Who Receives the Latter Rain of the Spirit?

Episode 14 April 14, 2017 00:58:45
Who Receives the Latter Rain of the Spirit?
You Shall Receive Power
Who Receives the Latter Rain of the Spirit?

Apr 14 2017 | 00:58:45


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Discussion of day 14 from the book "50 Days Prayer and Devotions to Prepare for the Latter Rain and Christ's Return", by Pastor Dennis Smith.

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SPEAKER B Greetings and a warm welcome to You Shall Receive Power. I'm Ettienne McClintock, and with me in the studio is my co host, Colin Hone, who is the international director and speaker for Holy Spirit Ministries, and also the North New South Wales Conference Prayer director. Now, our current series of programs features the book 50 Days Prayers and Devotionals to prepare for the latter rain and Christ Return, by Pastor Dennis Smith. And as we start this program, please join us as we pray. Father in Heaven, it's such a privilege this morning just to open your word and to study regarding the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and also the importance of receiving this baptism and who receives the latter rain. Father, we pray that we would, as we open our hearts and minds to you, be impressed with what we need to do, the steps we need to take to remove those things that are in the way so that the Holy Spirit can be poured out in our hearts in a rich measure. And Father, we pray this not because we're worthy, but we pray it because of Jesus and his righteousness, and in his name, amen. You shall receive Power is based on a text and a promise by Jesus found in Acts chapter one, verse eight, where it says, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Colin, today's lesson is about who receives the lateral reign of the spirits. I'm looking forward to hearing what the Scriptures have to say in regards to this topic. SPEAKER C Yeah, ever since I became a seventhe- day Adventist 24 years ago, Ettienne, I've heard about the church needs the latter rain, and our church supports that view. And of course, the church needs the latter rain. Holy Spirit. I believe personally there is a very important truth being overlooked in the Worldwide Adventist focus on praying for the latter reign. And I'm convinced it is the overlooked truth that I'm going to present today that is the key to God actually pouring out the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. So we want to unpack what the latter ain't of the Holy Spirit and who receives the latter ain't Spirit, because we all want to receive the latter ain't of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER B Jesus'sermon on the Mount there says that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. So I pray that you, dear listeners, you're listening today that you also hungering and thirsting for righteousness and therefore will be very interested in this topic of who will receive the latter rain and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C That's right. So we're really going to talk about who receives the latter rain today and what preparation we need to make to receive the latter rain, because it's like anything, if you don't do the preparation, you don't receive the latter rain. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C And we use the thing of early rain and latter rain. And just to give our listeners understanding, back in Israel, God uses the illustrations of planting seeds and the early rain and growing the harvest and the latter rain because the people understood those things, because they were a people of agriculture. And so, just to give you what they mean, the word of God is the seed or the gospel. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C And the soil, the good soil, is our hearts. In Bible prophecy, God is trying to teach us a lesson of what the early rain is, and the latter rain. So what would happen is, again, just quickly for our listeners, the farmer would plant the seed or the word of God or the gospel, in good soil or in the hearts. The early rain would come in the season that would produce the seed to germinate or to be born again. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C And then the early rain would also cause the seed or the plant now. SPEAKER B To grow first a blade, and then the ear, so it keeps on growing and maturing. That's right, that's right. SPEAKER C And so then the plant would grow, and then just before the harvest and the harvest read Revelations 14. The harvest represents when Jesus sends his angels at the second Coming, to raise those who are dead in Christ first and those who are alive when Christ comes, according to first. Thessalonians chapter four says the dead in Christ will rise first. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C Then those who are alive and remain alive when Jesus comes will raise up together and go back to heaven with Jesus. So he sends the angel that will be. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C So early rain prepares the plant to grow, and then when it grows to maturity, the latter rain comes or brings the plant to maturity and prepares it for the harvest. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER B So no harvest takes place until the fruit, the grain, whatever it is that's being harvested is ripe. So the lateral rain actually ripens the harvest. It gives that last bit of growth and matures the harvest. SPEAKER C And the rain represents the Holy Spirit. It's the Holy Spirit that grows us into the likeness of Jesus. That's the whole purpose of it, of the Gospel, is to grow us into the likeness of Jesus. Two Corinthians 318 says, as we behold Jesus, remember, we are transformed into the image of Jesus, the same image that's right. By glory, from glory to glory, into his character, because God's glory is his character. So this is a process, a transformational process. Now, towards the end, near, when the harvest is coming, the second coming of Jesus. And we believe, according to Bible prophecy, that Jesus is returning, imminent return. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C All the signs tell us that it's very, very close. So now is the time to prepare for that latter reign of the Holy Spirit. So we're going to talk about who receives the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER B Okay, well, look, just as a text to kick it off there, while you were talking, it reminded me of Hosea, chapter ten and verse twelve, where it says so to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy, break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord till he comes and reigns righteousness on you. So as the rain comes, it actually brings the righteousness of Christ into the lives of the people and they start growing, they put away sins and the things that separate them from the Lord. And of course the latter rain comes with even greater power just to mature them for the harvest. SPEAKER C So I love what you said there, the fruit of the Spirit. Now we look in the Bible in Galatians 522 and it says that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, temperance, long suffering. But also in Ephesians chapter five, verse nine, it also tells us that the fruit of the Spirit is goodness, Godliness and righteousness. So we receive Christ's righteousness as a fruit or it's imparted from Jesus. My great concern is many people, though in the church, are waiting for the latter rain. They're just going to wait for the latter rain and believe that will take care of everything. And that's a great concern. And this can be a very dangerous attitude. I personally believe that this is a major reason the latter rain has not fallen and Christ has not returned. And the issues related to the latter rain are various contexts as what we've been discussing. And I want to talk about what the Bible and also the Spirit of prophecy. We believe that Ellen White was given the gift of prophecy back in 1844 and that she had the gift of prophecy. So we're going to talk about the Bible says, and we're going to talk a little bit what Ellen White says about the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. I personally believe that this subject is absolutely essential to understand since it appears that so many Adventists and other Christians are confused about the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. But we just said from agriculture, you need to grow in the early reign. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C And the Holy Spirit transforms us into the image of Christ. And remember in John 1412 it says that we'll be doing the same things as Jesus. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C So therefore we will be keeping the commandments as Jesus kept the commandments. We'll have the faith of Jesus as Jesus had the faith. The law, God's law will be written on our mind and hearts. And so we're going to talk about that today. And as you said in Joel prophesied, there would come a time that God people would call the early or former reign of the Spirit and the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. Remember, we talked about in our last program. He stated that these would take place from the appearance of the I Am who is Jesus Christ in Israel, and that God would pour out on all flesh, meaning all believers would soon be able to experience the Spirit in his manner. Now, we also see that Peter quoted this prophecy in Acts chapter two, verse 16 to 17. Peter quoted this prophecy, and I just like you to read Acts chapter two, verse 16 to 18. SPEAKER D Okay? SPEAKER B And it says, but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel. And it shall come to pass in the last day, says God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. And on my servant and on my maidservant, I will pour out in those days my Spirit, and they shall prophesy. SPEAKER C What a wonderful promise. And so this promise or this prophecies, was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, exactly as Joel had said. When the I Am would appear, jesus appeared. And Jesus promised to the apostles and the disciples in John chapter 14 that he would send another comforter and that he would teach you all things, that Jesus himself would come and live in us through the Holy Spirit. And not only Jesus, but the Father as well. Therefore, the first fulfillment of Joel's prophecy about the Holy Spirit took place on the day of Pentecost, when those in the upper room experienced the early reign baptism of the Holy Spirit. And what happened as a result of the Etienne is that the Gospel went to the then known world. So one of the major purposes of the early reign is one to transform us into the character of Jesus or the image of God as we grow in the likeness of Jesus and have the fruits of the spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, and righteousness in Ephesians five nine, and Godliness. But the other purpose is to give us power to preach and teach the Gospel, or the good news of what God has done in sending his Son Jesus Christ to live a perfect life for us, a perfect, righteous life for us. Die on the cross, pay the penalty for us, for our sins, so that we can be given an opportunity to live forever with Jesus in heaven. SPEAKER B Look, that power, I believe, is essential to the proclamation of the Gospel. Without that power, all we are mere philosophers, really. It is actually the Holy Spirit that convicts and draws people. It reminds me of that text in Romans chapter three. It says that there's no one righteous, no, not one. There's no one who understands, and there's no one who seeks after God. So God, through his Spirit, needs to draw us. He needs to impress our minds and help us understand spiritual things, because spiritual things are spiritually discerned and we are born natural, not spiritual. When Adam and Eve sinned that know they lost that robe of righteousness they had with them, they died spiritually that very instant. And what happened is they've passed on only what they had, which is physical life, but not spiritual life. That's right. So we need the Holy Spirit to impress on our hearts and our minds and to help us understand spiritual things, because they're foolishness to us unless the Holy Spirit actually imparts knowledge and understanding to us. SPEAKER C That's why Jesus said you must be born again of water. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C And the spirit as well. SPEAKER B That's right. And that's so that we can enter the kingdom of God. Now, it's interesting, you're quoting from John, chapter three, verse five there. John, chapter three, verse three. The first thing that Jesus actually says to Nicodemus is says if you want to see the kingdom of God, you have to be born from above. And then of course, he elaborates what he means by that two verses later saying water and the Spirit birth. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C That's right. And so what happened as the result of the Gospel went to the known world? Well, devils were cast out, the sick were healed, and even dead were raised. And that early church did the works of Jesus did. And the reason they did the works of Jesus is because Jesus was living and ministering through them via the baptism of the you know, when Jesus was. SPEAKER B Beside them, they were very close and intimately acquainted with Jesus. But just imagine Jesus living inside of them. That's a more close and more intimate relationship. That's why Jesus said to them, I won't leave you as orphans, I will come to you. And just think that that gift of Jesus Christ in the disciples is the same promise available to us if we receive it by faith, receive the Gospel, and we can have the same spirit and power working in and through our lives. SPEAKER C And the disciples recognized that in Jesus life. In Luke chapter eleven, the disciples came to Jesus and said, teach us to pray. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C And then Jesus gives a parable about getting this bread for his neighbor who was coming to visit him, or his friend who was coming to visit from his neighbor. And then he unpacks it and says, the reason that you ask for the Holy Spirit is to impart grace or the bread, the word of God to your neighbor. And then he talks about, this is what I've got. It's the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C You read the end of that chapter. He says that the Father wants to give us the Holy Spirit. That's how Jesus was able to do the things he did by the power of the Holy Spirit. And that's why Jesus said in John 1412 that we too will be able to do the same works as Jesus if we receive that same power and have Jesus living in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. Now, that's how they did the early works, the same works of Jesus, because Jesus was living in them. That's why Paul said, it's not I. SPEAKER B That live, but Christ that lives in me. SPEAKER C That's Christ that lives in me. But Joel's prophecy foretold two outpourings of the Holy Spirit, the early reign and the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. Now, the latter reign of the Holy Spirit will take place as the work of God comes to a glorious climax in this earth. Now, it's going to be necessary for God's people to receive it in its fullness if they're to be faithful to God through what we call the time of trouble and ready for Christ's second coming. Maybe you could just unpack what the time of trouble is. SPEAKER B Well, the time of trouble, there's what they call a little time of trouble, and then there's a great time of trouble. A little time of trouble is as the message of God, of his righteousness and the second of coming of Christ swells in the world under the power of the Holy Spirit, there will be opposition against it. Some people will not want to receive this message of peace, this message of peace with God and our fellow man. They will rise up against it because they will not submit to the leading of the Spirit. And then what happens is, as it grows and swells, when everyone's made a decision, then what will happen is there will be what they call the close of probation, where every case is decided. And we read that in the second 22nd chapter of Revelation. SPEAKER C Revelation. SPEAKER B That's right. Where it says that he who is filthy, let him be filthy still, and he who is holy, let him be holy still, and so forth. Then there is a big time of trouble. But this time of trouble actually includes the outpouring of the plagues. SPEAKER C The seven last plagues. SPEAKER B The seven last plagues, that's right. And while this is taking place, god's people are shielded. However, they still have an internal struggle, wondering if there were any sins they had not confessed yet before the Lord. And what happened is all their sins had gone before them into judgment, and they'd been blotted out by Christ. SPEAKER C And what's going to bring in this time of trouble? As you said, it'll be an issue over worship. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C And you can read that about in Revelations, chapter 13, where it talks about these two beast powers, one beast power, religious, political power, and then another power who will unite together to form the image of the Beast. And it says that you won't be able to buy or sell if you don't receive the mark of the Beast. SPEAKER B That's right, yes. SPEAKER C In other words, and eventually there'll be a death decree that goes out that says if you don't get on board, the decree will go out that you'll be put to death. And so this leads to what's called the time of trouble. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C But also there's a great promises in there, in Daniel twelve, where it says that Michael, our great prince, stands up at that time. SPEAKER B Michael stand, yes. SPEAKER C And he will rescue God's people and they're shielded from the seven last plagues. That's right. Alive. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C It's only the wicked who receive the mark of the beast that actually receive the seven last plagues. So you don't want to receive the last seven plagues, you want to receive the seal of God. And part of that is the latter rain prepares God's people to go through that time. Now, what we want to know is what is the experience necessary to benefit from the latter ain? Because obviously it's absolute necessity of God's last remnant people to experience the latter rain of the Spirit. And I believe that Satan is working really hard at confusing the issue. He's really working hard to confuse this issue. Because you have a think about it, Eddie, and we know when the latter rain is poured out, that sort of seals the deal. It's all over. SPEAKER B Yeah, that's right. SPEAKER C It says the three angels messages in Revelations 18, verse one, where God's glory lights up the earth and the three angels messages in Revelations 14 are repeated with greater power. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C And then the end comes. So if you were Satan, you wouldn't want the end to come. So what would be your mission would be confuse about the early and latter rain. Let's have a lot of confusion about it. And I believe that's what he's done. He's confused God's people about the early reign and latter rain. Because if we receive the latter reign, guess what? It's all over. SPEAKER D Yeah, that's right. SPEAKER C His reign is over. The message is given, Jesus returns, we go back to heaven for a thousand years according to the Bible and Revelation. And Satan's reign is over. Yes. So if you were Satan, wouldn't be your strategy to be to stop the. SPEAKER B Latter reign coming, confuse it, stop people from getting it? Distract people. Absolutely. That would be the strategy. The last thing you'd want is for God's people to have power and give. SPEAKER C Power to the message and to receive the latter rain. So how would you go about it? Like, let's just think military. How would you go about stopping God's people receiving the latter rain? Because we just talked about in agriculture, what do they need to do first to receive the latter rain? They need to grow in the what? SPEAKER B Former rain? SPEAKER C In the former rain. So let's confuse the former rain. Now we've looked at the Bible and the former rain is about character transformation to the likeness of Jesus, having the fruits of the Spirit. So what he's done is he's taken our focus, I believe, from trying to become like Jesus, having Jesus living in us and having the fruits of the Spirit by having us focus on the gifts of the Spirit because the Bible says that Satan can counterfeit the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He can work miracles. Isn't a miracle one of the gifts of the Spirit? He can have false prophecy, he can have false teachers in God's word, he can even have false tongues. So he's counterfeit the gifts of the Holy Spirit and have us focus Christians focus on that. So they don't receive the true baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is Christ into the hope of glory as the fruits of the Spirit. And then he gets people, God's people, afraid of the early reign and the baptism of the Holy Spirit because of the false gifts of the Spirit, and they don't want to have anything to do with it. So guess what? They don't ground the early reign. Guess what? We don't receive the latter rain. SPEAKER B Correct. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B So what happens is he actually brings a bit of a reproach on the message and even the Gospel and receiving the Holy Spirit because it's a counterfeit. And when a sincere person looks at it and he sees some of the manifestations go under the so called Holy Spirit, some people are turned off and they think, well, I don't want anything to do with that. But that is not the real Spirit. That's not the true baptism of the Holy Spirit, because the focus he's saying is on the manifestations and the gifts of the Spirit, not the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace and righteousness, basically. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C It's all the fruits that come from Jesus. And sure, God does give us gifts and those gifts will follow us, but as you said, and he can't counterfeit the fruit of the Spirit. And that's why we need to focus on Christ in us, the hope of glory, which we then have the fruit of the Spirit by having Christ living in in us. SPEAKER B US. SPEAKER C So obviously, it's necessary for God's last remnant people to receive the latter reign of the Spirit. So he knows that they must grow in the fullness of Christ on the early reign baptism of the Holy Spirit in order to benefit the latter reign of the Spirit. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C And so I want to unpack now and say exactly what does the Bible and the Spirit of prophecy, through the writings of Ellen White say about being prepared for the latter reign of the Holy Spirit? Now, I believe Peter understood this yes, Peter understood this experience in Christ that was necessary for Christians to benefit from the latter reign. In Acts chapter three, verse 19 and 20, peter talks about a time, all right, when the times of refreshing would come, all right, in the future. See, they understood Peter and the disciples. They understood the prophecies of Daniel, chapter eight, and Daniel, chapter nine. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C They understood the only time in the Old Testament where the Messiah was used was in Daniel chapter eight and nine. In the 70 weeks Prophecy and the 2300 year Prophecy. Yes, which fulfilled in 1844. And Peter now is preaching about a future event in Acts, chapter three, verse 19. What's it say? SPEAKER B Verse 19 says, repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out so that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. Then verse 20 says that he may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before. SPEAKER C So the times of refreshing is referred to as the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. And at this time, it also talks about our sins being blotted out. It does, yes, but our blotted time, when the times are refreshing. So what does that mean, our sins being blotted out? I mean, where are our sins? Etienne, what's Jesus doing right now? SPEAKER B Yes. Well, look, we know that everything we do and we say is recorded. And what happens is when we confess our sins, beside that sin, confession is written. Pardon is written because of the blood and the merits of Jesus Christ. So what happens is, as we confess our sins, pardon is written. And then what Christ does he finally, in cleansing the sanctuary, as we read in Daniel, chapter eight, verse 14, he actually takes those sins and blots them all out. Matter of fact, I believe it even pertains to the mind. He purifies the mind. We are transformed by the renewing of. SPEAKER C So blotting means removing. SPEAKER B Removing, absolutely. Yeah. SPEAKER C Okay, so were our sins aware? Where are our sins now? And when we repent of our sins, the record of them goes where? SPEAKER B Well, the record of the sins at the moment is in heaven. SPEAKER C In the heavenly sanctuary. SPEAKER B In the heavenly sanctuary, that's right. But when those sins are then finally removed, they're actually, if you look at the Day of Atonement, there's two goats. SPEAKER C There's the Lord's goat. 16, you're talking. SPEAKER B That's right, yes. There's the Lord's goat, and there's a scapegoat. Finally, those sins are removed, and they put on the scapegoat. Now, the scapegoat is not killed. He's actually led out by a fit man into the wilderness, and then in isolation, he actually finally dies there. This is what we believe that God wants to do. But for that to happen, we need the refreshing of the presence of the Lord. Now, if we pay attention there, verse 20 says that he may send Jesus Christ. SPEAKER D Now. SPEAKER B The sending of Jesus Christ is actually the Second Coming. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B And so what, this happens just before the Second Coming. And if we read verse 21 if I can just add that to it, it says, I'll read verse 20 and then verse 21. That he may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom the heavens must receive until the time of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouths of all his holy prophets since the world began. So this is the culmination of everything that the prophets have spoken about. Now, if you read the minor prophets, you read the major prophets in the Old Testament. All of them focus on the Second coming of Christ. All of them have a message about the coming of Christ. Some of them talk about the first Coming and also the second Coming. But before Christ comes, repentance needs to take place in this world. We need to be converted, our sins need to be blotted out. We need to receive the baptism, the Holy Spirit, the former reign and the latter reign. And when that takes place, then Christ will come. Because what happens is Christ's coming is likened to the harvest. You just spoke about the harvest before. That's right. And Jesus says that the harvest is the end of the world, so it's the second coming and that cannot take place until these preceding events take place, which is repentance, conversion, blotting out of sins and times of refreshing. SPEAKER C So what happens is daily our sins are going into the sanctuary. But at what's called the yearly Day of Atonement is that Jesus representing as our high priest. You read that in Hebrews. He went into the heavenly sanctuary. And according to the Bible, that happened in October 22, 1844, when Jesus entered his most holy place to finish his work of cleansing the sanctuary. So he's done the part on where he's died as the Lamb, and now he's doing as a high Priest who is interceding for us. And then we'll be blotting out our sins, removing from the sanctuary the record of them. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER B When we come back, we will continue part Two of Who Receives the lateral reign of the Spirit? SPEAKER E The word in action. Luke 22 42 father, if it is your will, take this cup away from me nevertheless. Not my will, but Yours be done. I want my own way and I want Jesus to answer my prayers my way. Yet the Word says something different. If we believe that God has our best eternal interest at heart, we must learn to submit to his will. Try praying that same prayer as Jesus. You will be amazed how he works in your life. SPEAKER B Welcome back. You are with you shall receive power. And I'm your host, Etienne McClintock. And with me in the studio is Colin Hone and we are discussing the topic who receives the latter reign of the Spirit. Colin we've had some interesting discussions already before just in regards to the process and the sequence of events that leads up to the second coming of Jesus and how the former rain prepares us to receive the latter rain and that the latter rain will not do for us what the former rain is supposed to do for us. So the one precedes the other. And if we were just waiting for the outpouring of the latter rain, we will not be able to receive it unless we're prepared. Unless we are prepared. That's right. SPEAKER C Grow in the former rain amen into the likeness of Jesus, then the latter rain is poured out in those people. The Bible also in Matthew 25, Jesus is talking about the last days, what it'll be like. He gives three parables. Yes, he's just given all the prophetic events that will happen in the last days. And then he says this is what it'll be like in the church. He talks about the wise and foolish virgins. SPEAKER D He does. SPEAKER C And they were both waiting for Jesus, the second coming. So they're hopefully both Christians, they both were virgins, a pure church, and they both had a little bit of oil. But the wise virgins had more oil. SPEAKER B That's right. Oil represents the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C They had the Holy Spirit that transformed them into the image of Jesus, where the foolish virgins didn't have enough oil and Jesus says they were lost. He says, I don't know you. So this is really important that we grow into the likeness of Jesus through the early reign. And the great thing is God will do the transforming through the Holy Spirit as we daily surrender. Then we just looked a bit where Peter talks about this refreshing the latter rain and our sins being blotted out at the same time, which we call the close of probation, where Christ will blot out our sins as our high priest in the heavenly sanctuary. And the times are refreshing. Peter referred to as the latter reign of the Spirit, and basically it's saying that those who have committed their life 100% to Jesus and have experienced Christ as their deliverer from sin are the ones who will benefit from the latter reign. And I love what Ellen White clarified, what true conversion is by contrasting it with the characteristics of an unconverted Christian. Okay, she talks about Christians being unconverted. It sounds really like a paradox, doesn't it? SPEAKER D It does. SPEAKER C Christians who are unconverted. And she says in Christ's Object Lessons, page 99. Do you have Christ Object Lessons, page 99? SPEAKER B I do have it here and I can read it. It says, often the question arises why then are there so many claiming to believe God's word in whom there is not seen a reformation in words, in spirit and in character? Why are there so many who cannot bear opposition to their purposes and plans, who manifest an unholy temper and whose words are harsh, overbearing and passionate? There is seen in their lives the same love of self, the same selfish indulgence, and the same temper and hasty speech that is seen in the life of the worldling. There is the same sensitive pride, the same yielding to natural inclination and same perversity of character as if the truth were wholly unknown to them. The reason is that they are not converted. SPEAKER D Wow. SPEAKER B Well, that is a strong statement. SPEAKER C Very powerful, very strong statement. So what Ellen White is clarifying here what it means to be. SPEAKER B What a. SPEAKER C Converted Christian then peter referred to in his sermon. And the only true converted Christians are those who are victorious then over anger if their plans are opposed, over an unholy temper, over harsh bearing words, over self love, over self indulgence, sensitive pride that is easily wounded and yielding to natural inclinations to sin. These are truly converted Christians who will see the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. And remember, Peter also pointed out that the latter reign of the Holy Spirit will take place just before the end of judgment. Yes, when our sins are blotted out, when Christ completes his high priestly ministry or meteorite work in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary. And even in the NIV translation in Acts chapter three, verse 19 and 20. Can you just read that translation? SPEAKER D Yeah, sure. SPEAKER B NIV says in verse Acts chapter three, verse 19 and 20, repent then and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Christ who has been appointed for you, even Jesus. SPEAKER C So both translations of Peter's words indicate a very important sequence of events. First, in order for one's sins to be blotted out, what do we got to do? We need to repent, need to repent of their sins and be converted and turn to God. And Peter points out that this full and complete conversion or commitment to Jesus and victory through Jesus is necessary for the times of refreshing or the latter reign to come from the Lord. In other words, he's saying we need to repent and be converted and ask Jesus to have victory over our sins before the latter reign and before the second Coming. I've just read so much of Ellen White in The Spirit of Prophecy, where she comments about her concerns that God's people aren't ready or what they must experience in order to receive and benefit from the latter aim. There's this wonderful quote in Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen White in page 112. Could you read that for us? SPEAKER B Sure. I saw that many were neglecting the preparations so needful, and were looking for the time of refreshing and the latter reign to fit them to stand in the day of the Lord and to live in his sight. Oh, how many I saw in the time of trouble without a shelter, they had neglected the needful preparation. Therefore they could not receive the refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of a holy God. SPEAKER C Wow. So she's saying that there's a preparation? SPEAKER B Yes. SPEAKER C And now's the time to prepare. You can't prepare at the crisis. SPEAKER B No, you can't. SPEAKER C You got to prepare before a crisis comes in our lives. SPEAKER B Now that reminds me. Noah took 120 years to build the ark. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B If he decided he's going to be a year out before the flood came to start building the ark, he wouldn't have been ready, could have built the. SPEAKER C Ark in a year. SPEAKER B So God is warning us, look, there's a crisis coming on the earth, there's a cris coming, and also I'm returning soon, and he says my reward is with me. So what he wants us to do is to also prepare in the same way to exercise our faith and to demonstrate our faith, just like Noah did in that crisis that was coming and that judgment that was coming, so that we will be ready. SPEAKER C And how many people were saved in the days of Noah? SPEAKER B Wow. Only eight. Only eight. SPEAKER C Only eight. In the spirit of prophecy from Ellen White, she says, I saw that none could share the refreshing latterain. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C Unless they obtained victory over every besetment, over pride, selfishness, love of the world, and over every wrong word and action. This is a miracle of God having victory over sin in our lives. I think we need to understand and experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit unrighteous by faith. SPEAKER B Yes, I agree. SPEAKER C I believe it's essential for the Christian to enter into this mystery of union with Christ and be prepared to receive the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. And so what we're hearing and we're seeing here from Peter and from the spirit of prophecy and Ellen White, that victory over every temptation and sin is to take place under the early reign baptism of the Holy Spirit. The latter reign is not going to give the victory. It's the early reign that actually gives us the victory, the growth. The latter rain just seals the deal. SPEAKER B Well, there's so much power in the former reign. If we look what happened subsequent to Pentecost and how they proclaimed the message with power and how sick were healed, there's no reason to believe that the power of God isn't sufficient for us. His grace is sufficient for us. And you know that text we were reading there in Acts chapter three, verse 19, where it talks about being converted and to repent and the sins we blotted out in the times of refreshing, just before God the Father sends Jesus back to this earth. That was in verse 19 to 21. As we read there, he then starts referring to the covenant that God made with Abraham, that in Abraham seed, all the nations of the earth will be blessed. Verse 26 then says to you, first, God, having raised up his servant Jesus, sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from your iniquities. So through the Holy Spirit, when Jesus comes and the Holy Spirit represents Christ to us, what he does as part of that process is actually to turn each of us away from our sins. It's part of the process, just as you explained there before, Colin. SPEAKER C That's good news, isn't it? It is good news. So victory over every temptation of sinners to take place under the early reign baptism. The Holy Spirit and how does this happen? I believe it happens as the Christian as Christians, we allow Christ to live out his righteous obedience in our lives. That's what Paul said, isn't it? SPEAKER B It's not. SPEAKER C I live that Christ lives in me. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C That's the secret. I die daily. So as a Christian allows our Christ to live out his righteous obedience in our lives, expecting the latter rain to bring about this change in life will provide a tragic to all who fall in that deception. People are just waiting for the latter rain. So we need to ask Jesus, through this process of growth, into the likeness of Jesus as a plant maturing. We need to ask him to have the victory and ask him to live out his righteous life in and us. I believe it's called his imparted righteousness. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C And the Bible uses it called sanctification as well. And again, just to make the point in the book The Faith I live by, a wonderful book by Ellen White on page 333. What does it say? SPEAKER B Ed says, the latter rain, ripening earth's harvest, represents the spiritual grace that prepares the church for the coming of the Son of man. But unless the former rain, which is obviously the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that pentecost experience, has fallen, there will be no life. The green blade will not spring up unless the early showers, which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, have done their work, the latter rain can bring no seed to perfection. SPEAKER C So again, I mean, she's saying that's the early rain that brings and grows the plant yes. Ready for the latter rain. And she's talking about the early rain or doing its work. So obviously, Ellen White clearly associated the former rain, according to the above quote, with the sanctification of the church. SPEAKER B Yes, indeed. SPEAKER C Stating, without it, no seed will come to perfection. I know a lot of people get hung up about perfection, but there's perfection in God sphere and there's perfection in our sphere. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C Sometimes I think we get the two mixed up. I love what she says, Ellen White, about sanctification and the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the following quote in Testimonies, volume six, page 86 a press. SPEAKER B Upon all the necessity of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the sanctification of the church so that they will be living, growing fruit bearing trees of the Lord's planting. SPEAKER C Wow. So she's relating sanctification and growing the likeness of Jesus under the early reign, baptism of the Holy Spirit as necessary, receiving the latter reign. How important is this message, Eddie? And we need the daily baptism, holy Spirit of Christ in us, the hope of glory. SPEAKER B That's right. And we are to cooperate with God by faith, because it says it's the Lord's planting. He's the one that will allow us to be living, growing fruit bearing trees. So the Lord's the one that plants, and the Lord's the one that also gives us that righteousness in your lives, pours it into us. Righteousness is love. It's agape love. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C Amen. So Ellen White clearly understood the early or former reign of the Holy Spirit and the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the same thing. She said that the baptism, the Holy Spirit is not the latter reign of the Spirit, it is the work of the baptism of the Spirit, the early reign that brings the church to sanctification and perfection in human sphere. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C The reason the early reign of the baptism Holy Spirit is necessary is that it's through the baptism of Holy the Spirit that Christ lives in the believer was Christ righteous, Eddie. SPEAKER B There was no unrighteousness in him. There was no darkness in him. He was fully righteous and fully kept God's commandments. SPEAKER C So if Christ is living in us, will he seek to keep obey God's commandments through us? SPEAKER B Absolutely. That text there in Colossians, chapter two, verse six as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk you in Him. SPEAKER C By what? SPEAKER B By faith. SPEAKER C By faith, that's what's. By faith I mean, it seems impossible, doesn't it? When you look at our own lives, idiot, it seems impossible. What the Bible and the Spirit of prophecy is saying has got to happen. How does the impossible become possible? SPEAKER B Well, the thing is, if it was possible for us, why would we need faith? We just do it. But because we can't do it, because we have to surrender to the Lord, we now rely on Him to do what he said and promised he would do in and through us. SPEAKER C So whose work is it? SPEAKER B It's the work of the Holy Spirit. It's Christ in us, our hope of glory. SPEAKER C So that's the only hope, isn't it? So when we read these statements, it's clear that the baptism Holy Spirit is really important for us believers to seek it daily so that we can be prepared to receive the latter rain and for God's work to be finished in the lives of His Know. I always think of the early disciples, Eddie and Know before Pentecost, right? They weren't ready, were they? SPEAKER B No, they weren't ready. SPEAKER C They weren't ready. What power was given to them? And we read this every program, acts. SPEAKER B Chapter what one, verse eight? SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C You shall receive what power when the. SPEAKER B Holy Spirit is coming. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C He says wait and pray for it. Without that power of the baptism Holy Spirit, they couldn't go forward, could they? SPEAKER B They couldn't, no. SPEAKER C So do you think in the last days, god's last day Church, which according to the Bible, in Revelations chapter twelve, it gives four indicating points that they have. One, it says that Satan makes war on the last remaining remnant church and they keep the commandments of God. This is in Revelations twelve. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C And they also had the testimony of Jesus. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C And we read in Revelations chapter 19 that the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy. So God's last day church. Keep the commandments of God. Have the spirit of prophecy. Also in Revelations chapter 14, again, they're giving the three angels message to the world, the Everlasting Gospel. SPEAKER B That's right, yes. SPEAKER C They're calling the people the world to saying judgment has begun. SPEAKER B That's right. According to the Gospel during the judgment hour. SPEAKER C That's right. According that judgment begun. And that according to the God's word that started in 1844. The judgment began in October 22, 1844, after the 2300 days when the sanctuary would be cleansed and the judgment wasn't removing the sins of God's people on the day of atonement. And also it says they have the faith of Jesus and he gives that three angel message. So do you think that God's Last Day Church would need the baptism and the Holy Spirit to finish the work? Absolutely. SPEAKER B Without the baptism of the Holy Spirit, nothing can take place. Nothing can happen. SPEAKER C There's a quote, I believe in the review on Herald, February 18, 1819, where Ellen White tells us, okay, so it. SPEAKER B Says, what we need is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Without this, we are no more fitted to go to the world than were the disciples after the crucifixion of their Lord. SPEAKER C Wow. So God's Last Day people can't give the three angels message without the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We're doing it in our own flesh. SPEAKER B We're not equipped. It says we're not fitted to go forth unless we have the baptism of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C So these statements obviously indicate that the Christian does not necessarily automatically receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit at conversion. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C Or water baptism. If that were the case, why would Ellen White tell Christians that this is the experience they need if they already had it doesn't even make sense. Why would you even say correct? SPEAKER B I mean, we have examples of that even after Acts chapter eight. Yeah, that's right, acts, chapter eight. Because you have the evangelist Philip going to preach to people. They are baptized, they are converted, and then when the apostles come, they have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit yet. And it's through prayer and the laying on of hands that they received it subsequent to their conversion and subsequent to receiving the message that the evangelist Philip had preached to them. SPEAKER C Yeah, well, because they were converted. It says they were converted because they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. SPEAKER B That's right. They were baptized in the name of. SPEAKER C Jesus in water, but the water represents for the remission of sins. Now, they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit for a power to live a victorious life in Jesus and to have power to preach the message. And so I believe that we really got to take seriously God's call, and I believe God's calling his people to receive the early reign baptism of the Holy Spirit to gain complete victory over sin through Christ. I want to emphasize that, Eddie, I've had a lot of people talk about sinless, perfection and imperfection as though people are going to be living off their own steam. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C I mean, Christ in you is the only way. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C Is that right? SPEAKER B The only way, yeah, that's right. SPEAKER C So who's doing it? SPEAKER B It's God in us. The thing is, part of our whole process of conversion is actually going into the watery grave, being reconciled to the death of Christ, so denying self, taking up our cross and following Jesus. So we go into the watery grave and then we come out the other end. We raise to newness of life. But it's a denial of self. Self is dead. And if self is taken out of the way I'm talking in spiritual sense. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B Now, the flesh is denied and we walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. SPEAKER C So we deny ourselves and surrender ourselves to God and ask Him to have his power to achieve what he's promising to do. SPEAKER B Yeah. SPEAKER C So he promises to do something, didn't he? SPEAKER B That's right. So if we walk in the Spirit and we live in the Spirit, then what happens is the flesh is impotent. It can't help but stay out of the way. Now what happened is dead. That's right. What happens is now temptation will bring the flesh back, temptation will draw the flesh up. And so what happens is it was dormant, it was sleep, it was dead. And temptation will bring out if we keep on following the temptation, but if we keep on walking in the Spirit, surrendering to God moment by moment, we are abiding in Christ and Christ is abiding in us, and he's having the victory and we're having the victory. That's why he says sin shall not have dominion over you because you're not under the law, but you're under grace. So the grace of God working in and through us is able to keep us. SPEAKER C We're going to come to that in a minute. We're going to read Romans, chapter six in a minute. SPEAKER B Oh, great. SPEAKER C Where Paul talks about that. And I love what also Ellen White says in the Spirit of prophecy about in testimony of ministers, page 507. SPEAKER B Right. Unless we are daily advancing in the exemplification of the active Christian virtues, we shall not recognize the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the latter reign. SPEAKER D Wow. SPEAKER B It may be falling on hearts all around us, but we shall not discern or receive it. SPEAKER C So there'll be many Christians in God's last day church who basically have not gone on the journey of growing in the early reign of the Holy Spirit and asking Christ to have the victory over sin in their lives. Who will the latter ain't will be falling and they won't even see it happening. That's so sad. SPEAKER B That's incredible. So there's spiritual blindness in these people and they won't recognize the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C Falling, it says, yeah, they won't discern it or receive it. And I love we know we're going to go through a crisis, don't we? SPEAKER D We do. SPEAKER C We talked earlier about the close of probation when Christ finishes his work as our high priest. And we talked about the time of trouble, the little time of trouble and the seven plagues and persecution coming and for those who don't get on board with the beast powers of Revelation 13 and receive the mark of the beast, and we've talked about that and this conflict that's coming upon the world. I love what Ellen White says, that if you want to be ready for what's coming upon the world, what does she say? SPEAKER D There? SPEAKER B Nothing but the baptism of the Holy Spirit can bring up the Church to its right position and prepare the people of God for the last approaching conflict. Here, second manuscript releases, page 30. SPEAKER C So nothing but the baptism of the Holy Spirit can prepare the Church for its right position and prepare us for the fast approaching conflict. That's a powerful statement. SPEAKER B Yes, it is. SPEAKER C I don't think she could be any clearer than you need the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And I love what Ellen White's saying in these statements above. She's saying that making it very clear it is only people who gain the victory over sins and temptations through Christ. And I'll make that point sure. SPEAKER B And it's an important point to make. SPEAKER C Victory over their sins and temptations through Christ. They were the ones who received the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. And again, and she's constantly calling God's people to obedience. So neither Ellen White nor the Bible gives an excuse for God's people to live a life of willful disobedience to God. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C And I think Paul's pretty clear in this matter. And please read Romans chapter six, verse one to two, six to seven and eleven to 14. And what does Paul say about this? Okay, this grace we receive from Christ, this forgiveness of sins, how we to live our lives. SPEAKER B Powerful statements here from Paul. Romans, chapter six, verse one. What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Verse two. Certainly not. Or as the King James says, God forbid, how shall we who die to sin live any longer in it? Verse six, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. Verse seven. For he who has died has been freed from sin. SPEAKER C There it is, isn't it? You're dead to sin. The old man is crucified. How we that are dead live any longer in sinning. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C How can we keep doing that and justifying and think God's going to go, oh, that's okay, it doesn't work that. SPEAKER B Way, because if we dead in Christ, then sin shall no longer have dominion. SPEAKER C The good news is though, is if we do mess up that Jesus has made provision, hasn't he? Because in one John, chapter one, verse nine, it says, if we confess our sins, he's faithful to forgive our sins. SPEAKER B And to cleanse us and to cleanse. SPEAKER C Us from all right, this is great news. SPEAKER B Praise God for the cleansing, because imagine if you keep on sinning and repenting sinning repenting and you continue in your slavery to whatever that vice may be. SPEAKER C I think that Paul was saying that in Romans seven, that people were stuck in this merrygo round of the things I want to do, I don't do, and the things I don't want to do, I keep doing. And he says, oh, please help me. In the end he says, Please help me. Who's going to save me from this? Romans, chapter eight. He says, hey, that's right. Through Christ. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C And through the Holy Spirit. That's how it will work. SPEAKER B He is powerful enough and he's able, if we receive it by faith. SPEAKER C So he already had the victory, didn't he, Eddie? SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C So he just wants to give what he already had to impart that to us. SPEAKER B Well, as a gift, as Jesus says to his disciples before he ascended into heaven, he says, be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. Now why do they have to be of good cheer? Because they can claim his victory as their own as well. SPEAKER C What a wonderful promise. So really, it's his victory. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C We can have that. SPEAKER D Amen. Amen. SPEAKER B It's not our works of righteousness, but Christ working in and through us. SPEAKER C Keep going. SPEAKER B Verse eleven. Likewise, you also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Therefore, do not let sin reign in your mortal bodies, that you should obey it in its lust. Verse 13. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. Verse 14. For sin shall not have dominion over you. In other words, dominion. It shall not rule over you, for you are not under law, but under grace. Thank God for his amazing grace. SPEAKER C So by Christ's life and by his death and resurrection, he has defeated the power of sin that has over our lives. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C That's the gospel, isn't it? SPEAKER B That is the gospel. SPEAKER C That is the gospel. SPEAKER B And I think it's so important to understand the Gospel, that when Christ died, we died with Him. We were executed in Christ. And when Christ then went into the grave, we were there with Him. He was the last Adam, the last mankind. And he took what the first Adam did. And that bad history that was written by Adam for us, he has turned that on its head. He's rewritten a new future for us. So when Christ was then raised, if we read this in Ephesians chapter two. We were raised with Him, and we sit by faith in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We are the old man that's been crucified. We've got the new man, which is made and developed according to the similitude of Jesus Christ. And by beholding Him, we become changed into the same image, from glory to glory. And that is the work of the former reign to prepare us to receive the latter reign, present the message with power so Christ can come. SPEAKER C That's just awesome. Good news, Eddie. And again Paul says in the book of Hebrews, again he says in Hebrews chapter twelve, verse one and two, where Paul's instructing a Christian to lay aside every weight which is every sin. Yes, and even their besetting sins. We have some sins in us that just keep coming back, don't they? Like these natural propensities we have, or inherited propensities we have towards doing things, and Paul's saying those sins that have most challenging to get the victory over, we all have those, don't we? Of course they are to do this by how do we do this now? Paul's giving us the secret here to do this by looking unto Jesus, who will give them his victory. SPEAKER B So this is from Hebrews chapter twelve, verse one and two. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B Therefore, seeing we also are encompassed with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of faith. The word our is added there, but it's actually he's, the author and finisher of faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. SPEAKER C So again it's looking out of Jesus and asking for his victory. And I love what Peter even says the same thing. Peter in one. Peter chapter two, verse 21 and 22. Let's read what Peter says. How? Because I want to know how. Etienne? Absolutely. I'm not into theory. I want to know exactly how this works, because it's really important that I surrender to God listeners out there. SPEAKER B We want to know how this works. SPEAKER D Absolutely. SPEAKER C And God says this is how. First, Peter, chapter 221 and 22. SPEAKER B For even here unto were ye called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that you should follow any steps who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. SPEAKER C We got to follow Christ's steps. So how did Jesus live? By faith. SPEAKER B By faith, that's right. SPEAKER C In the complete surrender. In other words, what did he say? In gethsemane not my will, but your will, Father, thine be done. SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER C So in these verses, Peter calls the Christian to follow Christ's example of living a life of obedience. And again in two, Peter, chapter one. Verse four to ten. And we're going to finish on this verse again what Peter says and gives us. SPEAKER B And I'll read from two peter, chapter one, from verse four. By which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature. SPEAKER D Wow. SPEAKER B Having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Verse five. But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith, virtue to virtue, knowledge to knowledge, self control to self control. Perseverance to perseverance, godliness to Godliness, brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness. SPEAKER D Love. SPEAKER B Or as the King James says, charity. But that's agape love. SPEAKER C This is this growth process, isn't it? SPEAKER B That's right. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER B For if these things are yours and abound, you will neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is short sighted even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call in election sure. For if you do these things, you will never stumble. Wow. SPEAKER C So Peter's calling the Christian to escape the corruption that is in this world through lust. And he says the Christian is to be free from the sinful influences in their life. By how? By letting Jesus Christ live out his obedience in them again. And know we see the Bible and the spirit of prophecy calling for victory over sin in the Christian life. And the only way is because of Christ's victory. There's no excuse for a Christian to be living a life of sin. Christ has given us the how. He's given us the pardon. He's given us the power. And I love what Ellen White says in the Southern Review. December 5, 1899. SPEAKER B Exact obedience is required. And those who say it is not possible to live a perfect life throw upon God the imputation of injustice and untruth. SPEAKER C And if you could read the last one out, Eddie, and which is from our High Calling, page 48. SPEAKER B Okay. The obedience of Christ to His Father was the same obedience that is required of man. Man cannot overcome Satan's temptation without divine power to combine with his instrumentality. So with Jesus Christ, he could lay hold of the divine power. He came not to our world to give the obedience of a lesser God to a greater, but as a man to obey God's holy law. And in this way, he is our example. The Lord Jesus came to our world not to reveal what a God could do, but what a man could do through faith in God's power, to help in every emergency. Man is through faith to be a partaker of the divine nature and to overcome even every temptation wherewith he is beset. That's great news. SPEAKER C God has made all these promises, and we've just got to claim them by faith. SPEAKER B Dear Listener, thank you for joining us today on you shall receive power. It is Colin and my prayer that you will be filled with the Holy Spirit, that you will come to a deeper appreciation and knowledge of the gospel, the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, that his victory is your victory. And we look forward to catching up with you next time. SPEAKER B You've been listening to a production of three ABN, Australia radio.

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