Who Receives the Latter Rain?

Episode 13 June 13, 2018 00:58:45
Who Receives the Latter Rain?
You Shall Receive Power
Who Receives the Latter Rain?

Jun 13 2018 | 00:58:45


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Discussion from the book "Omega Apostasy and Laodicea", by Pastor Dennis Smith.

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SPEAKER B Jesus promised his disciples in Acts One eight, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all here and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Welcome to. You shall receive power. And here are your hosts, Ettienne McClintock and Colin Hone. SPEAKER A Dear listener, greetings and a warm welcome. Thank you for tuning into the program today. Colin and myself are delighted to have your company and just as is our custom, we're just going to invite God to bless us as we spend time looking at his word. Gracious Father in heaven, it's such a privilege again today to open your word to study and look at this wonderful topic about Christ within our hope of glory. And we're going to look at that aspect of the gospel and of Your promise of salvation and that intimate relationship you promise each one of us through the process of the former reign and also the lateral reign. Father, may you bless those who are watching on Facebook, may you bless those who are listening on radio. May we be drawn to you. And Father, may your Holy Spirit be poured out on each one of us as our prayer in Jesus name. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER B Amen. SPEAKER A So we have a fascinating topic and it comes from a little book called Omega, Apostasy and Laodacea here, written by Pastor Dennis Smith. Now, I'm just going to show this to the people out there. It's a great little book and you can actually download this book for free. And they can go to Spiritbaptism.org. SPEAKER B WW spiritbaptism.org. You can download this book for free. It's a really amazing book. SPEAKER A Great, so wonderful. And the topic, we are getting towards the back end of the book now, but this question, who receives the latter reign of the Spirit? Is one that we want to answer because there can be some confusion around this topic. SPEAKER B Look, it's probably one of the most important questions there is, as we know that those who receive the early reign and the early rain was poured out on the day of Pentecost, and we're going to look at that in a minute. But those who receive and grow in the early reign, towards the end, just before Jesus comes, is the latter reign of the Holy Spirit is going to be poured out on his people, but it's only going to be poured out on those who have grown or received and grown in the early reign. An early reign represents the Holy Spirit that transforms our character into the likeness of Jesus. They receive the latter reign of the Holy Spirit, which gives them power. If you read Revelations 18, verses one to six, to repeat the three angels messages with power of the Holy Spirit, so it also prepares them for the harvest, because the whole point of that early and latter rain was the early rain causes the seed to germinate, born again, to grow. In other words, where the seed is the gospel, the good soil is in our hearts, so it grows and then as it grows, just before the harvest, just before Jesus comes. You read in Revelations chapter 14, talks about the harvest. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B After the three angels message is given, there's a harvest, the angels come, two groups. There's two groups, the wheat and the grapes. And the latter rain causes the harvest, prepares the harvest for the ripening ripening of the harvest. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER A So these are agricultural terms that we're talking about. So we're talking about what happened in Palestine, in the Middle East there, where they had a rain as they were starting, they planted and then the rain would come and that would germinate the seed and would start to grow. SPEAKER D Correct. SPEAKER A So that water was required for the germination and the growth. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER A And then of course, just before the harvest, there was another season of rain that would come, which is they refer to as the latter rain. And that will then just give the last little spurt of growth to mature it for harvest. SPEAKER D Correct. SPEAKER A And that's what we're talking about. So this is really, in a broad terms, using agricultural framework to explain how God works in regards to the Holy Spirit and the word of God working together to mature people for the second coming of Jesus. SPEAKER B That's right. I mean, God uses illustrations that we can understand. And Israel, obviously most nations have an agriculture base and he used that as an illustration to explain spiritual things. SPEAKER A Jesus always did that, and especially in the times in which we live. I mean, typically people would think, look, I've got to prepare for death so that the Lord can resurrect me. So they take the underground to get to heaven. What I mean by that is obviously they buried and then they wait for the resurrection, so they sleep in Jesus and then they race to newness of life. Literally. When Christ comes a second time, however, there's going to be a group of people in the end who will be matured for harvest who do not see death. They are actually translated, just like we read in the book of Hebrews chapter eleven. It says there that Enoch was taken without seeing death because he had this promise, this testimony from God that he pleased him and he was actually translated by faith. SPEAKER B We can read that in first thessalonians chapter four. SPEAKER A Okay, yes. SPEAKER B Talks about the second coming of Jesus. Two groups, those who have died in Christ are raised. SPEAKER D Raised, yes. SPEAKER B And those who are alive when he comes are both changed and go back to heaven. In first thessalonians chapter four. So this is talking about a last generation that will be alive before Jesus comes. They will receive what's called the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. This is what will prepare them to go through what's called the time of trouble, or the last seven plagues, the final crisis on earth. And so it's really important that we understand and we prepare to receive the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. So, yeah, you're going to read that second coming of Jesus. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER A So this is first, thessalonians chapter four, and I may as well read from verse 13. It says, but I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep. So those are the people who have died. Yes, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. SPEAKER B So this is going to provide some hope for us, those who are Christians. We have a hope. The hope isn't the resurrection, isn't it? That's the hope. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B And say other people who don't have that hope. It's sad, isn't it? SPEAKER D Very sad. That's right. SPEAKER A If there's nothing more to it, then you say farewell to your loved ones. SPEAKER D That's it. That's it. SPEAKER A That's right. Verse 14. But if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. For this I say to you, by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain so, those are the ones who are being translated until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, so that's the two groups, those who are dead and they will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. So the sequence is very clear there. Those who are dead in Christ will rise first. We will not precede. Those who are alive will not precede those who are in the grave those in the grave will come to life and be in a glorified body. God will raise them in the glorified body first. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER A Then we who are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. So our meeting of the Lord and their meeting of the Lord happen simultaneously as we ascend from heaven. The Lord draws us up and we meet him in the clouds. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B And he takes us back to heaven. SPEAKER A That's right. SPEAKER B And that's a whole nother Bible study. SPEAKER A That's right. SPEAKER B We'll be maybe looking in the future, but we want to know who receives the latter reign of the Holy Spirit, because those who receive the latter reign of the Holy Spirit will be that last generation that the Bible is talking. SPEAKER A About, precedes this particular event. SPEAKER B They're going to live. They're going to live when Jesus finishes his high priest ministry in heaven. As we know, Jesus is our high priest in heaven. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B Hebrews talks about that. Revelation, chapter eight, isn't it? Eight or four talks about that. That's right. And so Jesus is our high priest in heaven and so he's going to finish that work. And the high priest is what? What's the purpose of the high priest in heaven? SPEAKER A Mediation between God and man. SPEAKER B He's mediating between us, he's our intercessor. But eventually that work is going to be finished when all decisions are made either way. And we get to choose which one we want to be in. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B Yours are my choice. SPEAKER A God made us free moral agents, so the ability to choose is ours. SPEAKER B It's our choice. And everything has been provided for us to make that choice. Jesus has died on the cross and paid the penalty for our sins. Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to make effectual what was happened on the cross. So everything has been put into place and given us to prepare us. SPEAKER D Yes. Beautiful. SPEAKER B And so what we want to do is we want to clarify though, God's message to the Laodicean church, because the Laodicean church spoken in Revelation chapter three is the last God's last day church. This is the church that is alive when Jesus comes. This is the church that will receive the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B I mean, no one else has received the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER A Oh, that's dead right. SPEAKER B If you go from Acts chapter two, they receive the early reign of the Holy Spirit, but no one has received the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. Their early reigns available to all of us. But this last generation are going to receive the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. And it makes sense why they receive it. Prepare for the harvest. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B I mean, what are they going to be doing? What's different between them and any other generation? I mean, what's the difference? SPEAKER A Well, it's the fact that they'll be translated and reflect the glory of God more than any other group of people previously. Because we have individuals, we have types in the Old Testament, we have obviously Enoch. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER A It was translated. There's another person we know that was translated. That was Elijah. And of course, the Elijah message is part of this preparation for Christ's return and to reflect his image and character. So we see that in the Old Testament, we can learn from that. But the 144,000 sing a song that no one else can sing. And that song is their experience, the. SPEAKER B Song of Moses and the song of the Lamb, isn't it? SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B Their experience, this experience that no one. SPEAKER A Else has had because they've gone through a time of trouble such as never was, and then they are translated and they meet the Lord in the air. SPEAKER B Yeah, that's right. And let's have a look at, look at the high priestly ministry of Jesus. He finishes his mediation, every decision is made. Revelation says he was filthy, remained thief. Revelation 22, I believe it is. SPEAKER A 20 211. SPEAKER B Yes, he was just remained just. So they remain and decision is made. Judgment begins with the house of God. SPEAKER A That's right. SPEAKER B And judgment begins before Jesus returns. And we know that it began in 1844. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B According to the prophecies of Daniel, chapter eight, in 1844. So the judgment has happened to decide who's going to be in heaven and who's not. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER A So when we've already discussed in previous programs about Jesus finishing his high priestly ministry and you read about that in Revelation chapter eight, where it says there'll be silence in heaven for about a half an hour, and then it talks about the angel who's got the golden sensor. And he's got much incense in there to offer with the prayers of the saints. So the incense represents the prayers of the saints. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER A And then finally he takes that sensor and he throws it to the earth, and then there's a big earthquake and so forth. So we know that this is the start of the plagues. SPEAKER B He's only sensor it's finished. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B It's the end of the mediation. It's completed. And you can look, there's many places in the Bible that we could allude to at another time. We've discussed that previous radio stations, which you can listen to now. SPEAKER A That's right. It's on demand. It's available on demand. If you go to threeAB in australia.org, Au, and go under radio, you can actually listen. And under radio, you can then go on demand and listen to all our programs. They've all been uploaded there. Under, you shall receive power. You'll be able to find it very easily. SPEAKER B Okay, so basically, God's mission to the Laodicean Church is to how his people can come out of their latice condition, their lukewarm condition. And I've heard ever since I became a seven day Venice Christian, that the Church needs to come out of Laodicea. I mean, I just was at a big camp just recently, and it was talking about, we need to come out of Laodicea, the last day Church of Laodicea. So I've heard many times expressions of how much we need the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. Yes, of course, the Church needs to come out of Laodicea, and we need the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D We do. SPEAKER B We do need this. In fact, receiving the latter reign of the Holy Spirit will play important role in bringing the fulfillment of God's purpose for the Church. God's purpose. However, I believe that there's a very important truth maybe being overlooked concerning receiving the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. And I believe it's important that we've got to pray. We've got to pray for the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER B However, every Christian should be careful not to focus on the ladder rain only. Okay? SPEAKER D Right. SPEAKER B And ignore the preparation necessary to receive the ladder rain when it falls. I mean, we need the ladder rain, but we also need to prepare for the ladder rain. What do we need to prepare it? SPEAKER A Well, the thing is, if we look at that agricultural analogy we use with the former rain, the ladder rain, if you plant the seed and there's no former rain, the seed just sits there in the ground, it doesn't germinate. Then all of a sudden there's rain that falls just before the harvest. That seed has just germinated and started growing, but there's no fruit and it's got no root. SPEAKER B When the rain comes, it'll probably be swept away or what happens when the sun comes out and it hasn't scorches it? Scorches it when persecution comes. SPEAKER A So the preparation obviously has a lot to do with the former rain, and then the latter rain can do its work afterwards. For the maturing of the. SPEAKER B Know, many very Adventist, and Adventist just means we're waiting for the advent of the second coming of Jesus. So if you believe in the advent of Jesus Christ's second Coming, you are an Adventist. That's what it so my great concern is that many Adventists are waiting for the latter rain. Thinking will bring about the major changes in life that are necessary to be ready for Christ's second coming. And many believe that the latter rain will finally bring the church out of Laodicea. This can be a dangerous attitude. Yes, it is the attitude that Satan's Omega deception propagates that just wait for the latter rain that'll take care of everything. And I just want to talk about what the Bible says and the Spirit of Prophecy says about those who receive the latter rain. And I believe this is really essential to understand. It appears that many Adventists and other Christians are confused about the latter reign of the Holy Spirit, and no one will receive the latter rain if they remain in their latest spiritual condition. If you remain in Laodicea, you won't receive the latter ain. If you remain a foolish virgin spoken of Matthew 25, you won't receive the latter rain. SPEAKER D Wow. SPEAKER B I mean, the Bible makes this is. SPEAKER A An important message to understand. SPEAKER B So let's go to Joel's prophecy about the early and latter rain. SPEAKER D Okay? SPEAKER B And this can be found in Joel, chapter two, verse 23. SPEAKER A Joel, chapter two, verse 23. It says, be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given you the former rain faithfully, and he will cause the rain to come down to you, the former rain and the latter rain in the first month. Now, that is a beautiful text, because the word former rain, there is the word more in the Hebrew, and it actually means a teacher or teaching or early rain. So it's through the teaching of the word of God that we receive the former reign. If we receive that teaching by faith. Then it talks about more the former reign faithfully, the word faithfully, it's teddak and it means righteousness. So it's actually a teacher of righteousness. SPEAKER B Yes, that's what Noah was, a preacher of righteousness, wasn't he? SPEAKER A That's right, yes. SPEAKER B And so I want to read also. So we got this early rain, a promise of the early rain and latter rain. And then I want you to read verse 27 and 28. SPEAKER A It says, then shall you know that I am in the midst of Israel. I am the Lord your God and there is no other. My people shall never be put to shame. SPEAKER B So here's a prophecy. It states that this would take place following the appearance of the I Am. And who's the I am of Israel. That's Jesus. Jesus says I am. He is the promise of the I am. So this is what before the early reign came, promise Jesus would appear. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B Okay, so then you go into verse 28 and it talks about and it. SPEAKER A Said, and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions. SPEAKER B Okay. So basically, meaning all believers will be able to experience the Spirit in this know, throughout the Old Testament, different people will receive the Spirit. But this is the promise of the outpouring of the Spirit on all. It's been made available, and that's been made available because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And Peter understood Joel's prophecy and applied it to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. When we read in Acts chapter two, verse 16 to 18. Acts chapter two, verse 16 to 18, it says, but this is Peter speaking. He goes, but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel. And it shall come to pass in the last days, said God, I'll pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and on your sons and your daughters shall prophesies, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. And on My servants and on My handmaidens I will pour out in those days of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy. And so therefore, the first fulfillment of Joel's prophecy about the Holy Spirit took place on the day of Pentecost. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B When those in the upper room experienced the early reign baptism of the Holy Spirit, that's when it was poured out. And Peter's referring to this outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and I love Ellen White comments on this in the Spirit of Prophecy in the Great Controversy, pages 611 and 612. Do you want to read that? SPEAKER D Yeah, sure. SPEAKER A It says, the great work of the Gospel is not to close with less manifestation of the power of God than marked its opening. The prophecies which were fulfilled in the outpouring of the former reign at the opening of the Gospel are again to be fulfilled in the latter reign at its closed. Here are the times of refreshing to which the apostle Peter looked forward to when he said, repent ye therefore, and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord and he shall send Jesus. SPEAKER B So what Ellen White's saying is here she's agreeing with Peter. This was the outpouring of the earlier. SPEAKER D Rain. SPEAKER B And the latter rain is going to come. SPEAKER D Right. SPEAKER B And she's saying, before the latter rain comes, though she says, she goes, says. And Peter quotes in Acts chapter three, verse 19 to 20, he says, repent ye therefore, and be converted that your sins may be blotted out. Repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of Lord. This is when your sins jesus is a high priest. He is now cleansing the heavenly sanctuary. Yes, that's the whole purpose of the high priest ministry. On the day of Atonement was all the sins had gone into the sanctuary just on earth. All the sins have gone in there day after day, day after day. And over the last 2000 years, all our sins have been repented, have been gone into the sanctuary. Now Jesus is doing a work in judgment of cleansing the sins or blotting out as Peter blotting out those sins. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B So it talks about our sins need to be blotted out when the times are refreshing. This is the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. So there's a time of repentance and making sure your sins are in the sanctuary, you've repented them and Jesus has taken upon Him and taken them into the sanctuary. But eventually he's going to cleanse them and remove them or blot them out. SPEAKER D Right. SPEAKER A So the work of the Holy Spirit, because Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will do three things. He will reprove the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. So as the Holy Spirit does his work in our life and convicting us of sin, we are to confess those sins and by the power of God, to forsake those sins, because Jesus says he's faithful and just, to forgive when we confess, forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This work is to precede so God, beside the books of record in heaven, can write pardon and then blot out the sin. And therefore he can then prepare his people to live in his sight, in the sight of a holy God, without being consumed. SPEAKER B Amen. Amen. So the first illustration of Joel's prophecy about the Holy Spirit took place on the day of Pentecost, when those in the upper room experienced the early reign baptism of the Holy Spirit. As a result, the Gospel what happened? The Gospel went out to the world, devils were cast out, the sick were healed and even the dead were raised. Yes, that early church did the works Jesus did because Jesus was living and ministering through them via the baptism or infilling of the Holy Spirit. Yes, but Joel's prophecy foretaught up two outpourings of the Holy Spirit. Remember the early reign and the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. Now the latter reign of the Holy Spirit will take place as the work of God comes to a glorious climax on this earth. It will be necessary for God's people to receive in its fullness if they to be faithful to God through what's called the time of trouble or the final cris. There's, many different people use different words and terminology, but it's the time of trouble spoken about in God's word and be ready for Christ's second coming. However, they must be spiritually growing in the eye. SPEAKER A Salve. SPEAKER B And we've spoken about that in Isalve, which is the Holy Spirit opening up our eyes. SPEAKER A Spiritual discernment. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B The white raiment, which is what Christ righteousness justified and sanctified or imputed. And imparted pardon and power. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B And the gold that God graciously offers to his people, the outflow of all that is the gold is to have the faith of Jesus. SPEAKER A Faith that works by love. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER D Yeah. Amen. SPEAKER B And you read that in Revelation chapter 14, after the message is given. It says, here are they that keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. SPEAKER D Yes. Amen. SPEAKER B So this experience is necessary to benefit from the latter reign of the Holy Spirit, and because of the absolute necessity of God's last remnant people experienced in the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. Satan obviously knows this, and Satan has worked hard at confusing the issue. He knows God's people must come out of Laodicea and to grow into the fullness of Christ under the early reign baptism of the Holy Spirit. In order to benefit from the latter reign of the Holy Spirit, and because of Satan's success in causing confusion concerning those who receive the latter reign, it's important we take a closer look at what the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy says about being prepared to receive the latter reign of the Spirit. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B And Peter, remember, Peter understood this experience well. SPEAKER A Do you want me to read that again? Out of Acts, chapter three, verse nine and 20? SPEAKER B I think it's important what Peter said about what needs to happen before the refreshing of the latter rain is poured out. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B What needs to be happened. And so let's read that in Acts chapter three, verse 19 and 20. SPEAKER D Okay. SPEAKER A So Peter says, Repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out so that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, that he may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before. SPEAKER B Right. So the times of refreshing Peter referred to is the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. And those who've committed their lives 100% to Jesus buy. Remember in Revelation chapter three, verse 18? They buy. SPEAKER A That's right. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER A Without price and without money, as we discussed last time. SPEAKER B That's right. They receive the righteousness of Christ imputed and they receive the righteousness of Christ imparted through the Holy Spirit character transformation. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B And have experienced Christ as their deliverer from sin. Number one, the white raiment and gold in Revelation, chapter three, verse 18. And they're the ones who will benefit from the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. Ellen White clarified that true conversion is by contrasting it with the characteristics of the unconverted Christian. There are Christians who are unconverted and there's Christians that are converted. It seems crazy, but that's the way it is. SPEAKER D Listen to this. Yes. SPEAKER B Let's read this in Christ's Object Lessons, page 99. SPEAKER D Right. SPEAKER A And it says, often the question arises, why then are there so many claiming to believe God's word in whom there is not seen a reformation in words, in spirit and in character? Why are there so many who cannot bear opposition to their purposes and plans, who manifest an unholy temper and whose words are harsh, overbearing and passionate? There is seen in their lives the same love of self and the same selfish indulgence and the same temper and hasty speech that is seen in the life of the worldlings. There is the same sensitive pride and the same yielding to natural inclination, the same perversity of character as if the truth were wholly unknown to them. The reason is that they are not converted. SPEAKER D Wow. SPEAKER B That's an amazing statement, isn't it? SPEAKER D Yeah, true. SPEAKER A Well, that explains quite a few things. SPEAKER B That's right. So hence, Ellen White clarified what it means to be converted Christian that Peter referred to in his sermon. The only true converted Christians are those who are victorious over their anger in their plans. If their plans are opposed, the only true Christian are over unholy temper, over harsh bearing words, self love, self indulgence, sensitive pride that is easily wounded alluding to natural inclinations to sin. In short, they will be victorious over the sins in their life. These are the truly converted Christians who will receive the louder reign of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER A That's beautiful, Colin. This has been an interesting study so far, and I think it's a little bit of an eye opener because the latest seeing condition is one that is quite relaxed in regards to things. Because God is saying, look, there's some things you need to know, but you don't know them. He says, there you do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. But you say of yourself that you are rich and increased with good. So we think that our current condition is perfectly fine, rich and have been enriched. But Jesus says, no, you're poor. Not only are you poor, you're actually running around naked. Not only that you're naked, but you also don't have. Spiritual discernment. The ice alpha is missing, so therefore the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the former reign, is so essential. And of course, that comes after conversion or through conversion. SPEAKER B It shows us our true condition. You see, those in Laodicea think they're okay, I'm okay. And this is why Satan's omega posse teaches that complete victory over sin is impossible. Yes, that's what they're teaching. SPEAKER A Well, dear listener, you are listening to You Shall Receive Power with Colin Hone and Etienne McClintock. We're just going to take a short break and we'll be back right after this message. Stay tuned. SPEAKER E Thanks for joining me. There's a balance, isn't there? We live in a sinful world, but we want to be like Jesus and not too much like the negative aspects of the world in which we live. So what do we do? Do we withdraw from society, head for the hills? Well, you might be tempted to. And it's not wrong to get away from corrupting influences. But faith in God was not given to us so we could escape life, but rather that we could live life more fully. Look at what Jesus said in John, 1715. I do not pray that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil one. Jesus came into the world so we could live life more abundantly. If we have to be here in a sinful world, and we do, let's be certain that we do all we can to live for the glory of God. I'm John Bradshaw for it is written, be sure to follow us on Facebook or Twitter and let's live today by every word. SPEAKER A Dear listener, welcome back. We have just taken a break. You are listening to, you shall receive power with Etienne McClintock and Colin Hone. And we are looking at the importance of the former reign and the latter reign, and how we are to receive the lateral reign. It is that we are to be matured through the former reign, to receive the righteousness of Christ and to receive his robes of righteousness, which is both justification and sanctification. And that, of course, is a work that God is able to do in us both to will and to do according to his good pleasure. So, Colin, we are unpacking this now as the second part of the program. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B And we just talked about what it means to be a converted Christian that Peter referred to in his sermon. And the only true converted Christians are those who are victorious over their anger if their plans repose, or over an unholy temper, or over harsh, overbearing words, self love, self indulgence, sensitive pride that is easily wounded. And we've all been part of this. I mean, I can relate to all these things. SPEAKER A Unfortunately, I can relate to it too. Well, yes. SPEAKER B And yielding to natural inclinations of sin, I can relate to this. But in short, God has made a power available through his grace that we can be overcomers. SPEAKER A Thank you, Lord. SPEAKER B Revelation, the book of revelation to every church. He who overcomes everyone, god has given us power to overcome. And in short, those who are ready to receive the latter reign of the Holy Spirit will be victorious over the sins in their lives. These are the truly converted Christians who will receive the latter reign of the Spirit. And that's why Satan's amiga Apostasy teaches that complete victory over sin is impossible. SPEAKER D Okay. SPEAKER A They're saying, actually undermines the power of God. SPEAKER B You can't keep the commandments of God. You can't overcome sin completely. SPEAKER D Sure. SPEAKER B You can have victory here and there, but not completely. SPEAKER A That reminds me of that. The apostle Paul says there in two Timothy, chapter three, talks about the latter times and the perilous times will come. And then he says there in verse five of chapter three that they will have a form of Godliness, but deny the power. I believe God has got a sufficient power to actually keep us from falling, as he says in Jude 24. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER A But if you deny that, you're denying the power, but you only have a form of Godliness, and this form of Godliness will manifest all these kinds of things. It'll be harsh, it could be overbearing, it wouldn't like when it's crossed. It'll have a sensitive pride and it will yield to natural inclinations. So the perplexities in the church is quite often produced just simply because of our natural state. We haven't surrendered that to the Lord yet. SPEAKER B We've got to reason ourselves, reason it out to say, okay, well, maybe this is just the way it is and just not going to get any better and we're just going to have to accept it. Christ covers his righteousness, which he does. SPEAKER A Thank you, Lord. SPEAKER B If you died today and you've repent of your sins and accepted Jesus, Lord Savior, you will be raised in the last day. You have assurance of salvation. SPEAKER D Sure. SPEAKER A And if you see yourself in this picture that I just described, because I've seen myself there many times in the past, god's grace is sufficient for you. It said, we sin abound, his grace abounded much more. So we can thank Lord for that. He's got sufficient power to keep you and to help you with that surrender to Him so that the righteousness of Christ will now be manifest in your life, which replaces all these nasty things, which are the works of the flesh. SPEAKER B That's right. Now remember Peter pointed this out at the latter reign of the Spirit would take place just before the end of judgment, when our sins are blotted out, when Christ completes his high priestly mediaTry work in the most holy place in the heavenly sanctuary. Now, sometimes I usually like the new King James version, yeah, likewise. But occasionally the NIV comes with a good translation. And here's a good one here of Peter in Acts chapter three verse 19 to 20. SPEAKER A Okay, so this is now repeating what we've read in the King James, but we're just looking at a new or a different translation on it. For the NIV, it says, repent then and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out. SPEAKER B So he's got wiped out and said blotted out. Same thing, though. SPEAKER A Same thing. Yes. The times of refreshing may come from the Lord, that he may send the Christ who has been appointed for you, even Jesus. SPEAKER B Right. So both translations of Peter's words indicate a very important sequence of events. First, in order for one'sins to be blotted out, they must be repented of. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B Okay. They must repent of their sins, be converted and turned to God 100%. And Peter points out this full and complete conversional, commitment to Jesus and victory through Jesus is necessary for the times of refreshing, which is the latter reign of the Holy Spirit to come from the Lord plus full and complete conversion or commitment of victory and experience. The latter reign of the Spirit are necessary for God to send Jesus or Christ's. Second coming. This needs to happen before Jesus comes. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER A And praise God that the former reign has got enough power there to keep us from falling and to keep us loyal to the Lord, to pour out in our hearts the Holy Spirit, which brings the writing of the law of God, the law of love in our minds and in our hearts so that we can actually manifest the righteousness of Christ. SPEAKER B Earlier. Ain't that does the character transformation? And if you go on the journey with Jesus, if you surrender and surrender and have faith in Him and trust Him, I love this. Whenever I'm facing a cris, there's a lot of stuff been happening in my life, especially recently, and all I've go to is, I will put my trust in Him. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER B That's really it. I will put my trust in Him. Believe that Jesus will give you the victory. Hold on. And believe that his grace is sufficient for you. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER A And it says Paul says that, and so does Peter says that the long suffering of the Lord is salvation because he doesn't want any to perish, but all to come to repentance before the great day of the Lord. And we read that in two Peter, chapter three. But Jesus will not come until the harvest has been matured, and the harvest cannot be matured until the former rain has made the seed to grow, and then the latter rain has actually made it mature for the harvest. SPEAKER B That's right. And I love what Ellen White said in the spirit of prophecy. On many occasions, she expressed her concern that God's people understand experience they must have in order receive and benefit from the latter rain. SPEAKER D Right. SPEAKER B She said. For example, in Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen White, page 112. Listen to what she says about receiving the latter rain to prepare for the latter rain. SPEAKER A See, I saw that many were neglecting the preparation so needful and were looking for the time of refreshing and the latter rain to fit them to stand in the day of the Lord and to live in his sight. Oh, how many are sore in the time of trouble without a shelter. So those who actually grow up with the former and latter reign actually have shelter from the Lord, but these don't. SPEAKER B Have a shelter because why? They neglected the preparation. SPEAKER A So they neglected the need for preparation, therefore they could not receive the refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of a holy God. SPEAKER B Wow. So this is why preparing for that rain is so important. And the way to prepare is to surrender your life to Jesus and ask Him for the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit, the early rain, to transform your character, to remove the sins out of your life so that he can blot them out in the heavenly sanctuary. So there's a corresponding work happening of blotting out the sins in the heavenly sanctuary or removing them or cleansing them, whatever words you need to use. But it's also corresponding happening in our hearts. He's removing, blotting or cleansing the sin out of our hearts. SPEAKER A And that happens through the continuous indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our lives. So we continuously fold with the Spirit. SPEAKER B Of the Lord which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER B Christ in sin out. And another one she says here there's another word, another statement she says about receiving the refreshing of the letter. SPEAKER D Right. SPEAKER A So this is also from Christian experiences and teachings of Alan White. But this is page one, one three, page 113. It says, I saw that none could share the refreshing unless they obtained the victory over every besetment, over pride, selfishness love of the world and over every wrong word and action. SPEAKER B Wow. I know. Sometimes when we make comments about these things, they can be hard hitting. Yes, you can read statements like this and go, that seems impossible. But always remember, when we look at from our human perspective, it seems impossible. But what's impossible from our man's perspective is possible with God's perspective. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER A So what is impossible with us is Him possible. SPEAKER B All things are possible with God. God's word says so. It says, yeah, none can receive the refreshing, or people won't receive the latter rain unless they obtain victory over every besetment, pride, selfish, love of the world, and every wrong word in action. So this is the preparation part that we're going through right now on this earth now. So understanding experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit and righteous by faith are essential for the Christian to enter into the mystery of union with Christ and to come out of their latest sin condition and be prepared to receive the latter reign of the Spirit. I want to say that again understanding and experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is the early reign of the Holy Spirit and righteous by faith. Victory over sin through Christ's imputed and imparted righteousness are essential for us Christians to enter in the mystery of union with Christ and come out of our latestly and lukewarm condition and be prepared to receive the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. So I believe victory over every temptation and sin is to take place under the early reign of the baptism Holy Spirit. This is why this message is so important. Many people are waiting for the latter reign. Oh, the latter rain will take care of that. The latter rain will take care of my anger issues. The latter rain will take care of my impure thoughts. The latter rain will take care of all this. The latter rain just seals the deal. It's the early reign of the Holy Spirit that prepares us for the latter rain. That's why it's so important that you grow daily in the early reign of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER A It's almost like what you're saying is don't focus on the lateral reign, focus on the early reign. Because if you have the early reign and you grow into the fullness of that, you will be ready to receive the latter rain. It's almost like an automatic result. The outcome would be receiving the latter rain as well. SPEAKER B Yeah, I mean, I pray and say, lord, prepare me for the latter rain. That's my prayer. Lord, prepare me for the latter rain. SPEAKER D That's beautiful. SPEAKER B Do the work that needs to be done. Jesus, as our high priest like in Malachi three, purify us like gold refined in the fire. Yes, blot out our sins, Lord. Convict. Search my heart, O Lord, to see if there's anything wicked in me. Search my heart and then remove it, Lord, because Jesus says I would do it. God always says I will do all this. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER A And by full surrender and trust in the Lord, he will complete that work. You know that text Paul writes? He says that he who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. SPEAKER B That's right. And so, victory over temptation and sin is to take place under the early reign baptism of the Holy Spirit. And as the Christian allows Christ to live out his righteous obedience in their life, remember Christ's obedience in our lives, which is the white raiment spoken about in Revelation chapter three, verse 18. Christ's righteousness, expecting the latter rain to deliver us from our latest in condition and bring about this change in the life, will prove it tragic to all who fall in that deception. The latter rain will not change our characters. The latter rain will not change our characters. It's the early rain that will change our characters and prepare us for the latter rain. SPEAKER A And as we said already, the early rain, the Hebrew word there in Joel, chapter 22, verse 23, is actually a preacher of righteousness, but the latter reign, the word there also means eloquence. All it would do, it would just give power to the message. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B And look, listen to let me give you another quote from the Spirit of Prophecy in Ellen White from the book The Faith I Live By, page 333. SPEAKER A It says, the latter rain, ripening earth's harvest, represents the spiritual grace that prepares the Church for the coming of the Son of man. But unless the former rain baptism of the Holy Spirit has fallen, there will be no life. The green blade will not spring up unless the early showers, the baptism of the Holy Spirit has done their work. The latter rain can bring no seed to perfection. SPEAKER B Well, there it is there. Right there, isn't it? Again, the early rain, the early showers are to do the work of preparation. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B So I encourage you to pray daily for the baptism or infilling of the Holy Spirit, the early rain to do the work in preparing you for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit. And if we do that, Jesus will take care of it. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER B It's a process, takes time for a plant to grow and bear fruit. This is a process. Sanctification is a work of a lifetime. And Ellen White clearly associated the former rain above quote with sanctification of the church. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER A In testimonies volume six, page 86, she says, impress upon all the necessity of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the sanctification of the Church, so that they will be living, growing fruit, bearing trees of the Lord's, planting. SPEAKER D Wow. SPEAKER B So Ellen White understood that the early or former reign of the Spirit and the baptism of the Holy Spirit are the same thing, and that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. It is the work of the baptism of the Spirit, the early reign that brings the Church to sanctification and perfection in Christ. Remember it's. Christ's perfection. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER A That's not ours, because we don't have any. SPEAKER B We have none. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B And the reason the early reign baptism, Holy Spirit is necessary is that is through the baptism of the Holy Spirit or the early reign that Christ lives in the believer. Remember that's in John, chapter 14, isn't it? SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B And when one reads Ellen White's statements on the baptism Holy Spirit, and we've read in Peter statements as well, in Book of Acts, it's clear that she and Peter saw the importance and urged every believer to seek it. It's clear to her, Ellen White, that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was essential for God's people to receive the latter reign of the Holy Spirit and for God's work to be finished in the lives of his people and in the earth. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B And the Isalve spoken about in book of Revelation is our only hope of coming out of our latest sea and proclaim the three angels message in power. SPEAKER A That's true. SPEAKER B I mean, God wants us to preach the three angels message in power. SPEAKER D He does. SPEAKER B And we need the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Let's read what the Spirit of Prophecy says in the Review and Herald, february 18, 1890. SPEAKER A What we need is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Without this, we are no more fitted to go to the world than were the disciples after the crucifixion of their Lord. SPEAKER B Wow. So she's saying, without the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we're no more fitted to go forth to the world than were the disciples after the crucifixion of. SPEAKER A Their Lord, because the Gospel has got to go out with power. And that's why Jesus said in Acts, chapter one, verse eight, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And of course, our program is titled by that as well because it's emphasizing the importance of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit to give power to the Gospel, but also power in our lives so we can overcome that's right. SPEAKER B And so these statements also indicate that the Christian does not necessarily automatically receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit at conversion or water baptism. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B If that were the case, ellen White would not tell Christians that this is experience they need. There's conversion and there's a baptism Holy Spirit. You only have to look in the Book of Acts and see that the Philip were baptizing people in the name of Jesus Christ. They were converted and they were baptized in water. Then the disciples came down or the apostles came down and then laid hands on them because none of them receive the infilling or baptism of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B They'd only been converted in the name of Jesus Christ. And so I believe that God's people must take seriously God's call to today receive the early reign baptism of the Holy Spirit. I salve. So if you haven't prayed for or asked, I encourage you, yes, go to the Lord, repent of your sins and ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit every day. SPEAKER A And look, this is a life or death situation. This is a very serious message and a serious petition that God is actually sending to you and to me and to you, dear listener, as well. And we may get very anxious about it, and I think I'd rather get anxious now than anxious later when it's too late. However, in that concern that we have, we got to take the word of God as an encouragement to us, because Philippians, chapter three, says there in verse six, be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind through Christ Jesus. God is offering us peace. He's offering to take away our anxiousness, but we are to supplicate, and we are to pray and ask God and even give thanks to the Lord. And he will give us what we lack. SPEAKER B That's right. So we need to take it seriously and receive the early reign baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is the eye salve, which gets you to see your true condition, isn't it? Know, if you go to the doctor, you don't want the doctor to say, yeah, you're okay, and you're not okay. SPEAKER A Well, that's right. Terminal. SPEAKER B That's right. Which this is a terminal condition. If we remain in our latest scene, lukewarm condition. It is a terminal condition. The foolish Virgins. It's a terminal condition spoken of the foolish Virgins in Matthew 25. But the good news is that we don't have to. We can go to the doctor, Jesus Christ, and we can have the Holy Spirit, and it can actually open up our eyes to see our true condition so that we can then repent and receive pardon and power to come out of that. And it's our only hope of coming out of Laodicea and prepared to receive the benefit of the latter reign of the Holy Spirit, is that we need to receive the I Salve baptism of the Holy Spirit and gain complete victory over sin through Jesus Christ's white raiment. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER B Through his imputed righteousness, his pardon. When we confess our sins, we are pardoned, and also through his imparted righteousness, which he imparts through His Holy Spirit, where he comes and dwells in us and transforms our character into his likeness. And there's a great quote here as well in Testimonies to Ministers, page 507 by Ellen White says, unless we are. SPEAKER A Daily advancing in the exemplification of the act of Christian virtues, we shall not recognize the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the latter reign. It may be falling on hearts all around us, but we shall not discern or receive it. SPEAKER B Wow. In other words, when the latter rain is poured out, people won't even recognize it. That's incredible. SPEAKER A They may write it off as fanaticism or just don't have that spiritual discernment to know that this is from God. SPEAKER B Yeah. And again, another one. I mean, we know what's coming upon this world. We know what's coming upon this world. We know that there is a crisis coming, a conflict spoken in Revelation, Chapter 13. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B The mark of the beast conflict that's coming upon this world. And we know if you want to be and the final crisis, the last seven plagues. Listen to what Ellen White says in. SPEAKER A This is Manuscript Releases, Volume Two, Page 30. It says, Nothing but the baptism of the Holy Spirit can bring up the Church to its right position and prepare the people of God for the fast approaching conflict. SPEAKER B Wow. Nothing will prepare us. That's an incredible statement. So victory over sin is necessary. And the above scriptures in the Spirit of Prophecy statements by Ellen White make one thing very clear. It is only people who gain the victory over their sins and temptations through Jesus Christ, who will come out of their latest sin condition and receive the latter reign. Throughout Ellen White's writings, she can constantly cause God's people to obedience. Neither Ellen White nor the Bible give an excuse for God's people to live a life of willful disobedience to God. And Paul made this very clear in Romans chapter six, didn't he? SPEAKER D He did. SPEAKER B Yes, in Romans chapter six. SPEAKER A Okay, so we can read that. I'll read verse one and two. Then maybe we can jump up to verse six and seven and then jump to verse eleven. Okay, says what then shall we say? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein? And then verse six, knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin may be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin, for he that is dead is freed from sin. Verse eleven. Likewise reckon you also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal bodies, that you should obey it in its lust thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin, but yield yourselves unto God as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the law, but under grace under that law of sin. SPEAKER B So Paul makes it clear in the book of Hebrews. Paul makes it clear to the Christian to lay aside every weight, every sin, and every even their besetting know the ones that just you can't get rid of. They seem to just hang around those sins that have the most challenge getting the victory over. And I have those, and I'm sure you do as well. They are to do this by looking unto Jesus, who will give them the victory. This is found in Hebrews, chapter twelve, verse one, two. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER A It says therefore, seeing that we also are compassed about so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily besets us. And let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame and is now sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. SPEAKER B See Peter admonishes the Christian to turn from a life of sin to a life of obedience to God. In One Peter, chapter two, verse 21 and 22, he says, for even therefore you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow his steps. Who did not sin, neither guile was found in his mouth. And then we read in Revelation 14, god's last day people, the 144,000 representing God's last people. There was no guile. SPEAKER A No guile in their mouth. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B And these verses Peter calls the Christian to follow Christ's example of living a life of obedience. And we can go through two Peter as well. You can read that we talks about we need to be purged from our old sins, election to do these things. SPEAKER A That's two Peter, chapter one, verse four to ten. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER A Covers that topic. SPEAKER B And we can read continually again through the spirit of prophecy that victory over sin in a Christian's life, there is no excuse because Christ's victory, there is no excuse for a Christian to be living a life of sin. We can have the victory. Amen. Listen to what Ellen White says in the Southern Review, December 5, 1899. SPEAKER A Exact obedience is required. And those who say it is not possible to live a perfect life throw upon God the imputation of injustice and untruth. SPEAKER D And again. SPEAKER B The review on Herald, july 15, 1890. She says, God requires at this moment just what he required of Adam in paradise before he fell. Perfect obedience. Perfect obedience to his law. The requirement that God makes in grace is just a requirement he made in paradise. And again, Christ's Object Lessons, page 282. SPEAKER A It says there, Consider the life of Christ standing at the head of humanity, serving his Father. He is an example of what every son should and may be. The obedience that Christ renders God is required from human beings today. SPEAKER B Wow. And I love this. In the book Our High Calling, page 48, it says, the obedience of Christ to His Father was the same obedience that is required of man. Man cannot overcome Satan temptations. I want to make this clear. Man cannot overcome Satan's temptations without divine power to combine with his instrumentality. So with Jesus Christ, he could lay hold of divine power. Jesus laid hold of divine power. He came not to our world to give the obedience of a lesser God to a greater, but as a man to obey God's holy law. And in this way, he is our example. The Lord Jesus came to our world not to reveal what God could do, but what man could do through faith in God's power. It is only in faith in God's power to help in every emergency. Man is through faith to be a partaker in the divine nature and to overcome every temptation wherewithin he is beset that's from our High calling. So there's a promise that God has given us power, and we put faith in Him to overcome the sins and temptations in our lives. SPEAKER A Well, I like the fact that God's grace is not only his unmerited favor, but he's also able to keep us from falling. And to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. And the thing is, where sin abounded, grace does much more abound. So sin cannot overpower grace, grace overpowers sin. So we thank the Lord for the grace and the mercy is shown to each single one of us through Jesus Christ, our Lord. In Christ. We are perfect. In Christ we have died, we've been crucified with Christ, in Christ we have been buried and we've been raised to newness of life. And as it says there in Ephesians chapter two, we are sitting with Christ in heavenly places. You're listening to? You shall Receive Power with Colin Hone and Etienne McClintock. We're just going to take a short break, share our contact details with you and we'll be right back after this. Stay tuned. Thank you for joining us on You Shall Receive Power. If you would like more information about today's program or if you have any questions, please contact 3ABN Australia Radio by Phoning 024-973-3456. Or you can send an email to [email protected]. You can also contact us on our 3ABN Australia radio Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you SPEAKER A Dear listener, welcome back. You are listening to, you shall receive power. SPEAKER B So I want to conclude with a couple of statements. Our great need robert H. Pearson, the former president of the General Conference of the Seven Day Venice, made this following statement in 1975. And, and I agree with this. He says the greatest need of the seven Day Venice Church and the church generally worldwide is not more money, bigger budgets, more buildings, more institutions and facilities, is not even more evangelistic crusades. What we as Seven Day Venice Church members need to be saved from is from our sins. And that applies to all Christians. What we need to be is to be saved from our sins. God is not waiting for more storms, more political fury, more wars or rumors of wars before Jesus can come. He's waiting for his people to gain the victory over sin so that he can trust them with heaven. Jesus came to save his people from their sins, to help us to be overcomers. Now that was written over 40 years ago. SPEAKER D Wow. SPEAKER B Before the writing, this book that we've been going through, it still seems we haven't learned that lesson. We're still confused on whether God requires us to have complete victory over sin in our lives. We're still confused over why the latter rain hasn't fallen and Jesus hasn't returned. We seem to think, as we have for some decades, that we need more money, bigger budgets, more buildings, more institutions and facilities, more evangelistic crusades. This is not what we need. We need a victorious church who has come out of their latest in conversion. And I'm saying these things are wrong them, these things are those things are. SPEAKER A Important to express the gospel. But the thing is, Jesus says by this, all men will know you are my disciples if you have love for one another. And that is agape love, which is only poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit which God gives to us. SPEAKER B That's right. So this is what we need. We need a victorious church who can come out of their latest in condition. Since the baptism of the Holy Spirit and righteous by faith are so vital, receiving the latter reign and being prepared for Christ's Second Coming, it's important we understand what the Bible teaches on these subjects. So you see, the Church's lack of understanding, experience in the baptism, the Holy Spirit and righteous by faith is at the heart of why the church is still in Laodicea. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B You see, the latter reign has not fallen and Christ has not returned. This is why the Lord has brought this serious latest scene warning to the church. The book steps to personal revival that's going all around the world. 600,000 copies and Dennis Smith teachings in 40 days. Prepare for the Second Coming in ten days. Prayers to receive the Baptist Holy Lots and Mark Finley's ten days in the upper room. There's many, many books of God and the message is going worldwide. And I believe this is why he's bringing this message to the world. It's also why Satan continued to advance his Amiga posse, leading many to believe that obedience to God's law, complete victory over sin is impossible, and all who accept deception will be lost. In conclusion, the issues are clear. God's Word in the Old and New Testament calls God's people to be obedient, commandment keeping people. Satan has gone to make war on those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. Satan's goal has always been from eternity past to lead angels and men into a life of sinful disobedience to God's law. In these last days, he has devised a masterful deception that has been developing for decades, which Ellen White called the Amiga prophecy of false theological theories designed to lead God's people away from the foundational teachings of the church. She trembled for God's people when she realized there would be such a powerful Omega deception of Satan. This omega teaching leads individuals to believe that God's Ten Commandments cannot be kept and sin cannot be overcome in one's life. This false teaching directly counters the very reason God called the Seven Day Adventist Church into existence. We were called to warn the world of Christ's Second Coming and call individuals to accept Christ's justifying and sanctifying righteousness, which results in perfect obedience to God's commandments of love. Sad but true that many Adventists, both laity and leaders, haven't are accepting Satan's Amiga lie. Those who accept this deception will not receive God's warning to Laodicean and will therefore remain in their Laodicean condition. If that were not enough, they will even rise up against God's warning and instruction to Laodicea and strongly criticize those who accept and proclaim the true biblical teaching about victory over sin and keeping obedience to God's commandments. Those who are proclaiming the truth will be called legalists perfectionists, fanatics, sinless perfectionists. They'll be looked upon as causing confusion, teaching false doctrine which will ultimately lead to division in the church. Those who accept the Omega Posse teaching will feel very strongly about their views because they have seen in the church fanatical movements, legalistic of individuals divide churches like the Holy Flesh movement or perfectionist teachings that lead many people from the church. So they will look at themselves as true defenders of the faith and church. When this rising up against the truth grows into a prominent voice of criticism of those who are responding to God's latest in warning instruction, it will be challenging time for true followers of Jesus Christ. This is why it's so important for them to be settled into the truth, so that they will not be moved away from the truth. SPEAKER A Wonderful well, Colin, thank you for sharing that with us. Dear listeners, thank you for joining us today on You Shall Receive Power. We look forward to catching up with you next time. Until then, God bless and keep you've. SPEAKER B Been listening to a production of three ABN Australia radio.

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