Living With Christ at the End of the Judgment Part 2

Episode 37 May 07, 2017 00:58:45
Living With Christ at the End of the Judgment Part 2
You Shall Receive Power
Living With Christ at the End of the Judgment Part 2

May 07 2017 | 00:58:45


Show Notes

Discussion of day 37 from the book "50 Days Prayer and Devotions to Prepare for the Latter Rain and Christ's Return", by Pastor Dennis Smith.

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Episode Transcript

SPEAKER B Jesus promised his disciples in Acts One eight, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all here and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Welcome to. You shall receive power. And here are your hosts, Ettienne McClintock and Colin Hone. SPEAKER C Greetings and a warm welcome. Thank you for tuning in again to this program with Colin Hone and Etienne McClintock. We're delighted to have your company and follow on from last week's program. This one is part two of Living with Christ at the End of the Judgment. So last week we unpacked a little bit about the judgment, what it was and how it was taught through the annual services, the daily and the annual services of the sanctuary here on earth, which was only a type in the shadow because the real sanctuary is actually in heaven. So Colin, just before we get into Bible study and unpack this a little bit further, let's just invite the Holy Spirit and God to be present with our study today. Father in heaven, again, we come before you just to thank you for all your blessings, for the high priestly ministry of Jesus, for his incredible sacrifice, for our sins, for his righteousness that's imputed to us and imparted to us. And Father, we just want to recommit our lives to you now asking for the fresh anointing of your Holy Spirit to guide and to lead us into all truth as we study. And we humble ourselves before you as apprentices to learn and to be taught by you. Bless us now, Father, bless the listeners also. We ask in Jesus name, amen. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C So Colin, a very good study last week. Maybe we should just summarize that a little bit and then we can build on that foundation. SPEAKER D Absolutely. So we looked about that there's a judgment before Jesus returns and we looked at what's called the cleansing of the sanctuary was connected with this judgment. And we read and also in Leviticus, chapter 16, on the day of Atonement, there was what's called the cleansing of the sanctuary. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D And so this was when day after day, the sins of God's people had been piling up into the sanctuary, transferred from the sinner to the lamb to the blood and then taken in the sanctuary. Now, we looked at there was a yearly or day of atonement where the sanctuary was cleansed, where all the sins that have been piling up day after day over the yearly cycle were blotted out, removed or cleansed from the sanctuary. Hence the cleansing of sanctuary is cleansing of sin or the record of sin that was in the sanctuary. SPEAKER C Yeah. SPEAKER D And so we also connected to the high priestly ministry of Jesus Christ, who is the high priest in heavenly and you can read that in Hebrews where he is now doing the work of intercessors, like the priest was in the Old Testament, in Leviticus 16. But so day after day, he's been interceding with us, and the record of our sins has been transferred to the blood of Jesus. High priest takes them into the heavenly sanctuary. But eventually there's going to be a finish or cleansing of the sanctuary or blotting out of sin or the record of sins in the heavenly sanctuary as well. Just like so Jesus is going to blot them out, remove them before he returns. And you also unpacked in Revelation, where Jesus is our high priest. And we looked at Revelations chapter 15 and Revelations chapter eight, where Jesus is interceding on behalf of his people. But there's a time just before the seven plagues are poured out, just before the close of probation, just before the time of trouble, different languages used in Malachi and Daniel, when Michael stands up, when Jesus, our high priest, stands up, that means he's finished his intercessory work in the heavenly sanctuary. And we looked in Revelations 22, where he makes a declaration where he was just remain just, he was righteous. Remain righteous. He was filthy. Remain filthy. Basically, everyone doesn't change sides anymore. SPEAKER C That's right, yeah. SPEAKER D And so we unpacked all that. We looked at what happens. God's people are to repent, to put away sins. We looked at Malachi, where Jesus is going to purify us. It's his work of purifying us or removing sin from us. And so this whole process has to come to an end eventually. And it happens before Jesus comes, just before the close of rebation or when the seven last plagues. And we looked at, as you said in Revelations eight, where Jesus throws his sensor down, stands up, it's done. We looked at God's people need to be sealed in Revelation chapter seven, verse one, correct, and one to four, where it says, god's holding back the winds of strife or these winds that are going to come upon this earth, the last plagues, until he's waiting to his people are sealed. We looked at God's sealing process is done by the Holy Spirit, where God wants to write his laws and his character on our mind and hearts and at the heart of the law. We looked at this beast power in Daniel chapter seven, with this little horn beast power that rises up after the ten kingdoms of Rome come out of Rome. SPEAKER C That's right. The Western Empire is divided into ten kingdoms. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C That's 476 ad. SPEAKER D Yeah. And then we looked at this power would rule from 538 Ad. To 1798 Ad. And that the judgment according to Daniel. Seven in this sequence would begin after 1798. We looked at the prophecies of Daniel also, and we saw that the time prophecy of the 70 weeks that started in 457 BC, 70s prophecies, where Jesus the Anointed was anointed or baptized in 27 Ad. According to prophecy, where he was also crucified in 31 Ad. According to prophecy in Daniel and also in 34 Ad. Where Israel's time has finished, their probation was over. And so we looked at the time sequence to see when this started. And we came to that. The 2300 day for a year, which was 2300 years, started in 457 and the judgment begins in 1844. This work where Jesus moves into the most holy place, just like in Leviticus chapter 16, where this work of atonement, of cleansing the sanctuary or blotting out, removing the sins of God's people and his work of judgment is finished. So we looked at that and we see that we're living in that time now, right since 1844, Jesus has been living in we've been living in what's called the great Day of Atonement. Jesus moved in the most holy place to do a work of judgment, cleansing of sin or removing or blotting of sin from his people. And then he will then declare them completely just righteous. And he who was filthy will remain filthy and then Jesus will come. SPEAKER C Great, wonderful. So the earthly sanctuary was a model to help us understand, when we talk about the judgment, what that judgment is and when it takes place. So the judgment refers to the annual services and basically the Day of Atonement. All the other services were the daily services and that Christ was performing in anti type, the daily services until 1844 from his ascension into heaven. And we know that the Hebrews talks about, as you mentioned, Hebrews talks about the role of Christ as our high priest. And after he's put this great case together in the first chapters of Hebrews, he start in Hebrews, chapter eight, he says, now this is the main point of the things we are saying. So all the things he was saying, this is the conclusion of the matter. So we have such a high priest seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven. So there we see Christ seated a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected at not man. So the true tabernacle was not the one on earth, it's actually the one in heaven. Now, as we go through that, we get into chapter nine where it actually talks about the sacrifices that was offered for people. And actually there's a verse, sorry, chapter ten, it says it talks about the Lord, which is a shadow of the good things to come, but not the very image of the things. And it said these could never by these sacrifices which they offered continually year by year make those who approach them perfect. SPEAKER D This is the sacrifice of lambs and bulls year after year. SPEAKER C That's right, sanctuary. SPEAKER D Yeah. SPEAKER C So they could not be made perfect by that. And then it says in verse two, and this is the reason why saying it, for then would they not have ceased to be offered. So in other words, if the sacrifices here and the system here on earth could cleanse people, what happens is eventually, after they've been purified and cleansed by those sacrifices, they would cease. And then therefore, they would go through the yearly service and they'll go through the annual service. And after the annual services, if they had been perfected, if they'd been made perfect, there would no longer be any more sacrifices coming and people confessing their sins and therefore the daily services would cease, which would mean the yearly service would cease. Now, his argument is here in verse two of Hebrews, chapter ten. For then would they not have ceased to be offered, for the worshippers once purified would have had no more consciousness of sins. But in those sacrifices there is reminders of sins every year. And then he says, it's not possible for the blood of sins and goats to take away their sins. Therefore then he talks about sins and sacrifices you didn't desire, but a body was given to me. God then does away with that old system and puts in a new system under Christ. And by the will of God, these things were taken away. Let me just read verse nine there. It says, then he said that's God, as in Christ, behold, I've come to do your will, O God. He takes away the first that we may establish a second. So we're talking about old covenant, new Covenant, and it says, by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Christ once for all. So we talk about sanctification, which is the work of a lifetime. It means to be set apart for a holy purpose. But we have all been sanctified in Christ by the will of the Father and through the body of Christ. Now, I just want to go to verse 14 as well. It says, for if by one offering he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified, so we are found perfect in Christ. Those who are being sanctified through the Holy Spirit are already perfect in Christ, so his righteousness covers us. SPEAKER D That's justification, isn't it? SPEAKER C That's justification. And then, of course, sanctification has already been mentioned there, because he is sanctifying. Those who are being sanctified have been perfected in Christ already. SPEAKER D So that's the process of being transformed into the image of God again, or the image of Jesus is sanctification. It's transforming us back into the image of God. SPEAKER C That's right. And this is the only priestly ministry that can actually bring in perfection or righteousness, because the earthly one couldn't. Because as his argument goes, if the earthly one worked, they would stop being sacrifices, they would have stopped having the services, but they kept on year after year, going through these rituals until Christ would come. Who is the only one that can take away sin and blot it out? SPEAKER D Okay, so here we have just a bit of a background of what we covered last week. And also we realized that those living when Jesus returns will be living during a time of history that is very different from every other previous time. Very different since the fall of Adam and sin, I mean, ever since the fall of man, god's mercy has been seen and felt in this world. And God has many times intervened to hold back Satan's destructive forces. And so even now, the angels are holding back the destructive forces of the earth until God's children are sealed by the Holy Spirit. We read that in Revelation, chapter seven, verse one to three. Okay, so he is waiting for us to be sealed, and we read in Ephesians, chapter four, verse 30 that it's the Holy Spirit that's right, that is doing this sealing. But we also discovered, Eddie, that during the time after the judgment has ended, in cases, all men's destiny will have been decided. This is before Jesus returns. And those who have chosen to follow Christ will remain faithful because Jesus is moment by moment living in them through the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit. And on the other hand, those who have chosen Satan as their leader will stay in his camp, living a life of disobedience to God. We looked at Revelations 22, verse eleven, where basically John describes these both groups, says, he that is unjust, let him be unjust still. And he which is filthy, let him be filthy still or remain. And he that is righteous, let him be righteous still. He who know remain righteous, or he who is just remain just still. And then Jesus says, I'm coming quickly. So the righteous stay righteous because they've learned how to let Jesus continually live out his righteous obedience in and through them. That's why we need the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D Christ in us the hope of glory, because during that time, the seven plagues will fall without any of God's mercy, mingle with these judgments from God. And we covered that in Revelations chapter 15 and 16, and Revelations 14, verse nine to ten. SPEAKER C That's right, yeah. SPEAKER D The last plagues, the seven trumpets, the seven seals being let loose on this earth. Now, the time period just before Christ's second coming is called the time of trouble. Yeah, we read that in Daniel, didn't we? Daniel, chapter twelve, verse one. SPEAKER C Correct. SPEAKER D Where there'll be a time of trouble where Christ stands up. That means he stands up. And as you pointed out in Revelations chapter 15 and eight yes, he ceases his intercessory work. SPEAKER B Work. SPEAKER C That's right. It's finished. SPEAKER D No man can enter the temple, so he's finished his work and it's done. There's no changing sides. Every decision has been made. SPEAKER C And we liken that to Jesus saying that the coming of the Son of man will be like the times of Noah. And we know when Noah entered the ark and God sealed him and closed that door so it wasn't closed by human hands. God closed the door. Noah and his family was sealed inside for salvation, and everybody else was sealed outside for destruction. But there was a delay of seven days before it started raining. And then the flood finally came, of course, and took them all away. SPEAKER D That's true, that's true. And we can read that. Ellen White makes this beautiful comment in great controversy. We're going to read this again. I think it's really important. And she's quoting from Malachi, chapter three, verses two and three. So let's just read Malachi, chapter three, verses two and three, just so we can get some background here. And then I'm going to do a commentary on this. SPEAKER C Okay? I'm reading from the new King James and it says, but who can endure the day of his coming? And who can stand when he appears? SPEAKER D That's just like in Revelation chapter six, isn't it? Revelation chapter six. It says, all the kings and the earth and that are hiding in the rocks saying, fall upon us. And then the question's asked, who can stand? SPEAKER C Who shall be able to stand? SPEAKER D And then it goes on, Revelation seven, only those who are sealed. SPEAKER C Sealed, that's right, sealed. So your same language that's talking about the same period, who can endure the day of his coming? Who shall stand when he appears? For he is like refiner's fire and like launderer's soap. So he's a purifier, and it says, he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi. Now, the sons of Levi were those who are ministering the word of God and mediating on behalf of the people. They connected with the work of the sanctuary. So he will purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness. SPEAKER D So Levi was the priesthood, wasn't it? SPEAKER C That's right, yeah. SPEAKER D And in Peter, didn't he say under the new covenant that we are all under the royal priesthood? SPEAKER C That's right. We're a priesthood of believers. SPEAKER D The priesthood of believers. SPEAKER C And so then we get into verse four. I don't know if you want me to read verse four now or you want to discuss it a little bit further. Verse four says, then, so when God is purified, so who's doing the purification? SPEAKER D Sounds like Jesus. SPEAKER C Yeah, it's Jesus doing it God's doing the purifying there. He says, then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasant to the Lord, as in the days of old, as in the former years. And then this the beginning of verse five. This is, I will come near you for judgment. So this whole process comes in place in regards to God finishing his judgment. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C And to finish the judgment, he's got. SPEAKER D To purify his people to prepare them for the bride. SPEAKER C Prepare them as a bride. Now, that's interesting. You should raise that point, because if we look at Ephesians chapter five. SPEAKER D So Ephesians, chapter five. SPEAKER C Yeah, we want to go to Ephesians chapter five and verse 27 there's, very interesting language used. Now this language, the word connects back to Daniel, chapter eight, verse 14, which we spoken about in last week's program. SPEAKER D Which is the cleansing of the century. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Remover or blotting out of God's people's sins from the heavenly sanctuary, the record of our sins. SPEAKER C That's correct, yes. Now, the word in the Daniel, chapter 18, verse 14, it says, unto 2300 days and then the sanctuary shall be cleansed. The word cleansing in the Hebrew is Shadak. SPEAKER D Shadak sadak. SPEAKER C Yeah. Now, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the Septurgent or the Alex X or the 70, the word they use for cleanse there is cartharitzo. That's the Greek word for sadak, which is the Hebrew word. Right. Now, Paul, in certain places when he talks about cleansing God's people, he uses. SPEAKER D Exactly the same word, this word cleansing. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Or removing or blotting out of sin. SPEAKER C That's right, yeah. So we know from scripture that Paul's very clear in one Corinthians, chapter six, that we are the temple of God on earth. There's no longer a temple in Jerusalem. There's only the Wailing Wall, the Western Wall there in Jerusalem. So there's no temple on earth. So there's only a temple in heaven. But the temple on earth is actually us because it says, don't you know that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit of God? SPEAKER D So what you're saying is not only is there a cleansing or blotting out or removing of our sins that will finish the work of judgment. Okay. But there's also a cleansing, corresponding cleansing or removing or blotting of sins from our hearts. SPEAKER C Absolutely. Here on earth as well from the body temple, which is us. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C Now, I want to look at that because God does it individually, but it is seen collectively because he does that to his church. SPEAKER D So what does it say? SPEAKER C Now, Ephesians, chapter five, god is talking about marriage and he's talking about a husband and a wife, that a husband is to love his wife, just as Christ also loved the church we're in verse 25, and he gave himself for her. And then verse 26 in relation to the church, it says that he which is Christ might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word. Now, the word cleanse, there is the same word used in Daniel 814 in the Septuagint, which is the Greek Old Testament, which is Cartharitzo. Right. So the cleansing of the sanctuary in heaven also goes with the cleansing of the church here on earth that he might sanctify. So the word sanctify and cleanse, katha read so her with the washing of water by the word. So this washing is actually through the word of God. They're spending time in the word of God, praying. When they're convicted through the Holy Spirit, they confess their sins. And we know that God is faithful, not only faithful, but he's also just. He doesn't break any laws in doing this just to forgive us of our sins and then also to cleanse. Now that I'm quoting from First John, chapter one, verse nine. The word cleanse there cleanse of all. Unrighteous is the same word again, cast cleanse. SPEAKER D So you notice there's this theme right throughout the Bible, absolutely is of not only pardon and forgiveness, but power and cleansing. SPEAKER C Yeah. Because the faithfulness and the justice of God demands not only the forgiveness, but also the cleansing. SPEAKER D There's a dual thing that God is trying to accomplish here, isn't there? SPEAKER C That's right. And quite often people sometimes they get excited about the first part, we're forgiven. But the thing is we've got to get more excited because God actually cleanses us well, which means he can through that whole process, remove the power of sin. SPEAKER D Balanced approach to this. Some theologicals will call it justification and sanctification, or you can call it pardon and power. I mean, I remember the story of Jesus when the prostitute was brought before him. What did he say? Is there anyone who condemns you? SPEAKER C That's right. He says, Neither do I. SPEAKER D Neither do I. So there's pardon. Pardon, yes, justification and go and sin no more. There's power and that word is used power. I'm giving you a command or power to go and sin no more. And I'm giving you that power to be able to do that. See, there justification, sanctifying. It's a nuance in everything, right throughout Scripture, even right through the spirit of prophecy, through Ellen White's writings. Is this pardon and power, justification and cleansing. Cleansing or sanctification. SPEAKER C Okay, Colin, so let's continue there in Ephesians. So it says that he might sanctify and cleanse her, the verse 26 with the washing of water by the word for what purpose? Verse 27 says that he might present her to himself, her being the church, a glorious church. That reminds me that word glory reminds me it's to fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come. A glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she should be holy and without blemish. So Christ is sanctifying and cleansing his church on earth while the cleansing of the sanctuary takes place in heaven. Now, there's a number of texts that talks about that. For example, we were just reading in Hebrews chapter ten before about Christ high priestly ministry and how the priestly ministry on earth, if it was successful and it could have perfected people, it would have ceased to do its work because the work would have been done. But it never ceased to do its work because year after year they went through this ritual of sinning and confessing sin and confessing cleansing of the sanctuary. But Christ now at the end will do that once and for all. Only he is able to actually bring righteousness and perfection of character to his people. SPEAKER D Amen. SPEAKER C So, Hebrews, chapter nine, verse 14. It says, then how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience. Now, the word cleanser, again is katharitzo, which is the same word used in Daniel 814, the cleansing of the do. SPEAKER D You notice the ignorance there? Offered himself justification. And then again, cleanse sanctification. SPEAKER C Yes. And it says, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. So we know that sin is a transgression of the law. Now, sin is an act, but it's more than an act, it also pertains to the thoughts. Yes, and the feelings. Because now it talks about cleansing of the conscience. SPEAKER D Well, that's just an amazing statement. And I love what in Ellen y in the spirit of prophecy. She connects by the way, Ephesians, chapter five, verse 27, what you just said with Malachi. SPEAKER C Let's read that. SPEAKER D Malachi, chapter three, verse four. SPEAKER C Okay? SPEAKER D She connects it to she says here connecting it the time period just before Christ's second coming is called the time of trouble, which begins when Christ stands up, having completed his meter work as high priest of his people. Remember in Daniel twelve one? SPEAKER C Yes, he stands. SPEAKER D Ellen White wrote this in the great controversy, she says, about the prophet who may abide the coming day of his coming, and who shall stand when he appeareth. For he is like a refiner's fire, like a full of soap, and he'll sit as a refiner and purify of silver. And he shall purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering unto righteousness. And then she continues on quoting Malachi, three, two and three. Those who are living upon the earth when the intercession of Christ shall cease in the sanctuary above, are to stand the sight of a holy God without a mediator. Their robes must be spotless, their characters must be purified by sin or from sin, by the blood of sprinkling, through the grace of God and their own diligent effort, they must be conquerors in the battle with evil. Why the investigative judgment is going forward in heaven, so why this judgment is going on this investigator, while the sins of Penitent believers are being removed from the sanctuary or blotted out there's to be a special work of purification, just like Malachi said of putting away of sin amongst God's people on earth. And she goes on to say, this work is more clearly presented in the messages of Revelations 14, right? The three angels message, okay? And she says, when this work shall be accomplished, so when it's finished, the followers of Jesus will be ready for his appearing. Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the days of the old and in the former years. Then the church which our Lord at his coming is to receive Him to be a glorious church, not having spot wrinkle or such a thing. Then she will look forth as the morning, fair as moon, clear as the sun, terrible as an army with banners. Do you notice several points she's making? She's saying just before Jesus comes, there's to be this refining process that takes place amongst God's people. And this purifying process will cause God's children to have spotless characters. That's what you're saying linking to Ephesians. SPEAKER B Yes. SPEAKER D In other words, they've been conquerors over every temptation and sin by letting Jesus give them his victory when tempted. And that's why she could write ellen White writes this beautiful saying in Christ Object Lessons, page 69, that this is what Jesus is waiting for. He's waiting, longing, desire for the manifestation of Himself in his church. When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in his people, then he'll come to claim them. As she says, the character of Christ will be perfectly reproduced, right? SPEAKER B Yes. SPEAKER D This is not justification only when Christ's righteous is imputed to the sinner. She's referring to Christ's perfect character being imparted to his people, where Jesus is fully and perfectly manifesting his character in and through them. And this is the only way that we can live in the sight of a holy God when judgment ends. The only way is that we go through this purifying process through the grace of God, and that's through the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit, of letting Christ live out his life in and through us and purify us. And so it's just good news. SPEAKER C It's wonderful news. Colin and I just love the fact if you look at some of those texts in the New Testament, that refers to the cleansing as well. For example, we just read there first John One, verse nine, about he's faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse. We also read in one John, chapter one, verse seven. So just two verses back where it says, but if we walk in the light as he is in the light, so talking about us walking in the light as Christ is in the light, we have fellowship with one another. And the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. So the word cleanse there is again cartha Ritzo. So his blood cleanses us from all sin. And if we look at the 144,000 in Revelation, chapter seven, how are they cleansed? How are their robes made white? And we can read this verse 14, because an elder comes up and asks John the Revelator, he said to him, sir, verse 13, he asked him, he says, who are these arrayed in white robes and where did they come from? And then John Revelator says to him in verse 14, sir, you know, so he said to me, these are the ones who come out of the great tribulation. So the time of trouble. Such as never was since there was a nation. So when Michael will stand up, as we read in Daniel, chapter twelve, verse one, and they washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. So we read there in one John chapter five, verse seven, that we have fellowship with one another, because we walk in the light as Jesus is in the light. And the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses katharwitz sows us from all sin. The 144,000 were also made white and prepared by the blood of the Lamb, because they follow Him wherever he goes. Now, dear listener, we're just going to have a break here and we'll come back straight after these short messages. Stay tuned. SPEAKER A You the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart. These things you will not be sigh of God broken and contrite heart. Psalm 51 seven teeth. SPEAKER D That was broken and contrite hard. For more of her music, visit SPEAKER C Welcome back. We are studying the book 50 Days prayers and devotionals to prepare for the latter reign and Christ return by Pastor dinner. Smith. And we are on day 37, which is living with Christ at the end of the judgment. And this is part two. So, Colin, maybe we can just take up from where we left off before talking about how Christ's blood is the one. He is the one, and through his blood that his people are cleansed from all unrighteousness and sin here on the earth. SPEAKER B Yeah. SPEAKER D It's his righteousness alone. Christ's righteous alone. It's imputed. It's imparted its pardon, its power, its justification, its sanctification, different terminology, but it's all Christ's righteousness. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D And this work of cleansing or purifying happens before Jesus finishes his high priestly ministry. And so since Christ is no longer mediating as their high priest in the heavenly sanctuary, this is when he finishes his work, his people will have attained a condition of complete victory over all sin in their lives. And how? Through the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit. And by righteous by faith that is so important. SPEAKER C Both those aspects we are saved by grace through faith alone. So it's faith in the word of God and believing everything we read in the Word and all the promises that God has given us, that he is the One that will cleanse. We just need to cooperate. Matter of fact, we need to get out of the way sometimes. And what I mean by that is surrender. SPEAKER D Give our lives to Jesus completely, so he's pardoned us. And those who are ready to meet Jesus will allow Jesus to live in them 100%. I know some people think this is impossible, but the Bible says God, all things are possible, even though we can't see it, god can do it. And he's made these promises in His Bible that he can do it. SPEAKER C And if we could do it, we wouldn't need faith. We just do it. SPEAKER D That's right, we can't do it. The thing is, Christ has done it. Christ has done it. And if Christ dwells in us, he'll accomplish the same thing in and through us, through his imparted righteousness. SPEAKER C Colin, you're going to make me share a very hard hitting text towards the end of our study because we know that Christ came to crush the serpent's head. SPEAKER D Yes. SPEAKER C And I'm going to read a text in relation to what God does through his people as well at the end of time. SPEAKER D Amen. So they'll be living in no, no and sin. I want to know that they'll be living in no, no and sin. They were not sinning in thought, word or deed. Wow. How does that happen? Well, by Christ is fully manifesting Himself in and through their lives. And I love what Ellen White wrote in Desire of Ages, page 123. She says this, and she's referring to John, chapter 14, verse 30. She says the print when Jesus says the prince of this world comes, says Jesus, and has nothing in me. And she comments on this and she says, there was in him nothing that responded to Satan's sophisticated. He did not consent to sin, not even by thought did he yield to temptation. And so it may be with. Well, how can it be with us? The only way it can be it's if it's Jesus living out his life in and through us. So it's his thoughts. His mind? And so I believe this must be the experience of those who are ready to meet Jesus, since they will longer have a metery intercession of Christ to turn if they sin and thought world deep. That may sound like an impossibility, and I know many of us have been many debates over the last hundred years or so about that. SPEAKER C Sure. SPEAKER D Yet it's true. And how to experience that level of obedience to God is what we're talking about. How do we experience it? And Jude also refers to the experience of that last generation of Christians who are living when Jesus comes in. Jude, chapter 24. Jude says now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. So who's to present us faultless? SPEAKER C Well, he who's able to keep you from falling, which is God the Father. And of course, he does that through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who. SPEAKER D Does that through the Holy Spirit. So he is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless through his justifying righteousness and his imparted righteousness. SPEAKER C Now, are you going to unpack that word faultless a little bit there? Because it's actually interesting to note that that word faultless is the same word that's used to describe the 144,000 yes. In Revelation chapter 14, they are without fault or without guile before the throne of God. SPEAKER D That's right. It talks about that and why what do they have written on their foreheads? SPEAKER C Well, the Father's name is written on their forehead, which and then the name obviously refers to character. SPEAKER D And didn't it say that God's people. SPEAKER C Will be sealed in their foreheads? SPEAKER D So what's being sealed on their forehead? God's character, his name. And what is a demonstration of God's character? It says his Ten Commandments are a what? A transcript of his character. Of his character. So they have God the law written on their mind and hearts according to Hebrew chapter eight and ten. Here we read that Jude says that those who allow Christ to keep them from falling into sin will be able to stand the presence of his glory with exceeding joy when he returns and not be consumed. SPEAKER C Yes. SPEAKER D And Jesus describes his coming in glory with the same Greek word used in Jude 24 for his glory uses the same word. And so you've got that verse you wanted to share with us. SPEAKER C Yeah, Colin. The word glory there is the same word that Jesus used when he spoke about his second coming. And we read that in Matthew 24 and verse 30 and it says, and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Now, the word glory, there is the same word in Jude 25. It is, isn't it? 24, yeah. You will present your faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. The same word glory is used there in Jesus words in Matthew 24 verse 30. SPEAKER D And this is the same Greek word also used to describe that last generation of Christians who give the thrones message in the latter reign power, just before Jesus comes in. Revelations 14 five. Fear God and give him glory. SPEAKER C Right. SPEAKER D It's the same word that's used there. And the reason they're faultless, because their sins have been forgiven, they are covered with Christ justifying righteousness and Christ is moment by moment living out his obedience in their lives. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D And so this is the experience of those who receive the latter reign and are ready to meet Jesus jesus, since they will no longer have the mediator intercession of Christ to turn to if they sin and thought will deed. And I said it sounds like an impossibility, but Jesus said he is able to do this because Christ has done it. He will do that in and through us. And so this victory over temptation, sin must happen in our lives under the early reign power of the Holy Spirit. A lot of what we've been talking about is the early reign daily baptism holy Spirit. SPEAKER B Yes. SPEAKER D Which is Christ in us, the hope of glory. And so if this does not happen when the latter reign of the Spirit will have no benefit to us. And I love what Ellen White wrote about this in Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen White. Page 112. She says, I saw that many were neglecting the preparation so needful and were looking to the time of refreshing and the latter rain to fit them to stand in the day of the Lord and to live in his sight. She goes, oh, how many I saw in the time of trouble without a shelter. They had neglected the nievil preparation, therefore they could not receive the refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of the holy God. Now, this refreshing, she links to being called the latter rain. Now, interesting, in Acts chapter three, acts chapter three, peter tells us the sequence in Acts chapter three, verse 19. Acts, chapter three, verse 19. SPEAKER C And it says, Repent therefore, and be converted that your sins may be blotted out so that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. SPEAKER D Keep reading in verse 20, okay? SPEAKER C And that he may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, verse 21, whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. SPEAKER D So again, that call to repent and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. This language is blotting out in the heavenly sanctuary, the cleansing of the century, so that the times of refreshing may come. See, the latter rain can be poured out. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D God finishes and seals us and we can go through this time. Then he can send Jesus Christ, who. SPEAKER C Has preached you before that's right. So that the lateral rain doesn't get poured out until the blotting out of sins has taken place. Now, some people say, but this and Paul's just preaching now, just around Pentecost time. This is actually his second sermon. The first day in Pentecost 3000 were converted in Acts chapter two. We're now in Acts chapter three, where he's preaching in Solomon's porch or Solomon's Portigo. And the sequence of events we're talking about here, we got to grasp in the context of prophecy. Remember, we spoke about the 2300 day prophecy and then in Daniel chapter nine, an explanation of the 2300 days are presented and 70 weeks or 490 days are cut off for Israel to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up the vision. Now, we're in the last week of that 70 week prophecy. So Christ has been executed on the cross, so he's died on the cross, now ascended to heaven. So we are at the beginning of the last three and a half years of the last week, where the disciples. SPEAKER D Where you've got Stephen and then the apostles and all that preaching the Gospel. SPEAKER C And they can still seal up, they can still stop and end the vision there. So the rest of the time doesn't run up. So when Peter's preaching this, he's preaching within that time sequence. Of course, they fail to do it. They seal their fate by Stoning. Stephen and he's martyred for his faith. But in the process of there, he's actually asking for people to be converted, that their sins may be blotted out, which is the language now, because they failed, the prophecy continues and runs through to 1844. And that applies to us now in our time in which we live, which. SPEAKER D Is when the cleansing of the sanctuary or the judgment began, which the purpose was, was to blot out our record of our sins. So the time of refreshing may become that's exactly what you're talking about, the refreshing being the latter rain. And so I think it's a deception of Satan if we believe we do not have to take seriously the sin problem in our lives. I think it's a you know, Ellen White confirmed those words, didn't she? Said, I saw that none could share the refreshing unless they obtained the victory over every besetment, over pride, selfish, love of the world, and over every wrong word action. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D So she's talking about that we need this refreshing. SPEAKER C So I want to just connect back that blotting out of the sins, right? Because the blotting of the sins takes place when the last person has confessed their sins and the final seal can be placed on them, as we read in Revelation, chapter 22. Because what Israel were to do during the 70 weeks for them to seal up the vision, in other words, to stop the vision there that's been cut off from the 2300 days was to finish the transgression. I'm reading out of Daniel, chapter nine, verse 24, to finish that transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, and then to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy. So what happens is they fail to do that. So this is now what Christ does in the most Holy part of the heavenly sanctuary for us at this stage after the end of the 2300 days, because unto 2300 days in the sanctuary shall be cleansed. All these tasks that God gave through prophecy to Israel, because it says their 70 weeks are cut off or determined for your people and your holy city to finish, transgression and so forth, is now given to the Church. And this, how do they do it? Through the blood of the Lamb, by washing their robes in the blood of the Lamb to be made white and allowing God to do the work that Israel failed to do by faith in Christ. SPEAKER D So we need this purifying process to happen, and so we want the latter rain to fall. But the victory over temptation sin must happen under the early reign power of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D If this doesn't happen, the latter reign of the Spirit will not be no benefit to us. And we just read that Ellen White wrote in Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen White, page 112 she says many were looking neglecting their preparations so needful and were looking for the time of refreshing in the latter rain to fit them to stand the day of Lord and to live in his holy sight. Oh, how many I saw in the time of trouble without a shelter, they had neglected the needful preparation, therefore they could not receive the refreshing there's that refreshing the latter rain, that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of the Holy God. We need the latter rain to fit us to stand in the Holy God in this time. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D You won't be able to stand without the latter rain of the Holy Spirit. But in order to receive the latter rain, we need the early rain. And she confirms that in the faith I live by page 333, she says the latter rain ripening the earth's harvest. Remember, the latter rain ripens the harvest. The early rain grows the harvest. Yes. Or grows the plants to be ready for the harvest. The latter rain ripening earth's harvest represents the spiritual grace that prepares the Church for the coming of the Son of man. But unless the former rain has fallen, there'll be no life. The green blade will not spring up unless the early shells have done their work. The latter rain can bring no seed to perfection. So full spiritual growth under the early rain baptism of the Holy Spirit is necessary for us to even to be able to recognize the latter reign of the Spirit when it is falling. And she even goes and say that when it falls, many won't even recognize it. They won't even know it's falling. SPEAKER C So that spiritual discernment that we require that only the Holy Spirit can give us, needs to be given to us in the former rain, so we can recognize it when it does happen. SPEAKER D That's right. And we know what's coming. We know that the latter rain is about to be poured out. We know that there's closer probation as soon we can see the signs in the world, so we can see all the pieces coming together. But in God's mercy, he's holding back those winds in Revelation seven, waiting for us to be sealed. And I love again. Ellen White says if you want to be ready for this fast approaching conflict, she says these words nothing but the baptism of the Holy Spirit can bring up the Church to its right position and prepare the people for God, for the fast approaching conflict. That's why it's so important that we daily pray and ask for the baptism, Holy Spirit of Christ in us the hope of glory to prepare us for the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D We to grow into the likeness of Jesus in preparation for the latter reign. SPEAKER C It's interesting. He uses the words fast approaching conflict now in these times of peace and religious freedoms, we need to have that daily baptism of the Holy Spirit to get into the word of God, to be educated and taught by God so that we can grow in the fullness of the former reign. So when the refreshing does come, that lateral rain, it simply matures, the harvest ready for Christ's second coming. SPEAKER D That's right. And I believe this is God's last work in his people, this purifying process. Remember you spoke in Ephesians, chapter five, preparing us as a bride, a glorious church without what spot or wrinkle like Jude to present us faultless. There's this language that's used over and over again in the Bible about this great Last Harvest principle that we're speaking about. This harvest principle. SPEAKER B Yeah. SPEAKER C And I just want to mention that also revelation, chapter 19, verse seven. It says, Let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready. So the wife has made herself ready. And then in verse eight, it says unto her, was granted. So this is a gift as an imparted righteous and granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright. For the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. So the righteousness of Christ is manifest or demonstrated through the righteous acts of the saints. SPEAKER A Yeah. SPEAKER D Which is Christ's righteousness demonstrated through them. And again, you see this language again in the proclamation of the three angels after the three angels'messages go out to the world. And we can read it again what those three angels'messages are, because this message has to go to the world. And this message prepares God's people or calls people or God's people out of Babylon, out of confusion, into this remnant church which has the patience of the saints, keeps the commandments of God and has the faith of Jesus. And you reach straight after that, there's the reaping of Earth's harvest. SPEAKER C That's right. SPEAKER D Revelations 14, verse 14. It says, then I looked and behold a white cloud. And on the cloud set one like the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. Another angel came out of his temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, thrust in your sickle and reap, for the time has come for you to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And then we see these two harvests, one of the wicked and one of the righteous. SPEAKER C That's right. So the ripening of the Earth harvest is actually the ripening under the power of the outpouring of the lateral rain. SPEAKER D That's right. SPEAKER C The refreshing of the Lord, as Peter referred to it in Acts, chapter three. SPEAKER D That's right. So this message goes out, the three angels message. It's an everlasting gospel. It's the gospel of what Jesus has done for us and justifying us. We accept that sacrifice on the cross that he did for us. It's also the gospel of removing sin out of our lives. SPEAKER C That's right. The cleansing from all unrighteousness. SPEAKER D Yes, cleansing of all unrighteousness. It's a message that goes to the whole world. In verse chapter seven, it says, fear God and give glory to Him. That word glory. SPEAKER C Glory again. SPEAKER D Yes. For the hourly judgment has begun. In other words, the judgment or the investigative judgment has begun, and the beginning of the cleansing of the sanctuary has begun. And so it's a call also for those who are in Babylon to come out of Babylon and not to receive the mark of the beast. Okay, the mark of the beast. Because those who receive the mark of the beast received the seven last plagues. SPEAKER C Well, exactly right. I mean, Revelation, chapter 18, which is a repeat of the three angels message with power and great glory, and the whole earth is actually illuminated with the. SPEAKER D Glory, that same word, glory. And it's referring to God's glory being reflected in his people. And did you notice they repeat the three angels message again in power. SPEAKER C That's right, yeah. And then he says, come out of her, my people, in Revelation 18, verse four. And for what purpose does God call them out? Lest you share in her sins unless you receive of her plague. So the seven plagues are not poured out until this is calling out of Babylon of God's people so they can be sealed and Christ can finish his high priestly ministry. SPEAKER D That's right. And this is God's last work in his people to preach the three angels'message. And the Book of Revelation, god gives many prophecies in the Book of Revelation, god gives many prophecies of his last day events. But also God tells us that his last work will be among his people. In Revelation, chapter ten, we read in Revelations chapter ten, verse seven. Revelations ten, verse seven says, but in. SPEAKER C The days of the sounding of the 7th angel, when he's about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished as he declared to his servants, the prophets. SPEAKER D Now, the 7th angel announces the second coming of Jesus. SPEAKER C That's right, isn't it? Yes, that correct. Okay, we read that in Revelation, chapter eleven, and verse 15, where it says, and the 7th angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven saying, the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever. Now, tying that back to Daniel, chapter seven, remember Christ, through the judgment there, the court setting receives a kingdom. And here we now see the completion of that investigative judgment where Christ has received his kingdom, where it says that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever. So that's the 7th angel. And just before he's about to sound, as we read in revelation, chapter ten and verse seven, it says that the mystery of God would be finished. Now Colin, what is this mystery that will be finished just before the 7th angel is to proclaim his work in Christ, is to finish his high priestly ministry? SPEAKER D This is a good question, good question. Just before Jesus returns, the mystery of God will be finished. And what is that mystery? Well, Paul tells us paul tells us in Colossians, chapter one, verse 27. Colossians, chapter one, verse 27. SPEAKER C To them God will to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you? The hope of glory. SPEAKER D There it is, glory again. Our only hope of glory is having Christ in us. That's the only way we'll be able to stand. We will never be without Jesus. He might have finished his mediatory work, but we won't be without Jesus. We have grown in the early reign. We will receive the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. We'll have Christ dwelling in us and living in us. Christ in us the hope of glory and the mystery of God that will be finished is the full manifestation of Christ and his people, christ in them, which is our only hope of revealing God's glory to the world in its fullness. SPEAKER C Amen. SPEAKER D Remember in Revelations 18 one god's glory being revealed or lighting up this earth is God's glory. Is Christ in us, being reflected to the world. SPEAKER C It's interesting that it talks about Christ in us, the hope of glory, when it first angel's message says fear God and give Him glory for the hour of his judgment has come. This revelation of the glory is to take place during the judgment hour period, during the investigate of judgment. SPEAKER D The glory of God will be through Christ, and will be revealed through us by giving glory to God. And so again, what is God waiting for? He's waiting for and it's one of my favorite quotes, christ Object Lessons, page 69. Just read that out. Let's just take this slowly, okay? SPEAKER C It says Christ is waiting. So we're always saying we're waiting on the Lord, right? We're waiting for the second coming. But we see here that Christ is actually waiting for something for his people. SPEAKER D Remember, we've gone through his people to be sealed. He's waiting for his people to be cleansed. He's waiting for people with Malachi, chapter three. There's purification process. He's waiting for something. What is he waiting for? SPEAKER C Christ is waiting with longing, desire for the manifestation of Himself in His Church. SPEAKER D So there it is, Himself in the Church. We are the church. SPEAKER C His people. SPEAKER D So Christ in you the hope of glory. He's waiting for that to be seen. SPEAKER C And that's what the glory refers to in the first angel's message give glory to God. And this is how we're to do it, by surrender and letting the Holy Spirit reflect Christ in us. SPEAKER D And what is God's glory? SPEAKER C His character. SPEAKER D Character. That's why it says the next part. SPEAKER C Okay? It says, when the character of Christ or God's glory, god's glory shall be perfectly reproduced in his people. Then he will come to claim them as his own. SPEAKER D Praise the Lord. That's what God's waiting for. And this mystery of God will be complete when Christ Himself is manifest in His Church. That's us, not church members trying to imitate Christ. It will be completed when the Church learns how to let Christ perfectly reproduce in his people his character, his glory, not Christ's character being perfectly reproduced by his people. That's legalism, that's works. But no, the mystery of God will be complete when Christ Himself is manifest in His Church. And christ himself perfectly reproduces his character in his people. It's Him. And that's what this is all about. And what we're presenting is that we can have complete victory over every temptation and sin in our lives, through Christ in us, the hope of glory. And I believe that God is personally calling that final generation into existence today. SPEAKER C Amen. I agree with you, Colin. Time is slowly ebbing away. We can see the time of trouble on the horizon. And we know that this time of peace is the time that we need to prepare. And we know that if we are now found ourselves by faith in Christ, when the time of trouble does come, when Michael does stand up, when the plagues are poured out, god's people will be protected. They will not be affected by the plagues. They'll have a different type of trouble called the Jacob's time of trouble, where they will wrestle with God in regards to their conscience to see if there's any unconfessed sins. But we're told that they can't even recall one. Why? Because their sins have been blotted out in the judgment and they've gone before them. They've gone. SPEAKER D They've repented and they've been blotted out. And the awesome thing is, God says that their bread and water will be made sure while the plagues are falling on the wicked all around the earth. It says, God's people who have been sealed in the time of trouble. And you can read that in Psalms and I'll give you the verse in a minute. Psalms 91, I believe, is yes. It says in the time of trouble. It says 10,000 might be falling on one side and a thousand on the other side. But we're protected in that time and our bread and water will be made sure. SPEAKER C Amen. So do you listen that? We're just going to share our contact details with you and we'll be back straight after this message. Thank you for joining us on You Shall Receive Power. If you would like more information about today's program or if you have any questions, please contact 3ABN Australia Radio by Phoning 024-973-3456. Or you can send an email to [email protected]. You can also contact us on our 3ABN Australia radio Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you SPEAKER C Welcome back. You're welcome to get in touch with us using those contact details. And if you want, if any prayer requests or you want further Bible studies on this, please avail yourself to that information. And also, if you want this book, 50 Days Prepares and devotionals to prepare for the lateral reign and Christ's return. We can also make that available to you. Now, Colin, how do we prepare for the lateral rain? SPEAKER D Good question, Eddie. And that's what it's all about. We know what's going to happen. The Bible makes that clear. The Spirit of prophecy makes that clear, that the latter rain is going to be poured out, that Jesus is going to blot out or cleanse the record of our sins in the heavenly sanctuary. He's going to finish that work. Then he's going to come to take back his bride. He's going to take back his people back to heaven. So how do we prepare? Well, we prepare by daily, like Peter says, repent and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. We start with repentance. We need to realize that we are the latestian church, the Lukewarm Church, and it even says that we make God sick, that we need to repent of our sins. We need to turn to Jesus. We need to turn to Jesus and ask for forgiveness. We need to ask Him to search our hearts and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And Jesus is such a good God. He is merciful. He will pardon us and he'll give us power. He's promised to do everything for us. We need just to turn to Him and ask. As we turn and ask, he will do it. He's the author and finisher of our faith. We have nothing to fear. We will have Jesus through the time of trouble. We will have Him more than we've ever had. He says, I'll never leave to the very end, we will have the latter reign of the Holy Spirit. And so we also pray daily for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, a member of Christ in you, the hope of glory. That's right, only hope of glory. Ask Jesus to live out his life in and through you and to cleanse you and to remove everything from you. And he who started a good work in you will finish that work. SPEAKER C Colin and that text you're quoting there comes from Philippians, chapter one, verse six, and it says, being confident of this very thing so we can have confidence in our Lord and Savior that he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. And dear listener, we pray that you will have that same confidence in Him who's able to complete the work until the day of Jesus Christ. He's began a good work in you, and he will continue to do that good work until we see Jesus Christ coming in the clouds of heaven may God bless you until we meet again. SPEAKER A Heaven shall declare the glory of his name all creation by at the coming of the king every eye shall see every heart will know you you every niche I every dung faith holy me holy see the coming of the king holy. SPEAKER D You'Ve been listening to a production of three ABN Australia radio.

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