Sin's Power Broken at the Cross

Episode 28 April 28, 2017 00:58:00
Sin's Power Broken at the Cross
You Shall Receive Power
Sin's Power Broken at the Cross

Apr 28 2017 | 00:58:00


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Discussion of day 28 from the book "50 Days Prayer and Devotions to Prepare for the Latter Rain and Christ's Return", by Pastor Dennis Smith.

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SPEAKER B Jesus promised his disciples in Acts One eight, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all here and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Welcome to. You shall receive power. And here are your hosts, Ettienne McClintock and Colin Hone. SPEAKER C Greetings and a warm welcome. Thank you for tuning into this program. Colin and myself are delighted to have your company. We are continuing our series on the book by Pastor Dennis Smith, 50 Days Prayers and Devotionals to prepare for the latter rain and Christ's return. And today we are looking at the lesson on day 28 since power broken at the cross. But just before we do that, we just invite you to pray with us as we ask God's blessing on your study today. Gracious Father in heaven, it's always a privilege to come into your presence as acquaintances to learn from you. Father, you've given another comforter, the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ to bring us into all truth, to teach us and to instruct us. And as we now go into your word, Father, to learn, we just pray for the inspiration of your Holy Spirit guide and lead us in our thoughts, in our discussions. Bless the person listening today as well. This is our prayer in Jesus name, amen. Colin I'm looking forward to this lesson because the sin issue and of course the cross issue, the solution to it is so central to the Christian belief and the Christian faith, Jesus Christ and him crucified. SPEAKER D Well, the whole plan of salvation, Ettienne, is the restoration of mankind from the Garden of Eden. So we've got a problem, though. SPEAKER C We do have a problem. SPEAKER D It's a big problem that God had is in sin. And remember, sin is a transgression of God's law. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D And the penalty for breaking God's law, which is sin, is eternal death. And so that is the whole purpose is what does God do with this? How does he solve this problem? He can't change his law. So he came up with a plan of salvation and he came up before it even happened, which is awesome. SPEAKER C Isn't it incredible that Christ is the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world? So when the foundations of the world were laid, christ was already there to step into that breach as soon as sin existed and to take the penalty upon Himself. SPEAKER D That's right. And the Gospel plan of Gospel, or the Gospel plan of salvation is right through the Old Testament. Is God's painting pictures right even from the start? When Adam and Eve sinned, what did God do? Well, there was a Lamb sacrifice. He gave them skins. There was a lamb sacrifice even with Cain and Abel. Abel sacrificed a Lamb representing the future of the Lamb of God, jesus dying and paying the penalty for our sins and their sins. The problem with Cain, he didn't want to do that sacrifice. He wanted to bring his own sacrifice that's right. SPEAKER C From his own works, the fruits of his labor. SPEAKER D That was the problem. So the good news well, many aspects of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And one of those aspects of the Gospel is that at the cross the power of the sinful nature was broken. For all who accept Christ and believe it was broken. The power paul described it this way in Romans six, chapter six, verses eleven, six to eleven. Do you want to read that? SPEAKER E Sure. SPEAKER C It says, knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin may be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin, for he that is dead is freed from sin likewise. This is verse eleven. Likewise reckon you also yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. SPEAKER D So when Jesus died on the cross, what this verse is saying is the power of the sinful nature in every believer's life was broken. It was broken. That is an historical fact. However, it becomes a reality in the Christian's life only if he believes it is truth. He believes that by faith. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D Yeah. So when Jesus died on the cross, the power of the sinful nature in every believer's life was broken. This means the unloving you, the unforgiving you, the angry you, the lustful, you, the anxious you. The list could go on, eddie and on and on died at the cross. SPEAKER C So you were crucified with Christ. SPEAKER D Yeah, that's what Paul says. SPEAKER C At the cross in Christ. SPEAKER D It's not I that live anymore, it's Christ that lives in me. He's saying I died at the cross. And so that is just wonderful news. It means that you do not have to be controlled by our unloving or by your unloving attitudes. You don't have to be controlled by your unforgiveness or your anger or lustful thoughts and desires, the power of these sinful desires, attitudes and behaviors was broken at the cross. SPEAKER C That is such a powerful statement. And the know, we may think it's too good to be true and then we may even exercise unbelief in the facts of the Bible. But if we believe it, that latent power in there actually gives us the victory through Jesus Christ. SPEAKER D That's right. But the problem most Christians encounter when they read these Bible verses is that we conclude that we should then be able to obey God with his help. SPEAKER C Okay, that is such a common statement. So there's something wrong with that, is that what you're saying? There's something wrong with that belief or that view? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Well, for example, consider the Christian who has struggled with anger. He reasons that if the power of sinful anger was broken at the cross, he can now stop being angry when something happens to cause him to become angry. SPEAKER E Right. SPEAKER D And he feels great relief and comment that he will now finally have the victory. But soon something happens to cause him to feel anger. Perhaps someone cuts you off while you're driving, or someone says something very unkind to him. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Immediately anger arises and he starts putting forth effort to subdue it. However, he finds that it keeps lingering and he turns his mind away from the event or the words that cause the anger. He tries to reason with himself about not being angry at the situation, and sometimes he can move on and the anger leaves, and other times he seems to linger. So we want to look at how this really works. SPEAKER C That will be good to unpack that, because I think that is a common view, that God does some and we do some. SPEAKER D And we want to look at the victory and exaltation of Christ, of Jesus Christ. The sinless life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are basically the foundation to the Christian's victory over temptation and sin. It is because of these events in Christ's life that the believer can live a consistently obedient life. So we're freed from the guilt, the penalty and power of sin, and we're declared righteous. And first we've got to realize that Jesus himself was tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin. Yeah, let's go to Hebrews chapter four, verse 15, just to confirm this. SPEAKER C It says, for we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points. The word points is out of there wasn't all tempted as we are, yet without sin. SPEAKER D So Jesus did not sin in thought, word or deed. He lived a perfectly sinless righteous life. And we can confirm that in one Peter, chapter two, verse 22, regarding Jesus. SPEAKER C It says, who committed no sin, nor was deceit found in his mouth. SPEAKER D And because of this fact, the believer has a perfect righteous life of Christ covering him. Because Christ lived the perfect righteous life, he stands righteous in Christ, before God. And when God looks at him, he sees Christ's righteousness. This is righteous by faith. The righteousness is not obtained by the Christian obeying the law of God. It's obtained by faith in Christ who obeyed God's law. SPEAKER C It sounds like a subtle difference, but it is a significant difference. One produces success in the Christian walk and the other one constant failure. SPEAKER D That's right. And Paul pointed out this truth when he wrote of how the Gentiles have attained righteousness, while Israel who sought to be righteous by keeping God's commandments, failed in achieving righteousness. We can read that in Romans chapter nine, verses 30 to 32 said what. SPEAKER C Shall we say then? That the Gentiles which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness even the righteousness which is of faith, but Israel which followed after the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness. Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. SPEAKER D There you go. SPEAKER E See? SPEAKER D The Gentiles. They sought it in faith, in Christ's righteousness. That's how they did. Abraham did the same. SPEAKER C Yes, he did. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D And secondly, when Christ died on the cross, he died the death we deserve because of our sins. Remember, what is the penalty for sin? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C Well, Romans 623 says that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord. SPEAKER D So when Christ died on the cross, he died the death we deserve because of our sins. And as you said, the Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death in Romans 623. So what happens is our sins were placed on Jesus and he paid the price for our disobedience. Isaiah chapter 53, verse five to six confirms this. SPEAKER C And it says, but he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by his stripes we are healed. All we, like sheep, have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. SPEAKER D Iniquity means sins. SPEAKER C That's right, yes. SPEAKER D He laid sins on Him that's even. SPEAKER C Deliberate sin is included in iniquity. SPEAKER D So the price was death. That is why at one point on the cross, Jesus cried out, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? In Matthew 27, verse 46, he cries that out. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D At that moment, he was dying the death of a God forsaken sinner. He cannot see through the tomb because he allowed Himself to be enshrouded in our sins, which separated Him from the Father. SPEAKER C Isaiah 59, verse two, says that our iniquities have separated us from God, so he will not hear. So Christ became sin. He was made sin on the cross there, and that separated Him from God. He experienced what we would call in the Bible, the second death, which is eternal separation from God. SPEAKER E Incredible. SPEAKER D And because of this, we can be forgiven for our sins and receive the assurance of eternal life. One John one nine says, if we. SPEAKER C Confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That's good news, Eddie, and that's great news. SPEAKER D So because of this, we can be forgiven our sins and receive the assurance of eternal life. So what happened is Jesus took our sins and the death penalty, and he gives to us his righteousness in eternal life. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D In other words, what we deserved, he took, and what he deserved, which is. SPEAKER C Eternal life, we can receive. SPEAKER D Receive? SPEAKER C Isn't that that two Corinthians, chapter five, verse 21. It says, he who knew no sin was made sin for us, that we might become or be made the righteousness of God in Him. We were just reading that out of First John and it's one of my favorite epistles. First John and First John, chapter five, verse eleven to 13. It says, and this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life. And this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life. He who does not have the Son does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know. So this is something we can know for sure, that you have eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. SPEAKER D What an amazing gift from God. SPEAKER E Beautiful. SPEAKER D That's why, if that doesn't demonstrate God's love, I don't know what does. That's why know that famous Bible verse says that God so loved the world? SPEAKER E That's right. Yeah. SPEAKER C The world says not just the righteous, it's the world. And there's no one righteous in the world. SPEAKER D That's right. See, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that ever believe in Him shall receive what? SPEAKER C Everlasting life. Eternal life. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Praise God for that. Thirdly, as we've seen when Christ died on the cross, the power of the sinful nature of the believer was broken. Peter refers to this when he wrote in one Peter, chapter two, verse 24, in one Peter, chapter two, verse 24. SPEAKER C Who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed. SPEAKER D He's referring back to Isaiah there, isn't he? SPEAKER E Three. That's right. SPEAKER D He says, by his stripes we are healed. And so here Peter says the same thing Paul taught when he wrote in Romans chapter six, verse six. SPEAKER C See, knowing this that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. SPEAKER D We don't have to serve sin anymore. That's the good news. SPEAKER E It's beautiful. SPEAKER D So what happened with Christ's resurrection and exaltation? So this being said, it would mean nothing without Christ's resurrection from the dead, would it? SPEAKER E That's dead. Right. SPEAKER D And Paul tells us that Christ was declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead. In Romans, chapter one, verse four. So what happened? Is Jesus resurrection validated that he was who he claimed to be? Because without the resurrection, it was just all talk, isn't it? The resurrection confirmed and proved that he had the power over dead. And so it validated who he was and who he claimed to be, and that he successfully completed the work he came to accomplish our total and complete salvation from sin. That was his purpose. SPEAKER C Paul actually has a big discussion regarding the resurrection and talking to some people who are saying that the resurrection is now gone. And some people who don't believe in the resurrection. We know, for example, the Sadducees and Jesus, they didn't believe in it. In one Corinthians chapter 15 from verse 14, it says, and if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. So this obviously means that the resurrection of Christ is just as important as his death was, because that proves who he was. And the fact that he was able to be set free from the power of sin, which is death, and the fact that he died proved that he paid the price for sins. But the fact that he was raised proved that he was sinless. And therefore we can partake of that sinlessness that Christ offers us, that victory over sin. SPEAKER D It proved that he accomplished that, doesn't it? SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D There's proof. So what's our part? But notice that it was a past tense. He has already done this. Yes, it's an accomplished fact. Our part is to believe it by faith. And I love what Paul says in his letter to Ephesians, where he further explains Christ's position as the result of his accomplished work on earth. And he prays that all believers would understand this. This is in Ephesians, chapter one, verse 17 and 23. Let's just read that slowly, Eddie, and okay. SPEAKER C It says that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints are. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us who believe according to the working of his mighty power? SPEAKER D There it is. SPEAKER C Who believe which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places far above all principalities and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. And have put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body. The fullness of him that fills all in all. SPEAKER D Wow. So Paul is telling us that Christ is exalted above every principality, power, might, dominion and name, and that all things are under his feet, meaning all things are under his authority and his power. And Paul prayed that we would understand this, that we would know the hope of our calling, the glory of this inheritance we have in Christ, and the exceedingly greatness of his power that is available. Catch this to us, it's very clear. SPEAKER C That Christ had the power. We look at Matthew 28 says, all power in heaven and on earth has been given unto me. And then under that power he says, go ye therefore and teach all nations. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C So that Christ has the power is very clear. SPEAKER D Is it all power? SPEAKER C It is all power. All power is given. So there's no exception to that. Everything and then we just read that before, whether it be dominions or principalities, the power, everything has been placed under Him, under his authority. So now, do we have the ability to access I'm just wondering if we can look at that a little bit further. Do we have the ability to access that power? And if so, how? SPEAKER D Well, I think Jesus made it clear, didn't he? He said ask in Luke chapter eleven, ask for it, didn't he? He did ask for it. So our resurrection exalted in Christ. In the second chapter of Ephesians, paul further explains this with the words in Ephesians chapter two, verse five to seven. SPEAKER C It says even when we were dead in sins, god has quickened us together with Christ by grace are you saved? And has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding richness of his grace in his kindness toward us through Jesus Christ. SPEAKER D So what's Paul saying here? What is he saying here? That besides being crucified with what he's saying is besides being crucified with Christ when he died, guess what? We were also raised to life with Him and his resurrection. SPEAKER C It's definitely talking about a whole spiritual I mean, I know Christ literally died and Christ was literally lazed, but from our perspective, it's talking from us entering into that in a spiritual sense because it says when we were dead in sins so that know we were condemned to death, we were living in sin, doing sinful things. It says while we were in that state that he made us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved. And then subsequent to that, when Christ was raised, we were raised with Him. That is such a beautiful truth. I think that is the essence of the Gospel. SPEAKER D So spiritually we are crucified with Christ, we're also spiritually raised to life with Him in his resurrection. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D Which means then besides that we are now also sitting together in Christ in heaven. Therefore, the believer who is abiding in Christ is with Christ in heaven and is also exalted in Christ above every principality, power, might, dominion and name, and that all things are under the believer's feet, that is powerful under his authority and power. This is the truth that must also be believed in order to have the victory over all temptation and sin. SPEAKER C So, yeah, the all power of Christ includes us because we were executed with Him, we were buried with Him, and we've been raised in UNICEF life and now by faith we can sit in heavenly places with Him who has dominion and power and authority over everything. SPEAKER D Does the Bible confirm that we have this authority or the believer has this authority from Jesus. SPEAKER C Well, I think Jesus makes some comments on that, doesn't he? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D In Luke, chapter ten, verse 19, let's have a look at that. SPEAKER C Jesus says, behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. SPEAKER D There it is. He's given us power, hasn't he? SPEAKER C So when we are confronted by the enemy, we can actually have victory over the enemy because of the power that Jesus Christ has given us. SPEAKER D And when he's referring to serpents and scorpions, he's referring to serpent. Who's the serpent? SPEAKER C It's the devil. SPEAKER D And scorpions are like his evil angels or demons on this earth. SPEAKER C I like the symbolism there. SPEAKER D So we can rest in Christ and receive the blessings. And so God wants us to sit down, enjoy all the blessings we have in Christ. He wants us to enjoy what he has done for us and realize that we are not to try to work at attaining these blessings. They are ours by faith. We don't have to work to attain these blessings. They're ours by faith. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D We are forgiven by faith. Are we not? Absolutely forgiven by faith. But guess what? We are also righteous by faith. We have eternal life by faith. And we're to be victorious over temptation and sin. SPEAKER C By faith. SPEAKER D By faith. This is what Paul is saying when he wrote in Colossians, chapter two, verse. SPEAKER C Six as ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him. SPEAKER D How did you receive Christ? As your savior. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D As your Lord and savior. SPEAKER C As the victorious savior. SPEAKER D By faith. How do you walk in Christ? Well, I'll have to be in victory by faith. SPEAKER C Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God, and it's believing the word of God that when God speaks to you. We accept all the goodness that's in that word. And quite often we read it, but we don't want to believe it because it sounds like it must be for someone else, because we don't think either we're worthy, we're not good enough, or we just simply think it's just too good to be true. But all those promises are for us. They all yes. And are made in Jesus Christ. SPEAKER D Or we believe it's impossible. SPEAKER E Right. SPEAKER C Well, look, if it was possible, why would we need faith? Why don't we just do it ourselves? SPEAKER D That's right. So if we think it's impossible, what do we do? We don't believe it, which means we don't have the faith, which is unbelief. It's unbelief in God's promises. Now, some things that God promises seem incredible. SPEAKER C There's some incredible promises. That's true. SPEAKER D Did it seem impossible for Moses and the Israelites when they had to cross that Red Sea? That must have been. They'd got there and said, this is impossible. Enemies behind us, they're coming towards us. And the sea is in front of. SPEAKER C Us, between a rock and a hard place in a big blue sea, in. SPEAKER D A big blue sea. But God part of the Red Sea. Now, that seems impossible, doesn't it? To us as humans? But for God, it's not impossible. So with all God, all things are possible? SPEAKER E Yes. Amen. SPEAKER D So God wants us to sit down, enjoy all the blessings we have in Christ. He wants us to enjoy what he has done for us and realize that we are not to try to work at attaining these blessings. They are ours by faith, to walk in faith. So our life as Christians is dependent on our complete dependence on Christ, not on our own exertion or effort. We are to sit and rest in the truth of what God has done for us in Christ also. You did not put yourself there, did you? God did. SPEAKER E That's true. SPEAKER C It's his initiative from beginning to end. It's not our initiative. SPEAKER D That's right. And that's why there's this great promise. In one Corinthians chapter one, verse 30. SPEAKER C It says, but of him that is of God you are in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. SPEAKER D Now, other translations, it uses the word justification, okay? SPEAKER C For the word righteousness. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D He became for us our wisdom, our justification, our sanctification. And the other word for redemption is glorification as well. So Christ is, in other words, our justification or our righteousness. He's our sanctification and he's our glorification. Notice in these verses we're told that Christ is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption. It is all Christ and nothing we can do. In the area of putting forth effort, we simply believe what God says. Thus, our victory over the sin problem in our life is attributed to God and God alone, not attributed to anything we have done or ever will do. And that's why Paul says in one Corinthians chapter one, verse 29 and 31, what does he say? SPEAKER C Says that no flesh should glory in his presence. And then? That accordingly, as it is written, he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. SPEAKER D That's right. And again, in Ephesians chapter two, verse eight, nine, paul confirms this by saying. SPEAKER C What it says, for by grace are you saved through faith. And that is not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. SPEAKER D So it's God's gift. Beautiful justification is God's gift. Sanctification, or being made holy, transformed in God's image, is God's gift. And glorification, when we get a new body, when Jesus returns, is God's gift. Everything is God's gift. Christ is everything. For the Christian, our deliverance from temptation and sin is not based on what we can do. No, it's based on what God has already done for us in the person of Jesus Christ. When this truth becomes a reality in our understanding, we will then have the basis of our victory over sin, we will have discovered the secret of living the holy life God calls us to live. And you may be saying, yes, I see what the Bible is saying, but how do I apply it to my everyday life when facing diptation of sin? That is a good question and we're going to consider that next. SPEAKER C Okay, so we'll just go on a quick break and we will be back after the short message. Stay tuned. SPEAKER F Our children are so precious, let's help them grow in faith. A Day with the King is a television series written and produced by three ABN Australia with an aim to help children learn more about the Bible and how Jesus wants to be their best friend. Each week, kids are invited to join hosts Auntie Nat and Auntie Cecily through segments of singing, story time and Bible study. To download your own free copy of A Day with the King Bible Study guides, visit our three ABN Australia website. We hope and pray that A Day with the King inspires you and your family to learn more about God's word this week. Tune in at 05:00 a.m. Or 05:00 p.m.. Saturdays, Australian Eastern Standard Time to hear A Day with the King audio broadcast or catch up on TV [email protected]. Au. SPEAKER C Welcome back. SPEAKER A To. SPEAKER C You Shall Receive Power. Just before the break we were looking at some beautiful statements in the Scripture about the victory and exaltation of Christ, how you received all power. That when Christ was executed. We were executed with him on the cross while we were dead in trespasses and sins. And then it says that we were made alive together with Christ and we can sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. So we've seen what the Bible is saying about this beautiful victory we can have through Christ and his power. And then just before the break, Colin, you were asking that question, how do we, how do I apply it to my everyday life when facing temptation and sin? Now we are in day 28 of the book 50 Days Prayers and Devotionals to prepare for the lateral reign and Christ return. Now we're going to start just moving into day 29 which talks about victory only through Christ and we want to answer that question, how do we apply it to our everyday life when we are actually facing temptation and sin? SPEAKER D It's a good question, great question. I mean, we just discussed how sin's power was broken at the cross and we want to see now how does Christ give us the victory over the struggle of basically day to day temptations and sin. And so far we've discussed the struggle every Christian has with temptation and sin in his life. And we can all relate to this. As Christians, we've seen that even though the power of a sinful nature was broken at the cross for the believer in Jesus Christ, that fact alone does not give. Victory over sin. The Bible is clear. And untold defeats in the Christian's life confirm, because we've all experienced it yes. That we do not have the ability to overcome temptation and sin. No matter how much effort we exert, even if we ask God to add his power to our effort, we still fail, because sometimes we say, look, how much power do you need? 50% of my effort and 50% of your power. Well, it's still your effort then, isn't it? SPEAKER C Yeah, that's right. SPEAKER D Yeah. So basically, until the Christian comes to understand, experience what it means to let Christ give him the victory, he will not experience the constantly obedient life he desires. So we want to have a look how to present, basically, how to let Christ live out his victorious life in you. Because Christ lived a victorious life. SPEAKER C He did, no question. SPEAKER D So really what we want to know is how do we allow or how do we have Christ's victorious life, live out his life in us? Because he did it. So how can we have Him live out his life in us? And when we come to understand and experience this truth in our Christian life, you'll never be the same again. Instead of a life of sporadic obedience and broken promises of God, you will in time experience a life of victory through Christ over every temptation and sin Satan brings your way. Because we learn how to let Christ live out his life of obedience in and through us. SPEAKER C Is that life really possible? SPEAKER D I know. Is it possible? I mean, many Christians say it's not. Yeah, many Christians have said it's not possible. SPEAKER C So they judge the word of God by their experience rather than yeah, I. SPEAKER D Mean, we could all do that. Idiot. I've done that constantly falling. And so your default is, well, maybe it's just not impossible. Maybe God just sort of said, this is the ideal, but it's okay. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C Just keep on striving. You'll keep on missing the mark, but just keep on striving and do your best. But what you're saying is there's another way. SPEAKER D Okay. Is there a way? Well, the Bible said so let's go and find out what the Bible says. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Well, is such a consistently obedient life really possible? Can we truly have victory over every temptation and sin in our life? I mean, that's the kind of life God in the Bible calls us to live, isn't it? The Bible has made that plain. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D I mean, in Romans, chapter six, verse six yeah. SPEAKER C It says in knowing this that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth so from here onwards, basically, we should not serve sin. SPEAKER D So what do we have to do before we could not serve sin in that verse? Well, we got to what happened to it? SPEAKER C We got to connect closely to Christ in his crucifixion. That when Christ was executed, we were executed with him. So it says that the old man, our sinful humanity, was crucified with Jesus, that the body of sin might be destroyed. SPEAKER D So that's step one, isn't it? SPEAKER C That's step one. So acknowledging that the truth of the word of God in that regard, so. SPEAKER D That our old man is crucified with him, you have to believe that by faith that, yes, my old man was crucified with Christ. Okay? And then henceforth, because of that, we should not serve sin. What about Romans, chapter six, verse eleven and twelve? Here's another verse that makes it clear. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C Says likewise reckon you also yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in the lust thereof. SPEAKER D So here again, we have to believe that we were dead unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ. We have to believe that. Then it goes on. Let not sin, therefore reign in your mortal body, that you should obey its lust. SPEAKER C Well, you know the whole thing about being dead. A dead man can't pay taxes. A dead man cannot offend anybody. A dead man cannot work. So if we have been crucified with Christ, in Romans chapter six, verse seven, says that he who has died has been freed from sin. So the liability is taken out of the way through Jesus Christ. And if the old man is gone, there must be a new man in Jesus. SPEAKER D So I guess the question we're going to ask ourselves every day is have I been crucified with Christ? Have I really? SPEAKER C Our death, that spiritual death that we die every day, and also the resurrection, are all essential components to having this new life in Christ Jesus? SPEAKER D That's right. Now let's look at Romans, chapter six, verse 14. SPEAKER C It says, for sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the law, but under grace, so. SPEAKER D Sin shall not have dominion over you. What is another word for dominion? SPEAKER C Power. Authority. SPEAKER D Authority. Because of what Christ has done, because Christ sits in heavenly places, has no authority over us anymore because of his death. SPEAKER C And know Adam was given dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the animals on the land. That means he was given authority and power and in the same way as he had authority and power before he sinned. And of course it was usurped by Lucifer, by Satan. So in the same way, sin will no longer have dominion or that power of authority over us because we are not under the law, but under grace. So grace takes that dominion of sin away from us. SPEAKER D That's right. Now, do other authors in the Bible say the same thing? What does John say? Now john hanged around. Jesus. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D He wrote the Book of Revelations and the Gospel of John. So what does he say about that? In One John, chapter three, verse nine. SPEAKER C Says, whoever abides in him sins not. Whoever sins has not seen him, neither known him. SPEAKER D Now, that's One John, chapter three, verse 19 says, whoever abide in him, so what again is the step? Whoever what? SPEAKER C Abiding. Abides. SPEAKER D So if you abide in Christ, what happens? SPEAKER C Well, we set free from sin, aren't we? SPEAKER D That's right. Now, what about in One John, chapter three, verse nine? SPEAKER C Did I read the wrong one there before? SPEAKER D No, I just gave you the wrong verse. I gave you the wrong verse. One John 319 and one John three nine. It's easy to get those mixed up. So yes. Forgive us. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C First John three nine, it says, Whoever is born of God does not commit sin, for his seed remains in him, so that's the seed of Christ. And he cannot sin because he is born of God. SPEAKER D So what do we need to do to not sin? SPEAKER C We need to be born of God. SPEAKER D Yeah. We need to be born of God. We also need to abide in him. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER C And the seed of Christ is to remain in us. Christ in us. SPEAKER D And we need to believe that sin doesn't have dominion over us. We need to likewise reckon ourselves dead unto sin. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D But alive to Jesus Christ through our Lord. And we need to believe that our old man was crucified with him. So these are all the believing by faith? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Okay, well, you've got to take the. SPEAKER C Word of God in these statements at face value. I don't think it's cryptic statements. They're not symbolism. It's not prophecy. SPEAKER D Now, we can dance around them. We can just say, this is what it says. SPEAKER C Yeah, that's right. SPEAKER D And now we got to find out. Okay, god. Well, how? And he's going to clearly tell us how. SPEAKER C Well, got to hear the Word of God speak to us today, because faith comes by hearing. So our faith is actually strengthened by hearing it. We've got to hear the Word of God, believe the Word of God, and expect God to do what he says he would do. Because we know the incredible power that God's Word has. He's demonstrated in creation. Jesus demonstrated when he spoke people into health again. People had some fatal diseases there. There was some stuff that was terminal, and he used His Word. And even when that centurion came to Jesus, he says, I'm not worthy to come to my house, because he said, look, my servant's dead. And Jesus said, I will come. He, no, no, I'm not worthy. Speak the word only. And when he said that, Jesus marveled because he had not seen so great a faith, not in Israel. So this was not even an Israelite. This was a centurion of the Romans. And he understood the authority that Christ had in His Word, because that was the same Word that created us that created the world. It's the same word that gave life. And if we have power in that word, that latent power is released when we believe it, because we don't exercise unbelief anymore. We actually believe what the Word of God says, and God honors that because we honor Him. SPEAKER D What's another word for belief? SPEAKER E Faith. SPEAKER D There you go. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Okay. It says, For His seed remaineth in him. What is another translation sometimes for seed? Is it not the word of God? SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Seed. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Right. And didn't David say something that let the Word of God is in my heart that I might not what, sin? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C Thy word. I've hidden my heart that I might not sin against Thee. SPEAKER D The seed, the Word of God is in my heart. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Okay. So these verses clearly state that victory over temptation and sin is possible for the Christian. Is that what it's saying? Yes, this is what it says. SPEAKER C That is what it's saying. It's clear as day. SPEAKER E Really? SPEAKER D I found this comment by Ellen White in a book manuscript, page 161, and she wrote this in 1897. And I read this, it was like, wow, this really hit me. Idiot. But let's read that. SPEAKER C It says, he who has not sufficient faith in Christ let's stop right there. SPEAKER D Because we want to unpack this. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D He who has not sufficient what? In Christ? SPEAKER C Faith. SPEAKER D Again, so you see the same thing coming through faith in Christ to what? SPEAKER C To believe that he can keep him from sinning has not the faith that will give him an entrance into the kingdom of God. SPEAKER D Wow. Look, that is a powerful statement, and I know that for some people that is going to like that, they're not going to like that, but let's go back and unpack it a bit. He who has not sufficient what? Faith in Christ. SPEAKER C Faith in Christ. SPEAKER D So what is she saying? She's saying we need to have faith in Christ and believe that who can keep us from sinning? That he that jesus. We can't keep ourselves from sinning. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D She's saying that we have to have faith in Christ, that he can keep us from sinning. And she says if you don't have that faith, you don't have the faith to enter the Kingdom of God. I mean, that's a powerful statement. And then again, in Christ's Object Relations, page 330, she mentions that moral perfection is required of all. Let's look at another one. SPEAKER C Yeah, but we just got to clarify that when we talk about moral perfection, we're talking about thoughts and feelings, and we're not talking about the flesh. We just want to be very clear on that, because our fallen human nature, our flesh, stays with us until glorification. SPEAKER D Our sinful nature, will have a sinful nature until Jesus comes. SPEAKER C That's what we deny. SPEAKER D One Corinthians, Chapter 15 says, when Jesus comes, that we get a new body. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Okay. A new body like Christ. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Okay. So we'll have a sinful nature corruptible. SPEAKER C Then puts on incorruption, and this mortal then puts on immortality, but doesn't talk. SPEAKER D About getting new character, though, in that it says we get a new body. SPEAKER C Yeah, we're talking about thoughts and feelings. So we're talking about loving God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, and loving your neighbor as yourself. That's what we're talking about here in regards to moral character. SPEAKER D Now, there's a great book called Desire of Ages, and it's from page 123. And The Desire of Ages is a wonderful book about the life of Christ. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D And listen to what Ellen White says here. She's quoting Jesus in John 14, verse 30. SPEAKER E Okay? SPEAKER C It says, the prince of this world comes, said Jesus, and has nothing in me. There was in him that's in Jesus nothing that responded to Satan's surfacery. He did not consent to sin, not even by a thought did he yield a temptation. So it may be with us. SPEAKER D So she's confirming what John and Paul are saying, isn't she? In those statements we've got, I believe that we are fast approaching the second coming of Jesus. There's so many signs happening later. Earthquakes in, you know, hurricane after hurricane, just going to the Caribbean and USA. There's so many natural disasters that tell us that Jesus is coming soon. And we can see that these natural disasters are getting more frequent and more intense, just like birth pains that, you know, birth pains, their pains become more frequent. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D And more intense and more intense as we get closer to the event, which is the second coming of Jesus. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D Jesus said the same thing. When you see all these things start getting like a birth pain. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C Lift your heads up, because your redemption draws nigh. SPEAKER D So we believe that Jesus coming soon, and we believe also that the Christians who are living when Jesus returns will have gained the victory over every temptation and sin in their life. Because John indicates this when he wrote in One John, chapter three, verse four. SPEAKER C I think it's One John, chapter three, verse two. SPEAKER D Sorry. SPEAKER C Yet beloved, now we are the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be. SPEAKER D So he's saying when Jesus returns. SPEAKER C That's right. It says, we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see Him as he is. SPEAKER D So when Jesus returns, those who are ready to meet Jesus will be just like Jesus. SPEAKER C Wow, what a beautiful promise. SPEAKER D And the Greek word translated like in this verse means just like Christ in character, nature and authority, et cetera. So Christ was victorious over all temptation and sin, so also will those be who are ready to meet him when he returns. Also the fact that they are living without Christ, as their mediator indicates the level of victory they will have tained in Christ. SPEAKER C That's true. I mean God would have sealed these people already. We know, for example, there in Revelation chapter seven, the four angels are to let loose the winds of strife. They've got the winds tied up there and then angel comes to stop. Do not do that. Because not all of God's servants have yet been sealed. Now the servants of God who obviously have given their hearts to the Lord, they call God's servants. But the final seal has not yet been placed on them. Once that final seal has been placed on them, as we read in Revelation chapter 22, verse eleven, then Christ can finish his mediation as a high priest. As a high priest and becomes what? SPEAKER D Then he comes back as king. SPEAKER C That's right. And then there'll be such a conflict on this earth such as which we've never seen, and the plagues are ported at that time. And of course, God's people then wait between that period and his second coming for his return. SPEAKER D A short time. SPEAKER C That's a short time. SPEAKER D A short time. And so we know that Christ finishes his high priestly ministry because it says that he stands up. Michael stands up, doesn't it? SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D In the book of Daniel, Michael being Christ stands up from doing his work as High Priest and he comes back. So the thing is, how can it happen in our lives, Edin? How could actually this happen? So what is the answer? So how can we live a consistently victorious Christian life? And here's the answer. The answer is letting Jesus live out his life in us. This truth is taught throughout the Bible. In the Old Testament we find reference to it. David understood that victory came through God's presence with him. Like in Psalms chapter 16, verse eight. What does David say? SPEAKER C It says I have set the Lord always before me. SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER C So that's seeing Jesus always or God always, because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved again. SPEAKER D Psalms chapter 16, verse eleven. SPEAKER C Thou will show me the path of life in Thy presence is fullness of joy, and at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore. SPEAKER D And also David also said thy Word is in thy heart. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER C Thy Word over hidden my heart, that I might not sin. SPEAKER D And who is the word? Eddie. SPEAKER C And Jesus is the word, isn't it? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. And then the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. SPEAKER D So if the Word is in your heart, Jesus is in your heart. The Word is in my heart. The word of God which is Christ. Is the word of God that I may not sin against thee. SPEAKER C All communication between God and fallen man has been mediated through Jesus Christ. SPEAKER D That's right. And again, Isaiah understood the necessity of continual connection with God for victory and peace in one's life. When he said in Isaiah chapter 26. SPEAKER C Verse three, thou will keep Him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. SPEAKER D Also. The New Testament is very clear about the necessity of Christ living in us in order for us to have the victory over temptation and sin. Jesus used the imagery of the vine and the branches to illustrate this truth, didn't he? SPEAKER E He did. SPEAKER D In John, chapter 15, verses four to five, John is writing Christ. Well, Jesus is speaking, and he says. SPEAKER C These words, says, abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot breathe fruit of itself, except It abide in the vine, no more can you except you abide in Me. So if we don't abide in Christ. SPEAKER D There'S no fruit, and Him abiding in. SPEAKER C Us, and Him abiding. Okay? That's right. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C There's a transaction there between the two of us. Between us and Christ. Jesus says, I am the vine, you are the branches. He that abides in me and I in him. The same brings forth much fruit, for without Me You can do nothing. SPEAKER D Didn't Jesus say that? SPEAKER C Jesus said without Him we can do nothing. He's very clear on that. SPEAKER D But didn't Jesus says also? He says I can do nothing on my own. SPEAKER C That's right, he did say that. SPEAKER D He said that. He says I myself can do nothing on. So how did Jesus do the things he could do? SPEAKER C By the Father, by the power of the Father? SPEAKER E Through the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D He was born of the Holy Spirit. At birth, he was filled with the Holy Spirit. He was baptized with the Holy Spirit himself. And so it was through the power of the Father and the Holy Spirit that Jesus was able to do everything. SPEAKER C He did, and he's seeking the will of the Father. Now, John, chapter five, verse 30, jesus says, I can do nothing of myself. Now, that's incredible for Jesus to make this statement. I can do nothing of myself as I hear, I judge, and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of the Father Who sent Me. SPEAKER D And Jesus saying the same thing, you can do nothing of your own self. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER C We can only do it through Christ, but we are to be grafted in. We got to be the branch grafted into the vine. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D He needs to abide in us, and we need to abide in Him. He abides in us how? Through the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D And also Paul wrote this truth, or taught this truth in his writings as well. In Romans, chapter six, verse eleven, it. SPEAKER C Says, likewise, reckon yourself also to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. SPEAKER D So we're alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. And in one Corinthians, chapter two, verse 16, it says that when we experience this abiding of Christ in us, and us abiding Christ, we have the mind of Christ. SPEAKER C Mind of Christ? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C Let this mind be new, which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians two five. SPEAKER D Christ's mind was filled with pure, holy, virtuous thoughts. If we've asked Christ to live in us through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, if we believe he does, and if we believe he will manifest his love, his pure, holy, virtuous thoughts in our mind, he will do just that. It's a matter of faith, Eddie. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Amen believing he will truly manifest Himself in our lives. Paul recognized this fact when he wrote the words in Galatians 220. SPEAKER C It's one of my favorite texts. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh. So this in our fallen human nature, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. SPEAKER D There's righteous by faith right there in that verse, isn't it? First step again. I am crucified with Christ. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C When Christ died, we died with him. SPEAKER D Yes, that's right. So we need to daily crucify ourselves with Christ, die to ourselves, and then he says, but I'm still living. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER E Yet. SPEAKER D Not I. It's now Christ that lives in me. So everything Paul, any other person throughout the Bible was able to do things was because they allowed Christ to live out his righteous life in and through them and by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. And we also got Ephesians, chapter three, verse 16 to 17, says that he. SPEAKER C Would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith. SPEAKER D So Christ dwells in our hearts by faith and strengthens us strengthened with might. SPEAKER C I just like it. So strengthened with might and is by the Holy Spirit, and it is in the inner man. So we got to receive Christ into our lives. SPEAKER D Now, can we do all things? Is it possible? SPEAKER C Well, we can do nothing without Christ, but maybe with Christ that could be possible. SPEAKER D Well, let's look. See if the Bible says that in Philippians, chapter four, verse 13, I can. SPEAKER C Do all things through Christ who strengthens me. SPEAKER D I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. SPEAKER E What a powerful promise. SPEAKER D And I just love that, you know, the last mystery of God, the mystery of God is going to be revealed just before Jesus comes. In Revelation, chapter ten, verse seven. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D God says the mystery of God will be revealed just before the 7th trumpet blows. And we're talking about the 7th trumpet. Is the last plagues just before Jesus comes? SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D The plagues are falling, and the mystery of God is going to be revealed to the universe. And what is this mystery? Well, we go to Colossians, verse chapter one, verse 27, to whom God would. SPEAKER C Make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery, even among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. SPEAKER D There it is again. The only hope of glory is Christ in you, the hope of glory. And that's why it says in Revelations, chapter 18, verse one, when there is a repeat of the three angels messages with power, that whole world is lit up with God's glory. And what is God's glory? God's glory is Christ in you. SPEAKER C It's a revelation of the character of God, because what was God's glory when he showed it to Moses? He said, I'll have all my goodness. SPEAKER D Pass before my merciful. And he gave them his law, which is a transcript of his character. He gave that all to them. SPEAKER C Principles of love. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D So the hope of glory is Christ in you. SPEAKER C And any principle that's contrary to those principles of love is not really love. It could be sentimentalism, it could be something else, and it will only be fleeting. But God's law abides forever, and that love abides forever. SPEAKER D So that's just great news. And so by being crucified daily to self and asking Christ to live out his life in and through us, we are fulfilling the promise of God, or this mystery of God, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. And you see, Jesus had the victory over every sin and temptation. SPEAKER C Yes, he did. SPEAKER D And therefore he lived a righteous, perfect life. And not only does he accredit that to you, or declare that to you or cover you with that righteousness, but he also wants to impart that righteousness and come and dwell and live in us and live out his life in and through us. That is the only way that this can happen. And the good news is that Christ says, if you crucified with me, if you abide in me and I abide in you, I will do what I said I would do. SPEAKER C That is such a beautiful study that we've just been able to go through that Christ gives us the victory. But that victory comes by receiving the word of God, taking it at face value, and believing that God is able to do exactly what he says he would do. Not only that, we can look to Jesus, who is the author of eternal salvation. He's the author of our faith. And by beholding Him, we see the victory of Christ in humanity. Romans, chapter eight, verse three says that what the law could not do in that it was weak in the flesh, god did. And how did he do it? God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh. And on account of sin, he condemned sin in the flesh. Now, in which flesh did he condemn it? Well, the flesh that had sinned, he condemned it in the flesh. For what purpose? Verse four says so that the righteous requirements of the law may be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh. Because we've denied the flesh. We've been crucified with Christ, but we walk according to the spirit. And if we walk according to the spirit, we have Christ in us our hope of glory. SPEAKER D We're going to unpack this a little bit more in our next lesson, okay? SPEAKER C Looking forward to that. SPEAKER D Of how to apply this in our daily lives. How do we actually apply this in our daily lives? SPEAKER E Wonderful. SPEAKER C So what we'll do is we'll just take a break, share our contact details with you in case you want to get touch in touch with us, dear listener. And we'll be right back after this short message. Thank you for joining us on You Shall Receive Power. If you would like more information about today's program or if you have any questions, please contact 3ABN Australia Radio by Phoning 024-973-3456. Or you can send an email to [email protected]. You can also contact us on our 3ABN Australia radio Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you SPEAKER C Welcome back to you shall receive power. Just before the break, we were talking about the incredible power of God's word and the incredible promises in there which we can receive by faith and then live under the benefits of what Jesus Christ did for us through his perfect life, his perfect sacrifice, and also his resurrection from the dead. So he's conquered sin. He's conquered death. And we, by faith, can actually already sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Now, Jesus seems removed from us, but we know that he promised the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He said, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And Jesus wants to dwell within our lives through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit represents Christ and Christ in us. As we discussed, colin is our hope of glory. So we're looking forward to glorification. But between now and then, we can have Christ abiding in lives. We can be so intimately acquainted with him. And we just praise God for this gift of his son. Now, dear listener, we are going to just finish our study there. But we're going to continue the same theme in our next program. So make sure to stay tuned to the station when the program comes up because we want to unfold this. Unpack this a little bit more. So until then, may God be with you, bless you and keep you. SPEAKER C Listening to a production of Three ABN, Australia radio.

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