The Holy Spirit and the Key to Practical Experience

Episode 9 July 09, 2018 00:58:45
The Holy Spirit and the Key to Practical Experience
You Shall Receive Power
The Holy Spirit and the Key to Practical Experience

Jul 09 2018 | 00:58:45


Show Notes

Discussion from the book "Steps To Personal Revival, Being Filled With the Holy Spirit", by Helmut Haubeil. To download your FREE copy, visit

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SPEAKER B Jesus promised his disciples in Acts One eight, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all here and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Welcome to. You shall receive power. And here are your hosts, Ettienne McClintock and Colin Hone. SPEAKER C Dear listener, greetings and a warm welcome. Thank you for joining us on the program. We are delighted to have your company again. And just as we start, we just invite you to bow your heads for a word of prayer. Gracious Father in heaven, it's a delight for us to come into your presence. Just ask for your blessing upon our study today. May you bless the listener, Father. May you give him or her the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And Father, we ask the same for us as we communicate these beautiful truths about this intimate relationship we can have with you, Father, and also how this can make a practical difference in each and every person's life. This is our prayer in Jesus name, amen. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C So our discussion today has to do with the Holy Spirit and the key to practical experience. It comes from this book by Helmut Habel, Steps to Personal Revival. And you can download that just by typing it into a search engine like Google, and you'll find a PDF to download. It is for free. And today we are in chapter five and we're looking at the keys to practical experience. So there's some questions we want to answer, Colin, and it's how can we implement and experience God's solutions for us in our lives? And then the other question we also want to answer in relation to that is how should we pray so that we can be sure, so we can have some certainty around the baptism and receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit? SPEAKER D How can be sure of being filled with the Holy Spirit? So prayer and being filled with the Holy Spirit go hand in hand? SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D You can read that in Luke chapter eleven in the parable where Jesus, they ask Jesus how to pray, and Jesus tells him a parable, and he links the parable of asking bread to share with your neighbor for asking for the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D And so it's important that we go on a journey through faith and that we ask with faith for the Holy Spirit. That means after praying for the Holy Spirit, we need to trust and be certain that the Lord has answered our prayer and that he has already given us the Holy Spirit while asking. SPEAKER C Okay, so we've got to have confidence in the promises of God's word that God will do exactly what he says he would do in His Word. SPEAKER D That's right. So we have to ask, believing in faith, that he will give you the Holy Spirit, and we can read that in Galatians, chapter three, verse 14, it. SPEAKER C Says that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. And I think there's another translation that also says that we might receive the promise of the Holy Spirit by believing in Christ. SPEAKER D That's right. And I love how this says here in the new King James version that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus that we might receive the promise of the Holy Spirit through faith. And each one of them all says we receive it through faith. Faith. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D By believing in Christ. Other translations have through faith. SPEAKER C So we banish unbelief and we banish that severed relationship which distrusted God. Now, what we're saying is, Lord, we fully trust you. We have full confidence in you and the words and the things that You've promised. We know you won't let us down. SPEAKER D So we're praying for the promise that God has promised us. We're praying, Lord, fulfill that promise you promised you'd given us. We believe by faith that those who are in Christ will receive the promise of the Holy Spirit, because God said he would pour out His Holy Spirit upon us all flesh. So God has given us special help so we can easily trust our Heavenly Father, and we call it praying with the promises. So what does it mean to pray with a promise? So let me give you an example. Let's assume that your child isn't good at French in school, and you want to encourage your child to study French really hard. And you promise him that if he gets a good grade on his report card that he'll receive, you'll give him $20. SPEAKER E Okay? SPEAKER D So if you do really good on your report, I'm going to give you $20. So the child starts to study hard, you also help him with French and he really gets a really good grade. What happens now when the child comes home from school and comes to the front door? He calls out Lally and goes, hey dad. For example, $20. Why is he so certain that he'll get $20? Because a promise has been made and he's fulfilled the requirements. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D In fact, this is normal for most people today. I promise, if you do this, I will promise to do that. So there's an example, but it could be that at the moment I don't have $20. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER D Can it be that God doesn't have something that he promised? Impossible. SPEAKER E That's impossible. SPEAKER D Or could be that I take my promise back and say, I read in a book on education that you shouldn't motivate children to study with money. I've come back with it. By the way, after I made that promise, I read something else that we shouldn't motivate our children to study with the promise of money. So I can't give you the $20. God doesn't change God. Does God change his mind later? SPEAKER E No. SPEAKER D Impossible. We can see that when we have a promise from God and have fulfilled the requirements, then there is only one possibility that we receive the promise that's right. Now, through God's promises, he wants to encourage us to go in a certain direction, for example, receiving the Holy Spirit, which gives us God's power in our lives. He wants to make it easy for us to trust Him. Trust is at the heart of faith. I want to make that point. Trust is at the heart of faith. So I want to go through a few good Bible verses for praying with promises. And the first one is found in One John, chapter five, verse 14 to 15. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER C It says now this is the confidence that we have in Him that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petition that we have asked of Him. SPEAKER D So the promise is made. Yes, but there's a condition, and the condition is in the word if if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D So you got to pray according to his will. But where do you find out where God's will is? SPEAKER C In the word of God? SPEAKER D In the Bible, in the word of God? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D If God makes a promise and there's a condition on that promise, then we just got to ask according to his will. SPEAKER C So there's two ifs there says if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And then it says, if we know he hears us, so he's heard us. Whatever we ask, we know that we have the petition we have asked for. SPEAKER D Now, sometimes you might have to wait. SPEAKER C Sure. SPEAKER D But you wait in expectation that God will fulfill his promise. SPEAKER C A delay doesn't mean no. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C And when it's a promise of the Lord, it's always a yes. But a yes in the right time. SPEAKER D That's right. And so God gives a general promise that he answers prayers that are according to his will. God's will is expressed in commandments and promises we may rely on them in our prayers. Then in verse 15, it goes on to say, remember what you just said. And if we know that he hears us whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. And I love another translation. It says, if we know that God hears what we ask for, we know that we have it. So what does this mean? Our prayers according to God's will are answered in the same moment that we bring them to God. In that moment our prayers are answered. But emotionally, we usually don't notice anything because what are we we're looking at eyes, ears, smell. We want senses. Yes, our senses. Our prayers are answered by faith, not by our feelings. The feelings come later on when the actually prayer does get answered then, sure, our feelings might be one of joy. SPEAKER E And. SPEAKER D For example, people who have prayed in praying with nicotine or alcohol addicted people or addictions helball talks about at the moment when they pray for deliverance they don't notice anything. They receive the answer by faith. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D But a few hours later, they notice they don't have any craving for tobacco or alcohol anymore. There's many people who've prayed like that lady who prayed lord, I want to give up coffee and I pray for faith that you'll give me the power to do it. And she asked God to do it. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D All right. And guess what? She didn't have the cravings anymore. At that moment, they received the practical answer to their prayer. It might be a few hours or a few days or whatever it is when God answers that prayer. Now, Jesus says in Mark, chapter eleven, verse 24 these important words and this is really good counsel from Jesus. SPEAKER C He says, therefore, I say to you whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them and you will have them. SPEAKER D And that's pretty clear, isn't it? SPEAKER E Very clear. SPEAKER D But the timing is in God's hand. And again, I love what Ellen White says in the spirit of prophecy. SPEAKER C Okay, this is from the Book Education, page 258. We need to look for no outward evidence of the blessing. The gift is in the promise. And we may go about our work assured that God what God has promised, he is able to perform and that the gift which we already possess will be realized when we need it most. SPEAKER D That's right. So if we ask, according to God's will something God promises to do it. SPEAKER C That is an incredible promise. What a powerful statement. SPEAKER D All right. But it'll be when we need it most. SPEAKER C And we already possess that gift by faith because we've claimed it by promise. SPEAKER D It's by faith, not by feelings. That's the important thing. Hey, I'm not feeling it. God, I'm not feeling it. Well, it's not about feeling. God says to ask in faith and believe that he'll do something better than. SPEAKER C Feeling because feelings come and go. SPEAKER D It's the word of God, and they're up and down. We're emotional beings, so we shouldn't be searching for outward proof here. It certainly means searching for an emotional experience. And this is what Roger J. Morne said about the spirits and demons, how they want people to go about it. Listen to what he says. Just read quotation. SPEAKER C It says, the spirits, which are the demons would encourage people to listen to their feelings instead of to the word of Christ and his prophets. In no surer way could the spirits obtain control of people's lives without the individual realizing what has happened. SPEAKER D Now, that's out of his Book. And the name of the book is. SPEAKER C The Trip Into the Supernatural written in 1982, page 43. SPEAKER D Roger J. Morne was involved in deep demonic and satan worship. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D He was right in the hub of it. So he basically got to know what the devil and the demons methods were of trying to deceive people. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D And this was one of the ways they did it by encouraging people to listen to their feelings instead of the word of God and his prophets. Okay. And then they could then get control of their lives and without them even realizing what was happening. So praying with promises opens God's treasury for us. A loving heavenly Father opens an exhaustible account for us. They, the disciples may expect large things if they have faith in the promises. Now there's two groups of promises at the same time. It's important to take a careful distinction between the promises in the Bible, the spiritual promises for like for example, forgiveness of sin for the Holy Spirit, for the power to do his work and witness. They're always available, always available. SPEAKER C That is God's will continually for us. SPEAKER D That's right. Look at Acts chapter two, verse 38 and 39. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER C And then Peter said to them, repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call. SPEAKER D So these are spiritual promises. For example, repent, forgiveness of sin and ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to do his work are always available. But the promises for temporal blessings, even for life itself are given on occasion and withheld on occasion, right as God's providence sees, know there's times, know people are healed and sometimes people aren't healed according to our timetable. But remember what I said, god's timing, we ask promise, it's in God's timing. He might heal you straight away, he might heal you one year later or he definitely will heal you at the second coming when you get a new body. SPEAKER E Yeah, that's true. SPEAKER D You know what I mean? A new body that lives forever. You will be healed. But we leave the timing and trust in God's providence and his timing. Always remember that, trust in God because sometimes people say, why isn't that person healed? And they give up on God and the promises and everything like that. You got to trust God that he knows what he's doing and many times we're not going to know the answers until we're in heaven. SPEAKER C Timing is important and the Lord knows best in regards to the best timing. SPEAKER D That's right. And so we leave it at God's providences. An example is found in Isaiah chapter 43, verse two. SPEAKER C Yeah, it talks there. Say, when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch or kindle upon you. SPEAKER D That's right. So God kept this promise in a wonderful way for his three friends in the fiery furnace. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER C Daniel's three friends. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Daniel's. Three friends. When he promised they went into the fiery furnace, nebuchadnezzar put them in this furnace, heated it up, I think, like seven times, and they weren't burnt. However, on the other hand, reformers like Hus and Jerome in the Middle Ages and many other people were burnt at the stake in Constance. We could say that their prayers weren't answered, but nevertheless, weren't. They answered in a fashion that we aren't acquainted with. Why? This is what a papal writer described the death of these martyrs as followed. And many you got to realize, I've read a book called The Great Controversy. You can read about many of these examples in the book The Great Controversy, a wonderful book on the history of the Reformation and God, working through many men and women throughout the Dark Ages. And listen to what the papal writer says. SPEAKER C It says, both bore themselves with constant mind. When their last hour approached, they prepared for the fire as if they were going to a marriage feast. They uttered no cry of pain. When the flames rose, they began to sing hymns, and scarce could the vehemency of the fire stop their singing. SPEAKER D Wow. Usually if someone is burned, you can only scream. I remember if I touch the stove or something hot. Ouch. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Do you know what I mean? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D So what happened, do you think happened there? God gave them the courage and did something miraculously where they were able to sing while they're being burnt alive at the stake. SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER D That's some miracle. SPEAKER C That is miraculous. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C The grace of God was sufficient for their needs, no matter what they went through. Yeah. SPEAKER D Their behavior shows that God did intervene, just not in the manner which is readily visible to us or for us. This shows me that the temporal promises still have significant for us. Now, thanking for the answer. Here's the other thing. We need to thank God for the answer. Be grateful and actually thanking before it even happens. SPEAKER C Lord, I thank you before we can do that. SPEAKER D Absolutely. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Now, for another important aspect. When our requests have been granted at the moment we ask, then it's right to thank God for the answer in the next, isn't it? SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Our thanks at this moment express our trust in God. Well, you might be able to say, thank You, Lord, for what you're going to do in the future. I just believe and trust in you. I thank you, Lord in advance. SPEAKER E Yes. Amen. SPEAKER D That he answered our prayer and that we expect to be fulfilled when we need it most. And some believers notice something immediately after they pray. But for many believers, it's similar to Elijah's experience. Remember, Elijah, the Lord wasn't in the storm, was it? Let's go to First Kings, chapter 19, verse eleven and twelve. And let's look at what happened when Elijah was praying to the Lord. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER C It says and then he said, go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord. And behold, the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord. But the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake. But the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake, a fire. But the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, a still, small voice. SPEAKER D And the Lord was in a still, small voice. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D I must admit that's been my experience many times. It's not always in a great earthquake or a great fire or some. It's in a still, small voice. Sometimes when you pray after a long time, you think nothing happens. And then you start noticing things start taking place and you don't even realize that God's doing it. And this changed, helmet, Herbal's thinking and it's changed my thinking as well. Yes, but like the Bible says in Romans chapter twelve, verse two, and it's necessary to change my thinking in this moment. But what does Paul say in Romans chapter twelve, verse two? SPEAKER C It says be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. SPEAKER D Now it's correct to say that you answered my prayer. Thank you for already granting my request. Thank you that I will experience it at the right time. Just like those reformers in the Protestant reformers, they received what they needed at the right time. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D And this is not like self manipulation. For example, with self manipulation, I'm trying to persuade myself when I prayed with a promise, then I have a divine basis for my change thinking, because I've already been answered through faith. In this case, if I don't change my thinking, then I'm showing God I don't trust Him, okay? Yeah, but rather I'm a feeling orientated. And with this behavior I'm making God a liar and will thus not receive anything. It's also important that I act accordingly, even when I don't notice anything. Got to pray the promises and believe. Even if you don't even notice anything, you got to believe God has got it worked out. Yes, because he says, I have plans to what? Prosper. SPEAKER E Prosper you? SPEAKER D Yeah, to give you hope, not to harm you. He wants us to trust Him, even if you don't notice anything straight away. And God always integrates the necessity to believe. He wants us to trust Him? SPEAKER E Yes, he does. SPEAKER D I mean, just think about crossing the Jordan River. The priests, what did they have to do? SPEAKER E First? SPEAKER D They had to do what? SPEAKER C Step into the water. I mean, the water had disappeared until they stepped into it. SPEAKER D He said, I'm going to part the waters. But the priest says, now go forward and put the feet in the water. So they had to step in the water by faith. SPEAKER C So the priest didn't say, oh, well, part the water first. Then we'll go through they had to step in the water and then the water parted. SPEAKER D That's right. What about Know? Naaman wanted to be healed from leprosy. SPEAKER C He was a Syrian, wasn't he? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D And he goes to the prophet I think it was the prophet elisha. Elisha. And Elisha goes and says, what? Guess what? I want you to yeah, sure. Go and dip into the Jordan River, which is not a really clean or. SPEAKER C Nice down the lower part of the. SPEAKER D I mean and he was from Syria where they had beautiful rivers. He says you got to go and dip in the water seven times. So Naaman had to dip in the water seven times before he was healed. Seven times he wasn't healed. SPEAKER C If he gave up on the fifth or the 6th time, he wouldn't have been healed. SPEAKER D Maybe you're saying, I can't do that? I can't even imagine doing that. Please remember, there are a lot of things we can't explain that's true to this day. We don't know what electricity is, although we can use it to this day. We don't know how children learn to talk. Yeah, but they all learn it in the natural word. We are constantly surrounded with wonders beyond our comprehension. Should we then be surprised to find in spiritual world also mysteries that we cannot fathom. Some things we just cannot explain? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C And that's a quote from Alan White Education, page 170. SPEAKER D That's right. She says, there's things we just cannot explain. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Now, let's think about Proverbs, chapter three, verse five to six. SPEAKER C I was one of my favorite Proverbs. And it says, they trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct your paths. SPEAKER D Here we find clear prerequisites from God for this promise of directing our paths. The problem is we go around the world when things and things go wrong at work or in your family, in your relationships or your health, and you think and you pray to God and you go, Nothing's happening. And what we normally do is we just give up. We get depressed and we just think, we just give up. But if we ask God, we've got to believe by faith that he really has plans to prosper you and give you a future. Absolutely. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C We just don't to that trust relationship again, doesn't it all comes back to. SPEAKER D Trusting the promises of God? And so every prerequisite is also a commandment. SPEAKER E Right. SPEAKER D If we aren't sure that we have been fulfilled the prerequisite, then we may pray for willingness with the surety that the Lord will answer us immediately. But if you are willing to be made willing, god will accomplish that work for you. Sometimes we got to say, Lord, make me willing. SPEAKER C I'm willing to be made willing. I've prayed that pray more than once. SPEAKER D Something small that may help you do we know what we are doing when we have prayed with God's, promises have fulfilled the requirement, and then the doubts being answered. We're making God into a liar. Under no circumstances do we want to do that in this case. Pray. Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D And then trust. It really comes down to that. Faith and trust are linked together, isn't it? SPEAKER E Yes, they do. SPEAKER D We're just trusting in the promise of God. For example. What about Noah? Did God ask Noah to build an ark? Did God say that there was going to be rain, rain for 40 days and that flood was going to cover the earth? SPEAKER C Cover the whole earth? That's right. SPEAKER D Never seen rain before. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER C There was no way to scientifically prove what was God had prophesied would happen. SPEAKER D There's no evidence, was there? SPEAKER C None whatsoever. SPEAKER D No evidence of this ever happening before? SPEAKER E No. SPEAKER D And so what did Noah do? SPEAKER C Well, his work showed that he actually believed God. He started building it up, started chopping down trees. He started planing the trees and making planks together and getting all the equipment together and started building this ark. SPEAKER D His faith was demonstrated in his works. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D He believed God. SPEAKER C He was obedient and he was obedient. His obedience demonstrated his faith. SPEAKER D I mean, talk about faith 120 years later. Etienne, if God said something to you and then would you continue on that? For 120 years he continued on building that ark, doing what God asked him to do, believing that God said he. SPEAKER C Would do it incredible. An incredible witness to what genuine faith is all about and how it's manifested. SPEAKER D That's right. And so there's a valuable advice on praying with promises in the chapter Faith and Prayer in the book Education by LNG. White. A beautiful advice on pray. So the next thing is praying for the Holy Spirit. I think we have the best qualifications for praying to be filled with the Holy Spirit, but we shouldn't forget that it doesn't have to do with making God willing to do our will. It's not about asking God, can you just do my will? No, but rather believing in his promises and his trustworthiness. So what about the promise for receiving the Holy Spirit? We've talked about this many times in Luke chapter eleven, and the Lord has given us a wonderful promise for receiving the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C Okay, this is from Luke chapter eleven and verse 13. It says, if you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? SPEAKER D He wants to give us the Holy Spirit. It's his will to give us the Holy Spirit. And hasn't our Heavenly Father made a binding commitment right here? SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D The requirement in this wonderful promise is what? What is our part? SPEAKER C Just to ask. SPEAKER D We've got to ask. Yet Jesus doesn't mean asking one time, but makes a contrast appeal. And what he does, he says, you know what you've got to ask many times, just like Naaman had to dip seven times in the river, just like Elijah had to pray seven times before it rained after three and a half years of drought, you've got to continually ask. SPEAKER E That's true. SPEAKER D We also read about other texts which speak about the same thing. For example, in Acts, chapter five, verse. SPEAKER C 32, and there it says, we are his witnesses to these things. And so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him. SPEAKER D So is God going to give the Holy Spirit to those who don't obey Him? SPEAKER C No, because disobedience shows distrust and a break in relationship with God. SPEAKER D So what was the requirement? Here is obedience. We can see here that we can't support ourselves with only one text. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D We've got to always compare all the texts in the Bible. We also have to consider the context of the promise. It doesn't have to do with being obedient once with something that is pleasant for us. Rather, it has to do being within obeying Him, our wonderful redeemer and friend. Obedience creates joy. SPEAKER E It sure does. SPEAKER D Yeah. Jesus says in prophecy, in Psalms, it says, I delight to do thy will. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Your commandments are laws written within my heart. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D It was a joy to obey God, and so obedience creates joy. Pray every morning for an obedient heart. Pray for that. Pray for God to write those laws on your heart and give you a desire and joyful obedience in your life. SPEAKER C And desire is important, isn't it? And the greater our desire, the more we'll appreciate the gift when we receive it. SPEAKER D Pray that the Lord will make you willing to do everything he wants and will help you to accomplish this. This creates a good prerequisite. And I just love what Jesus says in John seven, verse 37, and we're just going to leave you with this, okay? SPEAKER C And this is talking about having that desire. Says, if anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. SPEAKER D And he's talking about what? He's talking about pentecost. SPEAKER C Is that right? SPEAKER D So that you're receiving the Holy Spirit. The rivers of living water, dear listener. SPEAKER C We'Re just going to take a break here, a short break, and we'll be right back after these messages. Stay tuned. SPEAKER F Abbott and Costello. Jordan and Pippen. Wilbur wright and Orville Wright, Simon and Garfunkel. Now, pardon my somewhat trivial examples here, but the point is one that you know well. Often someone is prominent or achieves in large part because of the help of another person. The Protestant Reformation was the most significant religious and you could say, political event of the last thousand years. And while we think of Martin Luther as the architect of the Reformation, luther likely wouldn't have been Luther without Philip Melanchon. Melanchthon was a giant intellect, a theologian, and he collaborated with. Luther. He made Luther better. Like Aaron and her holding up Moses hands. Exodus 17, verse twelve says and Aaron and her stayed up as hands. The one on the one side, the other on the other side. Whose hands can you hold up? Today God might be looking to you to bring out the best in someone else. I'm John Bradshaw, for it is written, let's live today by every word. SPEAKER C Dear listener, welcome back. We're glad you are still with us. We just before the break, read this beautiful promise that Jesus says, if anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. So Jesus will fill us with that drink. Now, what does that drink represent, Colin? SPEAKER D Well, he has to do with the desire for the Holy Spirit. He's saying, if anyone thirsts. Okay, so are you thirsting for the Holy Spirit? SPEAKER C Well, I don't want to have a drink if I'm not thirsty. SPEAKER D That's right. So Jesus saying he's saying we need a desire for the Holy Spirit. If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. If you have no desire or think you have little too little, then you may pray for desire. We can pray, Lord, give me a desire. Make me thirsty for the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C So God can fulfill all our insufficiencies, even the desire for things that we think we need to desire, but we don't by nature have it's. SPEAKER D A request according to God's will, which will be immediately answered when we ask our wonderful God. He will create in us the desire and the accomplishment. And we may also pray for the desire for a close relationship with God and to love Him with our whole hearts, to serve him with joy. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D And to have a growing desire for Jesus. We can ask, Lord, give me that desire. SPEAKER C Especially as we look forward to his second coming as well. SPEAKER D A desire to keep your commandments, a desire to obey, a willingness to pray and ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We can ask him for that. So we can be excited when Jesus comes, when we're united with God's kingdom. We also can ask for a desire for God's word. You might have a desire for yes, you know, I didn't have a desire for God's word, but when you ask for that, god, fill me with the Holy Spirit. When you ask for the Holy Spirit, it'll give you a desire for God's word. Ask him for a desire for a thirst for your word, Lord, a thirst for your Spirit. Ask him, is that God's will for. SPEAKER C You to and I can relate to it. As a young kid, I used to love the fairy tales and the little comic strips and I used to read that. And at the age of nine, my dad bought me a Bible for my birthday. And at the time, because I was was so carnal, even as a little kid, I just had no desire for the Word. And my dad bought this for me. It was the greatest gift he's ever given me. But at that time, I didn't appreciate the gift. But I knew under conviction that that was my duty to read the Bible. After all, I was a Christian young boy. So I'd start reading the Bible, and I just couldn't get into it. I'd read Genesis, chapter one, genesis, chapter two. Genesis, chapter three. And then I'll stop. I wouldn't go any further. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C Then I'll start again a few months later. Genesis, chapter one. Genesis, chapter two. I couldn't get into it. SPEAKER D And if you got into Leviticus, you sometimes really got stuck. That's right. SPEAKER C So then what happened was finding when the Lord actually created a desire within me, when I saw my need like I've never seen it before, I started reading the Word, and it just became alive. And I couldn't get enough of this. As I'm drinking in the Word of God, it was just such a joy and such a delight. Every waking moment I had, I was in the word. It was a complete turnaround. What I didn't like before, I now couldn't get enough of. It was like my taste buds for spiritual things had been awakened. SPEAKER D So what happened is that God gave you a thirst. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D So he was thirsty. Will come to me and drink, as Jesus said in John, chapter seven, verse 38 and 39. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D And it has to do with the desire of the Holy Spirit. If you have no desire or think you have too little, then you may pray for desire. It's a request according God's will, which it immediately answered to us. So we got to pray also. A desire in us to what? To be equipped to save the loss? SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Lord, give me a desire to witness. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D For many years, I didn't even have a desire to witness. Here am I turning up to church every week. I mean, I had no desire to go out and give anyone Bible studies. I had no desire to witness. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D I just thought, oh, that's the pastor's job. My job is to turn up to church and listen to a sermon and pay some tithe and do the Sabbath school lesson. And that was it. Sing three hymns. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C Preach to the choir. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER C But listen. SPEAKER D What Jesus says in John chapter seven, verse 38 and 39 says, he who. SPEAKER C Believes in me, as the Scripture has said. So Jesus referring back here to the word of God, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. And it says by this he spoke concerning the Spirit whom those believing in him would receive. SPEAKER D So he was talking about the future outpouring the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D And he says, as Scripture has said, he's always quoting from the Bible. Jesus, he always quotes it is written. In other words, he's saying here and. SPEAKER C The great thing is, Colin, that living water is going to remain for us from the time of Pentecost. The former rain was to be with the church all the way through until the lateral rain is bored. SPEAKER D That's right. And I believe he's also speaking about the prophecy in Ezekiel, chapter 47, about this temple being built. And it says, out of the east rivers a river comes a trickle, and it flows into a great river, and it brings healing into wherever it goes. To the nations? SPEAKER C Yes, to the sea. SPEAKER D Sea, which the sea represents in the baby, the nations. And so when we're filled with the Holy Spirit, rivers of living water will flow from within us, and we will bring what? Healing to the nations. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D And so here is a condition, is belief. What was the condition? He who believes in it believes. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Yeah. We see that our faith is in Jesus Christ. Our trust is in God. It's an important prerequisite for receiving the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. But when we pray with promises, then believing is easy. We just got to believe what God says that's right. And just rest in that. And just like Jesus says in or Paul says in Galatians, chapter five, verse 16, when he says these words I say, then walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the Spirit. So what's the condition? SPEAKER C The lust of the flesh? SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Is there a promise here? SPEAKER C That's a promise? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C If you're walking in the Spirit, you will not fulfill the lust of so. SPEAKER D We'Ve got a promise here which is expressed as a command. I say, then that's a command. SPEAKER C That's a command. SPEAKER D Walk in the spirit. That's the command. When God wants me to walk in the Spirit, then that clearly means that he wants to fill me with the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D Yeah. And he shows us here that when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, then we aren't at the mercy of lust anymore. The Holy Ghost breaks power of sin in us. And we can read that in Romans, chapter eight. It talks about that, the power of sin being broken in us. In Romans, chapter eight, and through the Holy Ghost, the deeds of our body are put to death. In Romans, chapter eight, verse 13, it says, the Holy Spirit breaks the power of sin in us. The deeds of our body are put to death. As Romans, chapter eight, verse 13 says. SPEAKER E That's right, yes. SPEAKER D And think about Paul, who said about himself, he says, I die daily. It is something tremendously value not to be at the mercy of the works of the body. Remember, the works of the body or the flesh found in Galatians, chapter five, verse 18 and 21 are the lusts of the flesh. But he says, rather grow in the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 522. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D When we're filled with the Holy Spirit, the fruits of the Spirit will be seen in our lives, and the lust of the flesh will be done away with. They'll be subdued and subdued. And we can compare sin, not being able to invade our lives to the assembly of like binoculars. In order for no dust to get into the lenses, the room has to be accordingly over pressurized. SPEAKER C All right? SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER D This means that the air moves outwards when the door is opened. No dust can enter in the same when same way when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. It says, you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER D When you're filled with the Spirit. SPEAKER C That is a great analogy. So overpressurized room means that air can't flow in, it can only flow out, and therefore, dust from outside cannot come into the room. SPEAKER D That's right. And there's the promise in Ephesians, chapter three, verse 16 and 17 and 19, about being filled with the Holy Spirit and transformed. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C It says that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might through his Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, that you being rooted and grounded in love, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER D We can be filled with the fullness of God. And how? SPEAKER C Through the Holy Spirit dwelling inside our hearts by faith. SPEAKER D And that's how Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith. And maybe we don't notice any of the powerful sometime. It could be like it's in nature. In the winter, the trees are bare, and in spring they're green, isn't it? The trees are bearing. But takes some time, doesn't it? SPEAKER E Yes, it does. SPEAKER D Takes time for a plant to grow. It takes time for the leaves to come out and for the flowers to bloom. And there's tremendous power at work in this revitalization, but we can't see or hear them. But we see the results. You see the results, don't you? But it takes time to see the results, and that is the way it is for me. And for me as well. I thank God that he gives me abundant power, but it's taken time for me to grow and produce fruits. Didn't happen straight away. The fruits of the Spirit happen over time. As you grow. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D As you grow. SPEAKER C Recreation and regeneration. So we're talking about regeneration in that aspect now? Yes, that's right. SPEAKER D Now, another example, we have known for a few decades that we have electric currents in our body. So we know that you know that we have electric currents in our body and they're there, but we aren't aware of them. SPEAKER C That's true. SPEAKER D All right. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D And so that's just another example. They're there, but we're just not aware of them. Okay. Now, I want to tell you about Ephesians, chapter five, verse 18, okay. Because it talks about continually being filled with the Holy spirit. SPEAKER C That's right, yes. It says, be filled with the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Or let yourselves be continually. SPEAKER C And this is ongoing, continuous process refilled. SPEAKER D With the Holy Spirit. And in Acts, chapter one, verse eight, we need the Holy Spirit to witness, to give power. SPEAKER C That's right. You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to me. SPEAKER D Now, remember, the disciples had the commission right to take the gospel to the world. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D But they were told to wait until the power came. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D They didn't wait Idly, though, did they? They didn't wait Idly. They prayed earnestly for the empowerment to meet people in their daily lives. They prayed earnestly and to have the right words to lead sinners to Christ right. They laid aside all their differences and aspirations to power. And so we also may pray with that promise. We need to pray, Lord. We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, Lord, so that we'll have the right words to witness and to have power to witness and share with others, and so we can claim that promise as so, you know, no positive result. I just want to talk to you about a certain young man, and he's looking for counsel since he wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and he was really struggling. And the pastor asked him, have you completely submitted your will to God? So this was the question. The pastor said, have you submitted your will to God? This is a prerequisite of being filled with the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C Very important question. SPEAKER D And he says, I don't think I completely have. Well, the pastor said, then it won't do you any good to pray to be filled the Holy Spirit till you've completely submitted your will to God. Don't you want to submit your will to God right now? And the man says, I can't, he replied. So the pastor said, Are you willing for God to do it for you? Yes, he answered, Good answer. Then ask him to do it. He prayed, O God, enter me from my own will. Bring me into complete submission to your will. Lay down My will for you, for me. I pray in Jesus name. Then the pastor asked him, did it happen? It must have. He said, I asked God for something according to his will, and I know that he answered me and that I have that which I prayed for. He just claimed a promise for God, isn't that right? SPEAKER C It's a promise that we just read before in one John, chapter five, verse 14. If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. We know that he hears us. SPEAKER D That's right. Yes, it has happened. My will has been laid down. He said now. The pastor said, now pray for the baptism, the Holy Spirit being filled with the Holy Ghost. He prayed, oh, God, baptize me now with your Holy Spirit. I pray in Jesus name and it happened immediately when he laid down his will. SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER D All right. So there's a great difference before and after. Now, even though Helmut Helbach goes on to talk about even though he was acquainted with praying with promises for a long time and used it in a special situations and experienced wonderful answers to prayer, he thought for many years that it was good enough if he just simply asked for the Holy Spirit in prayer without relying on specific promises. I know that many have the same opinion. I don't want to say that it's something wrong, but when I took back my personal experiences, then I can only regret that I only prayed this way without any promises. For a few years now, I have been praying daily with promises for the Holy Spirit. He now prays God's promises. You promise for the Holy Spirit, I lay down my will, I surrender my will. And you said if I do that, you promise to fill me the Holy Spirit and to answer my prayers. And through an experience in October 28, in 2011, helmet Horbal realized that the great governance in his life was the before and after. And since he started praying with promises, he says his relationship with God has never been more intimate and more closer relationship with Jesus. SPEAKER C So some people could experience a bit of a breakthrough in a relationship with the Lord. Just taking this advice on board, praying. SPEAKER D With promises, praying the promises of God. And it's not just subjective thinking. You can link it with the following things. For example, while reading the Bible, I often have new and encouraging insights because he's praying and be filled the Holy Spirit and surrendering, he's now praying that he'll have more insights in God's word. So in the battle with temptation I can remain victorious. SPEAKER C That's a promise from the Word. SPEAKER D Yes, that's right. Indeed, he says his prayer time has become more precious to him and it brings him great joy and God answers many of his prayers. Yeah, that's just a wonderful prominent another thing he says reading according to Acts, chapter four, verse 31, he has a greater joy and more boldness to tell others about Jesus. So he says, Lord, like the book of Acts, like Peter and John, I pray for more boldness to tell others about Jesus. He says he's become more sociable with his own friends. He's more sociable, he's more outgoing, he's more sociable. He says he lives happily through God's grace and feels secure in his hand. He feels more assured of salvation because he's happy in God's, insecure in God's hand. SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER D And when there's a difficult phase in his life, he says the Lord has sustained him in a wonderful way and strengthen him from within. This is through his time in prayer and claiming the promises of God and trusting in God despite the evidences of what's happening in his life. And he's also realized what spiritual gifts the Lord has given him. Another thing that happens guess what he started? Stop criticizing other people. SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER D Even in the church, criticism stops. And when he hears other people criticizing, he feels uncomfortable when people start criticizing. I've noticed this in my own life. You can easily be critical. The church isn't doing this. This ministry is not doing this. The pastor's not doing this. Oh, the rest of the church is not doing this. And we can become highly critical, and we can look at each other and start being critical. But what happens when you're filled with the Holy Spirit? The criticism will stop because you'll start seeing people through the eyes of Jesus yes. And look past their faults and see their need. SPEAKER E That's very encouraging. SPEAKER D And this change took place quietly and over time. He noticed at first, after some time, he was praying daily for the Holy Spirit with the biblical promises. Since then, he says, I'm experiencing a different kind of Christianity. Previously, Helmut Helball says, my life with God was often laborous and difficult. It was a burden. Now I experience joy and power. And he also says he's sorry for his losses in his personal life because of the lack of the Holy Spirit, for the losses within his marriage and family, for his losses in the churches where he even served as a pastor. When I realized this, I asked the Lord for forgiveness. It's unfortunately true in this area that we can't lead anyone further than we lead ourselves. In other words, we can't lead anyone further than when we've been led ourselves. SPEAKER C That is true. SPEAKER D We also want to remember that the personal shortcomings of individuals in the family and the church add up or multiply in order for others not to lament the same mistakes in their lives. He wants to give us a few thoughts. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER D The first one he wants to say is in two Peter, chapter one, verse three and four. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER C So it talks about the intimate relationship we can have with Jesus that says that through Christ we have a great and precious promises that we may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. SPEAKER D Wow. So through these great and precious promises, we can be partakers of the divine nature. And that's what was happening to Helburn, and that's what's happening to hundreds of thousands of people. As I said, the Steps to Personal Revival Book has been probably 600 to 700,000 copies have been distributed worldwide. And many, many people are experiencing the same thing that Helman Hallbill and yourself and myself are experiencing is as we become partakers of the great divine nature, we start seeing the fruits in the Holy Spirit in our life. This means that the Holy Spirit is given to me through the promises. You can compare the promises to a bank check. You know, when you get a bank check, we present a signed check from an account holder. We can withdraw money from someone else's account, can't we? I'll give you a check. Yeah, all right. Written my name on it. You can draw as God's children. In John, chapter one, verse twelve, it says, we can daily withdraw the checks, the promises signed by Jesus. Jesus has signed the checks. Here are the promises. All you got to do, put them in the bank. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D It wouldn't do good anyone to present our own checks, can we? We can't just go and present our own checks because we got no money in the bank. SPEAKER C That's right. Not when it comes to spiritual things. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D That's what Jesus said in Luke, chapter eleven. You've got no bread. Another word for money. You've got no bread to share with others, he says. But you got to ask our Heavenly Father for that bread, ask Jesus for that Holy Spirit, and we can claim those promises. We need the sign checks from the account holder. And who's the account holder? That's Jesus. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D There's another reason which may encourage us to pray with promises. There is power in God's word. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D I mean, why did Jesus pray on the cross three times with the words from the Psalms? Why did he defend himself and route Satan with Bible verses during Satan's temptations in the wilderness? When Matthew chapter four, verse four, seven and ten, he said, man lives through every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. SPEAKER C He started his defense every time with it is written, it is quoting the. SPEAKER D Old Testament, because there's power in God's Word. When God created the heavens and earth, he said, Let there be what light. And there was light. Yes, he spoke it into existence. And so when we speak the words God's Word, there's power in speaking God's Word, just as there's power. We just said, man lives through every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Now, Jesus the Creator knew that there is power in God's word. He knew this in every command and every promise of the word of God is the power, the very life of God by which the command may be fulfilled and the promise realized. Isn't that incredible? If you could just grasp that listeners or those on Facebook, there is power in God's Word. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D When we speak God's Word, there is power, creative power. And what a wonderful statement. The power of God and his life are in every promise. And when we pray the promises, we are using God's Word in our prayers, it says about God's word in Isaiah chapter 50 511, when God speaks his word, what does God say? SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER C Say so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth. It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. SPEAKER D So when you speak God's promises and his word, it goes forth from your mouth, it shall not return to you void. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D And I plan only to pray for the Holy Spirit with promises. So Helmet helmet plans to pray for the Holy Spirit and the promises in the word of God. And he knows that after he's asked for the Holy Spirit, that he may receive it based on the promise in God's word. Remember, in one John, chapter five, verse. SPEAKER C 15, it says and we know if that he hears us whatever we ask, we know that we have the petition that we have asked of Him. SPEAKER D So when you pray without a promise, then I hope that my prayer will be answered. So you're praying without a promise? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Lord, I hope my prayer will be answered. You're praying without a promise because you. SPEAKER C Don'T know what the will of God is. But a promise tells you clearly what God's will is. SPEAKER D So it's better to take the time for a prayer like this and experience a blessed day, rather than to complain about failures in the evening. SPEAKER E Yeah, it's true. SPEAKER D Pray the promises of God, lord, you promised. This is according to your will. I want to finish on this. Helmut Horbel received an email which was written with great joy. This is what it says this person said I never thought it was possible that it would make such a big difference if I pray for God's leading throughout the day with my own words, or if I pray with the promises from the Bible. Promises have always been very important to me. I've always believed in them, but I failed to claim them daily. My life with Jesus has gained a deeper, more joyful, more confident and calmer dimension, and I thank God for this. For this reason, I've decided to share an example of prayer for the Holy Ghost with the promises. And naturally we can shorten this, and it's important that we learn to pray for ourselves directly from God's Word. But the vital point is this that our faith is strengthened by the promises in such a way that after we've prayed, we have the assurance that we have received the Holy Ghost. We receive the Holy Ghost when we believe what we pray. SPEAKER C That's true. SPEAKER D I'm just going to take you, listeners and those who are watching, through a model prayer with the promise of the daily renewal of the Holy Spirit. Many times I go to this prayer, I've got it copied, I downloaded it from the Net, the Steps of Persian Revival. I copied this prayer onto my phone. And many times I pray this prayer daily. And I'm just going to read this prayer, this model prayer that you too can pray for the promises for the daily renewing the Holy Spirit. Here it goes father in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus, our Savior. You said, Lord, in your word, give me your heart. In Proverbs 23 26. I want to do that by submitting Myself to you today with everything I am and have. Thank you that you have already answered this prayer according to Your will, because Your Word says that if we pray according to Your will, we know that we have already received it. In One John, chapter five, verse 15, and you also said, Lord, that you would by no means cast out anyone who comes to you. You said that in John, chapter six, verse 37. And Jesus, you said in Luke, chapter eleven, verse 13 you said that if you then being evil now know how to give good gifts to your children, how much will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him Father in heaven? You further said you would give the Holy Ghost to those who believe in you. In John, chapter seven, verse 38 and 39, you said you'd give the Holy Spirit to those who obey you. In Acts, chapter five, verse 32, who let themselves be renewed by the Holy Spirit. In Ephesians, chapter five, verse 18, and you said, Lord, those who walk in the Spirit in Galatians five, verse 16 father in heaven, this is my desire. Please accomplish this in me. For this reason, I sincerely ask you, Father, to give me the Holy Ghost today. And since, Father, this is a request according to Your will, I thank you that you have given the Holy Ghost right now, according to Your word in One John, chapter five, verse 15. And I thank you that you've already received your divine love at the same time, because your Father, Your Word, says in Romans, chapter five, verse five, and Ephesians, chapter three, verse 17, that the love of God has been poured out in their hearts by the Holy Spirit. And Father, I want to say with the psalmist in Psalm verse 18 one the Promise I will love you, O Lord, with all my strength. And I thank you that I can love my fellow human beings with Your love. I thank you through the Holy Spirit, that the power of sin has been broken in me according to Your word in Romans, chapter eight, verse 13 and Galatians 516. And Father, please save and protect me today from sin and from the world. Give me protection from the fallen angels and save me from temptations, and when necessary, snatch me and save me from my old corrupt nature according to Your word. SPEAKER E In one. SPEAKER D John, chapter five, verse 18. And Father in Heaven, please give me the power of Your Holy Spirit so I can be your witness. And word indeed according to Your promise in Acts, chapter one, verse eight, that you'll give me power to be Your witness, and I praise you. And thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus name. Amen. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER C What a powerful prayer, and what a great example, Colin, of taking the promises in the word of God and. Submitting them as a petition, a request to God and claiming those promises. So dear listener, we are just going to take a short break to share our contact details with you and we'll be back straight after this. Just to wrap up the program, stay tuned. Thank you for joining us on You Shall Receive Power. If you would like more information about today's program or if you have any questions, please contact 3ABN Australia Radio by Phoning 024-973-3456. Or you can send an email to [email protected]. You can also contact us on our 3ABN Australia radio Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you SPEAKER C Dear listener, glad that you've stayed with us. We're just wrapping up our program now and this program is to do with the Holy Spirit and the keys to practical experience. But Colin, can we remain spiritual if we start in the Spirit and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Can we remain in that state? SPEAKER D And we can. While we continually ask daily for the Holy Spirit according to God's promises, jesus himself wants to live in us through the Holy Spirit according to one John 324 and John chapter 14, verse 23. And Ellen White said, the influence of the Holy Spirit is the life of Christ in the soul. SPEAKER E Wow. SPEAKER D It's the same power that changed Peter, Paul and many others in the Bible is also available to us. He also gives us that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might through the Spirit and the inner man according to Ephesians chapter 316. And being filled with the Holy Ghost is the key to a life of faith. Enjoy power and love and victory over sin. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty according to two. Corinthians, chapter three, verse 17. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER D And many church members pray daily and they suggest praying day for twos. Sometimes go together and pray daily in twos. Pray together in small groups. There is power in praying together in groups as well. And can a person remain spiritual? Yes, when we don't allow an attitude of unbelief to develop and we breathe spiritually. In other words, we breathe out and we breathe in? Yes, by for confessing our sins and inhaling by making use of God's love and forgiveness. And by the renewing our prayer of faith to be filled with the Holy Ghost every day. Pray for the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit every day pray Lord, forgive me for my sins, cleanse me from all unrighteousness every day submit your will to Lord and say not my will, but your will. If you pray according to the promises that we just gave you, god will fill you with the Holy Spirit and you will have power to be witnesses for him. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER C Dear listener, we look forward to catching up with you again next time. May God bless you and keep you until then. SPEAKER D You'Ve been listening to a production of three ABN Australia radio.

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