Living With Christ at the End of the Judgment Part 1

Episode 36 May 06, 2017 00:58:45
Living With Christ at the End of the Judgment Part 1
You Shall Receive Power
Living With Christ at the End of the Judgment Part 1

May 06 2017 | 00:58:45


Show Notes

Discussion of day 36 from the book "50 Days Prayer and Devotions to Prepare for the Latter Rain and Christ's Return", by Pastor Dennis Smith.

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SPEAKER B Jesus promised his disciples in Acts One eight, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all here and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Welcome to. You shall receive power. And here are your hosts, Ettienne McClintock and Colin Hone. SPEAKER C Greetings and a warm welcome. Thank you for tuning into the program today. Colin and myself are delighted to have your company. We are looking at day 36 and the heading of day 36 is living with Christ at the end of the judgment. And this is a two part program, so we're going to do part one today and then the next program will be part two. Now Colin, I'm really excited about this study. It's a fascinating study and it actually gets not only into the gospel, but it gets into prophecy as well. SPEAKER D Yeah, we're going to talk about the judgment. Now. For many, the judgment can be a scary thing because what does a judgment entail? There's a court and a judge. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D And a prosecutor and a defender. But I want to give you good news. The judgment is good news for God's people. SPEAKER C Wonderful. So I'm looking forward to get into the Bible this morning. But just before we do, let's do what we always do and just pray for God to bless us and to lead us in our study today. Gracious Father in heaven, it's such a privilege to have access to Your word. We enjoy the freedoms that we have in this country. And Father, we just pray now as we open your word for your Holy Spirit to bless us, to guide and lead us in our thought. Father, give us a fresh anointing from above. Bless the person listening as well, Father, and may we have a convocation with you as we sit at your feet to learn from you is our prayer in Jesus name, amen. Right, so the judgment, like you're saying, some people are nervous about it and I guess if you're guilty and you go into court, you're hoping for a lenient sentence. And if you're not guilty but innocent, you don't know how the evidence has been stacked and you're hoping to get pardon. And what we're obviously hoping for through the judgment is with Christ as our advocate and he's a person that's never lost the case that he will actually go and defend us and present us before the Father. And by us receiving the gospel and having died yourself already, we can then be set free from the second death, which is the penalty for sin. So the Bible talks about two deaths. And this morning we're going to talk about the judgment because we see there in Hebrews, chapter nine, that the Lord has deigned for man to die but once and after that the judgment. Now, we who are looking forward to the second coming of Christ, are not necessarily looking forward to death and then the resurrection to be glorified. Some people have to take the underground to get to heaven. Those who are alive and believe, especially at the end time, are looking forward to translation to be taken by the Lord without having to die. But I'm saying that in a technical aspect, because if we want to be translated, we need to die to self anyway. So there is a death, and we reconcile ourselves to the death of Jesus Christ. SPEAKER D Yeah, we know that from thessalonians chapter four where it talks about when Jesus returns with all these angels. It says, the dead in Christ will rise first. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D And then those who are alive who remain. So those living when Jesus returns are raised up together, and so they go back with Jesus and go back to heaven. But before this happens, because the Bible clearly talks about that he's coming with his reward. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D Okay. So the reward is obviously eternal life. So before that happens, there has to be a judgment before that happens. And the Bible has judgment right throughout it, but it's good news. Now, interestingly, we find that the judgment in Daniel, chapter seven, it talks about this judgment in Daniel, chapter seven. And we go to Daniel, chapter seven, verse nine, and it says in Daniel, chapter seven, verse nine, I watched till thrones were put in place, and the Ancient of Days were seated. His garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him, and thousands upon thousands ministered to him, and 10,000 times 10,000 stood before him. The court was seated. So there you got it. The court was seated. So he's a scene of judgment. And then it says, and the books were opened. SPEAKER E Okay. SPEAKER D And the Bible talks about many books, talks about the Book of Life. It talks about the Book of remembrance and many books. And so these books are opened, and it says, I watched them because of the sound of the pompous words with the horn we're speaking. So he goes on and talks about this little horn that was speaking, and he goes on about these rest of these beasts, these four beasts. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D And so what you're finding here is there is a timeline. And then he goes in in verse 13 and says, I was watching in the night visions and behold one like the Son of man coming with the clouds of heaven. SPEAKER C Now, where was the Son of man going with the clouds of heaven? Was he coming to earth or where was he going? SPEAKER D Well, it says, he came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought in near before him. So this is a scene that happens in heaven. So this court this judgment begins in heaven. And it says afterwards in verse 14, to him was given dominion and glory and kingdom that all the people, nations and language should serve him. And it goes on to say that this kingdom will be set up. Now interesting, what led me to believe there was a God and that God is the God of the Bible is because of the book of Daniel. SPEAKER C Really? SPEAKER D In Revelation, because in Isaiah chapter 46, verse nine, it talks about God making this big claim where he says, hey, listen, I am God, there is no other. I can declare the beginning to the end. In other words, I can tell you what the future is. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D And so I took that challenge. And right in Daniel, you have these prophecies in the book of Daniel of all the kingdoms from Daniel's day right up until the last days. There's a sequence. And if you follow the sequence, it leads up to when this judgment begins. And so we can know when the judgment begins. SPEAKER E Right. SPEAKER C So to understand Daniel, chapter seven, you really got to understand Daniel chapter two. Now, Daniel chapter two gives us a good prophetic dream from Rebuked Neza. And then of course, God, through his servant Daniel, explains, interprets the dream and explains how it goes. So these four successive kingdoms yes. And then there's a kingdom set up which God sets up because there's one that's a stone cut out without hands. It then destroys and annihilates all the other kingdoms. And it says God then sets up an everlasting kingdom. So when we come to Daniel chapter seven, we see that the way the kingdom is set up and the subjects of the kingdom are made up is through this judgment process where the ancient of Days comes, he takes his seat on the throne. SPEAKER D That's god the father. SPEAKER C God the father. And then the ancient of Days, the Son of man and the clouds of heaven approaches him. It says they bring him near to. SPEAKER D Him, which is Jesus. SPEAKER C That's right. And then through this judgment process, we see that he is given dominion and glory and a kingdom that all the peoples and nations should serve him. And it says then his dominion is an everlasting dominion, just as we saw in Daniel chapter two, verse 44, that this kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, same language which shall not pass away, and his kingdom, one which shall not be destroyed. So what we see in Daniel chapter seven is a repeat and enlargement of the information we got in Daniel chapter two. They call it in, I think, theological terms, recapitulation. SPEAKER D Yeah. So it's like when you went to school, you do grade one. When you get to grade two, they repeat, this is what we learn in grade one, but now we're going to give you some more. SPEAKER C They expand your knowledge information. SPEAKER D Expand our knowledge. So what's happened in Daniel two? When you go to the book of Daniel in chapter two. What's happened is one night it's about 606 BC, nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, has a dream. This dream was different from any he had ever had. It was so disturbing to him that he couldn't even sleep. He called his magicians and astrologers and sorcerers and chowdians together to tell him the dream. They could not tell him the dream and they could tell that the dream was vitally important to the king. So they told the king to tell them the dream, and they were given the interpretation. Sounds like they were just trying to say, you tell me the dream and then we'll give you an interpretation, many astrologers and that, yeah, tell me something, and I'll sort of make up something. And the king answered and said, my decision is firm. This is in Daniel, chapter two, verse five. If you do not make known the dream to me and its interpretation, you shall be cut into pieces and your houses shall be made an ashe. Wow, this is pretty serious stuff. The kings just said, look, if you can't even tell me what the dream I had and its interpretation, I'm going to kill all the wise men over the Babylon empire. That was just very vast. And so what happens is the story of the book continues and he's going to kill everybody, that it includes Daniel and his companions, which were these guys from Israel, these princes from Israel that had been raised in the kingdom of Babylon. So they actually went out and prayed, and the God revealed the dream to them. And we know the rest of the story. Daniel goes to Nebuchadnezzar and he tells him about the dream. In Daniel, chapter two, verse 31 to 35, he says, You, O king, we're watching him behold a great image. This great image, whose splendor was excellent, stood before you, and its form was awesome. This image head was of fine gold. So you got this image with it's got a head of gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. And you watch while a stone was cut out with hands which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay and broke them into pieces. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and gold, these kingdoms were crushed together and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors, and the wind carried them away and there was no trace found them. And that stone that struck the image became a great mountain, filled the whole earth. Then he goes on and tells them this is what the dream means. And so what he tells them is, well, this head of gold, right, these four metals are kingdoms. And he tells them the first of these four kingdoms, he says, is, you king, right? You are the head of gold. Then he goes and says, but another kingdom will rise after you, which whether he talks about the chest and arms of silver, and so then he talks but then another kingdom will rise after that, the kingdom of belly and thighs of brass. Then he says another kingdom will rule after that, which would be the legs of iron. And so this is in Daniel two, but in Daniel seven, right. He goes on and tells him in Daniel seven, he repeats this, has another dream, but he uses four beasts, and he says there was these four beasts, and you had the one with a lion and two wings, the bear raised up with three ribs in his mouth. Then you have this leopard with four heads and four wings. Then you have this dragon type of beast with ten horns. Okay. And then you have this little horn poking up amongst it. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D So we just want to unpack this timeline, because straight after these four beasts or these four kingdoms that rise out of the earth, and then it says these ten kingdoms come out of the fourth kingdom, and then this little horn or kingdom comes out of after them. It then talks about this little horn ruling for 1260 days or times, times and a half, which is same thing. Yes, 1260 days. And we know that a day for prophecy in the Bible is one day for one year. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D You can find that in Ezekiel, chapter four, verse six, and also in Numbers book of numbers. So what we find is when we do a timeline, the judgment or this sequence doesn't happen, and after this little horn has ruled for 1260 years. So the great thing with the Bible, it even gives us a starting point where we can know all these things. So let's just go through these kingdoms and see who they were. So who was the kingdom of gold? Well, Daniel said it was what? SPEAKER E Eddie? SPEAKER C And who did babylon. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D It was Babylon. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D So in history, when did Babylon rule from? SPEAKER C Right, well, we've got the timeline there from six, five BC. And they only ruled for a short period of time, was about 66 years, roughly till 539 BC. SPEAKER D That's right. And so after that and so that would also be the lion with two wings. Interesting. That's what was the symbol of Babylon was this symbol of lion. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C With two wings. SPEAKER D With two wings. Interesting. So it's pretty obvious that was the next one. Then says there was another one called the chest and arms of silver or the one with the bear. So who did that represent? Who overtook Babylon? SPEAKER C Well, the Medo Persians did. And of course, if we look at Daniel seven, it says that the first kingdom that came up was not as strong as the second one that came up. The second one that came up was stronger. So you have the Medo Persians there, and they ruled from 539 to 331 BC. So it was just around 200 year empire. SPEAKER D Yeah. So it would represent the statue's chest of arms and silver. And now was a bear with three ribs in its mouth. And meadow Persia, ruled from 539 BC. To 331 BC. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C And we know that those three ribs represent, obviously, this person devouring something, and he devoured the three major provinces of Babylon, which was Lydia, Egypt and Babylon. SPEAKER D That's Right. They were the three major kingdoms that and it was leaning on one side, which represent one was stronger than the other. So after that, who came next? SPEAKER C Well, we have the Grecian Empire or Greece, and that under Alexander the Great, obviously conquered very quickly. And that ruled from 331 BC. To 168 BC. SPEAKER D So that represents the belly and thigh of Brass. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Was now also the four headed leopard with four wings. Interestingly. When Alexander the Great died his emperor was divided between his four top generals. SPEAKER E That's Right. SPEAKER D And the kingdom ruled from 331 BC. To 168 BC. And so then, what was the fourth kingdom that came after Greece? SPEAKER C Well, Greece was replaced by Rome, and Rome came on the scene, sort of 168 BC. And that ruled right through the time of Christ when he was here on Earth to 476 Ad. When the western part of the empire actually disintegrated, as we see in Daniel chapter two, where the legs are of iron. But then you see the feet are of iron and clay. So that shows a disintegration of the empire. And we see that here in Daniel, chapter seven, it actually refers to ten horns, which is the ten divisions of Europe. SPEAKER D So that's what happened. Rome took over Greece, which was this legs of iron that King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of. And also it was looked at as the beast with iron teeth and ten horns. And the great Kingdom of Rome ruled from 168 BC. To Ad. 476. When it then ended, the kingdom divided into ten parts, as you said, into ten kingdoms, which today would be the modern kingdoms of Europe. SPEAKER E Europe. That's right. SPEAKER D And in Daniel Two, those parts were represented by ten toes. All Right. But we see. In Daniel seven, they're represented by ten horns of the fourth beast. So they came out of the Fourth Beast, these ten kingdoms. So we can see that these two prophecies in Daniel Two and Daniel Seven run completely parallel to each other. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D But when the prophecy of Daniel Seven came to Rome, god gave Daniel more details than before. Talks about these ten horns of the fourth beast. And these represented the ten pagan godless fragments of the Roman Empire that became today's nations of Europe. Now, interesting, he talks about also this little horn that rises up amongst these ten kingdoms. SPEAKER E That's Right. SPEAKER D And we see also that it because he was looking at these little horns and he says, I saw this little one coming up among them. This is in Daniel, chapter seven, verse seven and eight. And he says, I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there in this horn were the eyes, like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking pompous words. Pompous words is also blasphemies words. So here we have this fearsome ten horn beasts, and a new little horn comes up in the midst of these ten and plucks up three of them by the roots. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C And these three kingdoms we know historically, because they no longer exist, are the Hiroli, the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. SPEAKER D So when did that happen, though? Because we can get a timeline of when that happened. We're trying to work out when the judgment begins, because it doesn't happen until this little horn rules in power for 1260 years. SPEAKER E Right. SPEAKER C Well, the last ones of those powers that was taken out of the way happened in 538 Ad. SPEAKER D Right. And so also we also know the Roman Empire ended in 476 Ad. Yes. A struggle began to control the ten remaining parts of empire. In one side were the three pagan tribes which you spoke of, the Herally, the Vandals and the Ostragoths. And the other side was the bishop of Rome and the emperors loyal to the Catholic bishop. One by one, the Catholic emperors overthrew these three rebel trials. And we also know from history that the Emperor Xeno conquered the Herali by encouraging the Ostragoths to invade in Ad 493. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D That's one of those ten kingdoms. And we also know from history that the Emperor Justinian sent his general, Bellasarius to conquer the Vandals in Ad 534. General Belasarius then drove the Ostrogos out of Rome in Ad 538. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D And we also know, according to history, that in Ad 533, Justinian decreed that this is the Emperor Justinian decreed that the bishop of Rome was to rule supreme over all the churches. But his decree meant nothing until he and the other emperors were able to overthrow the three Aryan tribes of the Heralu, Vandals and Ostrogoths, the three horns of Daniel seven. Just like history said. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C Incredible, isn't it? SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D So, by Ad 538, this was accomplished, and the era of the little horn's power had begun. And the papacy, as we know, was this little horn that ruled okay, because it was a religious, political power, would continue in absolute power for another 1260 years, till the year 1798. And we note that this 1260 year period is found in Bible prophecy in several places. It's found in Daniel chapter seven, verse 25. Yes, it's found in Daniel chapter twelve, verse seven. It also speaks about it in Revelations chapter eleven, verse two, in Revelations chapter eleven, verse three, revelations twelve, verse six, and Revelations twelve, verse 14, and Revelations 13, verse five. I think God's trying to make a point. And he uses 42 months, 1260 days. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D Three and a half years. A times. Times and a half, which is three and a half years. SPEAKER E Three and a half years, yes. SPEAKER D And we also know there was 360 days in a Bible year. Okay. So when you times that, it works out to be 1260 days that's correct. SPEAKER C Or years. SPEAKER D And that exactly so what happened in 1798? Was there anything that happened in history? 1798? SPEAKER C Yes, something very significant happened because the Pope was actually captured and taken from Rome when he ended up dying in exile in France. SPEAKER D So during the when Napoleon was ruling, when he was invading Europe, he sent his general Berthia and he took the Pope, captured the Pope and put him in jail. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D So it would seem like he was wounded, this power. And so we've got history of this timeline. So we know, according to Daniel seven, that this judgment then happens. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D The judgment has to happen after 1790. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D 1798. Now, many people have always wondered, well, who is this little horn? Well, according to history, what we just read, the Bishop of Rome was given the power. The power. And there's also ten ways to identify the little horn. And I'm just going to give you ten verses and ten ways to identify the little horn. First thing. Number one, it came to power from among the ten divisions of Europe, the ten horns that's in Daniel chapter seven, verse eight. So this little horn had to come up after around that 476 to 538 Ad. It said it began as a little horn, a little power at its beginning in Daniel chapter seven, verse eight. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D So it was a little, little power. Number four, it uprooted three horns, the heralay, the vandals and the ostegoths in Daniel chapter seven, verse eight and 24. Okay, so there's clue number four. Clue number five, it had a man at its head. Daniel, chapter seven, verse eight. And you can also see in two, thessalonians chapter two, verse three, it has a man at its head. Number six, it is different from the others. All the others were state powers. This one little horn was a church state combination. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Daniel, chapter seven, verse 24. See, it was a religious, political power. It says the little horn would speak great words and blasphemy. Daniel, chapter seven, verse eight, and Daniel, chapter seven, verse 25. So what's the definition of blasphemy in the Bible? SPEAKER C Well, claiming to be God and claiming to have the power to forgive sins. SPEAKER D Yeah, and we can read that in Matthew, chapter nine, verse two to six, and John, chapter ten, verse 30 to 33, that blasphemy was claiming to be God because they said Jesus was being blasphemous because he claimed to be God. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D And he could forgive sins. So this power would claim to be God on earth and representing God on earth and to be able to forgive sins. The little horn, also point number eight, would wear out and kill many of God's children. And we know during the 1260 year reign that papal persecutions brought, the death of millions of people were put to. SPEAKER C Death, at least 50 million, yeah. SPEAKER D By the stake, burning and persecution. And that's found in Daniel chapter seven, verse 25. It says the little horn Antichrist would think to change times and law, so he would think to change God's law or ten commandments. And that's in Daniel chapter seven, verse 25. Now, we know that the papacy notes that it changes it made to God's law in its catechism. So in the Catholic Catechism, it says it removed the second commandment that forbids idolatry and changed the fourth commandment, requiring worship on the 7th day of the week, and finally divided the 10th commandment into two to retain the full ten commandments. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D So just according to Daniel's prophecy, it says he would think to change God's times and laws. Yeah, well, there's only one law regarding time in the Ten Commandments, and that's the fourth Commandment. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D Thou shalt worship on the 7th day. And he changed it to the first day. Number nine, the little horn Antichrist would think to change times and law. We just went on that one. And also number ten, the little horn would rule for time and times and half a time elsewhere presented the Bible as the 1260 days or 42 month of prophetic time. Since the day is equal to a year in Bible prophecy, this power was to rule for 1260 years. So God foretold that it would reign supreme and persecute God's obedient children for 1260 years. So here we have a sweeping history, or overview of history, from the time of Nebuchadnezzar, more than 600 years before Christ's birth, and continue to the very end of time to the second coming of Jesus. So now that we've got a time frame, we know the judgment has to happen in 1798. So we're going to take a break shortly and we're going to look at when this judgment began. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D And what the judgment's about. SPEAKER C Okay, well, that sounds very interesting, Colin. So we just to summarize, daniel chapter two talks about the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, where he sees this image with different medals, and each of the medals represent different successive kingdoms. Then you have the iron, which represents Rome, but then you get to the feet and the toes, which is partly iron and partly clay. SPEAKER D So it's mixed. SPEAKER C It's mixed, yes. So you have some partly strong or partly weak kingdoms, but we know that's the western part of the empire that disintegrated under the barbarian tribes. And then what you have is that they split into ten kingdoms. And as you said, clearly Daniel chapter seven, that gives us more detail. It says that when the ten kingdoms have risen up, that you actually have this little horn growing up amongst them. And then subsequent to the time, time and half a time, we see there that the dominion of this little horn is actually taken away through the judgment, but also the setting up of the everlasting kingdom, which is Christ's kingdom, happens during the judgment as well. So what you're saying we're going to look at next is when does the judgment start? Because we have to expect it to happen subsequent to 1798, after the original rule of this little horn power. So, dear listener, we hope that you are finding the study interesting so far. If you don't have your Bible with you, grab it, unless you're driving, of course. And we look forward to unpacking this with you further right after this break. SPEAKER B You're listening to the angelic sound of Carly Fletcher, just an average Australian woman who has chosen to use her musical talents to uplift her Lord and King Jesus Christ. SPEAKER A You matter to Him you are his precious child won't you realize that you really matter to Him? SPEAKER B Kylie's debut album, Follow the Lamb, features gentle acoustic guitar, piano and voice rich in harmonies and accompanied by various instruments. SPEAKER A It's gonna be worth it in the end. SPEAKER B To purchase a copy of Follow the Lamb with all proceeds going to three ABN, Australia, contact us on 024-97-3456. Today we will follow the lamb. SPEAKER C Dear listener, welcome back. Just before the break, we have gone through the prophecies of Daniel, chapter two and seven, which explained what was going to happen before the judgment was to commence. And the judgment is the way in which God determines his kingdom, the subjects of his kingdom, and also the way in which Christ receives his kingdom. And that is an everlasting kingdom which we all want to be part of. We pray that it's your desire to be part of Christ's everlasting kingdom as well. And of course, an everlasting kingdom comes with everlasting life. So, Colin, we're looking at the second part now, which is now actually to determine the time when the judgment was to start. And then we can just look at the process of the judgment, what that means for us while we're here on Earth. And perhaps we can also then look at the close of the judgment if we have a few minutes before the end of the program. SPEAKER D So it's nice to know that God does nothing first unless he reveals it to his prophets. I just love that in the Bible, god never does anything unless he reveals it to his prophets. What's going to happen? And this is what the prophecies that convinced me there was a God before that I didn't know. But now I knew that God can predict the future kingdoms and be meticulously accurate. And so we just went through, as I said in Daniel two and Daniel seven, about these four kingdoms, these ten kingdoms that came out of the fourth kingdom of Rome. A little horn. That came out after them, which we identified as the Bishop of Rome and the papacy. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D And it would rule for 1260 years. So we know that that finished in 1798 when Bertha, Napoleon's general, marched into Rome and took the pope captured captured the Pope and put him in jail. And it seemed like that was the end of that. Interestingly. There's another prophecy says that he will rise up again, that he was wounded, which he'll rise up again. SPEAKER C Deadly wound is to be healed. SPEAKER D That's going to be healed. We know that in Revelations, chapter 13. So what happens next is this judgment begins after 1798. Well, we just keep reading the Book of Daniel and it gives us more information. SPEAKER E Right. SPEAKER D In Daniel, chapter seven, it talks seven, verse nine and ten. Right. It talks about that. I watched till thrones were put in place, and the ancient days were seated. This is talking about the Heavenly Father. His garment was white as known. The hair of the head was pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame. Its wheels are burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. Thousands of thousands minister to him, and 10,000 10,000 stood before him, and a court was seated, and the books were open. And so now we morph into what was the judgment about and when did it begin? And so it talks about also, we're going to talk about what's called the cleansing of the sanctuary in the Old Testament, okay? And this was a symbol of the final work of judgment prior to Christ's second coming. And we can learn from Leviticus, chapter 16, what is this cleansing or the day of atonement or it's called Yom Kippur Judgment Day. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D And this was a yearly cycle that happened a day after day, but there was a came to an end of this cycle. And so clearly, we can see that there is a judgment that takes place. The question here is, where does this judgment take place? And as we read before in Daniel, chapter eight, verse 13 and 14, its sanctuary takes place in heaven. And then he says, how long? And Daniel asks a question back then, well, how long until this judgment begins? And the cleansing of the sanctuary, because for him, the cleansing of the sanctuary, which was the removal or blotting out of sin, out of the Old Testament sanctuary every year, the sins of people would be piling up in the sanctuary. You would take your lamb or your goat or your dove, and the blood would be transferred. Well, your sins would be transferred to the lamb. The blood would be transferred into the sanctuary, and they'd be piling up every day after day. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Then once a year, the high priest would make an atonement for not only the people, but he would make an atonement for the sanctuary. So he would cleanse the sanctuary of the record of all the sins of the people. And so when he asked this question in Daniel chapter eight, verse 13 and 14, what does it say there? SPEAKER C Says, Then I heard a holy one speaking. And another holy one said to that certain one who was speaking, how long will the vision be concerning the daily sacrifices? Now, the word sacrifices added there and the transgression of desolation and giving both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot. SPEAKER D So he's saying this, how long? And then the angel asks and says, for 2300 days, then the sanctuary shall be cleansed. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D So it's clear that God wanted to share with Daniel just when the real day of atonement in heaven would begin. So there was obviously an earthly day of atonement, but we know that that was an anti type or type to the real type, which was Jesus was the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world. And then Jesus died on the cross representing the altar where the lamb was sacrificed. But there was more to it, the cleansing of the sanctuary. So it's clear that God wanted to shell down just when the real day of atonement, when heaven would begin. 2300 days. But from when's the starting point for all this? SPEAKER C Yeah, that's a good question. SPEAKER D Well, if you go on and continue to read, he then talks about gives you a starting point and talks about this 70 weeks. Yes, the 70 weeks. And he talks about it in verse 24, daniel nine and 22 and 23 and 24. SPEAKER C Now, it's interesting. In Daniel chapter eight, the vision given there about the 2300 days, it talks about the whole vision, using the word for vision there in the Hebrew as hazon. SPEAKER D So it's a complete vision, complete vision. SPEAKER C However, when they referred to the time period in the prophecy, they referred to it as Mari, which also means vision. But when the angel Gabriel then comes to Daniel in chapter Daniel, chapter nine after he has been praying asking for. SPEAKER D Understanding he said praying, praying and praying god sends angel says look, I've come down to give you understanding because, I. SPEAKER C Mean, the whole idea was that God was set up the children of Israel as an everlasting kingdom. But now he's seen all these visions where it says, no, it's not going to be the preeminence of Israel. You have Babylon followed by to Persia, followed by Greece, followed by Rome, and then there's an everlasting kingdom. But how long before God establishes that everlasting kingdom? Because Israel was supposed to be the everlasting kingdom. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C So then he comes and he says, I've now come to explain and help you understand the vision. And the word for vision in verse 23 of Daniel nine, there is mares. In other words, I've come to explain to you the 2300 day component of the hazon, which was the whole vision. SPEAKER D Which is what he was praying for. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D And now he comes back and gives them another time prophecy called the 70 weeks. 70 weeks or 490 years, because 70 times seven is 490, and we know it's a day for a year. SPEAKER C So it's part of the explanation of Daniel, chapter eight, because, I mean, Daniel fainted and he was astonished by the vision. He couldn't understand it. It says that he was sick, he fainted, he was sick in the last verse of Daniel, chapter eight. And now, sometime afterwards, he now gets the full explanation. SPEAKER D That's right. So he comes in the next four verses, gabriel outlines the fascinating time prophecy, explaining it as he went along. In verse 24, he says, 70 weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city. So that's for who his people were, who Israel city was, who well, Jerusalem, sorry, old Jerusalem. SPEAKER C And also the word determined there is chatak, and that actually means cut off. SPEAKER D Basically, you're saying you guys have got 70 weeks, and that's it. SPEAKER C 70 weeks from the 2300 days beginning of that, which is 490 days. SPEAKER D Yeah, to finish, he says to finish transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity or sin, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy. So out of the 2300 day prophecy, part of Daniel's vision, in chapter eight, gabriel said that 70 weeks determined, a word meaning cut off, as you said. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D From the longer prophecy of your people, the Jewish nation, the people of Israel. So during the 70 weeks, several things would take place. And so these six tasks would be only fulfilled in and through the work of Jesus the Messiah. I mean, who else, for example, could possibly make reconciliation for iniquity or bring in everlasting righteousness? SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Now, it's important to know about two keys to understanding Bible prophecies. First, in Bible prophecy, literal time periods are often symbol of a much longer time period. A 24 hours day, for example, stands for a year. And you can read that in Numbers, chapter 14, verse 34, and Ezekiel, chapter four, verse six. And the second important thing to know is that while our years today have 365 days, in Daniel's time, the Jewish year had only 360 days to a year. So applying these two keys, we realized that the 2300 days of Daniel, chapter eight, verse 14, are really 2300 years. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D In the same way, the 70 weeks here in Daniel nine, verse 24, are actually 490 years. 70 times seven equals 490. This means that the first 490 years of the longer 2300 year are cut off or determined for several important things to accomplish. So what did Jesus accomplish? Well, we know it says in verse 25, know, therefore understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem until the Messiah prince. So he's talking about Jesus. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D There shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks. So how much is that? SPEAKER C 69 weeks. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D The street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome time. So the first 69 weeks of the 70 week prophecy began with the command to restore and build Jerusalem. So if we can learn when the command was given, when did this command start? We'll have the starting date for both the 70 weeks prophecy and the longer prophecy of the 2300. SPEAKER E That's right, yeah. SPEAKER D From which the beginning of this 70 weeks was cut off. And history tells us exactly when this command was decreed. This decree, described in Ezra, chapter seven, verse 13 to 26, was sent out by the Persian king Artaxerxics in the year 457 BC. SPEAKER E Right. SPEAKER D So now, I know there's some controversy over that in Ezra, but sometimes it's easy to confuse the date or dates of this prophecy, because there were two other decrees in Ezra. The first we find in Ezra one, this decree is missing a vital point of prophecy. It only decrees the building of the temple, not Jerusalem. SPEAKER E That's correct. SPEAKER D That's a huge difference. The other decree found in Ezra six, this decree, like the first one, only talks about the temple. The third decree in chapter seven is the right decree. This decree not only talks about the temple, but also the restoring of the Law of God. And this third decree is the last decree. The temple is finished. Also, when you look at Ezra nine, chapter nine, verse nine, you read that the walls of Jerusalem were to be rebuilt. It was to restore everything. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER C See, daniel, chapter nine, verse 25, clearly says that it'll be till Posey the prince, and the beginning there is when the streets shall be built, and the walls, even in troublesome times. So the walls had to be included in the decree to make it come into effect. To give you the starting time, if. SPEAKER D Anyone wants complete Bible studies, just contact three ABN. They've got Bible studies that can go right into this and show the correct dates and give you more information. We haven't got too much time to go right through all that, but that's right. Basically, we've discovered that it's Ezra, chapter seven, verse 13 and 26. That the starting point, according to history, started in 457 BC. Well, if we go there and do the 69 weeks, and we take it from 457 BC. And remember, when you go BC. There's zero. There's no such thing as zero BC. So when you've got BC. One and you got Ad. One, you have to skip over and give it a year there. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D So when we take the 69 weeks, guess where it ended in the year 27 Ad. And what happened in Ad. 27? Notice that in verse 27, it says, the Messiah would confirm or begin his covenant with many for one week. History shows us that Jesus began his ministry at his baptism in the year 27 Ad. It was in the 15th year of Tiberius, which was 27 Ad. Everything just lines up just amazing. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Now, again, right. It also says there it says also the system of sacrifices and offerings, as we've earlier seen, was part of the desert sanctuary when the symbol met the reality of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. He says, in the middle of the week, he shall bring an end to sacrifice. So what's the middle of a week? How many days? SPEAKER C Three and a half days. SPEAKER D So that's three and a half years. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER D Jesus ministry, when he started in 27 Ad. Went for three and a half years. And the middle of a week in this seven year prophecy, it says the Messiah was cut off. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C So three and a half years from 27 Ad. Will take you to 31 Ad. SPEAKER D And when did Jesus die on the cross? Well, again, history shows us that he died in the year Ad. 31 31, precisely in the middle of the week, as predicted by this prophecy. Remember remember, too, that verse 26 said that Jesus would be cut off somewhere after the 69th week. And what about reconfirming the covenant with many for one week? This refers to the period of time that Jesus focused efforts primarily on the people of Israel first three and a half years. He says, I go to Israel first, but with the stoning of Stephen in Ad 34. Ad. 34, which the Gospel message now went out to the Gentiles, which was the non Jews, that is, the entire world, because after that there was persecution and the Gospel went out to the Gentiles. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D So we know that the 70 weeks finished in Ad. 34 at the earning of Stephen. So now that we have a starting point and we know, history confirms that Jesus was baptized in 27 Ad. Jesus was crucified in ad. 31, and Stephen was stoned in Ad. 34. That covers the 70 weeks prophecy for Israel. Now, we look at the 2300 year prophecy, and when we look at that starting at 457 BC, guess that where. SPEAKER C It takes you to 1840, 418, 42,300 days to it. SPEAKER D Yeah, 1844. That is just after 1798, when this beast power all right, little horn power or antichrist power would rule for 1260 years. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D From 538 to 1798. Exactly on time. Now, interesting. So a message would go to the world that would be, judgment has began. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER D Well, is there a Bible verse about a message from God, these three angels messages, that begins, that judgment has began? SPEAKER C Absolutely. SPEAKER D That started in 1844. SPEAKER E Yeah. SPEAKER C Well, there's an angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to present to every person that dwells in the earth, every nation kindred tongue, and people saying with a loud voice, fear God and give him glory, for the hour of his judgment has come. So this is announcing the beginning, the start of the judgment hour, which is the fulfillment of the prophecy given to Daniel in Daniel, chapter eight, verse 14. So we've got the starting date. We know exactly the time period that was cut off for the 490 days of the 2300 days. SPEAKER D So the 70 weeks prophecy, 70, brings you to Ad 34. SPEAKER C You know exactly what happens. We can see that Messiah, the Prince, started in Ad 27 at his baptism. At his baptism. He was then cut off in the middle of the week at 31 Ad. And then, of course, we know that the dispersion of the Church happened in 34 Ad when persecution broke loose and it started with the stoning of Stephen. And shortly after that, of course, James was martyred as well. SPEAKER D And then the message goes out to the Gentiles. So that time for Israel was cut off, exactly what the angel told Daniel, which was 70 weeks appointed for your people. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Which was Israel. SPEAKER C And that gives us confidence. Then when we get to the time 1844, nothing happened here on Earth. There was anything significant on Earth per se, but by faith we know if the first part of the prophecy is correct in regards to the 70 weeks. We got to know that what happened in heaven at the end of the 2300 day prophecy is also highly significant and 100% accurate. SPEAKER D So we want to discover what actually is the sanctuary, what needs to be cleansed in the sanctuary and what did the High Priest do and how this relates to Jesus as our high priest in heaven. Because Hebrew says that Jesus is our high priest. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER D And that he is in the heavenly sanctuary. So what is Jesus doing, the heavenly sanctuary, this work of judgment, this cleansing of the sanctuary, because we've now by step by step established that the 2300 days years ended in the year 1844. And we also know that this message goes out in Revelations chapter 14, verse six to twelve, the three angels message, which begins with the everlasting Gospel and judgment begins, which is the cleansing of the sanctuary or this priesthood. And so this means that since that time, Jesus, our High Priest, has been ministering his shed blood in the great courtroom seen in heaven. Because remember, in Daniel seven, it says after the little horn power, which finished in 1798 yes, it says the judgment would begin. And so Jesus has been ministering in the heavenly sanctuary. When his work is done, the sanctuary will be cleansed and he will return to Earth at his second coming. And so what is it that needs to be cleansed in the heavenly sanctuary? What was cleansed in the earthly sanctuary? SPEAKER E Right. SPEAKER C Well, look, the confessed sins of God's people flood into the sanctuary, including the courtyard, the holy and the most holy of the sanctuary. They came and confessed their sins and then the blood was put on the horns of the altar. So obviously they confessed their sins over the goat or the sheep or whoever, it was an animal, that sacrificial animal, and then it was killed by them. And then of course, the blood was then ministered by the High priest, but their sins were confessed and in a sense it defiled the sanctuary. So the sanctuary had to be cleansed. And then that sin was taken away on the Day of Atonement. So on the annual services, because we got the daily services, which we just described, but the annual service, which is the Day of Atonement, the sins would then be transferred out of the sanctuary onto the scapegoat. Now, the scapegoat doesn't actually get executed, it doesn't get sacrificed, it gets led by a fit man into the wilderness, away from everybody, and there it ends up dying. And we know that that's a symbol for what happens at the last days when God actually cleanses a sanctuary and then those sins are actually placed on the scapegoat. SPEAKER D So what's happening is, just like the earthly sanctuary, as we repent of our sins, jesus has taken, he's, the Lamb of God, took upon our sins, upon Himself, and then he went into the heavenly sanctuary. So the record of our sins is in the heavenly sanctuary. So Jesus wants to remove blot out and remove these sins from the heavenly sanctuary. And when he's completed that ministry, it's done. He comes back to take his people home. And then who is the instigator of sin? Who instigated sin? SPEAKER C Satan is the instigator. He's the father of lies and he's a murderer from the beginning. SPEAKER D The Bible says he's responsible for all this. So that's why when he removes the sins out of the heavenly sanctuary, they're put on the scapegoat. Yes, all right, who is responsible? And he's led out to the wilderness. Isn't it interesting that if you look in Book of Revelation, it says that Satan, when Jesus returns, it says like an angel grabs Him, all right, and he is left on this earth for a thousand years, desolate for a thousand years. SPEAKER E That's right, yeah. SPEAKER D And then God takes his people back to heaven. So the cleansing of sanctuary is the removing the blotting out of the record of God's people's sins. So I don't know about you, Eddie, but I want my sins to be in the heavenly sanctuary and eventually I'd like them to be blotted out. You don't want to be holding on to them yourself, do absolutely. SPEAKER C And so we've got to confess them. And the Lord said that he is faithful and just. If we confess not only to forgive, but also to cleanse. SPEAKER D So when does this finish? When does Jesus finish this mediatory work? When does it actually finish? Does it happen before he comes back or does it happen exactly like 1 minute before he comes back, returns from heaven to take his people back? When does he finish this ministry? SPEAKER C Well, we know that the whole process, god wants to come and deliver his people. But before that happens, there's something that is called the seven last plagues that are poured out, which is the wrath of God, and is poured out on the beast power, on the Antichrist, and also the people who receive the mark of the beast. SPEAKER D So it's poured on all the wicked on this earth. It says the seven last plagues are poured out and we know when that seven plagues come. Obviously that has to come after judgment. SPEAKER E That's correct. SPEAKER D Some people know this as the closer of probation, it's called. So what happens then? What happens? SPEAKER C Okay, well, let's look at it. Let's go to Revelation chapter 15 and we'll just look at some of the sequences of the events there. We're going to put a couple of texts together because Revelation obviously uses repeat and enlarge as well. And we'll look at Revelation 15 and verse five and it says, after these things are looked and behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the Testimony in heaven was opened. SPEAKER D So is that the most holy place? SPEAKER C That is the most holy, yeah, because the tabernacle of the testimony, the way we know that is we can go to Revelation chapter eleven and verse 19 where we have the same sequence. SPEAKER D Okay. SPEAKER C And the detail given there says, then the Temple of God was opened in heaven and the Ark of the Covenant was seen in his temple. SPEAKER D So where's the Ark of the Covenant kept on the earthly sanctuary, it wasn't the most Holy. So obviously Jesus since 1844 has entered into this ministry in the Most Holy Place, which is the work of judgment and cleansing of the century. SPEAKER E That's right. SPEAKER C So the daily service only took the blood and the ministry of the priest into the holy place. The work in the Most Holy Place only happened once a year and that was on the day of Atonement and. SPEAKER D Judgment, which is judgment and cleansing of the sanctuary or removing all the sins in the sanctuary, completely removing. So what happens in Revelations eleven? SPEAKER C So in Revelation chapter eleven, we now see that the Temple of God has opened and the Ark of the Covenant scene, it means that we've now moved from the Holy to the Most Holy Place. And this is the beginning of the. SPEAKER D Judgment that happened in 1844. SPEAKER C That happened in 1844. So Revelation chapter eleven. And verse 19 is referring to that when that door is opened and thrones were set in place, and the ancient Danes seat was seated, and then Christ came to him on the clouds of heaven, and they brought him very near. SPEAKER D To the Father, according to Daniel, chapter seven, where it says correct in this time sequence that happened after this 1260 year little horn, which happened after 1798. And according to the 2300 day prophecy that happened in 1844, So Jesus began this work. So when does it finish? SPEAKER C Right, okay, that's a good question. So I just want to take one more text there because it says there that after the temple in heaven was opened in Revelation chapter 15 and verse five, it says, out of the temple came the seven angels having the seven plagues, and they were clothed with weird bright linen and having on their chest a golden band. And then it says in verse eight, it says, the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one was able to enter the temple. SPEAKER E Okay? SPEAKER C So there's no more work taking place in the temple, so we can't even enter the temple through prayer now till the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed. SPEAKER D So obviously this happens just before the seven plagues are poured out according to that Bible verse. So that means that Jesus is going to complete his ministry of mediation ministry, and every decision is made then. And so isn't there a text in Revelations 22 that confirms what the decree is? SPEAKER C That's right, there is a decree before Christ finishes his high priestly ministry that no. 1 may enter. There's what they call a sealing that takes place. And the word used for sealing there we see in Revelation chapter 22, verse eleven, where it talks about those who are sealed, who are unjust. They remain unjust. It says, but he was unjust, let him be unjust still. He who is filthy, let him be filthy still. But then the good news, he who is righteous, let him be righteous still. And he who is holy, let him be holy still. So we are sealed either for good or for evil. We sealed either for salvation or for destruction. SPEAKER E Okay? SPEAKER C And it's the same way know, we look at Noah, Jesus says regarding his coming, he says, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall be at the coming of the Son of man. Now Noah was sealed in the ark. God closed the door, the angel of. SPEAKER D God, seven days before the rain. SPEAKER C And what happened is they were sealed in the ark, they couldn't get out anymore. And then the wicked was sealed outside. SPEAKER D And they couldn't get in. SPEAKER C And they couldn't get in. But it took another seven days before it started raining and for destruction to take place, for the flood to come and to destroy them all. Now I want to go to Revelation chapter eight, and I just want to use some of the parallel text talks about the same event where you can no longer enter the most holy part of the heavenly sanctuary, even by prayer until the seven plagues are poured out. We read this in Revelation chapter eight and verse one. Then he opened the seven seals and there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. So what does the silence represent? We're going to keep on reading. We read verse three there of Revelation eight. Then another angel having a golden censor came and stood at the altar. And he was given much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of the saints. Now we know there's only one Mediator. We know that the high priest, the mediator mediates for us is Jesus Christ. SPEAKER E Yes. SPEAKER C So this angel represents Christ, and he mediates the prayers of the saints with his golden censor. Now verse four says and the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints ascend before God from the hand of the angel. So this angel mediates the prayers and the incense represents his righteousness. So he places his righteousness on the prayers and perfects them and gives them to the Father. So when the Father receives the prayers of the saints, they've come from the hand of the angel. SPEAKER D So the incest ascending with the prayers of Israel or spiritual Israel of God's people represents the merits and intercession of Christ. SPEAKER E That's Right. SPEAKER D His perfect righteousness, which through faith is imputed to his people and which can alone make the worship of sinful beings acceptable. SPEAKER E God. SPEAKER D So this is what's happening here. So then what happens next? SPEAKER C So we see there the ongoing intercession and mediation of Jesus Christ. But we get to verse five, we see that it ends. SPEAKER D It Ends. SPEAKER C When does it end? It says. Then the angel So this is christ took the sensor, filled it with fire from the altar and threw it to the earth. So the sensor is no longer being used, the prayers are no longer being received. And perfected. That work is done. And when he throws it to the earth, we can see there that the seven trumpets are prepared to sound. And the seven trumpets are actually a parallel to the seven last plagues as well, because we can read there that first trumpet, vegetation is struck. Second trumpet, the seas are struck. The third trumpet, the waters are struck. The fourth trumpet, the heavens are struck, and so forth. And then you have the locust from the bottom, the spit there. These are symbolism. There's a dual application which we don't have time to go into. SPEAKER D The bottom line. What's happening is Jesus is mediating. Yes, our prayers are going up our confessions. But then he's going to finish it. SPEAKER C He Finishes. SPEAKER D He finishes it in Revelation 22. He then decision is made. Decision in judgment in favor of the saints. SPEAKER E That's Right. SPEAKER D So those who are just and righteous remain righteous. And those who are filthy and unjust remain filthy, unjust. And there's no more changing sides. SPEAKER E That's Right. SPEAKER D So that's finished. So that works is finished. And then the seven plagues are poured out. So obviously, there's going to be a time when Jesus finishes his work as a mediator. A time before Jesus returns during the seven plagues. SPEAKER C That's Right. SPEAKER D Decisions are made. So, therefore, if your decisions are made that you're righteous, you remain righteous. SPEAKER E Correct. SPEAKER D So we don't have to worry, do we? SPEAKER C That's Right. We are made righteous by the blood of. The Lamb. It says that the 144,000 washed their robes and made them white in the. SPEAKER D Blood of the Lamb, the Father's name. SPEAKER C On, and they had the Father's name written. They fought. And these were the ones that were sealed because the angels were to let loose the winds of strife. And then angel says stop. Don't do it. Angel descending from the east saying, don't do it until all God's servants are sealed in their foreheads. SPEAKER D And is that what Peter's talking about in Acts chapter three when he talks about in Acts chapter three, where Peter talks 19. SPEAKER E That's right, yes. SPEAKER D Acts chapter three, verse 19, where Peter's talking about this process. And he says there in verse 19, repent, therefore, and be converted that your sins may be blotted out. So he's talking about, obviously, Jesus as our high priest, so that the times of refreshing may come. And we know that's talking about the latter rain from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before. So there's a sequence again, isn't there? Repent, be converted that your sins will be blotted out when Jesus removes or blots out or cleanses our sins, the record of them in the heavenly sanctuary. So the times of refreshing may come that's the latter rains poured out and then Jesus returns. SPEAKER E Amen. SPEAKER C Colin we'll just take a quick break there to share our contact details with our listener, and we'll be right back after the short message. Stay tuned. Thank you for joining us on You Shall Receive Power. If you would like more information about today's program or if you have any questions, please contact 3ABN Australia Radio by Phoning 024-973-3456. Or you can send an email to [email protected]. You can also contact us on our 3ABN Australia radio Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you SPEAKER C Dear listener, we pray that you've been blessed by the study. We pray that you would actually continue to study for yourselves as well, to see how these things come together in the Scripture. And we pray that God will bless you until we meet again next time. SPEAKER A Heaven shall declare the glory of his name all creation by at the coming of the King every eye shall see, every heart will know you every niche I every dung holy me holy see the coming of the King holy it. SPEAKER D You've been listening to a production of Three ABN, Australia radio.

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