAKER D So we've got to believe that God will give this to us. So how do we have that? The only way that we can have Christ's righteousness, sanctification, redemption is if we have Christ living in and through us. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D And how do we have Jesus living in and through us? SPEAKER C Through the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D Through the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C So we need to ask for the anointing for the baptism of the Holy. SPEAKER D Spirit or a daily baptism. Holy Spirit. There's a wonderful quote when Ellen Wright talks about Jesus. You said Daily he received a fresh Baptist this is talking about Jesus and Christ's. Object lessons, page 69. Daily he received a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit. It says, his lips and his soul were anointed with grace that he may impart to others. So daily Christ received a fresh baptism in the Holy Spirit. So if Christ received a daily fresh baptism, Holy Spirit, don't we need a daily fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit? SPEAKER C Well, we just read in Peter that he is our example. So if he needed it, how much more do we need it when we've sinned? Christ never sinned. SPEAKER D That's right. And we so we can have Christ live out his life, his righteous life, his sanctified life, and his redemption through and in us. And we can have that through faith in his promises. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER C Well, that daily experience with the Lord is very important. And we got to seek that just like Jesus seeked it from His Father. And Jesus made this comment in Luke, chapter nine of verse 23. Then he said to them all, if anyone desires to come after me, let Him deny Himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. So that daily experience is a renewal every morning when the first thing we need to do is roll out of bed onto our knees and recommit, reconsecrate our lives to the Lord and ask for a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. And then, of course, the Apostle Paul said also in one Corinthians, chapter 15 and verse 31, he says I die daily so that death to self, which is reconciliation to Christ's death on the cross, his burial and resurrection is part of receiving that new life through the Holy Spirit, which represents Christ in us, our hope of glory. SPEAKER D Now, if Paul died daily, what does it mean? Also he needed to do daily, be. SPEAKER C Born daily as well need to be. SPEAKER D Baptized with the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C We have to be born again of water and of the Spirit daily. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER C So, dear listener, we'll share our contact details with you now, and we'll be right back after this. Stay tuned. Thank you for joining us on You Shall Receive Power. If you would like more information about today's program or if you have any questions, please contact 3ABN Australia Radio by Phoning 024-973-3456. Or you can send an email to [email protected]. You can also contact us on our 3ABN Australia radio Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you SPEAKER C Welcome back, Colin. Just before the break we were talking about the Amiga of Apostasy. Maybe you can just in wrapping up summarize that for us. SPEAKER D Well, we looked at, you know, how Satan knows. That what the Apostle Paul wrote about being victorious over sin. And we looked at that in Romans chapter six about there is a promise that we can have victory over sin. We also looked at that Satan is making war on God's, people in the last days who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D And we looked at that in Revelations chapter twelve, verse 17 and 14. We also looked throughout the churches, the seven churches that Jesus says there's a promise to those who overcome sin in their lives, okay, who overcome and so, knowing this, they've expected that Satan would work hard at undermining obedience. To God's ten Commandments, especially in these last days. And he's constantly leading works to lead men and women to disobey God's commandments. And we've also looked at he'll also believe that it's impossible to obey God's commandments. SPEAKER C That's right. That's satan's counterfeit gospel. SPEAKER D That's the one where people who actually believe in the so, you know, that's been his effort. And we know that Jesus came and proved Satan wrong and vindicated God. And we looked at that in Galatians chapter four, verse four, where Jesus became was made out of woman and he perfectly kept God's commandments obeying from the heart. And so Christ proves Satan wrong in his lying claim that God's law cannot be kept. However, we also learned that Christ wants to do even more. He wants to do more than vindicating God's law by his perfect life in sinless life. Well, he's done that, he's provided that for his people. We looked at that in One Corinthians, chapter one, verse 30 a righteousness, sanctification redemption which can be ours through faith. SPEAKER C So Jesus is our righteousness, he is our sanctification, he is our redemption. And we're so grateful for God the Father, for giving us His Son because he loved each one of us so and he demonstrated it that Jesus was willing to go to the cross and die for us while we were yet sinners. Dear listener, we pray that God bless you and keep you until we can come together again to study further in God's word. God be with you. SPEAKER C You'Ve been listening to a production of three ABN Australia Radio.

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